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Dragonslayerelf's Resignation


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“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”



    Well, here it is. The end of my long tenure as ET. No, it is not because I am stressed. No, it is not because I can’t keep up with the quota. No, it’s not because of IRL issues. It’s because the staff has become a restricting body that I can no longer respect, no longer support, and, as a result, no longer be a member of. In my heart, I am an American. An American that believes in a certain set of rights that are inalienable. The staff, by their own doing, has alienated these rights. The chain-and-ball of the ‘staff & community guidelines’, that, once upon a time, were guidelines, have become the straitjacket of all members of the staff. They have taken away any staff members’ 1st amendment right, the one enshrined globally by all freedom-loving democracies. The right to free speech. I don’t care if you don’t agree with what I say, find it hostile, find it displeasing, but this fundamental right, believed to be so by brilliant minds such as Voltaire and Locke, has been fundamentally violated. Therefore, I sign this letter of resignation before the admins lock me away and say it was for the betterment of the server, that I was a hostile, toxic, radicalized writer of forum posts.


I, Dragonslayerelf, officially resign from the ET. Take off the straitjacket; Take off the shackles; There will be no use for them, for I am free.

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bye xx

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I respect this. 

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this is so cringe man i cannot even

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Was it also because bigcrazy BTFO your previous thread with his 40 rep comment too 


Honestly I can’t blame you


Take care 

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26 minutes ago, Dragonslayerelf said:

The staff, by their own doing, has alienated these rights. The chain-and-ball of the ‘staff & community guidelines’, that, once upon a time, were guidelines, have become the straitjacket of all members of the staff. They have taken away any staff members’ 1st amendment right, the one enshrined globally by all freedom-loving democracies. The right to free speech. I don’t care if you don’t agree with what I say, find it hostile, find it displeasing, but this fundamental right, believed to be so by brilliant minds such as Voltaire and Locke, has been fundamentally violated.

? it’s a mineman play-pretend server, man

bye tho

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takin’ it a bit too serious.


see you

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15 days before Operation Homecoming and you do this? You're a disgrace to the American people. 

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42 minutes ago, Unwillingly said:

? it’s a mineman play-pretend server, man

bye tho

doesnt matter what platform its on; staff shouldnt act despicably


big respect

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“They have taken away any staff members’ 1st amendment right”

Don’t even have to know what you’re talking about to know that this is untrue.


“enshrined globally by all freedom-loving democracies”

Several democracies have less expression rights than the U.S.

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I guess we know who wrote the google doc equating the struggles of mineman to 1950s civil rights, my fellow american with unalienable human rights.  I am sure Locke and Voltaire weep in their graves over this travesty of staff injustice on pretend blockboy.

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chief you know this is brick boy play pretend right 

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