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Admin Update


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I’m not sure if it has been mentioned, but I wanted to say that the people mentioned in the threads are currently banned.

In addition, I apologize about the section that said we would punish a post looking for justice—that is not the case. I believe those who have posted have done so out of goodwill.

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46 minutes ago, Kaelan said:

Oblivion literally admitted in those screenshots that that he was soliciting a 16 year old for cyber.


50 minutes ago, JoelTheGinger said:

I also believe Jandy extracted an admittance from Sky, which he shared in one of the previous threads. Do with that what you will.

Both of the reports you see as “in question” are targeting players who have admitted to the acts.

7 minutes ago, JoelTheGinger said:

There is your confession from the offender. Is that STILL not enough for you?


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45 minutes ago, Nectorist said:

ah yes. people who try to expose disgusting individuals who prey on other members on the server are just doing it for the rep or are trying to incite a mob. nobody does it because it’s been shown that the admins will never handle these things when they’re reported privately, nobody does it because they genuinely care about the server and all of the young people on it, nobody does it because they believe it is the morally right thing to do, we all just do it because we’re inherently selfish individuals who just seek to gain internet glory.


im happy to know you all hold the members of this community in such a high regard

edit: “I want to make it clear right now, we aren’t tolerating that kind of attitude. Trying to force verdicts by taking things “public”, like you did with the Pun thread, isn’t going to fly.” -Flamboyant to Knox, 2k19.

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This is just another variant of what the players have heard for years. “We don’t have enough solid evidence to ban them so even though multiple witnesses and tons of evidence have popped up, we will do nothing.” I have tried for a very long time to see the management’s side of things because there are tons of people out there that hate them and would be more than happy to spread lies and false information. But at this point, I am done. I have heard it straight from the horse’s lips, you will not do anything unless you are backed into a corner of players holding metaphorical torches and pitchforks. It is utter nonsense that you can’t/won’t do anything about these accusations. You run the server with impunity, you can do almost anything you want. Especially because of the backlash this is receiving, I would expect something drastic to be done. If the players don’t feel satisfied that they are in a safe community that respects and cares about them they will leave, and when they leave they will take many people with them.


Everyone is exhausted by the lightly-veiled placations that you dole out every time someone in management has a spontaneous growth of a conscience and decides to tell us what the **** is going on. We should not have to hear about things like a pedophile in the Administration through a post that prefaces it’s point with: “Simply put, we do not trust Telanir to quietly handle this report and take the required action. After previously sharing private reports immediately with those in question, the inefficient review of other recent incidents that have been brought to Telanir’s attention (underage solicitation of ERP, manipulation, grooming, etc), the questionable verdicts he issued for each of them and the overall incredibly slow and ineffective action that the administration takes that allow these people free reign on the server for weeks...”. But the worst offence that I can think of is that in response to this and other posts, that gained so much backing so quickly that you were forced to address the problem (if in a horribly weak way), is that you follow up saying “While making a public thread for the rep/to try and rally a mob may seem appealing, all it’s going to do is annoy us as you try and rush potentially complex matters. Those that keep trying to do this will receive hefty warnings.”It took you about a half an hour to issue a redaction. But honestly, from what I have seen recently, I doubt that would have every happened if the post wasn’t absolutely flooded with comments condemning it. To put it simply, I am disgusted with the actions of management. I think almost everyone is. And I think you should be disgusted with yourselves for the inaction, apathy, and utter disregard you display when dealing with indescribably delicate and important matters like these.

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Wouldn't it be great if we could take down Flam as well? I guess some things just weren't meant to be.

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Who knew that losers who unironically waste their adult life roleplaying on a children’s game would turn out to be massive pedophiles


It’s sort of like the RPers of the furry fandom.



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The evidence provided was cropped screenshots from 2017, which as some of you know, can easily be doctored. As there was no outright evidence of the act, and we have asked for such and no one has provided it. In the conversation, the reporter has mentioned they intend to take legal action against the individual reported, which we strongly encourage. If you have the evidence to take him to court, go for it. For the time being, we will be temporarily banning him for a period of time while we look into matters further.


lol you what


he ******* admitted they were real

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Witchunting aside, ya’ll  should’ve learned after Ski_king to not do this again. Damage control isn’t fanning the flames, it’s only making them roar with more brightening intensity, if ya’ll aren’t going to do it proper then the fire’s going to consume everything around it, end of story. 


Memery isn’t going to help, shittposting isn’t going to help obviously,  much as I know how the community (myself included) adore dragging people down into the community barrel to drown everyone in their own piss but. . serious, screaming down with pedos and all this stuff aint gonna help if nobody does anything about it. 


Is this really going to change anything on Lotc? I doubt it, is it going to cease the playground behavior of bullying people? Hell nawh, half the forums itself is more personal beef between groups and individuals anyway, no different than middle-school.


But this, this is a serious problem, and it has to be addressed accordingly, nobody is exempt from this, incriminating evidence has been provided, the community’s already in sheer upheaval, if ya’ll aren’t going to take it serious, give the responsibility to someone who will. 



Jeez what a ffucking month to come back to.


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