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Dude, Science


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What..what if there were people working on developing technology for the benefit of all rpers..? And maybe a technology for use in events..?

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Why a science team? What if anyone can post about it? Science is not like magic in that anyone, even if they know nothing about LotC, has equal footing and opportunity. Also, it's worth a try, even if it does fail miserably.


Science has one thing that Magic does not. And let me stress this enough: PEER REVIEW, something those of us who love science will not hesitate to administer

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Science has one thing that Magic does not. And let me stress this enough: PEER REVIEW, something those of us who love science will not hesitate to administer


Magic has peer review to. Although it involves having a mage stand before his peers and try to dodge their attacks while they tell him what he/she is doing wrong.

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Science has one thing that Magic does not. And let me stress this enough: PEER REVIEW, something those of us who love science will not hesitate to administer

Yes, my point exactly. But there doesn't have to be a Science Team to decide if it's accurate, or at least not ONLY a Science Team. Anyone should be able to do peer review. Although if there is a science team I have dibs on a spot.

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If a new group to oversee player changes is created, we would look to past groups that have overseen player changes in order to predict the outcome, is that not a scientific method of developing hypotheses?

Any community can develop into a clique if they have power over something. The peer review process is heavily heavily dependent on whether or not the peers are being fair in their judgement. If the science team was to be unfair in their judgement then they could have control over who does and who doesn't get to develop their technology. Someone could have done all legitimate roleplay and such only for this community to say "it doesn't suit LoTC". If someone called them out on it would be the word of the science team against the word of a player. What would you do to prevent this?

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If a new group to oversee player changes is created, we would look to past groups that have overseen player changes in order to predict the outcome, is that not a scientific method of developing hypotheses?

Any community can develop into a clique if they have power over something. The peer review process is heavily heavily dependent on whether or not the peers are being fair in their judgement. If the science team was to be unfair in their judgement then they could have control over who does and who doesn't get to develop their technology. If someone called them out icon it it would be the word of the science team against the word of a player. What would you do to prevent this?



...There doesn't have to be a Science Team to decide if it's accurate, or at least not ONLY a Science Team. Anyone should be able to do peer review...

Why should the Science Team not consist of the entire community?


If the clique is everybody, then there is no clique. Some form of a general poll could be used to decide if an idea is acceptable.


Alternatively, there could be some sort of rotation system, in which anyone who wants to can serve a term on the science team, but then they would have to step down to let others review in their place. That would inhibit the formation of cliques.


However, if there were to be an exclusive Science Team, I still call dibs.

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Because to have the entire community pitch in about a single tech development every time isn't feasible, because that essentially comes down to a vote. Not everyone even has to have or will have the needed knowledge to accurately judge, they only need say "this is cool +1" and there you go, extra support that skews the process. And then someone or some group has to decide if it fits the theme and if it should go through. There has to be a group in place to decide that.

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Good thing you didn't see the ruins of that city in the north with Wind Generators then, huh?


I highly doubt those are even lore accepted. The steam engine took a bloody battle to get accepted, and it was agreed that it could only be used on boats that would not be powerful. 

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Because to have the entire community pitch in about a single tech development every time isn't feasible, because that essentially comes down to a vote. Not everyone even has to have or will have the needed knowledge to accurately judge, they only need say "this is cool +1" and there you go, extra support that skews the process. And then someone or some group has to decide if it fits the theme and if it should go through. There has to be a group in place to decide that.

First, only the people who are interested in this kinda thing and the friends of the people proposing the idea would actually bother to comment. Now, you raise an important point here in that, yes, there would be some people who don't know what they're talking about who would comment. There are still ways to keep it open with that in mind. We could, for instance, have anyone able to post their thoughts on a thread, but only a few people would make the final decision (I don't know if that's what you already had in mind). But I definitely think that everyone should at least be able to have a say. Science is different from lore in that anyone could be qualified to know about it regardless of position on the server, and therefore with a wide player base, we would have access to more information in order to make a more qualified decision. I am sure that we can eventually agree on a method by which many people can have a say, even if it takes some trial and error. Of course, this may all be a moot point since the whole idea may get rejected anyway.


Also, cliques forming is not a given. You simply need to find the right group of people, which may admittedly be difficult.


I'd also like to add that scientific developments can provide for more interesting rp than just the science itself. There could, for example, be conflict between certain religions and technologies, as happened in our world. There could also be events where, say, some tinker unveils his latest contraption and it all goes horribly wrong, with explosions and the like. You can also combine science with magic, for example, a hydromancer can power a steam thing by actually summoning steam, thereby converting magical energy into mechanical.

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To those of you who do not wish to see this idea die here:


PM me and let's consolidate, and network our intentions, then make a last stand.

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To those of you who do not wish to see this idea die here:

PM me and let's consolidate, and network our intentions, then make a last stand.

What was the point of this thread again?

If its about science rp...already happens. Most people who do it keep it to themselves because the general publix usually doesnt know how to use anything properly.

Example: Edge B Gone - created as a joke when the word edgy = trigger word on lotc. Meant to be used on extremely edgy characters to get them to shape up. Instead ended up making them ship out.

This is why we cant have nice things.

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What was the point of this thread again?

If its about science rp...already happens. Most people who do it keep it to themselves because the general publix usually doesnt know how to use anything properly.

Example: Edge B Gone - created as a joke when the word edgy = trigger word on lotc. Meant to be used on extremely edgy characters to get them to shape up. Instead ended up making them ship out.

This is why we cant have nice things.


The problem is that when science RP happens and gets fleshed out over a long period of time, it immediately gets shot down without any regard to how much rp or real, applied science actually went into it. By having a system where the LM's and GM's make a complete, detailed restriction as to what should and should not happen, science can advance peacefully and happily. Adding a peer review system makes it difficult for anyone who has an idea that wouldn't realistically work to pass said work. If there is some fear on the grounds of "elitism" it is not very well-placed. Science is not capable of being used as an elitist system, especially because the bounds of what can and cannot be done are physics and what the LM's and GM's decide.

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This is why we cant have nice things.


Subjective nonsense to another.


Be that as you wish.

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What? This is not a battle friends. If you want science RP, just create it. Doesn't need to be an active OOC movement. If people are interested in the RP, they will go it, right?

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