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[✗] CA Race Lore – Night Trolls


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Grouping C – Standard Creatures

Night Trolls


Art by Meb90/SuperMeb90 on Twitter




The will of a descendent is a fickle, unknowable thing, wavering with the day and hour, yet many times persistent both in life, and in death. It is the will and soul of a descendent which persists after death. It is through the persistence of the will that the a soul may be split after death, the will of the descendent so intrinsically tied to reality that it tears itself in two, a portion consigned to Ebrietas, and a portion consigned to reality,  as to continue its existence amongst the mortal plane. It is in this way, ghosts, apparitions, and gravens occur, not always by the meddling of mystics or necromancers, but by the will of the soul, unable to depart.


Yet, a soul, torn, yearns for completion. For truly, the will of a ghost or graven is controlled solely by a shadow of a soul, a thin pallid sliver of what it once was. Almost in the way of a natural crystal formation, a soul, if able, will begin reforming whatever it can from whatever suitable materials it may be provided. Alas, even if the latent mechanisms of a soul were able to be willed in its reformation, a soul shadow alone is yet too weak to siphon even a small mote from a being with a greater soul, even upon death, only gaining any semblance of completeness upon the loss of their will and fusing with other soul shadows  to become the conglomerate of broken minds known as an apparition.


A soul shadow may exist for years, decades, even centuries in its broken state, forming and de-manifesting for various reasons, neither gaining or losing soul essence. Yet, in a soul shadow’s de-manifested state, if not bound, it will waver throughout the air, travelling and blowing with the wind, (hence how gravens or ghosts may re-manifest in a place that they were not de-manifested at) which for the most part, aides the soul shadow little. Yet- in their windblown wanderings, the fragmented soul, ever rarely, may be blown upon a boon.


The souls of the animals who tread on the earth are stalwart in life, lesser souls they be, are still are strong and vigorous, yet upon their death, compared atleast to the greater soul of a mortal, are feeble, lacking the will and complexity to persist after death, the souls of most animals (for the most part) arc to the soulstream with no chance of reformation or resurrection. 




In the rare chance a soul shadow- blown on the wind like a invisible miasma, meets with the just departed soul of a suitably large animal’s dying breath, it will wrestle with, and consume the soul of the animal (Usually of a creature about the size of a deer, or larger, such as a cow, large pig, or  moose.). The process is unknown to the individual of the soul itself, the workings of soul-shadow more akin to a chemical reaction than a creature devouring another. The soul of the animal is split and torn by the soul shadow, and assimilated into itself. The soul shadow than rests in the corpse of the creature whose soul is now its own, and slowly reforms its physical form. Dissolving the organs of the deceased creature, the soul shadow reforms a physical body in the false womb that is the corpse. Yet, the body the soul reforms is twisted and abberrant, cobbled together from both the blueprint of the animal, and blueprint of the individual of whom the soul belongs to, it is almost more beast than it is man. Despite the variances of which an animal’s soul may provide, the same twisted shape is formed no matter. Whether be it cow, or bear, or yak, elk, or direwolf, the same wretched thing is grown.


In the course of only but a few days, a new, wicked body is formed, slowly, it gains consciousness, awakening in a dark slurry of dissolved animal organs and rotting flesh. It tears itself out’ve its decayed mother, flies and carrion birds its midwife, a new beastly creature is born. Covered in blood soaked black fur, and bearing glowing yellow eyes, the individual now is left with the wretched workings of a broken soul seeking completion. Not beast, but not man, it is a monster. A large brutish troll of twisted birth and twisted life, now no longer what it was, and cursed to be what no waking man would wish to be, it is a Night Troll.


(TLDR: A Night troll is made from the soul shadow of a yet unformed spectral, or de-manifested ghost or graven, with the soul of a recently deceased large animal, where it than forms a new body in the corpse of the creature. )



Physical Description



Art by Sonja.OK/Sonny.ok



A night troll is a creature between the height of 7 and a half, to 8 and a half feet tall, with the variance of weight being 350-460 pounds. They’re lithe and limber, with long arms, which hang nearly about to the creature’s knees, and have digitigrade legs. The hands of a night troll bear 5 fingers, and its feet bear 3 toes. Night trolls are covered nearly head to toe in short, soft fur, which ranges in coloration from dark grey to pitch black. The ears of a Night Troll are pointed and almost catlike, and covered in fur. Their eyes bear yellow irises, which glow a brilliant bright yellow, and bear wide, almost rectangular pupils, almost exactly like those which goats bear. A night troll’s mouth is filled with sharp teeth, with notably large fangs. Finally, Night trolls bear 2 tails that protrude from the base of their spine, usually slightly shorter than the night troll’s thigh, the tails are thin, with tufts of fur on the end, not dissimilar to a cow’s The exposed skin of a night troll is gray in color. Night Troll’s occasionally will bear horns upon their head, ranging from those of an oxe or ram, to the antlers of a deer. The horns of a night troll will fall off, and regrow (many times differently) at random, and there is no discernable pattern to said cycle. Night trolls may wear clothes over their furry bodies, given such has been tailored specifically for someone of their build, leg-shape, and size.


The face and hands are the only parts of the night troll that are not covered in fur, save for the top of the head,  (though occassionaly  the face, in the case of a beard) of the troll, which will grow hair dark black hair, occasionally bearing streaks of grey or white. The face of a night troll will bear nearly the exact same features of that of the descendant whose soul formed the creature, looking exactly like the dwarf, human, elf, or orc whose soul now lives in the twisted body, marred only by its glowing yellow eyes, and its large fangs.


A ***ht troll, no matter whether it is 7 or 8 feet tall, will bear strength just above that of an uruk, but only just. In a contest of strength, a night troll would win, though only by a very very small margin. 

The claws of a night troll, both on its hands and feet, are marginally sharp, yet are not sharp or strong enough to do much more than small scratches which barely puncture the skin. The jaw of a night troll is not much stronger than that of a regular descendent, though the teeth of a night troll will remain very sharp, and are capable of easily piercing skin and flesh, however, the fangs of a night troll secrete a odd clear blood coagulant, causing most wounds caused from troll bites to almost immediately scab over if not kept open by other means.. The 2 tails of the troll are weak, and can do little more than flick away flies. 


Night trolls do not sleep, and will only tire minorly from exertion, being quick to recuperate after a brief time sitting or laying down.. Though a night troll is capable of feeling restful relaxation, they’re entirely unable to loose consciousness due to exertion, and are unable to dream. A night troll is able to be knocked out by force, however, like a regular descendent, though like a normal descendent this is much more liable to damage the troll’s brain than give it any form of unconscious rest.


Night Trolls, like descendents, need to eat, and are able to eat all matter of things a normal descendent would be able to, though they bear a notable resistance to plagues, diseases, and other illnesses, allowing them to many times eat things that other descendents would reject as rotten or rancid. However, they notably are not effected by mind altering substances such as drugs or alcohol, being effectively immune to most mind altering effects.


Night Troll’s blood is pitch black, and notably sludge like, which significantly slows the rate by which a night troll would lose blood from a wound, taking roughly 3 times longer than an average descendent to bleed out. The innards of a Night Troll are significantly different to that of a standard descendent. The ears of a night troll are catlike, and will raise and lower both by que, or as a show of mood. Night Trolls bear 2 hearts (which both beat to a separate rhythm), though if one fails the night troll shall die, 2 separate stomachs, and a notable bundle of nerves just above the base of the troll’s 2 tails. This nerve bundle effectively asks as a vestigal brain for the lower body, though its presence does little more than allow the troll’s tails to be especially accurate when flicking flies away. Should this nerve bundle be damaged, the night troll would temporarily lose nearly all natural coordination for its lower body and legs, effectively crippling the creature.


The blood of a night troll bears no astra, despite the night troll having a semblance of a complete soul. Night troll’s are unable to utilize any form of magic, and even with command words, are unable to utilize any form of activatable magical enchantments, essentially acting as a magic deadzone. However, Night Trolls are entirely immune to the works of Mysticism, Blood Magic, Mental Magic, and Voidal Illusion, however are susceptible to every other magic. Druids are able to sense the presence of night trolls, almost exactly the same as animals, though they’re unable to be contacted through communion.


Night Trolls age slower than a human, yet faster than most orcs or dwarves. A night troll will begin weakening significantly at 500, with the maximum lifespan of 600 years after it is created.


Despite being a corrupted being, gold, while able to cut through the creature’s hide with supernatural ease, does not hurt a night troll to the touch, and may even be easily utilized by a night troll with little issue.


The glowing eyes of the night troll glow quite brightly, and shed off a soft light wherever the night troll is looking. If the night troll were to cover their eyes to the point that the glow would not be visible, the night troll would be unable to see. Likewise, their senses of sight, sound, smell, and taste, are not beyond that of a regular descendent, save for a minor increase in their ability to see in the dark. Night trolls heal at a rate ever so slightly slower than that of regular descendents.


The body of a night troll is flesh, and the night troll can be killed by any standard means that would kill a descendent.


Night Trolls lack genitalia, and bear no sexual drive. Needless to say, they’re unable to reproduce.



Art by Vectober

Mental Description



Night trolls are made from the soul shadow of a once living person mixed with that of an animal. As such, the night troll shall bear a great deal of memory from their once mortal descendent life, if not the vast majority of their living memories, however, if a night troll was at once point a ghost or graven beforehand, they have entirely lost all memory from such. Night Trolls are able to feel almost all emotions and feelings a descendent is able to, with the only exclusion being physical sexual desire/lust, of which they bear no ability to feel. Night trolls are able to be happy, sad, angry, depressed, elated, insane, disappointed, worrisome, scared, disgusted, self-conflicted, and every other natural emotion. They’re able to feel genuine love and affection, and are able to form close familial and romantic bonds with others, even descendents.


Night trolls, due to their violent rebirths, will usually be somewhat shocked of their own existence, their last memories being a fuzzy, detail-less, many times wildly inaccurate vision of their last moments alive. However, night trolls will be painfully aware of their own existence. They will fully see their own furry bodies and feel their twin tails move. They shall feel their own sharp fangs against their lips, and their ears flick and move.  When anger they shall not grumble, but roar or growl like a bear or a lion.


Night trolls bear an innate hunger for the blood of descendents. It is something they greatly enjoy, and it is a downright uncomparable euphoria to them, something that rejuvenates their senses and body, downright an addictive drug to them. Blood will be a common thought in the mind of a night troll, and it may even be something they wish to bring up in conversation commonly. A night troll is heavily motivated by descendent blood, and it would be something that if possible, a night troll would actively aim to procure. Even blood that has been departed from its host for days is still delicious beyond compare to a night troll. A night troll whom has not had blood in a long time will be genuinely irritable, with the concept of blood well on their mind and pervading their thoughts. However, ‘long time’ is relative. If a night troll is used to a portion of blood once ever 2 elven weeks, they’d begin getting irritable on the 3rd elven week. If a night troll is used to blood every single day, than a missed day may send them into hysterics.


Night trolls bear little of the innate senses of disgust descendents bear for the consuming of other descendents. There is a notable disconnect between a living person, and a corpse for a night troll. Where alive, it may’ve been someone a night troll cared for, when dead, it is little more than a sack of flesh to be utilized and exploited. As such, most night trolls will atleast show mild cannibalistic tendencies, if not downright embrace such. This coupled with their love of blood, gives them a tendency to have the flesh of descendents as their favorite food.





Art by Sonja.OK/Sonny.ok


Death, Resurrection, and Hunger for Blood:


Night Trolls, now being a creature with a ‘mostly’ complete soul, are subject to being revived at the Cloud Temple like any other normal descendent. However, due to the false bonds that form the creature, the soul of a night troll is liable to falling apart after death, the monks of the Cloud Temple Crypt only able to repair the creatures body, not its soul. The Night Troll, as this happens, would begin hungering for blood. Not the blood of animals or fish, but the blood of the descendents who tread on the world.


This ‘hunger’ is not infact for the blood itself (though a night troll will enjoy the taste of such,) but for the intrinsic ways by which a night troll goes about repairing its soul after it has been damaged due to death. Night Trolls must drink the fresh blood of a living descendent, as to form a latent siphoning connection with the descendent, as to steal a small portion of soul essence from the descendent to repair their own soul. A night troll must drink one liter of fresh blood (no more than one IRL hour after being removed from the descendent,) as to establish this connection. However, should the descendent die shortly there-after, the night troll shall gain no benefit, as such disrupts the soul-essence siphoning connection. Likewise, should the troll be stopped before drinking a full liter of blood, it shall also gain no benefit.


When a night troll drinks the blood of a descendent, it shall regenerate any wounds or injuries it has sustained, becoming completely whole. It shall feel euphoric to the troll, who shall feel a uncomparable wave of relief. This regeneration is unseen initially, the night troll basking in the taste of the blood, before eventually having its wounds heal almost immediately. The sound of flesh tearing itself together, and bone re-creating or re-mending itself becoming audible to those near the night troll. Even entire limbs may reform themselves in flashes of blood and cracks of bone.


Bizarrely, the ability to make these connections wavers, sometimes at random, sometimes for a defined reason. A night troll is not able to form a connection with anyone whom they were related to in life, this extends to parents, grandparents, brothers, cousins, children, and grandchildren, though many time, it shall simply fail for no known reason, the night troll drinking the blood, and gaining no benefit. (See Mechanics.)


For a Night troll to repair the equivalent damage caused from a death, it must drink the blood of 2 descendants. Should a night troll be killed repeatedly, its soul shall fall apart, with its descendent part permanently joining its other half in ebrietas.




-When a night troll is created, it has 3 lives. A night troll must drink the blood of 2 players by which to gain a life. When a Night Troll is killed (whether in an RP fight or a PVP fight) it shall loose a life. A night troll will not gain any benefit from drinkin the blood from the character of the same player account of whom they’ve drank from before for 3 months. (as to avoid overt gain from unprovable meta-gaming.) or any character within their family. This extends to parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins, children, and grandchildren.


-A night troll must drink a full liter or more of blood ot gain any benefit.


-A night troll may gain a total of 5 lives. If a night troll dies with no lives, it is a PK.


-If a night troll were to drink the blood of a person directly from a vein or artery, it would take 4 emotes. The first being the bite, and the next 3 being the drinking of the blood.


-The character whose blood has been drank from has to survive the encounter, and for the most part, be left to their own devices there-after as to be able to remember the encounter. If the character dies to an entire unrelated cause there-after, the night troll loses nothing. 


-Night Trolls shall regenerate from any and all wounds and malladies they have gained after drinking suitable blood.




-Cant drink the blood from a character of the same player for 3 months.


-Blood that has been removed from a descendent takes 3 emotes to drink, and is only utilizable to gain benefit from for 1 hour after it has been removed from the descendent.


-If a night troll is regenerating wounds from drinking blood, it will take 5 emotes AFTER the last drinking emote for the regenerative effects to begin, in which case the night troll shall be healed after an additional 3 emotes, hence making the total emotes for the drinking and healing to take place being 11 emotes.


-Any wounds gained after the first drinking emote shall not be healed.


-Person from whom the blood is drank from must survive the encounter.



Art by Meb90/SuperMeb90 on Twitter

Corrosive Hide:


The unnatural fur of a night troll bears a odd unseen corrosive miasma it exudes near anywhere it goes. Harmless, for the most part to mortals, it is destructive beyond compare to almost any metal it touches. Any metal that remains near a night troll for long shall begin to corrode. Iron based materials shall rust at an alarming rate, cuprous alloys shall be afflicted with bronze disease and crumble to a fine dust in a manner of days. Cobalt, aluminum, lead, etc, all begin to corrode to dust. The only metals being immune to this destructive hide is silver, nickel, antimony, and gold. Alas, yet, mixing with other metals shall not save any strength, for any alloy that is made up of less than 80% of either of the metals shall be afflicted by the corrosion, and rot away entirely. Metal armor and weapons on a night troll shall corrode into dust in the span of a day, the nails that hold a troll’s bed shall fail, and the iron hammer head on a tool hammer shall be pulverized. Even hafted items not directly in contact with a night troll, such as spears or rakes, shall be affected just as much as a necklace against a troll’s fuzzy chest.


This corrosion is limited only to that which remains right near the fur of the creature for a great deal of time. A armored knight shall not have any worry-some effect from the troll’s corrosion in battle, save unless they’re kept against the trolls body and arms as if in a hug for days.




-Night Troll’s fur will corrode nearly any metal put near it for any amount of time. This corrosion happens through clothes and applies to any metal items kept on the person of a night troll. This effectively means a night troll cannot use standard arms or armor made from metal, save for items made out’ve silver, nickel, antimony, or gold


-After 15 minutes of wear, any metal a night troll holds will begin to corrode/rust. After 30 minutes the entirety of any metal a night troll holds will begin to irrevocably corrode. After 1 hour any metal the night troll has on their person will have crumbled to an irrecoverable dust.


-If a metal item is taken by a night troll during combat, the ‘minute’ timer shall be turned to emotes, 15 minutes shall become 15 emotes before the effect begins, 30 minutes becomes 30 emotes, etc.


Red Lines:


-This ability only applies to items that are on, or in use by a night troll for an extended amount of time. 


-This ability effectively inhibits the use of armor, or standard metal weapons by use by a night troll.


-This ability cannot be used offensively, and only applies to items directly on the night troll.

Purpose (OOC)


This is probably going to be a bit rambly, so pardon, I just have alot to say on the matter.

Ok. I very much love creatures in video-games. It is a point of mine to read up on nearly every single enemy page in every single video-game I play. I will many times leave monsters alive in rpgs, just to watch how they move and function. I love reading about the lore of interesting monsters and creatures in mmos and video-games, nearly to the point I like the monsters significantly more than the playable races. That said- 

I really hate almost every single non-race ‘CA’ creature on LOTC. So I wrote this one to be what I think would be truly fun and interesting for myself, and others to play.

Creatures on LOTC have been one of the biggest causes of frustration and annoyance on LOTC to me, and I despise that. There have been so many interesting and unique creatures added to LOTC with oodles upon oodles of interesting lore that just come out to the exact same few things every single time, and that give the exact same frustrations, time and time again. May I be exclusive in this thought and ideology? Probably. Do I still think its an issue? Yes. Creatures to me can be so unfathomably interesting, yet LOTC ones always fall to the same few problems that kill almost anything interesting about them. Every other new piece of lore has the exact same issues and its nearly drove me nuts. I made this lore because I want to make something interesting that encompasses what I believe to be a great creature. Strong aesthetic, unique mechanics, and interesting new perspective. 

I wrote up my problems I have with most of LOTC’s creatures (both current, and recent past) but such became too rambly too quickly. So I shall simply say this lore addresses most of what I despise. 

I will simply say it is important that there is a creature that is able to be fully emotionally complex, undeniably a monster with what is stereotypically considered monster like tendencies, yet unable to disguise. I likewise think its even more important that with all the interesting benefits and drawbacks, and a chance to play a fully corporeal and fully emotionally there PK’d character, that a creature like this is to have a genuine drawbacks and a fear of death.

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Are you trolling me right now

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We already have enough furry things running around

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Guess Wildlings weren't enough

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this post brought to you by dollar shave club. shave time. shave money. discount code “nighttrolls” at checkout for 10% off your first order

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Ok so, personally I’m not a big fan. You’re essentially creating a creature that’s immune to many forms of magic and deception that anyone can make a CA for. Not to mention these creatures have a ridiculous stamina, possesses the strength of an orc, and regenerate all wounds after drinking blood. I feel this is a race that will be heavily power gamed and abused. Besides, anyone can avoid this PK clause with two brain cells. Overall, not a creature we need on LOTC. 

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It’s a creature that drinks blood and is inherently villainous but revives at ct. interesting. 

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2 hours ago, PunPal said:

Ok so, personally I’m not a big fan. You’re essentially creating a creature that’s immune to many forms of magic and deception that anyone can make a CA for. Not to mention these creatures have a ridiculous stamina, possesses the strength of an orc, and regenerate all wounds after drinking blood. I feel this is a race that will be heavily power gamed and abused. Besides, anyone can avoid this PK clause with two brain cells. Overall, not a creature we need on LOTC. 


On the surface level, I would agree. It is a very strong creature.  It is tireless and stronger than an orc, and bears an ability to heal its wounds. However, I do believe its drawbacks (being unable to use most conventional arms and weaponry, death bearing significantly more issues for them, alongside standard weakness to gold) make it balanced. One may be strong, but they shall still be a match, if not directly outmatched by your average man in armor with a blade.  The efficacy of proper weapons and armor in combat should not be under-estimated, and lacking such can make many encounters entirely one sided. This coupled with its almost inability to disguise itself lends that it will be in consistent danger- should the creature not be thoughtful about how they go about their business, which shall become an issue given their limited lives, and their means or procuring more. Likewise, their need for their host to go off alive is a insane drawback I dont believe most truely recognize. Every single time these creatures take the blood of a unwilling descendant, they now bear a herald of their evil, and people seeking revenge.  


The healing of the blood I wrote as to ensure it would be difficult for the night troll to gain any viable benefit of such during combat, though possible, it would be extremely difficult.


The immunity to certain magics to me is fair. Deception is well possible, but those aiming to deceive the creature must be clever about such, not simply have a magical illusion to try and trick the creature.  This likewise gives the creature some form of utility in co-operation with others, given certain magical immunities and the ability to see through illusions can be quite potent in many situations, though not common enough as to have the ability be considered a massive boon in most situations.


I did my best to write out each part with full understanding of what every trait would entail, and I encourage those who read the lore to consider what each trait would lead to.



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