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The Final Strike (PK of Marie Vyronov)

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Ellisar Aevaris would never forget that doomed patrol. Only the brave actions of Dame Marie had gotten him and the other soldiers out of there alive. While he tended his own wounds in his home, he could only think of revenge on the beasts which had done this. Eventually his thoughts would turn to Marie and her family, those kind and good people who had been nothing but welcoming to his own family. "Damn these soup demons, damn them all!" he'd shout at the empty room.

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Pontifical reservation

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[!] Edmund's room would be covered in splinters, overturned bookshelves and chairs, however, he would not be seen anywhere about Reinmar.

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“Rest with Godani, you stalwart Dame.” Muttered a distraught Aaron after a long moment of silence; The man did not know Marie personally, yet still lamented at such a shocking tragedy.

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The Young Adrianna Irene Barclay had never met poor Dame Marie and therefore receives no letter. But she has all the letter she needs to when she hears the cries and screams and sounds of furniture being destroyed of those living in the Keep when they get theirs. The little girl has no idea what's going on and is too afraid to ask.


The poor thing starts to whimper and locks herself in her room. She climbs onto her bed and holds Daisy, a polar bear plush that her brother Reinhardt had given her as a gift, very close. She hugs the thing so hard some of the stitches come out, but it's manages to keep her whimpering under control and stop her from having a full fit.


Meanwhile, the armswoman Lynette Stewart finds herself lost, deep in thought. As is now a normal thing for her, she thinks back on that day's events and flashes of a dark shadowing forest flit through her mind. Eyes fill that forest. Bright yet shadowy, inspiring yet foreboding.

Suddenly she's hit with the sensation of spurting blood. Blood spurting from her arm.

Ah... She finds herself in that battlefield with Marie in front of her, Cedric behind her.

Lynette then realises she's being thrust, pushed backwards and further from the impeding line of Nachezer warriors. Her panicking mind and flurry of brain activity urging every part of her to retreat or fight contrasted against her slow, tired, badly injured limbs doing all they can to move in an eastward direction.

Dear Marie pushes her further from the chaos of their coming death and all Lynette can do is reach forward as her eyes recognise the Dame beginning to get surrounded and grab her arm, doing her best to pull her further from the aggressive Nachezer forms.

And then Marie is gone... Covered by the many bodies of towering Soup demons.

And she has just pulled the spear from her shoulder and it is shooting blood like a water gun.

Barely conscious, Lynette hears the shouting of her comrades yelling "Retreat!!! MOVE BACK! WE'RE BEING SURROUNDED!"

And then she hears Knight Paramount Cedric from behind her bewildered, disorientated self yelling again. 

"MARIE! We must save the Dame!!"

And then her mind kicks into full gear. Her breathing elevated as blood spurts onto her face from across the battlefield. 

She manages to hold off the constantly building panic attack as her hand drops the spear originally piercing straight through her shoulder to the floor. Her legs no longer buckling under her, her full form no longer stumbling. A desperate cry can be heard when Marie had disappeared from her sight. 

"NO!!!" Bursts forth from her lips as the woman begins on a path of pain, full of death. 


She doesn't know what transpired there after that, only finding herself awake with wounds dressed in her bed at home. Who knows who treated her, whether it was herself or a medical professional. The only thing she knows when she awakes is that Dame Marie is gone.

The woman erupts into long held back tears upon this realisation. 

She had not known Marie well. Marie had carried back her concussed self after that battle in Reinmar with the trolls.

She had spoken briefly to Marie then.

She had seemed nice, very pleasant.

She had wanted to seek advice from Marie on being a Dame. And on bearing children as a soldier and Knight.

There had been things she had wanted to discuss. Things she'd wanted to say, to ask, to admire.

But now the Dame's time had been cut short. 


And she had died saving her.

What penance could be given for such a crime? The crime of being responsible for someone leaving this world.

Lynette Stewart wished she had done more. That she had been more competent. And that she could have saved the older, wiser Dame. That Dame with so much to live for.

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Vladrick Cardinal Sava would frown at the new off his niece in law's death. He immediately begin his trek to his homeland to comfort his dear Nephew. 

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