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[✗] [Lore Submission] [Playable Creature] Satyr


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Nature’s bounty had always fed the descendants, the mother of all life that is nature itself is generous to all; regardless of its own well-being. However, there are those who give themselves the freedom to protect its state of flourish; descendant male wood elves are common in composing themselves to that challenge, being the prime candidate for doing so. In a very similar fashion to how females of the species feel a calling to form a bond with nature to become Dryads.

A male wood elf, typically within any age range will feel such an urge, the urge to protect, and to align their own beings to the land they tread on. While a Dryad may represent nature itself, being a symbol of nurturing and care-giving. The Satyr take on the guise of nature’s protectors, and stand tall in their representation of the beings that dwell within the environment. From the worms that burrow about the soil, to the predators that feast on other sentient beings. To a Satyr, they are all the same; but they do not forgive when disorder strikes their homes, disrupting the cycle of life for greed, malice, or any other harm-dealing sin. However, the force that drive them are accepting of any other races as well; should they prove worthy to indulge in the passion of mother nature. As such, any man with a particularly strong interpersonal connection to nature may adhere to joining their ranks.


They usually manifest the traits of one of the common living critters in their domain, entering a phase of gradual change that morphs them into half-beasts, most of them barring a set of horns to represent their transformed being.



As stated before, their main purpose of living is the protection of the environment they call their own. Though they are far from stiff and strict in regards to how they go about doing so, as it is mostly dependant on the individual Satyr, some make take too extreme isolation, making it their just due to disallow any outsiders from entering their homes, while others are more welcoming in nature, indifferent of other beings’ presence as long as they cause no trouble. Some may even take a liking to visitors, giving their utmost effort in giving the ‘intruders’ a celebrated welcome.


(In terms of Role-play, this prevents single-minded/streamlined behavior that comes from playing a “Guardian of nature” archetype. Feel free to get creative on how they view and treat outside forces, as long as they follow the basic notion.)




With the different environments the Satyr can claim, comes variation in what they essentially become. Some take on traits of elk whom reside in the woodlands, while others may form with the aspects of a bull who reside in the vast grasslands, etcetera. Though most of them retain their former personality, some traits are more defined as they advance in their transformation, depending on what they manifest as.


The Satyr sport a nomadic lifestyle, choosing to live off nature’s gifts and infrastructure rather than trying to alter it. This also means they are unlikely to eating typical man-made food. Though an occasional cake here and there doesn’t do much harm to them.



Resides in forests and forested areas.

The more passive variant of the Satyr, most who manifest as an elk seldom resort to violence or trickery to get their way, in most cases relying on diplomacy, and rapport when engaged against conflict. They are typically known to be the more friendlier of the bunch, as you may have guessed. Their horns are the fastest growing of the bunch, along with the rate in which they advance. Their set of horns/antlers often start with a few jagged edges, and only protrude a few inches off their temple before amassing in volume and length, extending to nearly a meter and  a half.

Their skin changes to a slightly darker tan, along with stray patches of fur that appear on their chest and legs.

Their feet begin to narrow into double-toed, and lean hooves, this gives them a slight advantage in terms of agility and speed, though often succumb to fatigue faster than the norm.



Resides in grasslands, coexisting with the buffalo

The more aggressive variant of the Satyr, most who manifest as a bull are often prone to a more brash, and blunt way of dealing with conflicts that arise, though the strength they obtain is akin, or at-least close to that of a beast, they often lack insight and are prone to harsh ways. Not the friendliest of Satyr, though not the most asocial of the bunch.

Their horns’ beginnings are stubby, but sharper than the rest reaching a maximum length of about half-a-meter. Taking a medium amount of time to manifest their most prominent traits.

Their skin becomes very similar to that of an Elk Satyr, though slightly darker.

Their muscle mass, and overall bodily proportions would slightly enlarge, giving them a bulky-ish appearance. Along with increased strength.

Their feet would change into single-toed, and wide hooves. Giving them a sturdier posture in general, though their overall dexterity would dull.




Resides in grasslands, Savannas, Marshland and Tundras.

In terms of appearance, they are very similar to the bull. They often make for more logical and rational Satyrs, but lack the ambition and desire for change, the grasp they have on doctrines and morals, often becoming over-bearing for most. They often rely on more methodical, and efficient ways of dealing with conflict and others, though they are friendlier in their bonds with other Satyr and those who respect nature, they hold deep grudges against those who harm nature’s way with vindication.  They too benefit from an increase in muscle-mass, but are more lard-filled than they are strong. Being the most durable of the bunch, and able to withstand harsher climates, and less welcoming environments.

Their horns are of the shortest of the Satyr, and their traits take the longest to manifest for whatever reason.

Their skin darkens in the same way the Elk and Bull’s do, though they have an orangey-hue to them.

They have hooves very similar to the bull’s, aside from a slight split in the middle.



Adaptable to most environments.

Cunning, deceptive, careless and indifferent are all capable words to describe these Satyrs, they are the more hedonistic kin of the Satyr, caring as much for themselves as they do for the land they reside in. They will not tardy in resorting to any means necessary to dispose of nuisances and problems that riddle their domain. Surprisingly, they are not against visitors, often taking pride in their ability in merrily sharing in a drink with the descendants, or perhaps even play a prank or two on uninvited guests.

They have horns similarly fashioned to that of a goat, as you would expect. Being medium in length and stature. Their traits take an average amount of time to manifest.

Their feet turn into a segment, double-toed set of hooves.

No notable physical change occurs in terms of physique.



Adaptable to most environments, can live in mountains.

Bold and vigorous, these Satyr have boldness to match with their curved and twisted horns. They are of the more adventurous sort, often welcoming visitors and strangers alike under their own terms. As much as they love their homes, they often are careless in straying from it in pursuit of a change of pace and lust for new peculiarities that fill the world.

Their stamina is unrivaled in terms of their own kind, often being able to trek a mountain for days on end.

Their skin takes on a lighter shade, though not exactly pale in retrospect; they are the most sensitive to excessive heat and sunlight, opting for cooler environments.


                                  (More to be added with time, suggestions are more than welcome.)



         A Satyr’s Domain


A Satyr’s home is usually above all else, only those that reside within rivaling their affection. Being the Guardians the ways of the world deem them to be, A Satyr’s home is often sacred to them, doing their best to keep it out of harm’s way. In the center of each environment exists a designated “Heart” of the lands in which their bond holds the strongest to. It can be anything representative of the environment, from a large, and intricate boulder, to a closely cluttered set of spruce trees, or maybe even a small and carefully maintained pond. Similar to the Dryads, their instincts govern its location, often able to sense where it is from miles away. If their domain’s heart is harmed, they will feel a paramount of pain and anguish, in accordance to the damage done. Though the Satyr will feel pain from any other part of his home harmed, it is often sparse in its coming and magnitude.


 Though a Satyr can leave their home, they are often not accustomed to industrialized areas, even more so with polar-opposite regions to their homes. A Satyr will feel unease the first time he strays from native land, but can grow to deal with the feeling in differentiating time spans. If away from their home for too long, they will begin to feel nauseated and ill, which will eventually lead to an extreme form of depression and illness, and in worse cases. Even death.



Connection to nature/Abilities



   Their natural scent pacifies any wild/aggressive creatures within their own environment, an Elk Satyr for example, would not be attacked by wolves in their homes, even being able to befriend them instead if they so chose to, given their experience for 'Being one with nature'. Though, they may not actively commune with them in any other way a regular descendant would.




A Satyr may relocate if he wishes, though doing so will cause a major strain on his conscious. To begin with, the Satyr must first take a small piece of their land’s current heart to take with them, as a sign of both respect and duty to their home. The new domain/home must not be the polar-opposite of its previous, meaning one cannot relocate from the heated savannas to a tundra region. (More to be added depending on how everything goes.)



    Taking your leave


The burdens of nature may grow an individual weary, no matter their devotion. Though not all too common, a Satyr may abandon their current ways, though this is typically seen as a slight action of betrayal among them, most will not move to hostilities in accordance to this. To abandon his will, a Satyr must he himself tear down their domain’s heart, the pain would still be excruciating with every action they take against it, but at last. When it is destroyed, the Satyr would feel as if their heart is being torn apart in strife. Spending a long period of time recovering from the abysmal experience, but may soon integrate themselves back to a regular descendant.




            Any physical strengths must be RPd in conjunction with weaknesses. If you want to play a stronk bull Satyr, make sure to keep in mind their general bulkiness as well.

           No straying from the general idea of being an animal/tree-hugging hippy, and giving into capitalist pig ways.


             No meddling with mortal conflicts, the Satyr pose as a neutral, protective force of nature.


   No FTB, they are purely asexual.











   Special Thanks


       (Any feed-back, critique, suggestions or support are all greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading!)



7/14/2016 - Removed animal communing ability.

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Fix the format please :)

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If you want a male on creature thing, why not make a unique one, not piggy back on a female only creature? It just seems uninspiored and not unique

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Just now, KBR said:

Fix the format please :)

trying to properly align the text is a meme

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Please! +1

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I can dig it!!!!!!!!!!!!! +1



(We need those panpipe things if we're going to add satyrs)

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Yes yes yes, I really want to play one of these as I've looked to playing a male variant of a Dryad for a while now, and I really enjoy the concept and the ideas that revolve around it. Although they may be very similar to Dryads they definitely take on their own role in nature and can definitely hold their ground as a significant race, a HUGE plus 1 from me!

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Brilliant idea spawned by yours truly +1



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