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[✗] [Magic Lore] – Water Evocation


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Water Evocation like the other evocation comes from the earliest Descendant mages wishing to harness the elements for their own. Through experimentation and trials, these early mages connected with the void to draw the very element into the world which they could control with their mana. These false elements gave these Descendants power to influence and manipulate the world through voidal powers.


Magic Explanation

Water evocation as the name suggests is the art of drawing the element of water from the void by creating it in the void first and then tugging it through the veil with mana. Once water has been drawn from this plane, it can be shaped as the mage desires and sees fit. Water is particularly interesting because it can take on the three states of matter, gas, liquid, and solid. Ice, fog, and mist manipulation is very much possible with water evocation. As a result, water evocation is a versatile and creative art that mages harness for a variety of purposes. Water Evocation is however, somewhat more defensive than other evocations.

  • Water Evocation takes up [1] Magic Slot, it is not a feat. 
  • Water Evocation requires a stable connection to the void and ample mana to cast. 
  • Water Evocation is of the subclass Evocation under the class of Voidal Magic. 
  • Water Evocation can be learned from those who possess a [TA] in the magic.
  • Water Evocation users must have a valid [MA] to use it in-game.


Casting Water Evocation

Like most other evocations, Water Evocation is cast by first connecting with the void. This connection is established under the guidance of a teacher. Once this connection has been established, the mage must connect with this otherworldly plane and use it to create the element in the void first. Using their understanding of the element’s properties, they can form the element in the void and then tug it through the veil using their mana. Once it is in the void, it can be shaped to the mage’s will using their mana and skills (spells).


Learning Water Evocation

Learning water evocation is like the other evocations, a fairly standard process. This process follows a teacher, as learning this magic fundamentally requires knowledge and instruction. With the help of a teacher, the mage establishes their first voidal connection which they improve on calling upon over time. This connection provides the mage with the ability to cast water forward, by visualizing it in the void and tugging it through the veil. Teachers help the mage learn different spells and techniques. However to even cast water forward, the student mage must understand water. As a result, learning time is dedicated towards instructing the mage with what the properties of water are. Water Evocation is learned under basic progression times.


Properties of Water

Water knows many different faces and states. As such, it is commonly called the element of change. The evocational magic does not stray from this definition, for water evocation is capable of evoking water in a myriad of different states. Generally speaking, these are some general properties of water. 

  • Water can assume a form of solid, liquid, or gas, depending on the spell used. These different states can be in different temperatures
  • Snow is also possible to evoke. 
  • Evoked water can only be pure water, it cannot contain any other materials, such would require other evocations. 
  • Shaping ice is difficult and will take some time. 
  • Water naturally flows freely, as such ice is harder to evoke than water. 
  • Evocation Water cannot replenish thirst, for once it leaves the line of sight it vanishes, essentially making you drink nothing if you try and drink it.
  • Water can be pressurized and used to deal impactful blows
  • Ice can be formed to launch solid projectiles and walls.
  • Mist and fog can be formed to douse fires and obscure a battlefield for a time.


Spells and Abilities

Water evocation like all magics knows a certain list of spells. These spells are effectively the ability list for the magic, for each spell describes the do’s and don’ts of the magic as well as the unique mechanics for each individual technique. While water evocation is powerful, it is considerably a more defensive magic than other evocations. 


Simple Water [Non-Combat]
This spell allows the mage to draw upon small amounts of water, for utility purposes. The mage can evoke water for utility in any of the three states, being mist or fog, ice, or simple water. These evocations can be used for a variety of purposes, forming ice sculptures, or cleaning clothing or creating mist to douse a fire. The possibilities are much more freeform here than the other spells.




  • This spell takes two emotes to cast.
  • Since this spell is intended for utility, water can be evoked in any state and in a variety of temperatures provided it is not harmful and cannot be used in combat.
  • Water can be evoked as mist, fog, ice (snow even), or standard water.
  • This spell allows the mage to evoke a large enough amount of mist to douse a fire if they need to.
  • This spell also can potentially be summoned as rain. The possibilities are open.

Red Lines:

  • Cannot use this spell in combat.


Water Bolt [Combat]
Water Bolt allows the mage to construct a small apple sized amount of water, and pressurize it. The mage can also make multiple water bolts if they are more skilled. These bolts can then be launched at people with reasonable impact, causing a bit of pain and distraction. These bolts if launched in succession may cause someone to pass out. 




  • This spell takes two emotes to cast (1-3 bolts), three (Tier 3+) emotes if conjuring 4-5 bolts.
  • Water Bolts are pressurized and deal impactful damage on the impact. Bolts will distract and feel much like a baseball upon impact. They are lightweight projectiles however, moving at the speed of an arrow. 
  • Water Bolts cause a target to be pushed back a few meters (1-3m) at most. 
  • Water Bolts are capable of distracting and annoying a target. 
  • Bolts can be summoned in an upwards of 5, depending on the Tier and emotes dedicated to the spell. 
  • Bolts are lightweight and cause a minor amount of pain on the target once they make an impact. They also return to the void after impact.

Red Lines:

  • Bolts cannot be used to knock a target out.
  • Bolts are small and lightweight and cannot inflict a great deal of damage other than stinging pain and minor knockback. 


Water Veil and Ice Wall [Combat]
The veil spell of Water Evocation allows the mage to call forth a shrouding dome of water in front of them, they can then use this shroud of water to protect themselves against fiery attacks, rendering fire evocation fireballs absolutely null. Additionally, the mage can also call forth this spell in the form of an Ice Wall if they are more skilled. However, the Ice Wall is vulnerable to fire evocation, as it can melt the ice. If the ice is melted, it returns to the void.




  • This spell takes two emotes to cast if using the Water Veil variant. 
  • This spell takes three emotes to cast if using the Ice Wall variant. 
  • Water Veil:
    • Water Veil protects the user against fiery attacks or attacks that can be blocked with water as a natural element. It creates a semicircular dome in front of the mage in their line of sight, this dome is approximately 3m in radius, and can be used to protect friends from similar damage.
    • Water Veil is countered by physical projectiles like arrows being able to breach the veil quite easily.
  • Ice Wall:
    • Ice Wall protects the user from concussive and physical damage, such as arrows and physical projectiles. Ice Wall takes on a 3x3 area and is shaped very similarly to Water Veil. To cast Ice Wall, one must first form the Water Veil and then use an extra emote solidifying it into ice.  
    • Ice Wall is countered by fire, launching fire at this wall will cause it to melt very quickly, returning into water which cannot be sustained and then is sent back to the void, requiring another recast. You cannot reuse the water. 
    • Ice Wall can sustain 5 concussive hits before it shatters and returns to the void. 
  • Ice Wall and Water Veil can both be maintained for a maximum of 8 emotes.

Red Lines:

  • Must pick an appropriate variant for the appropriate situation. As stated, Water Veil defends against fire, Ice Wall defends against physical projectiles. 
  • Must consider that Ice Wall has a finite durability, Water Veil, on the other hand is not physical, so it does not need a durability count. 


Fog and Mist [Combat]
Fog allows the mage to call forth a large amount of fog which can obscure a battlefield. Since fog is composed of water particles, the mage can call this fog and make it very thick. This causes vision in the battlefield to be obscured, only with vague silhouettes being able to be seen. Alternatively, mages can evoke mist instead, which is suspended air particles but is more visible. Mist is useful for dousing fires, whereas fog is useful for obscuring a battlefield. 




  • This spell takes three emotes to cast. 
  • Fog allows the mage to cover an 5x5 area in completely thick and heavy fog. This fog cannot be seen through, only vague silhouettes and lights. Fog will essentially cause a great deal of confusion on the battlefield. 
  • Mist on the other hand is a variant of Fog, by calling forth suspended air particles the mage can instead create a field where the water is much more evident, this is more visible than fog, able to be seen through with ease. However, mist is extremely useful for dousing fires. 
  • Fog or Mist can be countered by shining lights, improving visibility in both situations slightly. However this obviously excludes torches for mist. 
  • Both variants cover a 5x5 area.

Red Lines:

  • Cannot completely blackout vision in both cases, fog only creates obscure silhouettes where as mist does not block vision nearly to the level of fog, and can be seen through but is useful for dousing fires. 


Ice Shard [Combat]
The Ice Shard ability allows the mage to call forth two shards at maximum of ice from the void, shaped in the form of spikes. These shards are allowed to be launched at targets, digging into the flesh of these targets before momentarily shattering after and returning to the void. 




  • This spell takes three emotes to cast.
  • Ice Shard can summon two shards at maximum, these shards are shaped like spikes which can be launched at targets. 
  • Ice Shards travel at the speed of an arrow.
  • Ice Shards can be countered with a physical shield, as they are fragile they will easily shatter. They also can be countered by dodging them much like how one would dodge an arrow. 
  • If one of the Ice Shard hits a skin portion, they typically will dig into flesh about 1-2 inches. This will cause a great deal of bleeding at the site in most cases, unless they are protected. 
  • Launching an ice shard at someone’s head may cause them to be knocked out upon impact, but due to the thickness of a skull, it cannot cause major damage or kill. 
  • Launching an ice shard at a throat to potentially kill a target would require a greater deal of focus, adding an emote to the charge up time. It is also very possible the shard would miss. If said shard hits, someone will need immediate medical attention in order to be nursed back to health. 

Red Lines:

  • Ice Shards do not travel faster than an arrow. 
  • Ice Shards cannot kill targets, even at the throat, they will at most cause the target to require immediate medical attention if launched in critical regions. 
  • Ice Shards shatter directly after impact, unable to be reused. 


Frozen Binding [Combat] 
Frozen Binding allows the mage to send a small amount of water at a target’s feet, the water will then promptly freeze upon reaching the feet. The frozen water will then bind to the ground underneath, locking the target in place for a certain amount of time.




  • This spell takes three emotes to cast.
  • Frozen Binding sends a small amount of water at the target’s feet, promptly then after freezing into ice and then freezing the target in place at their feet.
  • Frozen Binding can be countered by fire or melting the ice around the feet.
  • The target cannot reach their own feet unless they are equipped with a sword, then using the weapon on the ice can possibly destroy it.
  • 2 (2 emotes) blunt hits are required to shatter the bindings, and release the target if fire cannot be accessed which will melt it immediately.
  • Frozen Bindings lasts for six emotes if not melted or countered. 

Red Lines: 

  • Frozen Bindings must have an opportunity to be countered in some way. Targets also cannot be held forever. Once they have been countered, they shatter into the void and cannot be reused. 


Frozen Coating [Combat]
Frozen Coating is a quick usage spell that allows the mage to send a splash of water over a small radius of ground and then promptly freeze it into ice. This causes running attackers to slip and fall, those standing still however may need to refocus their balance to not fall. Frozen Coating can also double as a miniature skating rink.




  • This spell takes two emotes to cast.
  • Frozen Coating quickly sends out a small waving splash of water about 6m in front of the mage and spreads about 4m (meaning a total area of 6x4m). This area then is promptly frozen by the mage.
  • Those running while frozen coating freezes will promptly fall over on the slippery ice due to a lack of friction.
  • Those walking or standing still while it freezes over will need to balance themselves to remain standing, but will slow them down greatly to do this. 
  • Frozen Coating is best used for deterring oncoming attackers.
  • Frozen Coating can be countered by moving out of the way of the slippery ice, or slowing down and safely moving across the ice.
  • Frozen Coating can be held up for 5 emotes. Once someone has gained balance as well, such as a standing person, they may then skate across the ice and keep their balance thereafter. Though bluntly running, will not work as well. 

Red Lines:

  • Cannot instantly freeze the water. It takes one emote to summon the water and then another to freeze it. 
  • Individuals who fall over will inflict damage upon themselves proportional to their weight, if the individual is very heavy the damage would be parallel to if they were to fall over normally. This ice is not harder than concrete. 


Water Torrent [Combat]
This spell is one of the most powerful forms of water evocation. Water Torrent allows the mage to evoke a large swirling mass of water which can then be hurled either as a pressurized cannon towards a single enemy, or as a giant wave to knock multiple people backwards a great deal. Water Torrent is the most damaging spell blunt wise of the water evocationist’s arsenal.




  • This spell takes four emotes to cast.
  • Water Torrent summons a large mass of water. And this mass of water can be projected in one of two different forms.
  • Water Cannon:
    • This form allows the mage to launch a single pressurized beam of water at someone. Using pressure, this water is hurled directly at a single enemy and inflicts a great deal of pain. Water Cannon’s pressure is so great that it will cause cuts in flesh and bleeding, and it will most certainly completely knock an enemy out if aimed at the head. Water Cannon pushes this particular enemy back 10-12 meters. Water Cannon can be countered by wearing protective gear, thus mitigating the impact (not the knockback however).
    • Water Cannon can be channeled for an upwards of 3 emotes. 
    • Water Cannon is comparable to an Arcanist’s beam. 
  • Wave:
    • This allows the mage to gather the water together and push forward a powerful wave in front of them spanning a length of 10 meters and width of 4 meters. Anyone caught in this zone in front of the mage is buffeted with powerful waves, being knocked back 8-10 meters. This is a powerful knockback spell and is akin to being hit with the force of a tsunami. 
    • Wave can be channeled for an upwards of 3 emotes, causing a constant stream of waves to knockback anyone who enters the area. 
  • These spells can be countered by using a physical block like a shield, to mitigate the impact but not the knockback.

Red Lines:

  • Both variants of Water Torrent are incapable of drowning an enemy, only incapacitating them at the very most. These are mostly knockback spells used to push an enemy backwards.


Ice Storm [Combat]
Ice storm is a spell that does very similarly to what the name suggests. This spell allows the skilled water evocationist to conjure forth a flurry of golf-ball sized hail shards from the void and launch it in one direction at a single zone. This causes those in the zone to experience a large amount of hail crashing against them. This will cause pain and likely deter attackers from getting any closer to the mage. These hail shards can cause minor cuts and scrapes. 




  • This spell takes three emotes to cast.
  • Ice Storm summons a large amount of hail which is then launched like a constant stream of hail shards at a specific target zone.
  • This target zone is affected in a 3m wide and 6 long range. In this range those caught inside will feel hail buffeting them from the angle of the mage. 
  • The hail from Ice Storm is channeled, meaning a constant stream of hail is launched at an enemy.
  • Ice Storm can be channeled for an upwards of four emotes.
  • Ice Storm can be countered by using shields and armour to protect from impact.
  • Individual Hail Shards shatter on impact and return to the void. 
  • ice Storm can affect multiple people. 
  • Snow can be summoned in place of Hail, or Water can be summoned in place of Hail, but the impact on the targets will be much weaker. For the snow variant, think of it like a minor flurry, and for the water variant think of it as a stream of rain launched in the x direction. 

Red Lines:

  • Cannot summon a real “Ice Storm,” much like a blizzard. Instead, Hail is summoned. 


Shard Barrage [Combat]
Shard Barrage calls forth a multitude of ice shards (similar to the ice shard spell) and launches them at a single target. This barrage of ice shards causes the target to be weakened extremely, possibly bringing them to the brink of death should the mage properly aim each shard. Upon impact each shard digs into the target’s flesh, causing deep bleeding. Shards however shatter upon impact individually. Shard Barrage is a very offensive spell that can cause large damage. 




  • This spell takes five emotes to cast.
  • Shard Barrage summons 8 Ice Shards (similar to the Ice Shard spell) as opposed to one. 
  • These shards will then float around the mage and will be ready to launch at a particular single target, as this spell can only affect one target.
  • Shard Barrage sends all 8 summoned ice shards at a particular target. Should the target be unable to dodge some of them, they may be killed due to the heavy bleeding and blood loss lest they have immediate treatment. 
  • Shards hit with high impact, digging into flesh to cause heavy bleeding, however after this is done they shatter and return to the void unable to be used again. 
  • Shards travel at the speed of an arrow. They can be vaguely dodged, but getting hit with one will make dodging the next a lot harder.
  • If the mage can successfully land 6 impacts on the target, the target will be brought to the brink of death from the bleeding, 8 will kill the target if unprotected.
  • Armour and shields can counter this spell very effectively since the shards cannot penetrate hard material.
  • Mages can hold numerous shards in the air and launch only 1-3 but must ultimately launch all of them in a 5 emote window before they shatter

Red Lines:

  • Shards from this spell cannot be reused.
  • Summoning shards with this spell is painfully obvious and cannot be hidden due to the shards hanging around the mage in the air. 


Red Lines

Water Evocation like most of the evocations and magics, has a set list of red lines. These are universal lines which are not to be crossed at any point while using the magic. Crossing these red lines is grounds for powergaming and lorebreaking. As a result, these red lines are universal to the whole of water evocation and do not apply to simply a few particular spells.

  • Must evoke water only in the Line of Sight. Surpassing this limit causes the water evoked to return to the void immediately.
  • Water can only be evoked temporarily, as such it cannot be used to drown people, or replenish thirst. 
  • Keeping summoned water in existence is physically taxing on the mage and proper exhaustion must be roleplayed. 
  • Ice is harder to evoke than liquid water. 
  • Water summoned must be pure water, without any other components like salt in it. 
  • Water and ice are also not naturally blue, it is clear and should be roleplayed as such
  • Water Evocation is seldom lethal, it is primarily a defensive magic. Though this doesn’t mean it can’t be used as an aid to kill someone.


Tier Progression

Water Evocation like many other magics follows a tier progressional system. This system defines the do’s and don’ts for the various different skill levels of the magic, as learning water evocation is a process like many other magics. Each different Tier has access to unique and interesting arrays of spells which gradually increase as the mage grows stronger and learns more.  Water Evo follows standard progressional times.


Tier 1: Novice
Novices are just beginning their water evocation journey. They are just beginning to establish their void connection and their magic is primarily academic at this point, studying and understanding water to the best of their ability. As such they can only do utility spells.




  • Simple Water [Non-Combat]


  • N/A


  • Primarily limited by such a small mana pool, even summoning small amounts of water is very taxing for this new mage.


Tier 2: Student
Students are more formidable than novices, able to access more methods with a slightly larger mana pool. Student mages are able to participate in more water evocation techniques, though they are still learning the craft.




  • Simple Water
  • Water Bolt


  • Simple Water becomes much easier to cast.


  • Still limited by such a small mana pool, students can summon larger amounts of water without feeling exhausted, but will still find even simple spells tiring.


Tier 3: Adept
Adepts are becoming very competent, they are considered to be the “average” users of Water Evocation. Adepts know a good variety of techniques which can be applied in a variety of situations. 




  • Simple Water
  • Water Bolt
  • Water Veil/Ice Wall
  • Fog/Mist
  • Ice Shard
  • Frozen Coating


  • Water Bolt and Simple Water becomes much easier, now having mastered these spells and being able to perform them much better.


  • Adepts have an average mana pool. They can cast a reasonable amount of water without feeling exhausted. 
  • Adepts are just learning these new techniques, as such they will struggle slightly before being able to perfect them, namely being the newly learned techniques.


Tier 4: Expert
Experts have learned all of the techniques of water evocation. They are quite powerful for their skill level and have a very good grasp on the fundamentals of the magic. Able to cast with greater mana pools, they are exhausted less than adepts. 




  • Simple Water
  • Water Bolt
  • Water Veil/Ice Wall
  • Fog/Mist
  • Ice Shard
  • Frozen Coating
  • Water Torrent
  • Ice Storm


  • A good majority of the skills and techniques barring Torrent are easier for the Expert now. 


  • Experts have an above average mana pool, meaning they can cast magic without feeling exhausted to the point an adept would. This doesn't mean they are immune from exhaustion however.
  • Experts will need some time to perfect torrent.


Tier 5: Master
Masters have mastered all of water evocation. They are exceptionally skilled, with no more spells to learn and a reasonable amount of time devoted towards perfecting these techniques, masters are considered the creme de la creme of those in the tier system. 




  • Simple Water
  • Water Bolt
  • Water Veil/Ice Wall
  • Fog/Mist
  • Ice Shard
  • Frozen Coating
  • Water Torrent
  • Ice Storm
  • Shard Barrage


  • Masters seldom have a difficult time casting any spell in the water evo arsenal. Though practice always makes perfect.


  • Masters have a great mana pool, though this is still finite. Masters will always face exhaustion, though casting spells now becomes less tiring than say an Expert.


Purpose (OOC)

I wrote this piece of Lore to satisfy the criteria of getting all the evocations done and ironed out. This is to provide a legible draft for the lore games. If there are comments I am open to such, let me know how this can be improved.


Citations (OOC)

I cite my own knowledge mostly of Evocation since all I could find on the forums was a guide for this magic as well as those who have added their opinions and feedback (comments) regarding the magic. Below is the link to the guide.






Written by ZythusRequiem

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It’s just so satisfying since you use all the same clean formats, but change the font and colouring

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Water Torrent [Combat]
This spell is one of the most powerful forms of water evocation. Water Torrent allows the mage to evoke a large swirling mass of water which can then be hurled either as a pressurized cannon towards a single enemy, or as a giant wave to knock multiple people backwards a great deal. Water Torrent is the most damaging spell blunt wise of the water evocationist’s arsenal.



My child, thank you for keeping my child


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4 hours ago, LorelessPuddleMancer said:

Water Torrent [Combat]
This spell is one of the most powerful forms of water evocation. Water Torrent allows the mage to evoke a large swirling mass of water which can then be hurled either as a pressurized cannon towards a single enemy, or as a giant wave to knock multiple people backwards a great deal. Water Torrent is the most damaging spell blunt wise of the water evocationist’s arsenal.



My child, thank you for keeping my child


sniff sniff



smells like powergaming

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As a water evocationist, I approve of this man’s writing! +1

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sorry what was that shamanism did you say something about powergaming

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2 hours ago, Lackless_ said:

Giant. Lower it to like five or six, esp for 3 emotes


It is a non-damaging spell. Meaning a mage is spending 3 turns to cast something that isn’t even registered on the lethality scale. 3 emotes seems fair to me. 

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On 10/23/2019 at 8:11 AM, ZythusRequiem said:

Shard Barrage [Combat]
Shard Barrage calls forth a multitude of ice shards (similar to the ice shard spell) and launches them at a single target. This barrage of ice shards causes the target to be weakened extremely, possibly bringing them to the brink of death should the mage properly aim each shard. Upon impact each shard digs into the target’s flesh, causing deep bleeding. Shards however shatter upon impact individually. Shard Barrage is a very offensive spell that can cause large damage. 

as a previous holder of such magic, and still a teacher. I give a hmmm/10 to this spell

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Thank you for submitting your Lore Games draft! You will receive input on what needs to be fixed within the next 2 or so weeks.

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This lore has been denied. You will be sent a forum PM regarding the reasons for denial within the next 24 hours. I apologize in advance for the delay, things are rather hectic at the moment as most people have had finals.

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