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World Builder Update


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World Builder Update

Brought to you by the World Management Team



The World Team has been working hard with the new management team and expanded roster of talented and dedicated builders. While almost all of our members build, the team is divided into Builders and Designers. Today we will primarily be focusing on the work of the Building side of the team, since, that is what I manage for the team. We will also see some work by the Landscar Group and some road requests which are picked up by any member of the team. This is just the start of what our amazing team has in store, and you can look forward to more creations entering our shared home. 






Zarexan with some help from myself, Gamma_Byte, and Crystalclearview constructed a new bridge from the mainland to Korvassa. This project helps link the mainland with the playerbases on the outlying island. It lets you off near the front gates of Thyra.

Together many select members of the team have begun working on bridges. Some of those include Zarexan, Patu, Gamma_Byte, CrystalClearView, and Commisar_Voop. This is a small project that we are doing and are happy to be doing it for our players. If you have any bridges that you know could use some work, feel free to leave suggestions! Also, right below, is a few bridges redone by Patu. Welcome back to the team!






Sneak Peeks!

Courtesy of many builders working with Xarkly and other story members, we have begun to work on some bigger and more secret projects!

Below is an area that the builder Unwillingly has begun doing work on, though what exactly this place is.. that is for you to find out.


Drums in the deep, golems patrolling the deep roads, this is no safe place for travelers and that is for sure. The dwarven expeditions have mapped a couple of locations within their massive caverns of landmarks from what appears to be trolls and even long ago dwarven cities. 


The Dwarven Event Squad has put a great amount of work into a new event area. Look forward to this event chain when it goes live. Special thanks to Hiebe, sneakybandit, Captain_Noobman, Qizu, and others for their hard work and dedication.




Map Reconstruction

We have begun doing some reconstruction to the current map and spicing areas to make them more appealing and enjoyable to the players. Below is an example that VonAlus has been working on!






“Only time can tell..” all jokes aside, we have begun working on the reunification process of builds around the server. Our most recent build was the runifying of Athalia.


Our talented builders, Voop and Vermy have finished these ruins and the world team is very appreciative of their work. Make sure to go and check this wonderful place out!

Along with Athalia, Vermy has also begun working on the orcish ruins that lay on the eastern coast of the map



Patu, who we mentioned before, also helped out the Story Team with little hovel build for an upcoming event. Look out for this cute little area as you are walking around the map!



Trick or Treat!

Special thanks to Qizu and Unwillingly for decoration the Cloud Temple for Halloween. You have probably seen this if you have Soulstoned or ‘been sent for a walk’, but things like this help our community enjoy the holidays together.





Recently the world team has put effort towards correcting landscars on the map. With the new manager (Qizu) taking over the team we will be stepping back into action with server landscars. If you see landscars on the server, make sure to make a ticket to the world team so they can get handled accordingly!






Look forwards to future announcements from the World Team. We all work hard to make the world a better place, so please help us help you by using World Req in-game or drop us a line on Discord.
P.S. Heard a rumor about possible player-build spotlights to come!

[Click here to apply to the world team]


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2 minutes ago, VonAulus said:

Below is an area that the builder Unwillingly has begun doing work on, though what exactly this place is.. that is for you to find out.



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5 minutes ago, VonAulus said:

If you have any bridges that you know could use some work, feel free to leave suggestions!



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2 minutes ago, frill said:




Please just blow this one up. It should not be a bridge, as there’s a road that wraps around the lake.

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what the **** is this, return my bridge. You people literally landscarred the entire front of my city.

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Glad to see the good work from Grool and all the members of the world team.

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7 minutes ago, Hunwald said:


Please just blow this one up. It should not be a bridge, as there’s a road that wraps around the lake.

was built by world devs because haense built a castle on the road to pinemarch

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20 minutes ago, Tha_Mystery_Man said:



hey that's me ?

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Ruins are bad to work with, my brain hurts

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Wow so much work being done! I hope more people are quickly accepted into the World builder team so they can help too!

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amazing work all around, but pls do not annihilate parts of folks’ charters (the morsgrad bridge was disgusting but it’s down the road from Curon which is a million times worse)

the bridge to the swamp which collapsed (as the result of some event, I forget) punks me every time and because of it my character’s beloved horse fell into the river and drowned. it is a safety hazard that must be addressed

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