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  2. "The fruits of our labor are plentiful, this eve!" Alfred acclaimed with an elated grin. "Let our dynasty stand among Canondom for an eternity!"
  3. Xans death really sets the mood yunno

  4. st paving the way for canonist magic :D

    1. Onnensr


      please let it be esoteric kabbalah magic I want to shoot lasers out my eyes (only realm tikkun olam'ers get this)

  5. xan dead time to get married

  6. Ioanna stood within the fields surrounding New Valdev, helping various workers and generous nobles harvest those lingering crops so that they might finally redesign the Crownlands to her satisfaction. It helped her to forget about the recent loss of her husband, to suppress the great emptiness that filled her heart whenever she thought of his ginger tresses or warm laugh. That evening, upon returning to the city, she found a letter waiting for her. News of more loss, but one she met with a mixture of sadness and frustration. The sister she had known as a child, but the woman she had hardly met. Who wore the crown once destined for Ioanna's own head. The queen who sipped upon her wine with indifference upon meeting with the Haeseni king, whilst Ser Leonid had been forced to venture out alone to rescue a young boy from a necromancer lord. All the same, she lit a candle and spoke a prayer. Johanna Casimira has never been one to hold grudges, with plenty of room in her heart for forgiveness. Ioanna Kortrevich would do the same--however long it took.
  7. Josefina eagerly marked the date of her brothers wedding in her journal.
  8. Marlene of Merryweather happily accepted her invitation, snearing to Siegmund "Husband! Another wedding to attend" she'd then sigh "Ich wonder when our other children will wed..." @Timer
  9. Azdromoth got the Imperius' treatment vs diablo 


  10. "Excellent.. I'll be sure to attend! It is my dear son's wedding after all!" Leon proclaimed excitedly to nobody in particular as he walked the streets of Kretzen.
  11. Dhen Ma’al sat on his usual Balian bench. The creature thinking the news over. What did this play in the grand scheme of time? The being endless in age pondered endlessly through the day in the same spot “What is the point of this story? Grand battle just as the bar master foretold last month, I am sure it was grand at least. But to what is it that will come of this now?”
  12. From his house in Brabant, Sir Ephrem Kervallen received notice from the death of Sybille. The Templar exhaled some smoke from his pipe and talked to noone in particular "And once again she failed, never once was she successful in anything. The first of her line to be unable to win their particular war" A single chuckle escaped the Kervallen's mouth as he took another puff of the tobacco "At least she'll be with Ezren now, may she rest in peace even if we were nen in the better terms" Disclaimer: All this is RP nothing should be taken OOCly, also it's ramblings to himself don't meta.
  13. The Royal-Legate, much too stunned from the events that transpired before him had looked down to his shaking hands, the death of his father was surpressed far below yet the death of someone who had mentored him ever since his arrival into the southern lands had all but exposed the very emotions he bottled deep down. There was much he wished to learn from the now late Queen, much he wished to question, much he wished to witness with her as a figure yet it had all but dissipated in the blink of an eye and he was left standing, reeling from the loss he felt from a mentor who he knew for so little time, yet had taught him so very much. He legate who often had much to say could find no words for a moment like this, instead it was a time like there where he mourned for the loss of a true monarch and the loss of a mentor, much as the whole cannonist kingdom did the young, August find himself in mourning, lightning a candle each night for the loss of a true Queen and whispering the words, "Gott save the Queen.. Ave Balian.."
  14. As Belisarios was told of the news, he fell to the ground within the church of Portoregne, such loss was never easy.
  15. THE GREAT UNIFICATION DIE GROSSE VEREINIGUNG | THE GREAT UNIFICATION Issued by the Princes in Reinmar In the year of our Lord 1979 ÖHNE UND TÖCHTER VON REINMAR, FOR NINE GENERATIONS HAVE THE LINES OF MANFRED AND BRANDT BEEN SEPARATED, but now they shall be united again under the blessed sacrament of matrimony. Just as the son of Gelimar wed the daughter of Theoderic, so too shall the son of Leon wed the daughter of Alfred, consolidating their respective claims to the Principality of Reinmar to one day rule as a single unified House. The eldest child born of their union shall forever end the divide between kin, between Sutica and Minitz, and lead the Reinmaren into a glorious future. ITINERARY DIE ZEREMONIE | THE CEREMONY Performed by His Holiness, Caius I, High Pontiff of the Holy Mother Church within der Tempel der Waldenisches Märtyrer, the wedding ceremony of Frederica, Baroness of Sigradz, and Brandt, Baron of Hussen shall take place on the 10th of Tobias’ Bounty in the year 1980. DER BAU EINES RUNENSTEINS | THE CONSTRUCTION OF A RUNESTONE Once the ceremony has concluded, guests are invited to join the newlyweds outside of Kretzen’s walls at the crossroads between Reinmar and the rest of the continent. There, they shall witness the construction of a runestone of the couple’s own to represent the beginning of their union. DAS HOCHZEITSFEST | THE WEDDING FEAST A feast shall be held within the walls of der Heidehof to congratulate the Baroness of Sigradz and the Baron of Hussen, with food, wine, and ale aplenty for guests to enjoy. INVITATIONS TO THE HOLY MOTHER CHURCH His Holiness, CAIUS, High Pontiff of the Holy Mother Church. The College of Cardinals. The Diet of Bishops. The Clergy of Clement and Evaristus. TO THE REALMS OF CANONDOM His Royal Majesty, IVAN, King of the Dual Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and the Haeseni people. His Apostolic Majesty, JOHN, King of the Apostolic Kingdom of Aaun and the Heartlander peoples. Her Royal Majesty, ADALIA, Queen of the Commonwealth of the Petra and the Heartlander peoples. Her Royal Majesty, TAR-CARANETH, Queen of the Kingdom of Númendil and the Númenedain people. OIJIN KATO, Shugo of Sakuragakure and the Oyashiman people. TO THE WALDENIC DIET His Highness, JOHANNES, Elector of Merryweather-Alstreim. His Lordship, SIEGMUND VON REUSS, Elector of Velen, Ritterkommandant of the KOV. His Grace, AUREL VON THEONUS, Elector of Vohenheim. The Honorable, FRIEDRICH VON AUGUSTEN, Elector of Hohengarten. SIR DARIS VERETHI TERES, Syndicate Envoy to the Waldenic Diet. The Waldenian Peoples. TO THE ALLIES OF THE PRINCIPALITY Her Excellency, ILLYRIA, Regent of the Principality of Celia’nor and the Celia’norian people. TO THE TRIBESPEOPLE His Grace, NIKOLAUS VON KANUNSBERG, Duke of Kanunsberg and his noble pedigree. His Lordship, ROBERT VON LANGENKIRCH, Baron of Langenkirch and his noble pedigree. His Lordship, ROLAND VON WESENBURG, Baron of Wesenburg and his noble pedigree. The Reinmaren Peoples. WER RASTET, DER ROSTET HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, ALFRED, GMSTSR, ROKSG, Prince in Reinmar and of Sutica, Duke of Reinmar, Count of Kretzen and Freimark, Baron of Madvon and Freising, Lord of Sankt Johannsburg, Neuburg, Wilheburg, Erwinsburg, Freiburg, and Rozenfeld, High Chieftain of the Reinmaren HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, LEON, GMSTSR, Prince in Reinmar and of Minitz, Count of Neu Brandthof, Viscount of Tucay, Baron of Boriënwald, Lord of Durres, Chieftain of the Reinmaren, Warden of the Franklands and Ferdenwald HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, ADALFRIEDE, Princess of Minitz, Margravine of Vanderfell, Lady Vandalore HER LADYSHIP, FREDERICA, Baroness of Sigradz, Seneschal of the Heather Court HIS LORDSHIP, BRANDT, Baron of Hussen
  16. xan.thumb.jpg.b6ea4c896ae488218a6a9fda6d449ef3.jpg

    xan is gone but not forgotten - mandatory photo attached

  17. crazy how xan died on the first day of pride month. coincidence?

    1. TeawithFrisket


      its actually a hate crime cuz all paladins are gay. 

  18. Kristoff var Ruthern sat in his office in silence. For the first time during his tenure as Amiratus he didn’t know what to do, “May her Majesty find peace, which we seek to achieve in this world.”
  19. Santana balks at not receiving an invitation! Regardless, she set off to find something for the couple.
  20. Holly showed respect for the deceased Queen, despite being denied help, and then left the throne room alongside Alteon.
  21. Takemura pulls a lightstone out of his pocket. "Wariwari need more lightstones."
  22. John stilled as he heard the news, tears welling in his eyes as he brushed ash from his skin. So much joy in the world - a victory to some, a loss to others. But this was, somehow, worse news than the Aengul of Order being rended into thin, golden ribbons. He'd always thought of her as a sister and her son, now the king, as his nephew. His son, little John, a great-nephew. There had been no letter waiting for him from the Novellen, only steetside gossip to inform him of her death. An ounce of bitterness to his weeping. The man went to bed sooner that night, clutching onto the figure beside him. @Lapidary
  23. "A God just died by the way." Said Daahd'Lur in Celia'Nor for some reason.
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