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HABEMUS PAPAM! The Pontifical Enthronement of 1849


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[!] Christoff Barclay of Gelimar enthroned as his Holiness High Pontiff Michael I [!]



Our Lord has called and I have answered; 


And so We do assert that our modern Church shall rise once more beneath the vision of God as We have answered the call of God to rise onto the Pontificate; wherefrom We shall shepherd the most true and faithful flock through the aftermath of these darkened times of Our antecedent. We shall rework and revitalise this holiest institution of God as the faith of the flock shall emit from the darkness of the near atheistic era which ends on this Saints Eve. 


It is by the virtue of God that We have dethroned Our forerunner for countless of crimes versus the Church of the most true and faithful flock. We have watched the nature of Our Church fall before the vision of Ours and We have mourned the loss of influence which Our Church has suffered beneath this forerunner of Ours. It is herein that We have dethroned this former Holiness: of which can be found within the document named ‘Pontifical Dethronement of 18BB’ within the archives of Our holy See.


Before the altar of the San Lucian diocese stood the most faithful Abbé Aubergine and We before the true flock of God, wherefrom the flock witnessed the initial enthronement of Us and as the flock went silent within the Basilica and the echoes of the voices faded once more, our most faithful Abbé Aubergine cried to the flock before Us:


Almighty and most merciful Creator. 

We have wandered and strayed from your ways like lost sheep. 

We have followed too much the devices and desires of our hearts. 

We have left undone those things that we ought to have done; 

and there is no health in us but you, O’Lord, have mercy upon us sinners. 

Spare those who confess their faults.  Restore those who are penitent, 

according to your promises declared to mankind; 

In Horen our Lord, and grant, O most merciful Creator, for his sake, 

that we may live a disciplined, righteous and godly life, to the glory of your holy name. 

So say we all.


It was hereafter our most faithful Abbé Aubergine turned towards the flock entirely, We at the side of this most faithful man as his words continued to emit within the Lucian Basilica:

With the Lord Creator, our witness and guide, it has been divined that the Christoff of Gelimar, born Christoff Barclay, has been willed to fulfill the seat of the Church Pontificate. 


Christopherus, institutionem tuam canonice in summum pontificem accipis?


We returned as willed by the customs of tradition: 

Yes, I do so believe.


He recited: 

You have been ordained in our Holy Mother Church, your household names forsaken and your life devoted in sole service to the teachings of our Creator. The vows of your past vocations remain firm; now you must make the declaration of assent: The Church of Faithful is the One, Holy and Rightful Church of the Creator, worshiping the one true God, The Creator. It professes the faith uniquely revealed in the Holy Scrolls and set forth in the Faithful creeds, which faith the Church is called upon to proclaim afresh in each generation. Led by the Holy Light, it has borne witness to Faithful truth in its historic formulates, the Articles of Faith, The Book of Saints. In the declaration you are about to make, will you affirm your loyalty to this inheritance of faith as your inspiration and guidance under God in bringing the grace and truth of Horen to this generation and making Him known to those in your care?


We returned as willed by the customs of tradition: 

I, Christoff of Gelimar, do so affirm, and accordingly declare my belief in the faith which is revealed in the Holy Scrolls and set forth in the Faithful creeds, to which the historic formularies of the Church of the Creator bear witness; and in public prayer and administration of the sacraments, I will use only the forms of service which are authorized or allowed by the Canon. 


He recited:

Do you accept the Holy Scrolls as revealing all things necessary for eternal salvation through faith?


We returned as willed by the customs of tradition: 

I do so accept them.   


He recited: 

Will you be diligent in prayer, in reading Holy Scrolls, and in all studies that will deepen your faith and fit you to bear witness to the truth of the Word?


We returned as willed by the customs of tradition: 

By the help of GOD, I will.


He recited: 

Will you lead your people in proclaiming the glorious Word of Horen, so that the good news of salvation may be heard in every place?


We returned as willed by the customs of tradition: 

By the help of God, I will. 


He recited:

Will you teach the doctrine of Horen as the Church of Faith has received it, will you refute error, and will you hand on the entire faith that is entrusted to you?


We returned as willed by the customs of tradition: 

By the help of God, I will.


He recited:     

Will you be faithful in ordaining and commissioning ministers of the Church?


We returned as willed by the customs of tradition: 

By the help of God, I will.


He recited:     

    Will you be gentle and merciful for Horen’s sake to those who are in need, and speak for those who have no other to speak for them?


We returned as willed by the customs of tradition: 

By the help of God, I will.


He recited:

Will you endeavor to fashion your own life and that of your household according to the way of God and make your home a place of hospitality and welcome?


We returned as willed by the customs of tradition: 

By the help of God, I will.


He recited:

Will you work with your fellow servants in the Church for the sake of the kingdom of God?


We returned as willed by the customs of tradition: 

By the help of God, I will.


He recited:

Will you accept the discipline of this Church, exercising authority with justice, courtesy and love, and always holding before you the example of Horen?


We returned as willed by the customs of tradition: 

By the help of God, I will.


He recited:

    Will you then, in the strength of the Holy Light, continually stir up the gift of God that is in you, that the good news of God may be proclaimed in all the Realm?


We returned as willed by the customs of tradition: 

By the help of God, I will.


He recited:

Speak thus then the oath of the Pontificate, with the conclave and God as witness.


We returned as willed by the customs of tradition: 

I vow to change nothing of the received Tradition, and nothing thereof I have found before me guarded by my God-pleasing predecessors, to encroach upon, to alter, or to permit any innovation therein; 


    To the contrary: with glowing affection as her truly faithful student and successor, to safeguard reverently the passed-on good, with my whole strength and utmost effort; 


    To cleanse all that is in contradiction to the canonical order, should such appear; to guard the Holy Canons and Decrees of our Saints and Pontiffs as if they were the divine ordinance of Heaven, because I am conscious of Thee, whose place I take through the Grace of God, whose Vicarship I possess with Thy support, being subject to severest accounting before Thy Divine Tribunal over all that I shall confess; 


    I swear to God Almighty and the Favored son Horen that I will keep whatever has been revealed through Horen and His Successors and whatever the Saints and my predecessors have defined and declared. 


    I will keep without sacrifice to itself the discipline and the rite of the Church. I will put outside the Church whoever dares to go against this oath, may it be somebody else or I.


    If I should undertake to act in anything of contrary sense, or should permit that it will be executed, Thou willst not be merciful to me on the dreadful Day of Divine Justice. 


    Accordingly, without exclusion, We subject to severest excommunication anyone -- be it Ourselves or be it another -- who would dare to undertake anything new in contradiction to this constituted Tradition and the purity of the Faith and the Faithful religion, or would seek to change anything by his opposing efforts, or would agree with those who undertake such a blasphemous venture.


It on this account that we declare within the vision of God:





As recorded and declared by Gods most true and faithful serviceman;

His Holiness Michael I, 

Pontifex Maximus of the Church of the Canon, Servus of God, Archiepiscopus of Visigia, Episcopus of the Holy See, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Summus Pontifex of the Church of the true Faith, Custos of the Canon, Missionarius to Aeldin, Princeps Servus to the Exalted’s Testaments, Servus Humilis of the Faithful and Vicarius of God



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"Desperate, nobody even voted for vy. What a fraud!" remarked Walton.

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1 minute ago, Basil Moroul said:

"Desperate, nobody even voted for vy. What a fraud!" remarked Walton.

"I voted for him." remarked a proud Guenda, unaware of how the pontifical enthronement worked.

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Evar'tir Oranor, High Prince of Elvendom, Templar of Malchediael, otherwise known as the Angel Michael reads the missive with an approving nod! "Good name choice."

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Guiseppe de Bar wonders about the name Michael, nonetheless he called "God save the Pontiff!"

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Ivan var Ruthern, within the basilica, gave an approving nod before offering TWO thumbs up.

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Aubergine de la Baltas looked to the crowd, his faith absolute - having seen the treacherous acts of the Everardine curia firsthand. "Go forth, united in faith. Glory to God!"

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Andrik Jan Baruch would hum his favorite song about the new fake pontiff and emperor as he folded his laundry and smoked his pipe.



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"Mijo skipped bloomin' onion rings to meet wit Everard IV fer dees!?" Paco was appalled and felt bad as he left Dante a cup of noodles at his computer tonight while they roleplayed on minecraft.

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Maxim spits to the side in typical peasant fashion, cursing out the following, "Ain't no point following this treacherous schismatic Savoyard puppet, Anti-Popes be damned to the Void. Damn that Principality of Snakes also, breaking the laws of hospitality!"

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“GODANI bless his holiness Michael I, may he return your people upon your righteousness path, and may the everardites see the error of there ways Amin” exclaimed Hiermonk Vladrick as the new pontiff way crowned

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Borys simply shakes his head and signs the Lorraine in the name of deposed Everard VI

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