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From Ruination [FRP]


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Galaharian League


The forest was ever present in this strange land. Ever since the end of the short Numerian war, the Galaharians had been adrift in an ocean of trees. Duke Giovenco Barbaro himself led the host, alongside his illegitimate son Batimo Storm. Numerian rangers led them through this ocean, ensuring they didn’t get lost. And finally the Duke and his war-host had stumbled out of Numerian territory. They pointed him in the direction of Shovia, a Danwentii city close to the border. The Duke had originally planned to rest his host their and meet his old allies. But as always times were shifting to war and chaos. Dodgy news and scouts reported the city was in turmoil, in flames, or rioting, or a variety of other false tales. What was clear was Danwent was in the middle of a civil war, and the Duke was poorly informed. Calling a war-council, they plot their leg of the march home for the next year.


Elsewhere Admiral Ormanno Sforza is busy in his occupied city. After being basically emptied, the city held little value to the Republic or him besides morale. Already his merchants were offloading more supplies, more food, from the transport ships. It was clear Sforza was not one to wait idly. The troops and magi are rested, as well as the officers. Though bloodless, the fight for the city had been a long and tedious grind. But here Sforza stood, temporary owner of a city, with hardly a solider buried.






In Galahar itself the League is quite busy preparing for another voyage. New materials, ships, and troops are acquired. It is rumored the League was intent on finally settling the Aulem Peninsula in force. Though they protected Danwent’s portion, the men of Aulem seemed more hostile. Though nothing is confirmed or mad official yet, men are issued war weather gear for the tropical campaign. The most useless cold gear is diligently transported to Throatavilla. There the port is busy as the focal point of churning out ships, artillery, and new levies of troops for the adventure.


Population; 8,866,462

Income; 174.5k Total 


Financial Actions


-17k Recruiting 1,000 Leagues-Men T4 

-12k Recruiting 1,000 Stormriders T3

-18k 4 Trebuchets

-9k 6 Magonels

-6k 8 Ballistae

-20k 2 Keeps

-9k Building 1 Nuncio

-16k Building 4 Caravels

-10k Building 4 Galleys
-20k Numeria Payment

-30k 6 Barracks

+7.5k Treasury

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Los Tercios advance.


-The Tercio de Marches Occidentales and the Tercio de Auld are raised.

3 units of Volarucian Tercios (Medium Unique Infantry) – 10’500

2 units of Crossbowmen – 6’000

1 unit of Rodeleros (Light Infantry) – 1’000

All T3 equipment – 12’000

Total: 29’500 Gold


-The Tercios de Vivar and de Candeliara march from Ronbarra to Toulagoza.



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The setting in the Ice keep has gone unchanged, even if through 20 years, long, unique years. It is a different age, the rule of Duke Arvid, one of peace, stability, and more importantly, normalcy. What has been for thousands of years has remained, not the case in the present where the wraths of Gods lash out from magic stone pillars and leave a gaping whole in your stomach. 


In the courtyard, there is a tall, bare chested stout boy, with flowing locks of sun-sprayed hair,  bearing a wooden sword, sweating behind an aged shield littered with chips, cracks, and nicks. Before him, sprawling on the snow blanketed floor lays another child, with long black hair held up in a braid and wearing a leather tunic and black britches. He is grimacing, his hand tightly gripping the area behind his knee, as he hobbles up on his feet once more,  and locating his weapons, a similar busted shield and a large dane axe, made of wood.


“Come on, Bruce! I didn't even hit you that hard!” he'd say, snickering behind the cover of his shield. At the jeer, Bruce is overcome with anger, releasing a shrill yell from within as he charges his foe, bashing the edge of his axe against his shield, wildly and uncontrollably, in a small tantrum. His opponent, had little to no time to pull together a coherent reaction, and he had to absorb quite the barrage of clean connecting shots, before his instincts kicked in, forcing him to bash the fiery boy away, and land his own collection of strikes with his sword, causing Bruce to fall to the ground, once more. Yet, his opponent, unlike the first occasion, was not merciful.


As if inspired by the flames of vengeance, the golden-haired boy did not hold his blade back when the young Bruce landed on the ground. He simply continued, bashing and bashing at the poor, helpless child on the ground. Yet, Bruce did not cry for help, shielding his head as he repeatedly attempted to kick his foes leg in. This near helpless struggle continued,  until the boy got one, direct shot on his head, and that was all it took, to knock him out cold..


The next memory he had after the incident, he woke up in a bed inside the keep, his father by his side, amongst other maids and knights. His face, and the rest of his body, was a cacophony of different injuries. Bruises, cuts, and scratches of every size and shape were sprayed throughout his body, his face serving as a testament to this. On his bedside stood his father, the late Duke Arvid, and beside him the same boy, with an expression of pity and regret upon his chubby, tear filled features. Arvid placed a hand on the boy,  as if guiding him towards Bruce. His fatherly voice, soothing as it is commanding, quietly quivers; “You know what to do, Gnupa.” The regretful boy Gnupa nods, and slowly makes his way closer, standing next to the pillow now, as the young princes gaze follow him. “I’m sorry, Bruce. I didn't mean it, y-you just made me really mad.” He'd say in a rather convincing voice, yet not possessing the dignity to make eye contact with his victim. It was a sorry attempt really. Yet, Bruce was still happy that Gnupa came and apologized, smiling at first at the thought of making up with his friend. All was well, until, like a winter gush of cold air, a memory resurfaced from his deepest stores. He remembered a night, where his father was sharing the story of their Sinissk Ancestors, and their demise. Yet, one line stuck out to him, out of the entire anecdote. “Show no mercy to your enemies, for they will show none to you.” 


Any happiness the young prince had inside him faded, he'd turn in the bed, facing the opposite direction as Gnupa. A deep sigh could be heard throughout the room, followed by the shuffling of feet growing softer, before the clank of the wooden door results in silence.








 Alost (Port)(Starter)












Hofsland(income next turn)



POPULATION:7890086+6k x 7%= 8442812


(8000)16 units of T3 Medium Infantry

(2000)4 units of T3 Medium cavalry

(1000) 2 unit of T3 Heavy Infantry

(1000) 2 Units of T3 Crowssbowmen

(2000) 4 Units of T2 Light Infantry

(500)2 Units of T3 Polar Bear Cavalry

(1000) 2 Units of T2 Light Archers

(1500) 3 Units of T3 Light Cavalry












TRADING PARTNERS: Chapel of True Knauledge, Fortress Libraries, Kingdom of Bulgar Trident, Volaruci Princedoms, The Antigonid Dynasty, Kingdom of Icefeld, The Nascent Kingdom


































-The cities of Kjolr, Krossa, and Skalanes are all given loicenses for a guild hall for artisans and merchants to sell and display their wares. (-30k)


-City charters are given to the town of Hofsland.(-15k)


-The Duchy undertakes a bold event of a parley with the glacier tribes. A group of 5 men infiltrate the glaciers, bearing no arms, and sporting a white flag. On the instant that the ambush begins, the party declares that they wish nothing more but dialogue(-1.5k)


-Two more fish farms are constructed! (10k)


-Ports are built in the cities of Kjolr, Krossa, Skalanes, Rypapa, Grimsar, and Halsar.(-60k)


-A group of settlers, tired of the crowding conditions beginning to exist at Skalanes, leave to settle several miles down the river, to found their own city, Hofsland!(-5K)




-An Adept goes searching inside the Blood Forge, inside the mountain, suspended above pools of lava, for a miniscule staircase.


Edited by Alfonso X el Sabio
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Kingdom of Icefeld









The initial designs for the landship based on a galley prove to be too heavy however the engineers of the Kingdom of Icefeld were far from deterred more gold goes into research for a model based of smaller coastal vessels rather than larger galleys. Even further the designers toy with the idea of using an iceglass blade upon the front to ride across the ground at the front of the landship to freeze the surface of the snow and allow a smoother slide across the surface. 

((Education level 65,000 this turn [145,000 gold total))


1,500 to the treasury


10,000g for two new settlements on the northern shores. 



2,500,000 Base

5,077,825 Growth 


Total Population: 7,577,825

Cities- 2

Towns- 8

Settlements- 2



3,100 gold


Trade Partners



Men of Olm



Base Income: 3000g

Trade: 3000g

Economic Points: 6000g

Merchant Guilds: 6000g

Towns: 21,000g

Foundry: 11,000g

Iceglass: 4500g

Population: 24,000g

Upkeep: -7000g



2,350 Icefeld Raiders T1

2,300 Medium Infantry T1

9,950 Icefeld Sappers T1

1,400 Medium Archers T1 

900 Heavy infantry T3

1,400 Crossbowmen T3 

5000 Medium Infantry T3

400 Heavy Cavalry T3

1 Caravel 

2 Galley’s 



30 Mushroom Farms

2 Merchant Guilds

11 Foundries

1 Tier 1 Iceglass Mine

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The bands of Arjun slid over Padma’s wrists, falling to the ground without even a hint of resistance. Not that she had expected anything else - the armbands had never fit, and perhaps they never would. For nearly seven years she hadn’t felt the presence of her god, and few around here called her Mahasattva anymore. She accepted it, enjoyed it even. Certainly it made it easier to talk to people.


Yet there was still one item which reminded her who she was. An old sword, undecorated, which nonetheless called to her with otherworldly power. A sword which suffused her with glowing warmth and flickered with fire when she held it. A sword given to her by the enemy, Ravi Singh.


“What are you doing awake?” Padma turned, and saw captain Chakravarmi pushing his way through the bushes toward her. She smiled back.


“Thinking about leaving,” she replied honestly, but hastily elaborated. “Back to Surya.”


“Oh.” The young captain seemed taken aback, and looked at her questioningly, leaning against a banana tree. The buzzing sound of the jungle night was all around them.


“The Sattva keep asking about it,” she continued, running a finger on the sword’s pommel. “And what are we really accomplishing here? We aren’t catching anyone, Salah.”


“We’re getting closer.” The captain was less than certain, but his men hadn’t lost hope yet and orders were orders. “Wherever this Ravibad place is, we’ll find it soon enough.”


Eager as always. Padma couldn’t help but like him, and the lies hurt as they fell from her lips. “Maybe. But I’m almost of age, now. A Rajas leads, and I can’t lead without a commission.” She gestured at the darkness. “I don’t see any commissions around here.”


“Your father won’t be happy.”


“You can tell me all about how he reacted when you see me again.” She chuckled.


“I can tell...you can tell him yourself! When exactly were you planning on leaving?”


“Well...now. But I had to tell someone.” Padma got to her feet, pulling a bag of equipment with her. “I’m sorry. You know my father, he’d have watched me like a hawk if I’d mentioned anything.”


“And he’ll take it personally if you don’t.” Salah stood too, obviously unhappy, but she shrugged. It wasn’t like her relationship with her father had ever been unstrained. “You’re being dramatic. He won’t stop you.”


“Are you going to stop me?”


“Of course not, but…”


“Then tell the Maharajas Viswan that his daughter loves him, but didn’t want valuable soldiers wasted escorting her home. I’ll be back soon.”


“Padma, don’t be stupid.”


Her golden eyes looked up at the captain impassively. Maybe she was being stupid. Quite likely, actually. But in seven years she hadn’t taken a risk, and where had it brought her?


“If all goes well, I will be much different when you see me again.”


Then she stepped into the underbrush, into the darkness where Salah could not see. She heard him call her name, but did not listen. The moon was her compass, the sound of running water her guide. She left the camp, but as she walked through dense underbrush she did not turn west to Surya, but east.


To Ravibad.




Current Statistics


Expenditure (309,000 Gold)


Routine farm expansion. [5 Farms; 25,000 gold]


Routine industrial expansion. [8 Factories; 60,000 gold]


Like a blessed brown tide, Suryan settlers wash up on the beaches of Aros, claiming more coastline in their city’s name. [3 Settlements; 15,000 gold]



Mattara, Arugam, and Thanjavur all grow and fortify themselves. [3 city upgrades with guilds; 72,000 gold]


Arriving on the shores of Aros from Surya itself, two more of Mihir’s great warbeasts prepare to fight. [2 Elite T3 Enchanted Elephants; 18,000 gold.]


Sunclad also join the army, recruited from across the land. [1,750 Veteran T3 Sunclad; 49,000 gold.]


The Chosen of Mihir work on Surya’s walls like never before. Intricate carvings and mirrored temple-towers turn the city’s defenses into as much a work of art as a fortress. [Work on T4 Magic; 45,000 gold; 55,200 total.]


Along the coast in Karnawad, a stout fortification rises. One can never be too careful, particularly when one is at war far away.[Fortress; 25,000 gold.]


[0 gold remaining]




Population 18,725,288

Edited by Zanderaw
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The Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick




Nation Stats






King Eonir the Great Stag


High Priestess Dycha 


Prince Aeleandor the Warden








Base: 7,000


Towns/Cities: 36,000


Population: 24,500


Trade: 6,000


Trade Caravels: 16,000


Manufactories: 11,000


Merchant Guilds: 21,000


Port: 3,000


Upkeep: -18,325


Total Before Upkeep: 124,500


Total After Upkeep: 106,175




Start: 107,875

End: 4,875


Trade Partners


Galaharian League

Empire of Bordeleaux

Kingdom of Hilmedhi

Kingdom of Bulgar

Republic of Danwent 

Fortress Libraries 


Cities, settlements and Fortresses


Talsyn (Capital), Population of City and Surrounding Area: 958,438  


Anmyr (City) Population of City and Surrounding Area: 859,438


The Midnight Anvil (Fortress) Garrison: 500 Light Archers


Modryn (City) Population of City and Surrounding Area: 638,985


Tal Silvoc (City) Population of City and Surrounding Area: 668,012


Tal Dovar (City) Population of City and Surrounding Area: 667,968


Glade of the Eternal Midnight (City) Population of City and Surrounding Area: 660,021


Tal Rarvyn (City) Population of City and Surrounding Area: 667,560


Tor Woyn (Town) Population of Settlement and Surrounding Area: 635,484


Tal Shavil (Town) Population of Settlement and Surrounding Area: 569,034


Elysria (Town) Population of Settlement and Surrounding Area: 569,034


Chrace (Town) Population of Settlement and Surrounding Area: 569,034


Calabor (Town) Population of Settlement and Surrounding Area: 569,034







Font of Life - 1% Population Growth

Temple x1

Church x2

Farms x28

Merchant Guilds x7

Manufactory x11


Barracks x2


National Idea


Guardians of the Forest: For Centuries the Fey peoples had watched over the Forest with careful vigil, many never ending their watch and opting to continue service in the Army of the Fey rather than retire to find a craft outside of Military pursuits. 20% Cost reduction on Veteran and Elite Cost, 10% reduction on upkeep costs for Veteran and Elites.




4,600 Greenthroat Riders (Medium Cavalry) T3 Equipment


400 Greenthroat Riders Veteran (Medium Cavalry) T3 Equipment


7,750 Greenthroat Guard (Medium Infantry/Archers), T2/T3 Equipment


180 Greenthroat Guard Elite (Medium Infantry/Archers), T3 Equipment


3,850 Heavy Infantry, T3 Equipment


200 Veteran Heavy Infantry, T3 Equipment


12,250 Light Infantry


3,000 Light Archers


200 Veteran Light Archers, T2 Equipment


12 Trade Caravels


23 Adepts


2 Magi


3 Mangonels


4 Ents


Military Equipment


Iron (T2): 3,700 Equipped, 4,750 Stored


Leather (T2): 750 Equipped


Steel (T3): 16,800 Equipped


Detailed Military List








The Assaults on the City of Lamentation had finally begun, all forces present would take the city with speed rather than the siege of the Glade of Eternal Midnight that took many years to finally conclude. New siege weaponry, large forces of light infantry used as a front line force to simply overwhelm the enemy within backed up by Heavy and Medium Infantry. Though lacking the command of their King, those remaining commanders felt confident in their ability to take the city once and for all. Though what to do with the many captured civilians afterwards was something that was still pondered among both the commanders and members of the esteemed priesthood that were there acting as support through magic and healing. Needless to say the casualties will be high for both sides in this fight, and it will mean the Legions of Fyr-Darrick would have to spend a significant portion of time rebuilding for their next campaign.


The King having returned to the Heartlands after his pilgrimage to what the Fey currently call the Heart of the Forest, transformed, changed and something that presently spooked much of the Court in the Capital of Talsyn and the City of Anmyr. Spending more time back to the affairs of the State, reshaping it to fit his new religious fervour and visions that he had seen. Upsetting some of the old ways that business was done to some in his long absence. The Merchant City of Anmyr would remain open to business as the eyes of the Kingdom would continue to look West and now to the North, the King ordering the Warden of Fyr-Darrick to begin organising migrations and new settlements to be constructed to expand the Borders in the desired directions as to protect the forest. 


Expenditure and actions


Siege costs would amount to 35,000 to construct a sufficient number of trebuchets and siege towers in order to take Lamentation with the full force of the combined army. 


Four farms are constructed in order to maintain the current level of growth. 20,000


An Ent is shaped through the magics of the forest. (3,000)


Five Barracks would be constructed (25,000)

Four settlements are created this year one heading west to help connect the two territories of Fyr-Darrick, three are built northwards. 20,000. https://i.gyazo.com/c46336ee81c56067361139c40fa99b8a.png

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World Events


The Auldic Tribes continues to expand and to fight with the Karel. Many of the battles have turned into merciless, bloody exchanges. Few prisoners are ever taken, those that are are tortured and left mutilated for their brothers to see. A merciless, sporadic and small war, where excessive brutality has very quickly become the norm.


The Bloated continue their expansion, like a cancer wriggling its way into the body of its host. This year has seen unprecedented expansion into the jungle coasts to the south of the Maw, as reported by Order scouts. As always in the north, their raids never end, and people die.


The Republicans are dead in Symon. Or at least, many of them. The survivors have no organized themselves into militias and gang-like structures, led by the most violent or opinionated of them all, the only who survived the purge of the senior cliques. (bar exceptions) They now roam villages and towns, demanding change and disrupting the peaceful lives of those southern Symon towns.


A large zone around the Pillars has begun to feel… strange. People are no longer consumed by madness within it. Instead, they simply turn into docile automatons, who work in synch and cannot be shaken out of it, should they stay long enough. Eventually, they simply disappear, walking off to some unknown place.


The Kingdom of Five


A scream of rage echoes through Dakkar’s mind as he is tossed from his horse on a pleasant ride through the swine farms. He lands in the mud, where an invisible power keeps him for a few moments before releasing him, its anger scorching through him.


The research done by the Magi yields no results. Either the Fallen One has no more to give, or he is unwilling to impart more power unto the mages.


The piracy continues, as the Meldans state that the pirates are running circles around them. Their missives state their continued confusion at how they are able to avoid their hunting fleets entirely. This year, one of the pirate ships is sunk by a galley ramming it as it approaches the shore though. Progress!


Fish! Seljuk Fish! (Rare good discovered & acquired. +0.25% growth.)



The Empire of Bourdeleaux


If untroubled by the civil war, the Bourdelean army returns home, diminished, but still whole. Unfortunately, due to their depleted supply lines, they leave behind a trail of pillage and theft as they ravage the surrounding land to feed their starving soldiers. @Z3R0


Sorville, the same man being watched by the Bourdeleans, approaches the Emperor one sunny day, asking to speak to him about matters of the utmost importance. (Discord)


The new settlements remain unchallenged in their construction, but they are always watched, and those who venture too far from them are sometimes attacked by rapid horsemen, their bows twanging angrily, until they pull back to their settlements.


The Fortress Libraries


A book that was not supposed to be there. A confused librarian finds it upon a lectern in the main library of the main city. It is badly burnt and heavily damage, but one can still distinguish a large golden “I” upon a black cover, with a black eye aligned down the axis of the “I”... (discord)


The Kingdom of Numeria


It is a first, but one diligent student manages to crack off a section of osmalt by finding a particularly find grey line that cut through a block. Perhaps a minor weakness, it allows a section of the stone to be broken off for further study. In the South, the Carrow citadel is indeed made of Osmalt, almost uniform, it almost looks as if it was carved from one single giant block or as if all individual blocks were welded together upon completion. Either way, it is sure to have more details to yield, should the research continue.



The Commonwealth of Ruhn


Such a pious boy. The guide beyond the veil takes pity on him, and decides to spare him of his first death, whenever that may be.


 Furthermore, He-That-Waits offers a vision to his most loyal speaker… A vision of a strange place beneath the world. (discord)


Lots of things that will kill people! This pleases the killy kill god!


The Holy Empire of Grimsborith


The forest continues to spread throughout the land, and the deep sense of contenment continues to grow within the hearts of the magi. One could not call it pleasure, but perhaps a sensation that something larger than themselves is doing what it always intended. Like a sunflower leaning towards the sun, this is but the natural course of things.


Many settlements, though two of them find themselves stalled by bad weather, greedy merchants and bad organization. Such is the way of things.


The Antigonid Dynasty


North and west they sail, and safely they arrive.


As for the King, he feels once again but the latent, pulsing power of a sleeping being, unwoken by the troubles of the world. Yet, on the same night as the pillar of light erupts in the north, this changes, if only for a brief moment. For those few seconds, the King finds himself pulled into a raging miasm of power strong enough to bring him to his knees. As if a dragon had cracked open an eye, if only for a brief moment. But then the light fades, and with it so does the surge of power, leaving the king faint and tingling with the aftershock.


Anyone nearby would notice that, for the next few minutes, his body occasionally sparks with little blue and purple flashes of color, before it eventually fades…


The Morning Kindgom


The Black Gems of Cairn continue to be unresponsive to the researchers touch. Though some of the more magically attuned profess that they feel a death-like, or negative energy around them, as if it were sapping their vitality to stay around them for too long.


The books and the art are far more revealing in their message. It seems as if the people of Cairn were obsessed with halting death. One of the books, The Measurement of Infinite Life, goes into great detail about the many experiments done to people within the Red Room. It seems particularly enthusiastic about a new group that has been, according to its records, recently brought in for testing from the southern jungle.

The paintings reveal a people obsessed with the thought of dying. Many of them show scenes of burials, or the construction of the great coastal monuments. And always visible in the background, never in the forefront, is the skeletal being with black robes and a black crown.


The Blackmarrow seem to follow a highly traditional and antiquated way of worshipping the Lord & Lady, and do not seem particularly fervent. It is almost as if they do it out of duty, not out of belief. Their rituals are quiet, their prayers nearly all taken from old, old prayer books. It is extremely rare for any of them to go pray of their own volition, and when they do, it is often with the same prayers from the same books.


The Republic of Danwent


A civil war, a most terrible thing. It seems that a lot of support for varying factions has poured into the broken country. Of note, 10.000 Symon troops, promising to uphold the King. However, who can dictate the fate of a nation in such a short period of time.

It seems that there is still much to be decided upon, much yet to be done…


The Galaharian League


A quiet year, it seems. Except that that one, teensy little issue up in the far north!


The Princedoms of Volarucio


War. Little else can occupy the minds of the Volarucians, as they wait for the decisive battles to conclude with bated breath.


The Duchy of Ulyadar


The five men return a few days later. They seem dazed, a little distant, and can be caught humming a monotonous, repetitive tune when they believe they are not watched. They act with a strange sort of synchronization, and sometimes almost seem to have to stop themselves from speaking in synch.


He finds the small stair-case, leading down to a ledge right above the lava. Within, an old secret. (Discord)


The Kingdom of Icefeld


The iceglass blades are quite an intelligent idea, though they do increase the price of the vessel by a notable degree. Nevertheless, with the use of a smaller vessel, the snow-boats are now fully functioning vessels, capable of catching the harsh winds of the north and skidding across the arctic landscapes. They may not hold massive amounts of men, but they certainly offer more comfort and safety than a long march across frigid, frozen fields. (technology: Ice-Skiff, 3500 with iceglass blades, 2750 without. Capable of holding 100 men when full.)




Forts in curious places, and many a man or beast pressed into fighting from the blessed one above. 


The Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick


Finally. A decades long war to purge the forest of the corruption within is concluded. As the final bastions are taken, Eonir feels a deep sense of wellness, as if a disease had finally been purged from his, and his gods body. All is well within the forest. Now may be a time to look outwards… (+3% growth for next turn only.)

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Kingdom of Five



Nation Roleplay:

Dakkar walked about the fortress walls of his home, the sounds of the citizenry below him and the yells of hundreds of training soldiers. A morning walk was his way of resetting his brain for the day. As the king passes by the guards on the walls, they oink and bow to their majesty who takes the time to thank each of them for their service to the nation and the fallen one. A newly wed charismatic leader with a child on the way, all while the threat of another power in the west rises…


An oink alerted the king to a messenger running up to him as he was finishing his stroll of the walls. An incident in the fields requires his attention and thus taking his soldiers he rides out. Chortles and oinks accompanying him on his ride as the people greet their lord, news had only reached of the invasion but they seem unconcerned. Hours pass before they arrive, only for the lord to fall down and pass out momentarily the anger of an unknown entity gnawing at him!

Population: 18,476,127 Fivians

Gold Expenditure: 278,550 Gold with Upkeep

(90,000 Gold) Ockham receives 18 barracks buildings to fully add to the military complex of the Swine. [60 Barracks total, 20 Unit Cap]


(24,000) 1,500 T3 Veteran Light infantry are recruited and given very equipment, these soldiers eagerly trained in the art of silence... [6 Units of T3 Light Vets]


(76,000 Gold) The Swine have lacked proper missile units for too long, their defenses and attack power nullified by the constant changing of armor but now a stronger weapon had come. 3,500 T3.5 Crossbowmen are recruited and given their proper training. Cavalry are also recruited in bulk as 3,000 T3 Light cavalry equips to ride and harass the invaders. To join the Tenebris order however, 100 Elite T3.5 Crossbowmen are recruited. [14 Units] 


(60,000 Gold) 4 Castles are built exponentially fast in the east, strategically dotting the landscape to prevent raiders from slipping by and killing innocents.


(25,000 Gold) The loss of so many adepts and a mage is felt and to recover them a church springs up over the temple in Ockham.


(3,550 Gold Special)






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The Fortress Libraries





gettin me shite out now fer stats



  Hide contents


Points and Basic Stats:

Population: 4,609,974 Humans

Cities: The Bastion (fortress), Fort Vane (keep), Hardshore (keep), Endeavour

Towns: Highhold, Skypeak

Outposts: Ashenport

Buildings: Merchant Guild x 4, Temple, Church, Cathedral, Shrine, Hermitage, School, Trading Company x 6, Manufactory x 10, Farmland x 18 (+4%), Bog Silk Market, Barracks x 6

Economy: 6

Education: 7

Size: 2

Military: 2

Mysticism: 4

Trade Partners: Blackmarrow, Knauledge, Ulyadar, Bulgar, Symon, Danwent, Trident, Ashval, Volarucio, Fyr-Darrick

Enclaves: Blackmarrow, Knauledge, Ulyadar, Danwent, Trident, Ashval, Antigonids, Volarucio, Fyr-Darrick, Symon


Research & Technology

Advanced Fortifications (10% off Fortification buildings)

Superior River Boats

Bog Silk Exploitation

Medical Knowledge (35k)

Heavy Infantry

Poisons (10k)



At Home:

1500 T3 Heavy Infantry

1500 T3 Medium Infantry



In Ashval:

254 T3 Librarian Knights (50 men per unit)

1000 T3 Heavy Infantry

2275 T3 Medium Infantry

250 T3 Medium Infantry Veterans

4500 T1 Light Infantry

2400 T4 Light Archers

450 T3 Medium Cavalry

970 T2 Light Cavalry

6 Repeating Ballistae




Total Manpower Mobilised:



25 Adepts

3 Magi



Saved: 2700

Base: 3000

New Towns/Cities: 15,000

Econ Points: 6000

Pop: 13,500

Trade: 10,000

Ports: 5000

Merchant Guild: 12,000

Manufactories: 10000

Bog Silk: 3000

Enclaves: 20,000

Unit Upkeep: -5000

Veteran Upkeep: -1000


Total: 94,200


Total Funds: 94,200



  • 1000 T4 Light Archers [10,000]
  • Ashenport upgraded to a town.
  • Highhold upgraded to city Fortress Library. [15,000]
  • Skypeak upgraded to city Fortress Library. [15,000]
  • Farmland. [5000]
  • Manufactory x 3 [22,500]
  • Barracks x 3 [15,000]
  • Work continues on a Monastery at the Bastion. [10,000] (40k total of 100k)

1,700 saved

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Antigonid Dynasty



The small vessel rocked gently as the icy waves washed over its hull. Its Bow cut through the arctic water, brushing aside small icebergs, propelled by a chilling wind and the many oars from the lower deck. King Aegos stood up the deck, wrapped in layers of fur, gazing out into the misty waters ahead of him. Beside him, Alcides, the commander of his guard and one of the only men to set food in the land of Ulyadar stood.

“The ice is beginning to clear, We’ll be making landfall soon, your grace.” Alcides points out as he readjusts the sword on his hip


“Good, get the men ready. Have the boat stop. There must be prayer before we dock. The Great Titan continues to merely acknowledge my presence, I will not risk angering him..” The King says sharply as another  sharp gust win tears across the deck.


“At once, your Grace..” The man nods, turning to one of the other sailors on the deck, holding up his fist. After a quick nod, from the man, a horn sounds across the ship. The sail begins to close, and the oars fall silent.


“I hope Voleus’ summons to this place are exactly that, It would be unfortunate for us to have sailed this far north for nothing. Especially while banners raise to the south. Oh, and have the brazier lit…”


“Of course, your grace…”


The sun beat down harder than it had all week. Priam’s sword felt heavier than he could remember. All around him, the yard was filled with the sound of sparing men. From the walls, banners flying the Great Titan’s standard snapped in the wind. White pillars adorned in gold trim and religious symbols surrounded the courtyard on all sides, leading to the barracks, kitchens, as well as other facilities. The humid tropical air stuck to his skin like another layer of skin, and the heavy armor wasn’t helping. All Priam could do was think of how much he hated the local climate, he longed for the temperate plains and forests of elsewhere. He quickly wiped his face of sweat and moisture with his arm before raising his sword again as the man across from him raised his own, preparing to spar once more.


“There’s no time to dwell on the heat in the thick of battle, Priam. It is as annoying to you as it is to every other man in this courtyard.. Don’t think about it and it’s almost like you’re in the cooler lands of our ancestors..” The man across from him instructed as he slowly moved towards Priam, his sword readied.


“Yes, of course ser” Priam responded to the grizzled veteran as he blinked several times, clearing the sweat from his eyes. He tried to push the heat to the back of his mind and focus on what was about to ensue, but it was just unbearable. However, before he could dwell on it any longer, his instructor was upon him. The two swords clashed in a flurry of motion. Try as he might, he couldn’t break the old commander’s defense. His opponent’s sword seemed to be everywhere at once, to the point where it was almost spectacular that the old teacher could even move that fast. Priam’s awe turned to struggle as he was quickly forced onto the back foot. Within a matter of seconds, it was over… again. Several sharp cracks from the blade dented his training armor more than it already was, and sent him tumbling onto the dirt for the fifth time today.


“I don’t know what’s wrong with me as of late, sir” Priam stated as he rose up from the dirt, propping himself up with his blade. Once on his feet, he let out several hearty coughs, removing the unintentionally inhaled dust from his tired lungs. “Let’s go again” he states with an exhausted voice, readying his sword.


“You’ve had enough for now Priam. You must rest, and I’m tired. You think too much of the Archons’ judgement, and the battles to come.” The instructor stated calmly as he stuck his own training sword into the dirt and turned to the sheltered section of the yard. He climbed several steps and began to pour himself a large glass of water. He took a large drink before pouring a second glass and it extending to Priam as he followed the man.


“And the heat, sir” Priam replied with a small laugh that the old man returned. 


“Yes, the heat too” the old man laughed as he took another sip. He looked around the yard, examining the other soldiers, before starting yet another lecture “It is a great honor to serve as part of the Ley Touched, Priam. You should take more pride in your position. Your deeds bring great honor to both yourself, and your family. You will carry the Great Titan’s banners into the thick of battle. You know, your training will soon be complete. Your unit has shaped up to be one of my finests..”


“I have not forgotten that ser! The King honors me more than I deserve with this position. I intend to serve both his Grace and the Great Titan to the best of my abilities. Now, let’s go again!” Priam says eagerly as he drains the glass of water and returns to the ring, readying his sword again.


The veteran grumbled and set down his beverage as he descended the steps back into the yard. “Are you sure Priam?” The man jokes as he pulls the blade from the dirt.

“Of course” The young man smiles back, knowing full well that he was not ready to lose again, as he surely would...

“You’re sure this is even possible?”

“Yes, Leontius, I’m fairly certain. The Galaharian made many mentions of the bolts. He commented on their particularly destructive nature many times.. I see no reason to doubt them. Why would he lie about a battle he lost anyways? Even if he did, the concept is promising..”

“No doubt about that, I’ll agree there. However, Is it even possible? I wonder if Royal funds could be better spent elsewhere.”

“Just launch some exploratory research, It’s not like the dynasty is tight on funds in recent years anyways..”


Actions & Spending

Gross Income + Treasury: 121,500

Net Income: 114,500


Financial Actions:

-Dytikos is given full city status, as well as all the accompanying infrastructure. (15,000)

-1 Factory is constructed in Pelos (7,500)

-Routine farm expansion (5,000)

-Holy Legions finally begin to gather en Masse. 1500 Arcane Knights (Hvy Inf), 2000 Silver Legionnaires, and 1000 Royal Peltasts (Light Inf) flock to Holy banners. (56,000)

-12 Ballistae are constructed in various workshops, holds, and factories  throughout the Kingdom. (9,000)

-100 Ley Touched are raised to act as the Dynasty’s most elite and prestigious fighting force. (8000)

-On the King’s orders, offerings are still given while he is north. Additionally, offerings are purchased/made with whatever funds were brought along (7,500)

-The Scholar’s league is tasked with another exciting research project! (7,500)
-0 Gold remaining

Mod Actions:

-After the events of the previous year, the King’s worship continues, now emboldened... Aegos attempts to reach out to the Ancient One. He attempts to tap into the power buried deep within the earth, an attempt to communicate, to stir the Sleeping God... (7,500)

-After hearing of the great battle at the Field of Tears, The Scholar’s League is tasked with developing a new type of ammunition for the common Ballista. A bolt that could discharge a cloud of metal projectiles upon impact, like the one they heard of.. (7,500)

-Scouts under the guise of traders or diplomats are sent into Eadni territory to gather information about the size of the armies, their locations, the locations of forts, etc. Specific attention is paid to the strip of land along the coast suitable for marching discovered in 1514, ie. making sure its still open and not blocked by any fortifications

Edited by Krefarus
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The Royal Era of Aemer, A.E 423 (Year 1523)




i will not rp until eric is more frequent in his encounter responses 



Available Imperial Denarii (Gold): 93,500


[Building a Church in Nyria | 25000/25000]


[Building a Temple in Mineria | 15000/15000]


[Four additional Settlements constructed to ease the woes of the Numerian refugees | 20000/20000]


[Two units (1000) of Lyrian Sentinels | 12000/12000] 


[One unit (500) of Medium Cavalry, T3 | 8000/8000]


[One unit (500) of Medium Infantry, T3 | 4000/4000]


[Constructing 1 Manufactory within Lyria | 7500/7500]


Saving 2500



Leader: Aemyr V of House Namyr

Capital: Royal City of Lyria [Merchant Guild, Hermitage, x5 Manufactory, Church, x3 Farms]

Cities: Nyria [Merchant Guild, Church]

Tyria [Merchant Guild, Church, School]

Tyniria (+3k) [Merchant Guild, Temple]

Arris (+3k) [Merchant Guild] | OCCUPIED BY FOREIGN INTRUDERS |

Mineria (+3k) [Merchant Guild]

Aenyria (3k) [Merchant Guild, Church]


Towns: Grelderia (3k)

Nyniria (3k)

Qhoheria (3k)

Taelniria (3k)

Yaeliria (3k)




Fortress: Helmden


Current Projects: N/A


Population: 8,881,126 Total

700,000~ in Lyria

400,000~ in Tyria

300,000~ in Nyria

300,000~ in Mineria

400,000~ in Tyniria

300,000~ in Aenyria


6,500,000~ in rural regions




8 (3000) units of Heavy Infantry [All T3, Seasoned] 

2 (1000) units of Heavy Infantry [All T3]

1 (500) unit of Lyrian Sentinels [All T3, Seasoned] 

2 (1000) unit of Lyrian Sentinels [All T3]

??  (2750) units of Blackmarrow Heavy Infantry [T4] (No Upkeep)

?? (925) units of Blackmarrow Veteran Heavy Infantry [T4] (No Upkeep) 


15 (7500) units of Medium Infantry [All T3, Seasoned] 

1 (500) unit of Medium Infantry [All T3]


11 (6500) units of Light Infantry [All T3, Seasoned] 


7 (3500) units of Light Archers [Unique]


1 (500) unit of Light Cavalry 

9 (4500) units of Medium Cavalry [All T3, Seasoned] 

1 (unit) 500 of Medium Cavalry [All T3]


Total Infantry Count: 29,000 - ?? units | 32,675 - 58 units



33 Adepts, 4 Magi






Base Income: 3000g

Economic Points: 5000g

Town: 27000g [24000] (Tyniria, Arris, Mineria, Aenyria, Grelderia, Nyniria, Qhoheria, Taelniria, Yaeliria)

Population: 25500g

Trade: 2000g (Republic of Danwent, Empire of Bourdeleaux)

Merchants Guilds: 21000g [18,000] (Lyria, Tyria, Nyria, Tyniria, Arris, Mineria, Aenyria)

Manufactorie(s): 5000g (Lyria)

Treasury: 28500



Infantry: 10000 + 5500 (EXP) = 15,500

Fortress: 2000


Total: 93500

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Ruler: H.I.M. Emperor Adrian II

Government: Imperial Constitutional Monarchy

Population: ~ 18,280,541 next 19,560,179

Allies: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick

Trade Partners: Galaharian League, Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick, Kingdom of Helmedhi, Antigonids, Republic of Danwent, Hakkans, Princedoms of Volarucio, Aulem, House Blackmarrow, Trident


Emperor Adrian II, sat properly upon a chair at his study. He had been penning letters and stamping seals for a good portion of the morning. Light shone in from the large, stained glass windows at his flank. Many birds sang their songs, and he could hear the laughs and cries of children playing beneath, in the courtyard. He had been pent up in here for too long, out of his element. He grew restless, words struggling to come to his head as he mindlessly scrawled upon scrolls to various benefactors and nobles of the state. He heaved a sigh, clasping his hands together and slunk into his chair.


Opening again, he took note of his surroundings, a much needed break. He tapped the droplets of his quill into the inkwell and set it to rest. Opposite of him two sentries stood, emotionless and on guard, by the entrance. Surrounding him, were a series of books, scrolls, documents, manifests - all sorts, kept by his predecessors who sat where he was now. The study had brought him peace, and Adrian often retreated here in times of uncertainty, as if seeking the counsel of past Bourdelaic Emperors. Viewing himself largely self-made, he only stopped to think what his forefathers would’ve done on occasion.


Beyond the quarters of the study, the sound of bounding footsteps echoed. They approached, louder, and closer, until stopping just shy of the entrance. A voice or two, a quiet exchange, as the door opened, and entered a familiar face.


“Lord Theobald.” the Emperor smiled.


“Your Imperial Majesty.” he snapped a salute, returning to ease shortly after.


“I trust you are well.”


“Ah yes, we got out of the forest and back home, well enough.”


“Good, good. The situation there was most unfortunate. Though, I don’t hold it against you. I asked you to march into the unknown - a foreign land.”


“Mhm. We were immediately immersed by forest, and our supply lines under constant threat, striking from the woods before silents peeling back. We were out of our element.”


“I’m sure of that.” Adrian nods, “I have a new task for you, Theobald.”


“Of course, sir. What is it?”


“You’ll take our men north.”


“North, sir?”


“Yes. The time has come to take the war to the blight that is the hordes of Bulgar.”


“That so? What’s happened since I’ve gone?”


“Politik, my dear old friend. You’ll find that we are not alone in this fight… that Volarucio has been waging a war against the greenskin for some time now. And that the Galaharians among others have pledged aid to our mutual cause.”


“Excellent, then.”


“I suggest you grab a seat.” the Emperor gestured to the chair opposite, “I’m sure you already thought to have the Expeditionary Force recover, hm?”


“Aye, sir. They’re being fed and strengthened as we speak.”


“Good, I’ve all seen to it to raise an additional brigade for the northern campaign. We’ll need all the men we can spare...”




  • Souvois (15 Barracks, 1 Port, 1 Place of Worship, 1 Temple, 1 Merchant’s Guild)

  • Omignon (1 Port, 1 Merchant’s Guild)

  • Vascogne (1 Port, 1 Merchant’s Guild)

  • Senzia-by-the-Bay (1 Port, 1 Merchant’s Guild)

  • Alingavia (1 Port, 1 Merchant’s Guild)

  • Talouse (1 Port, 1 Merchant’s Guild)


TOWNS 19 24

  • Suttre-upon-the-Twins

  • Vispard

  • Adana

  • Frigia

  • Mennebor

  • Coutrinia

  • Rune

  • Verendelia

  • Plestiphor

  • Touvres

  • Benninbinges

  • Epsomme

  • Werdaux

  • Serridinia

  • Wetz

  • Lusignan

  • Gadebors

  • Alingavia

  • Talouse

  • Lassus

  • Vermont

  • Brevonnes

  • Moraviscourt

  • Venderval



  • Annecy

  • Valence

  • Vussel


FARMLANDS - 74 - 18,500,000






Income: 218,000g (Base - 3k, 6 Economy Pts - 6k, Pop - 54k, Resources - 6k, Merchant Guilds - 18k, Trade Partners - 10k, Ports - 30k, Cities/Towns - 87k, Incoming Caravels - 1k, Manufactories - 1k)

Upkeep: 18,000g (Army), 7,000g (Veterancy), 3,000g (Navy) =28,000g.

500 from treasury


[20,000g] Final Loan Payment to Galar

[25,000g] Constructing 5 Farms

[0g] Upgrading Annecy, Valence, Vussel, to Towns



[15,000g] Constructing 3 Settlements; Reynes, Pulle, Duvernay

[45,000g] Constructing Hermitage in Souvois


[14,000g] Recruiting 2 Units of T4 Crossbowmen

[16,500g] Recruiting 1 Unit of T4 Knights of Ogrun

[40,000g] Recruiting 5 Units of T4 Heavy Infantry

[10,000g] Recruiting 1 Unit of T4 Phoenix Guard

[6,000g] Recruitment 1 Unit of T4 Medium Infantry


[0g] After taking some time to recover, a combined army marches north along the Barrier in an invasion of the Lithborn.

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The Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick




Nation Stats






King Eonir the Great Stag


High Priestess Dycha 


Prince Aeleandor the Warden








Base: 7,000


Towns/Cities: 39,000


Population: 30,500


Trade: 6,000


Trade Caravels: 16,000


Manufactories: 13,000


Merchant Guilds: 24,000


Port: 3,000


Upkeep: -17,325


Total Before Upkeep: 138,500


Total After Upkeep: 121,175




Start: 131,050

End: 4,050


Trade Partners


Galaharian League

Empire of Bordeleaux

Kingdom of Hilmedhi

Kingdom of Bulgar

Republic of Danwent 

Fortress Libraries 


Cities, settlements and Fortresses


Talsyn (Capital), Population of City and Surrounding Area: 584,953 


Anmyr (City) Population of City and Surrounding Area: 593,953


The Midnight Anvil (Fortress) Garrison: 500 Light Archers


Modryn (City) Population of City and Surrounding Area: 585,500


Tal Silvoc (City) Population of City and Surrounding Area: 584,527


Tal Dovar (City) Population of City and Surrounding Area: 592,483


Glade of the Eternal Midnight (City) Population of City and Surrounding Area: 584,536


Tal Rarvyn (City) Population of City and Surrounding Area: 592,075


Tor Woyn (Town) Population of Settlement and Surrounding Area: 589,999


Tal Shavil (Town) Population of Settlement and Surrounding Area: 584,549


Elysria (Town) Population of Settlement and Surrounding Area: 584,549


Chrace (Town) Population of Settlement and Surrounding Area: 584,549


Calabor (Town) Population of Settlement and Surrounding Area: 584,549


Sheryn (Outpost) Population of Settlement and Surrounding Area: 500,000


Alewoyk (Outpost) Population of Settlement and Surrounding Area: 500,000


Tarvyn (Outpost) Population of Settlement and Surrounding Area: 500,000


Wolec (Outpost) Population of Settlement and Surrounding Area: 500,000


Glade of the New Dawn (City) Population of City and Surrounding Area: 1,000,000







Font of Life - 1% Population Growth


Temple x1

Church x2

Farms x35

Merchant Guilds x8

Manufactory x13


Trading Company x3

Barracks x10


National Idea


Guardians of the Forest: For Centuries the Fey peoples had watched over the Forest with careful vigil, many never ending their watch and opting to continue service in the Army of the Fey rather than retire to find a craft outside of Military pursuits. 20% Cost reduction on Veteran and Elite Cost, 10% reduction on upkeep costs for Veteran and Elites.




4,600 Greenthroat Riders (Medium Cavalry) T3 Equipment


400 Greenthroat Riders Veteran (Medium Cavalry) T3 Equipment


6,900 Greenthroat Guard (Medium Infantry/Archers), T2/T3 Equipment


180 Greenthroat Guard Elite (Medium Infantry/Archers), T3 Equipment


3,200 Heavy Infantry, T3 Equipment


175 Veteran Heavy Infantry, T3 Equipment


10,400 Light Infantry


3,000 Light Archers


200 Veteran Light Archers, T2 Equipment


12 Trade Caravels


23 Adepts


2 Magi


3 Mangonels


4 Ents


Military Equipment


Iron (T2): 8,450 Stored


Leather (T2): 750 Equipped


Steel (T3): 15,455 Equipped, 1,525 Stored


Detailed Military List








Within the great canopies of the Kingdom of Fyr-Darrick and its borders that stretch ever further West and North, with its destiny to eventually encompass the majority of the modern Greenthroat. The training fields outside the Capital of the vast forest Kingdom would be bustling with activity, the raising of troops for further campaigns with time now firmly on the side of the Fey. New heavy troops undergoing their training, supervised by the veterans of the Darkyrian Campaign, young Fey drawn from all over the territories and rural spaces of the Kingdom, many who’ve never seen armoured troops or even metal weaponry. 


The King himself observes from a distance, watching his army once more be raised as to march on crusade for the living and to expand and maintain the Greenthroat and restore it to what it once was. Elsewhere in the Greenthroat many settlements that had transformed into towns in the previous year get the support they need to become cities and consolidate the realm further, ensuring that no land is stolen by the outsiders and wrongfully exploited. The War in the Forest finally behind the Fey Kingdom, it could see to its expansion and growth in all areas to create an Empire in this world that could protect those living from the forces of ruination, undeath and sometimes even themselves.


Expenditure and actions


Five farms are constructed upon the newly acquired river from former Darkyria, now dubbed the Greenblood River. This is to ensure the continued growth of the  ever expanding population of Fyr-Darrick (25,000)


Four thousand Heavy Infantry are to be raised after the war to prepare for the campaign in the West. They will be equipped with Steel Equipment from that in storage and that which is newly forged. (42,000)


Four Outposts are given their town charters that allow them to consolidate in their area of control. (Free)


Four towns are consolidated into Cities. (60,000)

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T H E   M O R N I N G   K I N G D O M




8 Farms [40,000 Gold]

Port in Yonghai [13,500 Gold]

1 Unit T3 Heavenly Banners [9,500 Gold]

Investigating Coastal Statues [1,500 Gold]

Gift to Blackmarrow [1,500 Gold]


Morning Kingdom Statistics

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Victory over the Lithborn at the Bloody Mire.


A huge, crushing weight upon his chest, his throat burned under the aching bands of steel that closed around it, ruthlessly squeezing and squeezing the Boy's neck, desperate to wring his life from his body. The Boy's vision danced with spots and wandered wildly in an out of focus, his face going blue and then purple as the moment of his death grew ever closer. Then came a bang, a bang that rang through even the muddled, dull crackle that was the Boy's hearing, a bang that meant one thing to the Boy, even in his near dead state. It was the sound of the heavy wooden staff of a pontoon spear viciously striking a steel helmet, the sound of a man dazed and shocked, the sound of said pontoon being violently driven through the eye socket of a helm, followed by the death cry of a man - well, not a man but a Lithborn - who has died by means of six inches of steel being driven through his eye and into his brain.


Even the Boy, on the brink of death as he was, knew what this sound meant as he rolled onto his chest and wretch and choked for breath, trying to force the air into his starved lungs. The sound meant life. The Boy struggled to rise to his feet, weighed down by the heavy pikeman's chestplate he wore, and crashed back down onto the mud. The same man saved him a second time, by hooking his spare hand into the straps of the Boy's armour and dragging him bodily from the front ranks to the rear, to sit the Boy by the colour party, bearing the regimental flags. "Tha-" the boy's hoarse voice cracked, and he coughed painfully. "Than-" he croaked again, but still couldn't choke the words out. The man who had saved him, a sergeant judging by the pontoon, shook his head and grunted in an ill-natured fashion. "Don't try to talk." He snapped, before turning his back and watching the line, taking this chance to catch his breath before he had to delve back onto the fray to keep the formation ordered. "Stay with the colour party, boy, if all goes well we'll throw them back down this hill and you'll survive your first battle." With that, the Sergeant left the Boy on his backside, at the feet of another sergeant (who hauled him to his feet somewhat more gently and pushed the flag staff of the colours into his hands. "Thank you…" the Boy finally managed to whisper.




The rancid smell of marshy mud filled the nose of the Rodelero, blood smeared across his face, running down his chin, stemming from a gash above his eye, made by an overzealous Greenskin. The Rodelero, known as a somewhat angry man by all of his contemporaries, was rolling with the perpetrator of his wound, fighting with him in a muddy bed of roots, mud, blood and bodies, underneath the hundreds of pikes jabbing and thrusting above his head. Finally, with a practiced motion of his wrist, he drew out his dirk and slid it up, underneath the chin strap of the man with whom he fought, driving in the blade cruelly and deeply enough that he caught it off the side of the helmet, and it broke with an audible snap.


Blood ran down the Lithborn's neck, but be was still alive. Alive and fighting. The Rodelero, driven to pure blind fury by the heat of battle, grabbed a sharp stone, and killed the Greenskkn the hard way. The first blow merely scuffed the Rodelero's fingers, jarring them, as it collided with the helmet, but then he learned from.his mistake. Again he brought the stone down, using his other hand to tear off his opponent's helmet. Again he struck, and again, and again. The Lithborn's eye ruptured in its socket as the Rodelero slowly bludgeoned in his head. A blood vessel sprayed a careless jet of blood up and into the Rodelero's face, as he kept striking, and smashing and crushing. Finally, when he could no longer lift his arm, he rolled off to the side and lay in the mud, staring through the pikes to the sky and let the screams of battle wash over him.




Hooves, though impossible to hear over the cacophony of shouts, clashing, crashing and screaming, thundered along the ridge. The Rider, a young looking man with the sash of an officer, looked anxiously back over his shoulder, where the Tercio de Grandiz bulged dangerously, as its sergeants and officers desperately tried to hold the line against a swell of Lithborn forces, and the ent that ponderously smashed its way through the ranks of pikemen. The Rider forced his horse on hard, cresting the hill and seeking a figure of authority. He had hoped for a General - or perhaps even Prince August himself - instead he found himself stuck with a Colonel and a Major, who peered up at him on his horse curiously. “The Colonel Tejero sends his compliments, sir, and he requests reinforcements.” The Colonel glanced at the Major and the Major looked at the Colonel, before the Colonel spoke. “You may inform Colonel Tejero that Colonel de Vivar sends his own compliments, but we have been instructed to hold here in case the Tercio de Grandiz breaks.” The Rider shook his head frantically. “We need reinforcements now, sir, that thing is crushing us!”


Colonel de Vivar frowned, and stood silently for a moment. Finally he nodded and looked to his Major. “Find three hundred volunteers, and give them heavy axes.” The Major went off at a run, and de Vivar turned back to the Rider. “I can spare three hundred men, but I must preserve the reserve should your Tercio break - I have been ordered not to deploy except to charge. Three hundred men will have to do you.” de Vivar turned away as the Major jogged back down the hill, a line of three hundred men with axes at his back. He shook his head again, upset. This was to be a bloody day.




Finally, the dust settled, the men rested and cleaned their equipment, and the screams and moans of the dying cut off one by one, as men looted their ‘corpses’ for valuables. August de Hontiveros, exhausted, dusty and mud stained, sat silently in his pavilion drinking from a goblet of wine, as his generals and colonels debated and discussed. The Prince’s armour hung on its stand, and the Prince sat in the padded under clothes, listening, but voicing no opinion. Most, it seemed, advocated for a withdrawal to Toulagoza, to await the next Lithborn advance, and the next and the next. In other words, to continue repulsing the enemy until he made peace or he pulled through and crushed the Volaruci.


Of all the men present, only Diego Alatriste, Viscount de Palma and the most trusted of August’s Genérals de Brigade, called for the Army of the Volar to exploit its victory. And of all the advice, this was the advice August agreed with the most. He stood, setting down his goblet. “We will rest and reinforce the army. And then we will attack and drive the Lithborn from our soil.”


-The Tercio de el Maldito Fango and the Tercio de el Príncipe de Toulagoza are raised.

3 units of Volarucian Tercios (Medium Unique Infantry) – 10’500

2 units of Crossbowmen – 6’000

1 unit of Rodeleros (Light Infantry) – 1’000

All T3 equipment – 12’000

Total: 29’500 Gold



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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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