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[Rp Idea] Fantasy Service Animals


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After seeing the lives of so many being destroyed by wars, bandits, disease and undead. A young Mali’ame’ker has begun trying to gather information about various animal species that can help the people of Athera. Her documentation can be found written in a series of books for others to study. These animals have either been trained or found to be perfect for various situations. Each being no bigger than a large dog, they serve various purposes.







The Taurfeher were spotted in the darkest forests near my home in Annil’sol. These strange dogs were large, measuring a good meter or more. I took time to know them and soon found they had a strange ability. These dogs were great for defense, namely that of another person. Playing with them I soon learned they would stop me whenever something that was not recently in my view. Deciding to test this. I would close my eyes and soon found those that had become friendly to me, would guide me through the forest. I have taken note and will continue my research on these odd beasts. After a few months of study, I have taken a few back to my tree with me where I will be raising them strictly for their ability to guide the blind. Their bright eyes and sturdy legs make them suitable to lean against but also their intelligence is baffling. I will continue my studies of these creatures and proceed to help those who need this creature for service.


Service Type: Service Dog for the Blind, Service Dog for the Deaf




Appearance: These long furred dogs look much like great plains wolves. Large in size they travel in packs. Their fur color ranges from grey to black, but most commonly found in the darker shades. Their eyes range in color as well going from amber to black. Standing a good four feet at the shoulder, these dogs are large and burly.


Habitat: Found originally in the darker forests near Annil’sol, they prefer to wander in dim light. They can stand cooler weather better than most dogs, but suffer immensely in hotter weather.


Diet: Being dogs, they are meat eaters. They will eat small animals such as rabbits, mice, and other small creatures. They can hunt for themselves but will never turn down a juicy raw steak from their owner.


Temperament: Very tame and loyal, these dogs are intuned with their owner’s needs. They keep close, poised and ready to alert their owner of danger. Non-aggressive, they will not attack without provocation. Being strictly service dogs, they will not attack unless they are threatened or their master has been harmed (only if you have an MC dog to represent this).


Domestication: Found by a young Mali’ame, she quickly learned the way to get these animals into domestication. Already pretty domesticated prior, the few she brought back went into training as pups to become service dogs, learning tricks and tips to help those with disabilities, especially those unable to see or hear.


OOC Notes: These can be rp animals for service only or you can get an MC wolf to represent them for when you get attacked. These dogs are based off the Mackenzie Valley Wolves in size and appearance.





I was startled by these tiny little gliders. They had startled me with their silence. I noticed them closer to the lands of the uruks, gliding from tree to tree. Watching them and their dances, I decided to stay a while and study them. To my amazement, they seemed friendly to me after a few short weeks. These tiny creatures are fascinating to watch as their heads sway around to every little noise, often alerting me to noise closer to me. I am surprised to see how quickly they were to work with me. I must make note to bring some with me for more training and study.


Service Type: Service Glider for the Deaf




Appearance: The Tiuinjor have long bodies and even longer tails. They are small and rodent like in appearance. A small rounded face with large eyes make them more adorable. Between each front foot to their back is a thin layer of skin that allows them to glide through the air. Varying in color from grey to brown, these little balls of fluff will be sure to melt your heart.


Habitat: The trees of the orcish desert make perfect home for these little fliers. They jump from tree to tree to make nests and get their meals. Mostly nocturnal, they are active in they day, but not as often. They will usually hide in the hair or clothes of their companion.


Diet: Omnivores by nature, these guys eat plants and insects mostly. They enjoy the leaves and fruits of the jungle.


Temperament: Very skiddish at first but quick to befriend, especially with food. They rather hide upon the person than show themselves. Fiercely loyal to their companion once matched, they will keep to them and guide them wherever needed.


Domestication: Because they were so friendly, it was easy to domesticate the Tiuinjor. However, training them was a difficult task. Taking weeks to months to train them, they can be more trouble for the trainer than they are worth.


OOC Notes: These guys are based off Sugar Gliders. Used to help let a deaf character know someone is talking to them or something noisy and dangerous is near. They can not be used to meta information, only to act as the character’s ears. They can not relay information heard, just noise.



Athron Wolf


Travelling the dwarven lands, I have noticed something odd. A few dwarves seemed to have these wolves with them. At first it seemed odd to me how a wolf with covered eyes could wander around so easily. Then I realized they were very good with scents and hearing. I have never seen anything like it and continued to stay close watching the dwarves. Speaking to some I had learned much about these dogs, yet I have yet to ask if I may take a pair with me for training. I feel it is best to let the dwarves decide on this before traveling further.


Service Type: Service Dog for Mining, Service dog for the Deaf




What are they: A normal sized wolf, usually covered with german shepard like markings, the variety of the coloring however can range from black, to white.  Each is completely eyeless, unable to see in any way.  These creatures are as intelligent as a wolf or a german shepherd, their ability to learn is astounding however they refuse to bond to anyone besides a dwarf.  Though they can not see a dwarf, they can smell and taste one just fine.


Where did the come from: Most worlds have this variation, if they have wolves, they have the Athron wolves.  However its hard to find them, yet if one has a proper book of previous locations they can usually find a general location to find one.  It may take days to weeks to find the right cavern, however if you know the history it isn’t too hard. They always live in dark caves, where its rather quiet unless they are bonded.  However they usually live in large packs of 10-20, giving dwarfs a large option, however a dwarf doesn’t pick them, the Athron picks the dwarf.


Why would a dwarf want one: These creatures though blind have a heightened sense of smell and taste as well as hearing.  They are portable canaries, if there is a gas leak, a fire, or an intruder they will be more than able to give the alarm.  They also make loyal creatures, able to live up to 50 years, though usually a dwarf manages to bond to the older of them, allowing the youngers to choose later when they are more sure what they want.


Upsides: An Athron wolf is more capable of picking up a scent, isn’t scared by sights, and has a long life.


Downsides: Useless in a fight, cannot see, and their sensory is easily overloaded.


Lore Post: Here





Another strange animal with a loud roaring bark. Their long legs and beautiful look make these odd creatures stand out. Uncertain if they are wolves or foxes, I found these creatures roaming the southern wilds. Their large ears make them perfect for hearing and sensing danger, yet their imposing bark makes them perfect for warding off preadators. I studied these creatures for months before finally managing to get close. It was difficult yet I managed to get into one of the packs. Surprisingly I found them to be very soothing and comforting despite their prickly appearance. Gathering up my research and bringing a few of the pack back with me, I have started training.


Service Type: Companion Dog, Service dog for the Blind, Service dog for the Deaf




Appearance: These three foot tall animals look like a cross between a wolf and a fox. Their reddish pelt usually carries a dark tuff along the neck spine and along the paws and tail tip. Their golden to brown eyes are large but not in comparison to their ears. These creatures are a thing of wonder and beauty.


Habitat: Found in the southern wilds, these creatures love the mesa and savannah areas of the world. Their dens usually being within low shrubbery.


Diet: Strictly meat eaters, these creatures catch and eat smaller prey such as rabbits, rats, squirrels, and even larger game such as deer. They will not turn their nose up to free meat.


Temperament: Seemingly aggressive, these creatures have a bear like roar when they bark. They are calm but will attack if threatened or their owner is threatened. However, they are loyal to their owner and will stay at their side.


Domestication: Being difficult to get close to, domestication starts at the pup staged. Getting close to the pup and training them with their partner from the beginning is crucial to a proper bonding.


OOC Notes: These are based off the maned wolf. In order to use these in RP combat you must get an MC representation of them. Otherwise you may use them as an rp animal to help your character around. Please do not use them for metagaming.





These tiny little foxes brought me great joy when I saw them. Their fluffy bodies, adorable yips, and playful attitudes made these perfect for my research. I followed these little guys further north towards the marshes and found their dens. Oddly enough they were very friendly. After just a few handfulls of fruits, these little creatures were in my lap bringing tears to my eyes. A strange calmness would envelop me when these creatures climbed into my lap. Their large ears and fluffy tails made me giddy just hugging them. After a short week of research, I packed up my things and took a whole litter home. They were just too cute!


Service Type: Comapnion Fox




Appearance: Being under a foot, the jathar have Very large ears compared to the rest of their bodies that are a smaller size with a large fluffy tail. Their fur color is usually that of warm colors such as oranges, reds and yellow variants. They eye colors are a variant between yellow to brown. Their fur seems to emit a soft calming glow, but this could just be a trick of the light


Habitat: They are a very social Animal and if it doesn't have one of its own it will happy pick someone to join not caring of its race as long they are nice to it. I found that if you spend enough time with one it may even chose you over its own kind Making it quite a good pet along with how passive it is and the fact it hunts small prey.


Diet: Despite the size and look they eat meat being quite good hunters able to track small prey easily with their large ears. Good if you have a rat or mice problem


Temperament: Overly cuddly and friendly, they will happily hop into your lap and snuggle you. Their cheerful barks will bring smiles to most around them.


Domestication: Easily the most friendly out of the group, these foxes warm up quickly and become easy companions. They are easy to train and quite happy to sit and bark in your ear about their day, whether or not you can understand them.


OOC Notes: Based off the fennec fox, these cute little buggers are only around to be a calming companion to those with stress related issues. They calm and sooth their companions.





Far in the icy mountains, I went into search for one more animal on my list. A feline. I had heard rumors of large white cats living in the north near the mountains. It was here I found a pride of white cats. Their pelts blending almost perfectly with the snow. Staying in a nearby cabin, I spent time watching these large cats work as a family. Slowly gaining their trust I was accepted into the pride. I found myself moved by their kinship and loyalty. Their dedication to help each other inspired me to study them further. Within a year I had managed to gain their trust and was able to take a few back with me for training.


Service Type: Companion Cat, Service cat for the Deaf, Service cat for the Blind




Appearance: An all white large cat that reaches four feet tall at the shoulder. Their fur does come plain or with black spots or stripes. They look very similar to panthers, tigers, and leopards, but resemble more of white lionesses. Their eyes vary in shades of blues and greens. Although they have spots or stripes, its more common for them to be purely white.


Habitat: Found in the frozen north, these creatures do better in cold climates than in warm. Their homes usually being in icy caves or ledges.


Diet: Being carnivores, they only really eat big game such as elk and deer. They will hunt and take down rabbits and smaller prey.


Temperament: Aggressive in nature, they become placid when tamed. If trained and raised properly, they are fiercly loyal and willing to stay by their companion’s side. They will not attack unless threatened.


Domestication: If trained with their companion from the first week they can leave their mother’s side, these creature become as tame as a house cat. Their large size makes them more intimidating but their ability to guide and comfort far surpasses their ability to fight.


OOC Notes: You must use an MC representation to use these in a fight. They are strictly for roleplay purposes otherwise and meant to be something to help the disabled. These are based off of snow leapords and white lions.





((I may add more to this. These are based on IRL animals with a fantasy tweak. If you have any issues with them being around, note they are not combant animals if they do not have MC representation. My character Lilliana has been doing this for some time and is more than willing to hook you up with a companion for life, you just have to find her. If allowed I will be setting up training with these creatures. If you wish to add a creature, follow my set up and PM me, I can add to this.))

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+1, I see no reason for not having them if we already have war dogs and Tau is proposing mabari that other type of war animal. It'd be a nice balance to have more non-combat related animals.


Plus, it is stated you need MC representation to have them participate in fights, which is nice and will stop people from having a small army of them.


Please give me a Jathar.

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I never really got the appeal behind the whole wolf fab. As for the lore/concept, eh. I'm really impartial.

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I want the cute Foxxy!~ Can I have it please! I want it I want it!~ If I get one I support this! :) Great read~



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+1 just so I can have a pet glider that is friends with my pig

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I never really got the appeal behind the whole wolf fab. As for the lore/concept, eh. I'm really impartial.

I only put in one wolf actually. The others are sugar glider, fox, a maned wolf (neither wolf nor fox), and large cat


The blind wolf was already accepted lore done by Teerz

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Thank you all so far for the positive feedback. I am willing to take ideas for more of these creatures to add. All of them are based on real animals, just put into a fantasy world with different names and tweaked personality making them suitable companions

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I will be seeking you out when this is approved Jade.

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I only put in one wolf actually. The others are sugar glider, fox, a maned wolf (neither wolf nor fox), and large cat


The blind wolf was already accepted lore done by Teerz


Whelp. I'm blind. This is why I shouldn't lurk the forums during class !_!

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Whelp. I'm blind. This is why I shouldn't lurk the forums during class !_!


Blind? Lemme give you a Sadei’daka to help you around.



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My character is a Deaf/Mute. It'll be nice to have a companion when her family or boyfriend are not around her.

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