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[✓] Origins of the Orcs and Mor'Ghuun, the land of Warfare


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2 hours ago, Lynx said:

There was no retcon, the four brothers are still from Aegis. The other races spread out from there on if I am not wrong.

This is the... actually that part of the story isn't defined, but mostly it's that Aegis was the center of the world, and the four brothers (which could be brothers or not or whatever, doesn't really matter in this case) made their homes in the four different places around Aegis. Either way, you shouldn't try and force a cannon "This happened" type of lore from before Ibless.


And I can say as a former LM that the story of Krug was pretty much how Mog said in the first post. There are some partsthat could be said differently, but they would be minor and the different details of a story work well in roleplay.


As a note, Apohet's spirit realm stuff is pretty much here:

Supposibly, all souls pass through the spirit realm but only some stay there. That's why there are ancestral spirits that aren't orcs (for example, dark elf spirits).

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I hope everyone picking apart this lore is well aware that it is a lore submission,  and like other lore submissions, it is subject to the same system everyone's lore is subject to. There is no assurance that it'll go through, so therefore, there's no need for this very obvious aggression (there is aggression despite the attempts to downplay it, it seethes from a lot of these comments obnoxiously) when it's wholly possible for the lore to undergo change according to the preferences of the players which it effects. It's a god damned shame that he put his time into writing something like this only for it to be lambasted and left unappreciated. Are there errors? Sure. Point them out calmly and be civil while doing it.


As a conclusive confirm (and this is not a point of debate, it's just fact), it has been determined that the Four Brothers are from four "homelands" which surround Aegis, which is now the Abyss. Already we have been to Athera (Urguan's), and now we visit Axios (Malin's), which are respectively west and south of what was once the Aegisian mainlands. Both the Human and Orcish homelands have yet to be visited. To prevent geographical and historical confusion, I've recently taken up the task of properly designing the "continent"/landmass that these homelands and the Abyss reside in so the public can view it and understand it accordingly.

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How come Smaw is getting all these BS Responses?

You can see he's worked hard on that post, and I think it's pretty good.

How all the Non-Orcs get unhappy about our lore being changed, is pretty bad.

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30 minutes ago, Xi'dius said:

How come Smaw is getting all these BS Responses?

You can see he's worked hard on that post, and I think it's pretty good.

How all the Non-Orcs get unhappy about our lore being changed, is pretty bad.


I see Smawton as more of a Non-Orc then Mogroka.

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2 hours ago, Xi'dius said:

How come Smaw is getting all these BS Responses?

You can see he's worked hard on that post, and I think it's pretty good.

How all the Non-Orcs get unhappy about our lore being changed, is pretty bad.


Don't worry about it. These things happen, and it's an unfortunate fact of life.


At this stage the Orcs are doomed to eternal stagnation, because they can't do anything without Older Orcs complaining or otherwise asserting aggressively that nothing new or unique can be added, often deterring any new people.


They think they can do everything better, but there's evidence to counter that in almost every circumstance. I had to wade through the bullshit every time I made a decision when I was Rex, and I pity the next leader for the same reason.


You need only see what Pok's influence did to the Uzg after I left, and then what the combined efforts of Malg and Deano did to finish it off.


Were these great ideas all round that helped progress the Uzg? No.


I'm not wrong about the current idea of ancient lore, which makes more sense. Unfortunately there's some ignorance (through no fault of their own) due to the past LT not performing properly and telling people of these changes.


As it stands the old series of events doesn't mesh with current lore either, so it's anyone's guess. I'm hoping they will make an alternative history with the currently accepted notion of Ancient Aegis and the surrounding isles that can contradict my own and (hopefully) fit better.


Most of the issues seem to be baseless, like asking why Krug would challenge a foreign voice, and if the Brothers would truly hate eachother. 


In my opinion this isn't a Disney Story, and we don't need them walking off into the distance to live happily ever after.


I'd prefer a more gritty story. But, the point of this thread was to get something out there, and to stir some creativity. I leave the rest up to the community.

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5 hours ago, Smaw said:


Don't worry about it. These things happen, and it's an unfortunate fact of life.


At this stage the Orcs are doomed to eternal stagnation, because they can't do anything without Older Orcs complaining or otherwise asserting aggressively that nothing new or unique can be added, often deterring any new people.


They think they can do everything better, but there's evidence to counter that in almost every circumstance. I had to wade through the bullshit every time I made a decision when I was Rex, and I pity the next leader for the same reason.


You need only see what Pok's influence did to the Uzg after I left, and then what the combined efforts of Malg and Deano did to finish it off.


Were these great ideas all round that helped progress the Uzg? No.


I'm not wrong about the current idea of ancient lore, which makes more sense. Unfortunately there's some ignorance (through no fault of their own) due to the past LT not performing properly and telling people of these changes.


As it stands the old series of events doesn't mesh with current lore either, so it's anyone's guess. I'm hoping they will make an alternative history with the currently accepted notion of Ancient Aegis and the surrounding isles that can contradict my own and (hopefully) fit better.


Most of the issues seem to be baseless, like asking why Krug would challenge a foreign voice, and if the Brothers would truly hate eachother. 


In my opinion this isn't a Disney Story, and we don't need them walking off into the distance to live happily ever after.


I'd prefer a more gritty story. But, the point of this thread was to get something out there, and to stir some creativity. I leave the rest up to the community.


Mate your Rexdom literally put this race in the worst state it's ever been.  You did nothing but sub delegate all duties to Cakefool military wise and sat on the forums for hours making shitty lore posts instead of being a competent leader.  I came back to try and save the Uzg and the race and revive the RP and fighting spirit of the stagnant orcs.  I do recall at this point in time you had abandoned the Uzg and your brothers in favor of teaching some pinkies shamanism.  You alienated your PvP'ers with your general toxic and degrading attitude and it was ultimately you who brought this race the furthest down its been in years.  To come rek at Pok, Deano or myself is a joke compared to the travesties you've done unto this race.

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3 minutes ago, Malgonious said:

Mate your Rexdom literally put this race in the worst state it's ever been.  You did nothing but sub delegate all duties to Cakefool military wise and sat on the forums for hours making shitty lore posts instead of being a competent leader.  I came back to try and save the Uzg and the race and revive the RP and fighting spirit of the stagnant orcs.  I do recall at this point in time you had abandoned the Uzg and your brothers in favor of teaching some pinkies shamanism.  You alienated your PvP'ers with your general toxic and degrading attitude and it was ultimately you who brought this race the furthest down its been in years.  To come rek at Pok, Deano or myself is a joke compared to the travesties you've done unto this race.


You are wrong, the Worst state of the Uzg started when you became Rex.

And don't even try bashing Hedge's Pinkie teaching, The Roleplay is Great, and look where it is now, with their numbers they have Actual protection within their camps. 

They Readied for your Rexdom to Destroy the Uzg.

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25 minutes ago, Xi'dius said:


You are wrong, the Worst state of the Uzg started when you became Rex.

And don't even try bashing Hedge's Pinkie teaching, The Roleplay is Great, and look where it is now, with their numbers they have Actual protection within their camps. 

They Readied for your Rexdom to Destroy the Uzg.

You're a bit dull so let me explain it to you, The Uzg had fallen when you gave Oren casus beli to take your **** with the previous disease Smaw spread last map, and with raiding them alongside dreadlanders.  It's not really accurate to say my Rexdom ended the orcs as there were hardly any orcs there when I came to power.  I started a civil war alongside Deano to generate RP and lead to a unified force and spur RP and activity. This was soured by the Oren warclaim, but nothing you can really do about that. I wanted to give you guys the chance, the hope we could win against a force we clearly weren't going to beat.  The chance to go down as a real orc should.


Trying to scapegoat this races problems onto specific people isnt going to help at all, but I think looking back we can see whenever we had a shitty Rex, orc RP died and we've been taken advantage of by any superior power.  When we have a strong Rex, rp picks up and orcs become active. 


Smawton has complained time and time again about how the old orcs ***** and moan but he's literally alienated anyone that used to play an Orc with his poor decisions and national design.  He should never have been Rex, he doesn't have the backbone nor the capacity to run this race. And we clearly saw that during his tenure.


Moral of all of this:. It isn't this races lore that needs rework, its the people running it.

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I don't see how you guys can rip into Smawton's rexdom when all you did was create a scripted civil war in an attempt to prolong the invasion from Oren. 

You started playing orcs again because you were surprised that Oren was warclaiming you in the Dreadlands after repeated raids on them.

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1 hour ago, Malgonious said:


Mate your Rexdom literally put this race etc

Thanks for adding some humour to this thread. I appreciate it immensely. I'd take you seriously if you even witnessed half of my Rexdom, but you were banned for what, the 53rd time?

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I will be conversing with Mogroka for the production of a chat between Smawton, him, and myself to go through any details correlating to Horen and wiping any concerns in regards to this here lore. ThePyrodude (predominant human LM) will also be contacted to provide advice in regards to the Horen-Krug war to, once more, iron out any concerns/qualms and conclude business. 

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For an orc, life is war. 


It is the sharpening of weapons on the bones of one's old enemies. It is the slaughter of wild beasts, to turn their hides into armor and their skulls into goblets. It is fiery sex on the eve of battle (and then again, upon return). It is an eternal, unending war. The dream of a single realm under orcish dominion is impossible, because it is not that dream the orcs ultimately want -- it is the pursuit of that dream. The moment they have their utopia is the moment they would shatter it. The struggle. The strife. That is what tells an orc he is alive. 


This is the Good Life for an orc, because it is a reflection of the struggle within an orc. The war without is a reflection of the war within. 


It is the conflict between competing feelings for duty and love, it is the lust for power and the restrictions of honor. An orc's internal conflict is as much a war as the battles he fights in the real world. A passive reality does not accurately reflect a person's internal struggles, so they can find no peace. A bureaucratic pursuit is not satisfying. A glorious war is. Chaos and order, hate and love, the conflict is beauty.


When Krug battles Horen, it's not only because he feels he has been abandoned, it is because he feels Horen's pain. Krug can tell the war within Horen has turn to ash, that the life that once animated him has been snuffed to smoke by the curse of Iblees. And so, within Krug there is a battle, between his hope to release his loving brother from living hell, and his hate  for Horen's abandonment. 


I don't think this should be resolved. When Krug carries Horen's pale-skinned body, about to bleed out, into the deserts, I think it would be good for us to be allowed to wonder. Is it hate that fueled his choice to fight Horen, or love? Or is it both, twisted as tightly as two anacondas focking, in a way you can never tease them apart? 


It is important to remember that humans may fear death and want to live, but that an orc may not respect this. Krug may not respect Horen's wanting to live, believing that it is the foolishness of a demented mind. Or, maybe it is Krug's hate that is telling him to ignore Horen's wishes, disguised as his hope to free Horen from the hell of old-age. Who knows.


Anyway, that's my two shakes on it. Internal conflict is cool IMO. I think a fusion of this and old lores would be appropriate for maintaining server cohesiveness, then it'd seem like more story was revealed, rather than explicitly a retcon. 

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3 hours ago, Aesopian said:

For an orc, life is war. 


The struggle. The strife. That is what tells an orc he is alive. 


This is the Good Life for an orc, because it is a reflection of the struggle within an orc. The war without is a reflection of the war within. 


It is the conflict between competing feelings for duty and love, it is the lust for power and the restrictions of honor. An orc's internal conflict is as much a war as the battles he fights in the real world.


I agree, which is something I tried to reflect in the cycle of progression and destruction throughout the submission, something that also extends into our RP history.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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