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Move the Dragur Library away from CT and please don't put it there next map


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hi im writing this because im bored and it’s a discussion that’s been flying around here and there

and ‘cause I have no life


here are some points


  1. Dragur Library apparently isn’t a staff ran project, as even LotsOfMuffins admitted she had no idea what goes on inside the Library. This means its a player ran project. Does that mean anyone can get their own protected library at the Cloud Temple? 


  2. There’s an entire section of the Library that’s locked away. Why? What’s the point of having **** at the library if its restricted to average players like that? 
  3. Its tucked away at the CT and doesn’t exactly encourage new players to get out and explore the land. 
  4. It prevents any villainy RP such as artifact stealing because of this special CT protection

    add some more I might’ve missed. idk. its almost 1am. happy thanksgiving btw 
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8 minutes ago, Callum said:


shut up callum

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I’ve always been against The Library being at CT


So many cool things happened in the Library on Axios and now its just empty and boring

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+1 Agreed

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Ngl it was at its best as a construct of staff abuse rather than a Cloud Temple sanctioned hub. Copy all the books and put them somewhere in the build world and let players take it over from here on out; no more CT protection, no more staff assistance. 

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Wait then who runs the Dragur Library?

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The library was player run for quite a few maps, regardless if said owner was a staff member or not. They were forced to make it in the outside world away from CT because it was a player made thing. There was quite an uproar over this at CT this map because not only is this group( and a few dark arts groups that had access to the restricted sections) could not be raided upon, they had the full CT protection that came with it.  This also didn't help with new players because they don't know that all of those books are IC perspective, not Lore accurate. Some books written magic wise are flat wrong with explanation and causes confusion regarding it.  

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I’m not opposed to there being a staff-run library at the CT, it’s just that it shouldn’t be the Dragur and the information there should be General world lore instead of books written from the perspective that of specific players. I feel like the CT library of Atlas did this pretty well, for it only contained a map of Atlas and a place for books explaining each region of the map.


Furthermore, if we want libraries on LOTC to be more epic and to be used more, we should encourage people to write more books. Books are much more interesting than wiki pages and frequently provide a more in-depth analysis of certain topics. The only downsides of books are their tendency to be outdated, yet they still are a great way for new players to gain information IRP.


I propose that the community teams promote book writing in order to give new players IRP information as well as OOC information about the server. This combined with moving the Dragur outside of the CT should give new players a sense of pride and wonder when they finally find an epic library filled to the brim with information.

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Bastards still haven’t added my book to the shelves either

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4 hours ago, Amayonnaise said:

The last decent Dragur Library I can recall was Vailor, pretty sure. The massive one with shelves everywhere and books on every block. That Dragur was fantastic, nothing was sealed away, everything was out in the open, and if I am remembering correctly, it wasn’t under CT protection.

No, it had a restricted section. It was kind of like how it is currently except some of the books in the current one were in the public session in the one in Vailor. I’m also against the library staying in CT, however.

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I always saw the dragur library as a neutral entity any player could go to and gather info or meander around artefacts like a museum. I like that it is in CT because that means they can display crazy things without having to worry about them getting stolen (certain items are cool to look at but work be PG in the hands of players). If it wasn’t at CT & it was raidable then pvp hungry minions (among the rest of the treasure hunting players) would obliterate the atmosphere. 


Who cares if it is player run? There isn’t anything wrong with CT roleplay. I would rather see monks again but not everything needs to be raidable/killable/exploitable. It’s become a sort of staple and is neat to visit. Past maps definitely did better but I never minded it’s placement or CT safety barrier.

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