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Fatherism Summarized


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Fatherism Summarized



I have come to the realms of men to discover the faith of my forefathers in a decrepit state. Having investigated the state of Fatherism, and spoken to a number of its modern adherents the current state of the holy truth is dire indeed. The flame of faith, a flame that once burned so brightly against the rampant tides of tolerance, decadence, cowardice, and vice now sputters and dims. Within the depleted ranks of the believers heresy and ignorance runs rife as it  has not since the age of apostasy under the reigns of Jevan and Javier Ash. Some believe that the faith, a faith of harsh discipline, mastery of the self, of rigorous unflinching faith in the face of the heathen and the demon is naught more than an excuse to hedonism, a cult of fire worshippers imbibing spirits and partaking in all matter of foul debaucheries. It is, as it has always been the first charge of the Rurikid, that most holy of lineages, to raise high the light of truth. To bring salvation unto the people, and to defend the faith. 


With this sacred charge in mind, imparted unto the Rurikid by the Father when he granted the prophet Thoromir the first flame, that I undertake the beginnings of this great project. The revival of the faith, far beyond whatever former glories it may have enjoyed. It is not sufficient to merely return to past glories, those staunch and faithful Fatherists must instead surpass them. 


Herein I will clarify who we are as Fatherists, what we believe, what we do not believe, what is expected, and what is forbidden. Those with further questions regarding our beliefs, or who take issue with the theological positions I lay down herein are welcome to send me letters to that end. 





I. What is Fatherism?

- Basic Tenets of Fatherism and What they are interpreted to mean

II. Who is the Father?

III. Origin of Fatherism?

- Why is the Fire Important and what does it mean?

IV. Why are the Rurics Important?

V. What are Paragons and Why are they important?

VI. Common Heresies and Misconceptions

VII. Why is Magic Bad?

VIII. What is the Long Dark and the Ancients

IX. Fatherist Scripture





Fatherism is the worship of the All-Father, the revering of his servants the Paragons and the adherence to the proscriptions and beliefs laid down in the Red Scrolls. Central to the practice of fatherism is adherence to the three pillars of Fatherism. Precise wording varies by translation of the ancient texts, but the pillars are widely agreed to be as follows.


“Suffer not the Unworthy” -Justicar 1


“I beseech thee, go forth and spread my flame unto the hearts and souls of the blind.” -Justicar 2


“I say unto thee, of the Holy Fire. You must stand against the Long Dark” -Justicar 3


Each pillar makes certain demands of the Fatherist, however to be truly considered an adherent of the Faith one must earnestly attempt adherence to all three tenets of the Faith. 


The first pillar is derived from Verse 1 of Justicar and in full reads as follows “Amongst you, and within you will dwell the shadow. In your hearts, in your minds, in your souls. These shadows will bleed to your words, your deeds. I task my sons and daughters to look inward, to cleanse the foulness within themselves. Suffer not the Unworthy.” (Justicar 1) Scriptural Scholars widely agree that this proscription is a demand by the father to self mastery and conquest of the self. Freedom is not found in the pursuit of meaningless hedonism and pleasure, but rather the overcoming of one’s own vices. The most foul of chains that bind one into slavery. The father does not offer this proscription lightly, as a disproving prude angry at the pleasure of his children. But rather, in his infinite wisdom recognizes that the infinite vices are chains that bind his children to slavery and misery, instead teaching that true happiness is to be found in self mastery and duty. 


The second pillar is derived from Verse 2 of Justicar and in full reads as follows “My children, the long dark presses. Ye of the flickering flame, stand aflame ere all returns to blackness. In your hearts hold righteous fury, for wroth is the bonfire of the soul. I beseech thee, go forth and spread my flame unto the hearts and souls of the blind.”  (Justicar 2) Translations may differ on ‘the long dark’ some referring to it thusly, others translating it as ‘abyss’, ‘depths’ or ‘void’ regardless of the translation the abyss is the oft mentioned place beyond the mantle of the father’s embrace where the pre-patrian ancients dwell. Whilst the majority of their influence and their deliberate presence is kept from our world by the unceasing labours of the fathers and his many servants, they still exercise some degree of influence herein, not to mention the world’s very composition from the melded corpses of two ancients. Hence the world is innately sinful and is furthermore influenced by the decadence of the ancients beyond peering inward. With the knowledge of this foulness in mind the Father demands that his children go forth and spread the holy truth. The specific meaning of spreading the flame is oft contested amongst scriptural scholars, however it is generally understood as a demand to convert the ignorant and to reproduce as much as possible, creating more Fatherists wherever more can be made. This tenet takes on a slightly different meaning for the clergy who are additionally charged with the creation of new hearths and hearth temples as well as the duty of tending both to believers and proselytizing to non-believers.


The third pillar is derived from Verse 3 of Justicar and in full reads as follows “You must be the flame in the dark, the warmth in the cold. I beseech thee, stand fast against the dying light. That which lurks in the shadows, on the edges of the fire on a still night. That which rots and soils all that is holy and bright. The forces of decay must be rooted out wherever they are found. Thus I say unto thee, of the Holy Fire. You must stand against the Long Dark.” (Justicar 3) To ‘stand against the long dark’ is one of the more contested of the tenets and oft compared to the first. However, where the first tenet deals with interior struggles the third is a call to the exterior. There is in the mortal realm a great deal of foulness that must be excised lest it be allowed to exercise its nefarious influence upon the faithful. To that end the various crusades and holy missions declared by the variety of High Keepers have been called with the intent of stamping out or atleast diminishing nefarious influences. Perhaps the most notable of these would be the Arthurian proscription against witchery and magyks wherein it was declared that all practitioners of wytchery and magyks were to be rehabilitated, or should that path fail to be given peace by flame. In essence the third pillar demands that the faithful devote themselves to rooting out corruption and decadence wherever it can be found in the name of safeguarding the faith. The existence of the Purifiers is a testament to this pillar’s continued adherence throughout the ages.




According to scripture the All-Father was conceived when Greed wronged Jealousy for the briefest instance the concept of ‘Justice’ was conceived. Thus the All-Father was born. Fatherists hold the the All-Father is the culmination of all benevolence and is goodness incarnate. Fatherists will assert that the All-Father is not omnipotent due to the existence of the abyss. The abyss or the ‘void’ is a realm of negation and explicit negativity, hence the incarnation of benevolence or ‘the good’ cannot be a part of the void nor exercise power over it. Therefore although the existence of ‘existence’ cannot be disputed it is clearly limited, therefore a simultaneously all good and omnipotent deity cannot exist. 


Fatherists believe that the All-Father and his servants are engaged in the eternal conflict wherein they labour incessantly to ward off the Abyss and the myriad hordes that dwell within, all seeking to torture and consume the mortals that dwell within the Father’s embrace. Those who have mastered themselves are welcomed into the Father’s holy host upon death, joining the eternal conflict. Those mired in sin cannot exist in the presence of the Father and upon death are expelled beyond the Father’s embrace to suffer forevermore in the abyss. 




Fatherism as a faith does not begin with creation but with the granting of the Father’s essence to the prophet Thoromir. According to Nordish history the Nordish clans lead by the Rurikid were caught in a blizzard while wandering the wastes. On the cusp of perishing the Father saved them, granting him a portion of his own essence known as the first flame and charging them to obey his three pillars. Over the subsequent years the Father would grant Thoromir visions or dispatch his servants to the prophet to convey his teachings, these teachings were eventually recorded in old nordish and subsequently compiled and translated into the modern Red Scrolls by scriptural scholars such as High Keeper Arthas. It is worth noting that the development of life on the mortal world is a consequence of the Father insofar as the clay was animated by portions of his essence falling to earth, however the creation of life was not a deliberate intention of his. It was not until much later into the development of life as a result of his essence mingling with the clay and the subsequent mutation of the lesser races that the Father begin to directly intervene in the mortal realm. 




The divine right of the Ruriks finds its origin in the prophet Thoromir, in order to be legally considered a Ruric one must be able to trace patrilineal descent all the way back to Thoromir I. The Kingdom of Norland rather than being a secular construction in the spirit of Nordengrad or Morsgrad is rather a spiritual Kingdom. The Kingdom of Norland is the duty of the Rurikid to defend the faith and the Nordish people. A charge placed upon them by the Father when he conferred upon Thoromir the duties to defend the faith and safeguard the people. All Rurics bear this duty placed upon the first Ruric and are expected to defend the faith and the nordish people. Rurics who fail this duty such as the Rurics reigning during the age of apostasy are stripped of their Ruric status and titled ‘Ash’ to indicate their failure to uphold their sacred duties and their abandonment of the Faith. 


The Kingdom of Norland cannot be separated from Rurics and Rurics cannot be separated from the Kingdom of Norland. To that end the ‘High Chieftain’ of the Rurics (a title that often but not always coincides with the leader of the largest Nordish naton) serves as the patriarch of the family and the representative of the Father on earth. It is the duty of the High Chieftain to ensure the health of the faith and the nordish people in all nordish realms. The High Chieftain is the male Ruric chosen via Ruricmoot. In instances of heresy, invasion and other such emergencies the High Chieftain is expected to resolve any issues by any means necessary. In essence the High Chieftain of the Rurikid is expected to act as the undisputed Father of the nation.


To expand on this understanding that the first among the Rurikid is the Father of the nation we must address the wiggish principles that have become popular in the modern era. Amongst the heartland folk there has been much discussion of ‘rights’ and ‘liberties’, foolish excuses for hedonism, anarchy and the decline of hierarchy, stability and order that punctuate any strong society. This is a topic that requires its own treatise, however I will lay down the religious perspective on this question briefly here. The King is the divinely appointed representative of the divine on earth, from the divine and through the King all authority is exercised. The idea of ‘popular sovereignty’ i.e. the masses of people being sovereign unto themselves is entirely a myth empowering oligarchs to manipulate the masses. The people must be led by a strong father who does what is best, not what is most pleasurable. In that sense democracy is entirely anathema to any truly just society. Furthermore all authority and sovereignty extends from the throne, hence agents of the state exercise authority exclusively as agents of the throne, to that end the judiciary are merely dispensing the laws originating with the King rather than enforcing the sovereignty or the authority of pieces of paper. The King is the state and the King is the law, only the divine shall exercise restraints upon the King. 




The paragons are Fatherists who are recognized as being in the holy presence of the Father by divine revelation. Generally paragons are extremely virtuous or noteworthy individuals who serve as an inspiration to future generations of Fatherists. There has historically been a debate between the Arthurian and the Tyrian schools of Fatherist theology as to whom exactly is to be recognized as Paragons. 




The majority of heresies have been laid out previously by High Keeper Arthas, to that end I will largely be copying his definitions and adding a few of the newer heresies I have encountered.


Parian Heresy

Individuals who profess membership in the Fatherism whilst simultaneously denying the paragons. Parian heretics will either deny the status of Paragons as chosen servants of the Father called to serve his will. Or they will assert that Paragons have no intrinsic relationship with prayer or ritual and that they do not assist with communion to the Father. The Paragons demonstrate one of the fundamental truths of our faith, in that they illustrate how the faithful can ascend to the Father’s embrace. To deny the existence of Paragons or their importance to the faith is to deny the purpose of the entire faith, namely the salvation of mortal souls from torture in the abyss.


Presian Heresy

Individuals who profess membership in Fatherism whilst simultaneously denying the importance of the Sacred Flame. Adherents of this form of heresy believe that the father’s presence is either not important or that it can be found in every mundane form of fire. The second form of presian heresy does not deny the presence of the All Father but rather renders it unto every available flame. This too is false and denies the origins of our communion with the All Father while simultaneously removing the sacred nature from rituals conducted in the name of the First Flame.


Progenian Heresy

Individuals claiming that the All Father and the Canonist Deity are one and the same entity merely bearing different names. This is a fundamentally false, the Holy Hearth has for centuries maintained that the existence of the Canonist God, a being who is simultaneously all good and all powerful is impossible in our world. The existence of the abyss, a place of negation and innate bad is an undeniable place where the divine goodness ‘is not’. Recognizing that there are places where goodness ‘is not’ despite the undeniable existence of goodness implies that the only sound answer is that ‘the good’ exists but is not omnipotent. Therefore the Canonist deity who is asserted to be all good and all powerful cannot be associated with the Father who is correctly understood to be all good but with limits upon his power. 




High Keeper Aeyn first initiated formal prosecution of the various witches and hedge magicians and demonic servants that infest the mortal realm. Amongst the High Hearth it has long been understood that magic in all its forms is a perversion of the natural order and is exclusively possible via the nefarious interference of the various demons of the abyss. Magic is perhaps the highest vice as it removes all manner of struggle and trial from a task and renders it instantly gratifying. In that sense it is far more nefarious than more basic vices such as lust or gluttony, as its influence demands no labour whatsoever. 


Magic is clear evidence of collusion with the various demonic forces that plague this world and must be excised whenever and wherever possible. If the individual wielding magic is incapable of rehabilitation and salvation then the only course that remains is to free their flesh via the peace of flames. 




The exact language used varies by translation but ‘the long dark’, ‘the void’ or ‘the abyss’ refers to the realm beyond the Father’s embrace that existed before his conception. The abyss is filled with countless demonic creatures of entropy and vice, hence their deep hatred for the All-Father the essence of creation and virtue. The creatures of the abyss are beyond the counting and only a few bear any names at all. Their interests are exclusively the degeneration and consumption of mortal souls wherever and whenever possible. To that end they are to be opposed in all cases and persecuted wherever their influence is found. 




Fatherist scripture, first compiled by Thoromir from the various revelations of the All-Father was subsequently translated by High Keeper Arthas during his residence at the Krag Hearth Temple. This compiled and translated document is known collectively as the ‘Red Scrolls’ and is the source of all Fatherist beliefs.




The answers I have compiled herein are by no means exhaustive and should any Fatherist have additional questions regarding the faith writ large they are welcome to send me a letter. Should a Fatherist have theological disagreements with me they are welcome to send me a letter so that I can tell them exactly how they are wrong. 

Father on High

Our Protector

Have mercy on us



Writ 21 SA


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Fixed it :)


Edited by rukio
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From the Hearth Temple of Varhelm, a document was quickly issued in response.


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based, true, redpilled, and fatherpilled all at once


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1 hour ago, AstriaS said:

From the Hearth Temple of Varhelm, a document was quickly issued in response.



An old Fatherist, Waylon Caunter, rolls over in his grave.

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