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[EVENT] Trip To The Past


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RP Name: Mark Ezelsteen

MC Username: Mark2282

Discord: Mark2282#7754

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Ruswick/Urguan

Why Do You Wish To Come?: I would like to explore the lands for two weeks. See what I missed.

What Skills Can You Bring?: My character always carries food around, and isn't bad at archery.

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RP Name:: Nagorain

MC Username: _Thumril_

Discord: D3F4LT#4284

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Urguan

Why Do You Wish To Come?: to say a final goodbye to the map and the dwarven hold if possible

What Skills Can You Bring?: got trained by a couple of gollems in hand vs hand combat, so just good at combat roleplay.

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RP Name: Fiil’Yar

MC Username: Gallic

Discord: Gallic#9894

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Krugmar

Why Do You Wish To Come?: To help any of my brothers that go, to recover old books, and to study forgotten places. Especially old Krugmar.

What Skills Can You Bring?: Healing, extensive LORE knowledge, mediocre fighting skills, speaking Old Blah, bard.

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RP Name:: Githaic Goldhand

MC Username: _x_Hyperion_x_

Discord: big daddy#9946

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: urguan

Why Do You Wish To Come?: to adventure in the lands known as athera 

What Skills Can You Bring?: extensive fighting skills

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Bring?:RP Name:: Harold

MC Username: FloralHedgehog 

Discord: FloralHedgehog#7136

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Druids

Why Do You Wish To Come?: To explore the lands my parents once lived in and see if any of the landmass has been corrupted and requires druidic aid. 

What Skills Can You Bring?: Decent combatitive skills despite my short stature, basic mending of wounds and the druidic gifts

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RP Name: Olgarth

MC Username: sub2pewdiepiepls

Discord: What Up#5375

What Nation Are You Affiliated With?: Krugmar

Why Do You Wish To Come?:I wish to seek adventure and get better at rp

What Skills Can You Bring?: Some good combat and with Olgarths strength he can carry extra loot if you’d like.

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RP Name: Tobias Merentel

MC Username:  Kursion23

Discord: Kursion#5029

What Nation Are You Affiliated With?: Curon

Why Do You Wish To Come?: To seek knowledge, live an adventure and aid his friends

What Skills Can You Bring?:  I’m a very good swords-man and a pretty decent horse rider

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12 hours ago, Tha_Mystery_Man said:

RP Name::

MC Username:


What Nation Are You Affliated With?:

Why Do You Wish To Come?:

What Skills Can You Bring?:

Name: Lilach Everupt

Nation: Sutica

Why Do You Wish To Come?: Personal reasons.

What Skills Can You Bring?: I make good tea.


[MC Name: Ducklingator

Discord: Ducklingator#0445]

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RP Name: Henrik Otto Barbanov 

MC Username: Straznik_Fish

Discord: Fish#6373

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Haense

Why Do You Wish To Come?: invited by Ser Tiberius Barrow.  

What Skills Can You Bring?:
IC: combat skills, survival skills, beast mastery 
OOC: activity, good roleplay, positive attitude

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RP Name: Dargo

MC Username: LtBepis

Discord: LtBepis#5604

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Sutica

Why Do You Wish To Come?:

RP: To explore new lands and to fight strong opponents

OOC: Just kind of bored, innit? This sounds fun and might get me some development

What Skills Can You Bring?: Magic and decent melee skills

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RP Name: Favnir

((MC Username: harreson

Discord: Harrison#6969))

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: None.

Why Do You Wish To Come?: Born after Athera, I never got the chance to see it in person obviously. Turning down an oppurtunity to uncover the hidden knowledge within it and explore the ruins of this realm first hand would be criminal. Perhaps the cure for the Titan was left behind in the wreckage of our ancestors? As a side note, recovering any historical artifacts left by possible predecessors of my kind is a duty I must fulfil. 

What Skills Can You Bring?: Vast fighting capability, draconic intelligence and manipulation of dragon’s flame.

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Rosemary Gaia







Mainly affiliated with Sutica.


I’d really like to see the previous maps for myself and I just really enjoy these events in general.


While my character probably wouldn’t be able to contribute that much to any huge battles of sorts I really believe that I could still contribute a lot RPwise in ways that others probably wouldn’t be able to. Though if need be, my character is strong enough to go on any one-man missions or follow orders by anyone in need of a hand.

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RP Name::

MC Username: THUNDER37

Discord: THUNDER37#2527

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Suffonia slightly, Kalgrym is a traveler though!

Why Do You Wish To Come?: Kalgrym wanders and adventures where his feet take him, I always enjoy some roleplay that’s a little out of the box and out of the ordinary so it’d be a nice change of pace!

What Skills Can You Bring?: Kalgrym’s a butcher and farmer by trade, alongside a slight bard with his banjo. Other than that he has a companion hedgehog which lives in his beard. Hedge the hedgehog wishes for adventure!

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MC Username: greener161

Discord: Greener#5669

What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Urguan on this character

Why Do You Wish To Come?: Odin Ireheart came to his dominance during the years of Athera. I had many good memories of the map whilst playing Odin and I feel it be a suitable time for Odin to pass into Khaz'A'Dentrumm whilst returning to a former land.

What Skills Can You Bring?: At his height Odin Ireheart was a remembrance and knows Dwarvish, he could be of assistance in understanding Dwarven language of the past within Athera. He has years of experience in the Dwarven Legion so his military prowess could be useful for the Dwarves. 

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RP Name : Basilio

MC Username : Qizu

Discord : Qizu#0001 

Affiliated Nations : Irrinor /  Paladins

Why do you wish to come? : I am wishing to come on my paladin initiate to assist in helping my fellow initiates and paladins. Along with that, I am interested in collecting specimen of nature for my Taliame'onn seed for studies. This event would also be a great character development fof my wood elf.

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