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[Shelved][✓] Thulean Druidism; The Fury in Nature


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Thulean Druidism

“Nature is unbridled; it is angry.

It’s fury incites the cycle.”

[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cz3O0JftA5w ]


Blood Magic is the control of mortalkind’s innate power. Genus is an essence of the blood which flows within all Men, dormant and sleeping - a power which was, by design, never intended to awaken, yet bore the capacity to. It is the Blood Mages of Asulonian Yore which had first mastered the timeless power in their veins, but after their fall into obscurity, the art which they honed and used in such macabre fashion faded. It did not arise until many years later.


When it did rise again, it rose by the will of a Dragon. Given a form of dark sentience by Setherien while under his service, the Stone Serpent Malghourn had fallen to illness after the purging of his Drakehood. From the depths of Anthosian mountains, Malghourn called out in search of the worthy, only to be heard by one. The Druid of Shadow led a small covenant alongside the magus Caladrius upon detecting the presence of a great beast beneath the earth, and came to behold the form of Malghourn, who would come to grant the gathering the reformed designs of Blood Magic.


His time as a Blood Magic became one of mastery, but of uncertainty. The atrocities committed beside Caladrius had waned his binding with the Aspects as the lure of Genus’ power had led him astray into the obscure of Dark Artistry. There was a nature within Blood Magic that the Druid was very much aware of; that it could be used for great good, and if he could forge a bond between it’s darkness and Druidism, countless ills could be erased. Alas, his path did not become anymore kind despite this hope of heart.


The great decimation of Aesterwald by the hand of Caladrius and Brother Shadow, who operated under another name and a red-robed visage, had been an event that sent the Druid into a spiral of great regret and dismay. Before his very eyes, the earth had been undone and for but a moment he was the master of the land he stood on; it is a reality that horrified him. The Druid of Shadow cast himself into the obscure of the mortal world in self-exile, never admitting his sins to another mind for many years while he suffered isolation and sought to gain forgiveness from the Aspects for his dire transgressions.


But when he returned, he did not leave Blood Magic behind. Instead, he compounded upon his hopes to bind Druidism and Blood Magic; he tirelessly studied, practiced, honed, experimented. He whispered to the trees as he cut his palm to conjure great power; he bound his Genus to Nature’s Control in order to make it vicious and unbound. These efforts were for not, for they all ended in disruption; the land would simply not accept Brother Shadow’s violently heightened capacities.


It is only by an epiphany that the binding truly came. Force no longer became a standpoint, passion had. In the madness of his study, the Druid of Shadow conceived a form of Druidic philosophy which abandoned the notions of pacifism, and embraced the unrelenting nature of the cycle.


“Walls are risen to be felled.

Stone is carved from mountains to crumble away.

Forests are hewn by fire for the ashes to bring renewal.

Beasts prey upon the weak so the strong may make rise.

Furious passion shatters calm, feasible logic.

The cycle does not operate by peace, but by madness.

Nature is unbridled; it is angry.

It’s fury incites the cycle.”


Deemed the “Thulean Way”, Brother Shadow applied his vicious philosophy to his practices. He found that Blood Magic must not be used to shackle nature and command it, but to channel the violent passion of life through the the use of blood, and to incite the feral nature embedded within the fabrics of the Cycle in order to empower it with Genus without detriment.


It is by this method of binding that the powers of Druidism are not confangled by Blood Magic. The passion which Thulean Druids are taught to incite comes from their very core; it is a boundless, feral madness which abandons civility and embraces the animalistic virtues tied within both Men and beasts. Nature itself sings to this tune, it goes hand-in-hand with this form of natural madness, and thus adheres to the Druids which calls upon it with their magic. It is the teachings of Brother Shadow that suggest Thulean Druidism is a path which may lead to the deepest relationship mortals may share with nature, for at it’s core, nature is bloody, it is violent, it is passionate, and the habits of the civil are not welcomed within it.


It is not known why exactly the chaotic tendencies of the Thulean Way enable Blood Magic to cooperate with Druidism on such a deep, existential level, yet the Druid of Shadow’s records state it is reminiscent of an old, nameless presence, that acted as the bedlamic idol of clandestine circles of yore...


Thulean Enhancements


Using Blood Magic with Druidism produces different kinds of enhancements across the spectrum of the Aspect’s gifts. They are listed here for the sake of clarity.


Nature’s Communion


Once entangled with Thulean power, Communion becomes less of a passive attention to nature around a Druid and moreso a nerve-wracking focus on the raw operation of nature that transpires miles around the practitioner’s vicinity. To empower Nature’s Communion with the Thulean Way isn’t as beneficial as much as it is damaging; in the worst of times, one may witness the sounds of countless horrible realities, and when great terrors are committed like the burning of forests and the imbalancing mass-hunt of beasts, the subjected Druid may be driven into a coma if they’re not experienced enough. If a Thulean Druid is honed enough to handle hearing thousands of voice crying out deafeningly at the same time, they could detect nature-affronting deeds from afar and then go to their source to confront them.


If a Druid forces themselves to block out the intensified voices around them, they’re able to make contact with beasts in such a manner that would stir them into a feral rage. Thulean Druidism is capable of coaxing large packs into blind violence so they may be guided elsewhere to be released upon the unfortunate enemies of the Thulean Druid, instead of calmly bidding to these same beasts with the basic, request-oriented designs of Communion.


Nature’s Control


Following the philosophies of the Thulean Way, once empowered with Blood Magic, control about aspects of nature such as different forms of flora, and the ability to incite their growth, may become monumental. Thulean Druidism may uproot towering oaks and will them to fall upon cities; countless vines may be called upon to viciously wrap around one’s enemies, capable of breaking their bones; a storm of roots may be drawn up from the very earth to converge unrelenting upon the unprepared.


It is through the Thulean Way that flora is not commanded to do these things, but to be riled into a great fervor. Blood Magic enables nature around a Druid to align with their Thulean powers like how many may come together to form an angry mob, and as a result, Nature’s Control become much more strong and broad.




The capacity of a Thulean Druid’s herblore abilities become both emboldened and dangerous. Healing capabilities are made miraculous, to the point where a subject’s arm may be reattached, or their sight may be restored. However, to heal someone with Thulean Herblore would mean to put them into a deep coma that can span for even Elven weeks long. This is the cost for miracles of the Thulean variety.


A Druid’s poisonous or toxic concoctions not only become deadlier with Blood Magic involvement, but dangerous to everyone around them. Toxin Herblore becomes as much as a danger to the Druid as it does the victims they would unleash their mixtures upon, for their Blood Magic would cause them to take volatile shape. Poisons would become gaseous, air-tainting, fragile, or acidic and flesh-searing, which makes what they’re contained in fragile and easily to break.


Blight Healing


Thulean Blight Healing is a much more gracious enhancement than the other forms of Genus-empowered Druidic subtypes. It simply does what it does, to greater capacity -- the most wretchedly malformed and tainted places are purged of all sickness, not with a gentle green mist, but with a viridescent fire that annihilates all forms of unnatural taint.




Shapeshifters who master the Thulean Way must be wary when binding Blood Magic with their more secretive powers, for the passion embedded in their philosophy ties with the beastial form they may take on a level deeper than any other Druidic subtype. Thulean Shapeshifters become embodiments of beasthood, and the shapes they take may become horned, clawed and fanged all at once. The feral ferocity absorbs their mind and drives them into an animalistic rage, where the fury of the Aspects is expressed in a way only a bloodthirsty animal could portray it. The strength of their forms are heightened and made more predatory, yet they lose all sight of mortal civility, and become both a danger to their foes as they do their allies.


Thulean Ritualizations


Blood Magic and Druidism is able to be used in Blood Rune-based rituals that fall in concordance only with the designs of Druidism, meaning no outer arcane presence may be included in them. Each player-made ritual must be designed following the rules of each subtype they include, and demand ample sacrifices of mortal blood and the presence of other Druidic practitioners so these rituals may properly be achieved as any other magical Blood Mage ritual would.




*Thulean Druidism isn’t another magic, only the method in which Blood Magic is allowed to be used alongside Druidism.


*Blood Magic cannot be used with Druidism unless it is used with the Thulean Way. Malicious control and command cannot be forced onto the nature which Druids bend; it is the passion of feral life that must be communed with, embodied by the power within mortal blood, so that nature may be driven into a violent, natural fervor.


Thulean Druidism must follow all guidelines of Blood Magic and Druidism. This is only an inclusion into the magical arts Blood Magic is able to be used with.



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It sounds pretty cool actually. I would love to see a bit more of a chaotic side of druidism 

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Just now, Jaeden said:

Maybe blood magic can finally be active again, woo.


It is currently active in my hands, not sure about the others due to the restricted teaching however.

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dont teach my blood magic to the tree huggers 


yeah +1


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My char won't like this but this is awesome and I want it to be a thing. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease~

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As far as I can tell, there was no logical reason that blood magic couldn't be used with Druidism before, but because there was no precedent, the MATs and LTs wouldn't allow it, and if they did that'd force you to send a vision to the person who attuned you.


This addition seems pretty alright and I'd be all for it, but you've stated a few things that could be done without this addition before, that, should this pass, would no longer be possible without it.


For instance, a Druid being overwhelmed by the negative aspects of nature or driven into a rage by connecting to them or adapting the mentality of the beasts they commune with. These were all quite possible before and dependant on a Druid's personality and tier, and I loved roleplaying certain aspects of these quite a bit. But if this were to pass, it would no longer be allowed because it would be an outlook unique to blood-droods.


And as with control of nature, a Druid can already move stampedes or topple trees with no issue, but again, if this passes, it would no longer be allowed.


This griping starts tapering off around the blight healing segment... There's no guide on how blight healing is meant to be roleplayed, as far as I know, so having weird wildfire would have already been possible before... And frankly I like the sound of that, actually. Wildfire does cleanse things in nature quite often. But I don't really think this would take anything but a certain aesthetic avenue away from general Druidism, so I'm not too caught up over that.

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2 minutes ago, TheCritsyBear said:

As far as I can tell, there was no logical reason that blood magic couldn't be used with Druidism before, but because there was no precedent, the MATs and LTs wouldn't allow it, and if they did that'd force you to send a vision to the person who attuned you.


This addition seems pretty alright and I'd be all for it, but you've stated a few things that could be done without this addition before, that, should this pass, would no longer be possible without it.


For instance, a Druid being overwhelmed by the negative aspects of nature or driven into a rage by connecting to them or adapting the mentality of the beasts they commune with. These were all quite possible before and dependant on a Druid's personality and tier, and I loved roleplaying certain aspects of these quite a bit. But if this were to pass, it would no longer be allowed because it would be an outlook unique to blood-droods.


And as with control of nature, a Druid can already move stampedes or topple trees with no issue, but again, if this passes, it would no longer be allowed.


This griping starts tapering off around the blight healing segment... There's no guide on how blight healing is meant to be roleplayed, as far as I know, so having weird wildfire would have already been possible before... And frankly I like the sound of that, actually. Wildfire does cleanse things in nature quite often. But I don't really think this would take anything but a certain aesthetic avenue away from general Druidism, so I'm not too caught up over that.


Nothing would stop you from roleplaying Druidism in the ways you explained, it's just that the method that enables Thulean Druidism, ie Druidism with Blood Magic to work is passion and rage and fury. Druids can still do all of that, but the point of the Thulean Way is to use the fury within a Druid to convey the power of Genus as a method to "rile up" nature and empower Druidic abilities. As I cite from the lore, the Druid of Shadow's attempts to control nature by empowering Druidism with Blood Magic fell short because that methodology is empty and baseless and unnatural and cruel. So the only way to get Druidic powers to bind with Blood Magic, and for different aspects of nature to agree with this aforementioned use, is for feral passion to encompass the use of Blood Magic.


That's why it says in the guidelines that Druidism and Blood Magic cannot mix otherwise. It depends on the method in which they're both employed, and the Thulean Way is that exact method. As for Druids already being able to achieve some of the things Thulean Druidism can, those were just examples - Thulean Druidism follows the Blood Magic rule of "if you add blood magic to something, it does what it does better". That means anything a Druid can do at their peak, the use of Blood Magic can surpass that, because that's the inherent design of Blood Magic itself -- it enhances other magic. It binds in order to improve. The approval of this would not disable stampedes from being led or big trees from being uprooted, it only means Druidism with Blood Magic can do those things much better, and much more violently.


I never saw any druid use viridescent (green) fire to cleanse places of corruption, only gentle green mist, so there isn't much to go over there.

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I cannot accurately put into words how often I have dreamt of blood magic somehow working in junction with Druidism. I do not play non-deity magics just due to preference. Since blood magic could never enhance my Druidism, I looked at it longingly, thinking of how amazing it would be to incorporate an element like that into the already existing Druidic gifts.  I am quite pleased with what you've put forward, and I can only hope that it'll be passed through. I appreciate the effort that has gone into this deeply.



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