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On the Purity of Autonomous and Self-Selected Marriages; or Lack Thereof

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On the Purity of Autonomous and Self-Selected Marriages; or Lack Thereof

Written by Tilruir Niënor Nullivari and Laurir Adreniel Elibar'acal

In honor of Laurir Caerthynna Visaj



An artist depiction of the 'pure forms of love' consisting of national love, romantic love, and familial love, Y35 /  1831.


While meditating on the glory amongst the beautiful and lush gardens of Creation within the Silver district, I chanced a glance at a loving couple whose smiles gave me true warmth. This couple, Laurir Adreniel Elibar’acal and Laurir Caerthynna Visaj, brought me such joy that I have decided to write about why their marriage is so successful with the help of Laurir Arendiel and answer this debated topic correctly:

The idea of an autonomous and self-selected marriage is a strictly impure one.

Firstly, let us speak of the impure and lessers who perpetrate this false notion of autonomous unions. A recent study within the communities of lessers, not consisting of valah, has shown that roughly 99.97% of marriages have been completely self-selected. A further and closer inspection into these cases has consistently shown high divorce rates amongst these couples due to factors consisting of "the loss of love" and infidelity. "How, frankly, bizarre!" I hear it said from the corners of the world, "that these spouses have lost love for one another!" Another study has further found that the increase in "love marriages" has led to decreased productivity and general unhappiness amongst the lessers overtime when the honeymoon feelings of the couple have faltered.

Now, with these studies showing how ludicrous autonomous marriages are, let us take some introspection into the product of a marriage according to the vision of our beloved Larihei. Larihei, having understood that marriage ought to be fruitful in child-bearing and fruitful in child-raising, has long since determined that the nuclear format for households is the prime and optimal choice for a glorious race such as ourselves. And, to even achieve this nuclear household, a groom and bride first must be chosen by their parents' families to be wedded.

Arranged marriages have stood the test of time since the early eons of the Old Kingdom of Malinor. They allowed the intellectuals and the wise counsel of mali elders within prestigious bloodlines to decide which children would produce the best companions together and the most suitable parents together. This practice resulted in the utopian start of the Silver City that we all recall fondly. And with this idea of arranged marriages, we even have worthy nuclear households like the loving Lauriran I mentioned previously. The Lauriran being products of loving arranged marriages themselves.

Couples with blissful marriages that are bound to endless love and children who have two parentful figures living lives of chastity and virtue, so when they are grown, they mimic the vision of Larihei through their parents' actions. No parents grow to despise their spouses from the lack of lust they enjoyed earlier through realizing that true love is found by the realization of the unity and plan that marriage is, and the enjoyment of companionship in the progress of mali’thill. No children ever question if degeneracies like open relationships that break the familial unit by allowing an open door to leave it instead of being bound by it, or if sodomy, which corrupts the body and the soul, and results in unfruitful child-bearing that regresses the mali’thil race, is ever needed. They realize that a marriage built on dedication and love, and not false love known as lust, is what we ought to aim for.

Now, to allow your author to further dive into this idea of Larihei’s vision, I believe we shall see the true perfection of arranged marriages within our lifetime. In the coming decades, I personally theorize the purity of arranged marriages will be furthered by an angelic figure that hopes to instate State-sanctioned marriages. These State-sanctioned marriages will combine the first level of the State (ie. the household) with the last level of the State (ie. the Sohaer and his council) to form collective unions that, coupled with the knowledge of both levels of the State, will result in the most beautiful and artistic unions that have ever existed!

With this realization of the true purity of arranged marriages, I bid the reader farwell once more. Keep true to the virtues instilled in us by the graceful Larihei and bless Caerthynna with a thousand gifts when you see her. And, of course, wish these pillars of purity a fruitful marriage and one they deserve.

Maehr’sae Hilyun’ehya, pure and socialist children of Larihei. Always follow the Dream and the Light shining forth from our Silver City.

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Adreniel Elibar'acal looks over the piece he dictated to Nienor with pride. 

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Maehrir Dovian approves of the post. For the state and people!

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Lynnette Ilyana Aldin-Túre, mayilu of Toram Aldin, disagrees vehemently, and urges her fellow 'thill to mind not another's union, lest they are made to soil themselves at her wrath as the fiend Ikur Sullas has.

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Maenor Aildhuin proceeds to read this out of boredom. He then vomits.

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Peralien doesn't know how to deal with this, 'but who cares anymore, Almaris and the Haelun'orian dream is dying! We're all going to die in a horrible fashion!' She thinks to herself.

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"I have been married only once, and it is until happily ever after!" Haskir exclaims, smiling bright. "I am not the 0.03%!"


He then pins a few copies of the paper around Haelun'or, because he wants to see his 'thill friends produce crotchfruit for the betterment of civilization.

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"maehr'sae hiylun'ehya." the Tillun'sae would murmur to herself, a small smile at this, with a general approval. "Mm.. perhaps I ought to release my own missive upon the topic; it seems Courtship Tradition is not all that it has been." A lift of a quill, the nib soaked with rich, dark ink, she'd set to the finishing of a paper started some time ago, a print-like lettering careful upon the parchment. "Whilst Arranged Marriages of this sort do tend to be more useful and productive than those based upon fleeting 'lust', there are certain other aspects that must be met - a basic compatibility of ideals, to ensure the most compatible and productive coupling that can encourage each other's intellectual growth. Nonetheless, a most fine piece of work once again - my full praise to the good Tilruir Nullivari."

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Laurir Caerthynna Visaj beams pridefully upon the printed text her spouse had extended over to her, reading the lettering with a firm nod of approval "My Haelun and Maln were both arranged to be wed and they produced a progressive legacy after them, lust is unbecoming of any 'thillen and entrusting our elders to know the best for the blooming future allows for such a future to remain ever progressive."

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Seraphite Viradiraar's nose wrinkles at the missive before she throws it into the cackling flame infront of her- moving to cast all the other missives she had saved into the fire as well.


"I swear this cihi is like a stage play." She mutters, dusting her hands off as she watches the parchment crumple to ash.

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