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[Event] The Dawn


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A Leal Wyrmstalker held within her hands the mandate of the heavens - Purpose, bestowed unto all of her kindred. She knelt before the shrine, dozens of candles lit around her to illuminate the sullen nox that fell across the world before the radiant dawn crested o'erhead. 


"O' Impassive Eye; would you guide our path this night?"

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And, so, the Vindicator stood within some Hallowed Hall elsewhere, Sunwell beams reflecting off his golden gaze as he peered curiously into the Well, a staff of sorts clutched in his left. Reflecting on the events which have occurred early in the day.


"And so Heaven has sent its wrath, let unification will be our salvation against the Dark." He muttered, turning back to the Forge.

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As Kin severed tea in the tea house on yong ping his ears flicked as he watched the light from outside flash and the air grow still. He's ears flicked before shaking it off and going back to work

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A devout of neither side frowned. "Luck is all I need. Luck brings hope. Misfortune brings about despair." 

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It was at that moment that a dwarf, lover of sweets & pastries, follower of the Sunlit Lord, felt hope, the flame in his heart burning once more. He looked around his kitchen, flour, jams, egg shells and all kinds of berries. Dunheim's kitchen was a mess. The dwarf turned towards the windows of the kitchen as the sun rose from the east, filling the Urguani mountains with light. 


"A better make sure Meester Clean loikes t'e next batc' o' pies..." he would clean the sweat from his forehead and go back to baking. 

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A retired cleric, in some faraway land, senses something almost-forgotten from an age of her life long ago. Rather than relief, it only causes a twang in her heart - like bitter sadness.
"No... Not anymore."
And she goes on with her day.

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Amidst his continuous wandering along the mortal plane instead of passing on a wayward specter paused "Now what is this?" He pondered aloud, his ethereal form clad in armor with ectoplasm spilling from the gaps of it as the feeling of uncertainty crept through his churning ectoplasm. Removing a gauntlet the specter looked at his ghastly form with a sigh "At least I am still here and not fading into the soulstream, there are still things to do." Securing his gauntlet once again he resumed his wandering, although the feeling of uncertainty still remained, as if his next actions in this realm won't go through as they may have if he did this at any other time.

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That chill down the spine of the dead.  Their deeds unfilled and their hardened and boiled mental state coming to a sudden halt, their famished progress on something surely hideous and dark in nature was stopped suddenly, as they removed their own treated lenses preventing them from further gaining flared sparks in their eyes, for a second damnable time.  

He roamed the empty and desolate halls of a once brimming fortress, tucked 'neath a tree and a chapel that brimmed with the stench of blood and broken promises, attempting his best at a sorrowful smile towards the books that now lay caked with dust in cases filled with half-truths and even more reasons to regret.  He had already attempted his best at ignoring these taunts from the light, how that baking ball of light in the sky mocked his undying flesh and red spirit.  He had already set in motion so many deaths- That- For him to be the loser was naught but an impossibility in his mind.  He had only the vague idea of why he always ended up back here, whether it be from challenging the Light-Bringers or rectifying the false-amenities of the flesh.

He always had retorts for their questions and their raging justice-filled blisters, the kind that he wanted to swat down with sword and arrow, the kind that he promised so many to rid.  He was wrong so many times now, even so, as that passing warmth came over a rather cold and dusty being, one that had almost entirely transfigured towards another- Some tens of years ago, when he believed.

He was attempting his best to keep a calm head, despite his orders that he should indeed act as rampant as they come.  For even in moments of weakness there was an abided code that the Dark-walkers over yonder followed.  A tenant of strength and action over words and power.  They say that when a man is stumbled even once in a stride for his life or goals, he is forever crippled towards the inertia that initially drove him.  The momentum that power that he built falls slowly, as if leaking from an unseen wound.  And even now as the undead Poltergeist of the long-rained chapel rose from his sanctuary of lazily dusted stone, he felt himself as lost as he did on the day of his renewal in the land of the undeath.  

Where were they, where was the one taunting his very presence with that smell and building rumble of light.

Where was the gazers of the burning ball in the sky?  Where were they hiding?  Why did they of all times now decide that upon this day, should they taunt the forces at bay.  O' pray o' pray no longer, said the Xionist towards the Pagan, O' pray o' pray no longer said the words of the Xionist to the masses, and still despite those ringing words they were still floundering in emotions of the flesh, desperately clinging towards them as a vital sanction that they required to function.  They gripped their hands shut, their glistening eyes finding mist in its same color underneath that still burning tree.  The distant creatures that found themselves within an amiable earshot soon fled, and for the briefest of moments, a raging scream filled the air in rampant denial and defiance of what had become.  

Maybe... Just maybe... It was time for the bell to toll again... As an accord forged in Umbral was something always to be renewed, under bleak stars.

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Deep within the confines of the world, in the depths of some unhallowed Barrow would this vengeful creature stir from its slumber. Tendrils of sickly cobalt mist snaking across the sodden earth before slowly binding together to reveal the form of the amorphous Wight Barrowlord. 

"They think themselves safe under the light of the Sun, they think they can march out and rival us in force.."


Athough that feeling of uncertainty did linger within their form, they knew what needed to be done. The Barrowlord slowly faded from the sight of Mortal eyes, venturing out into the northern wastes to speak with a titan of her own creation.

"The Maleficar and the Aenguls shall be reduced to naught but dust under the Black Sun. We will it so."

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Is dad finally coming back from the store with the milk n cigs?


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A Servant of God alighted on the ruined belltower of the cathedral that was once the center of Havelock and gazed across the night sky. Her wings shimmered in the moonlight, no longer golden but gray. 


She had changed, after her banishment. Where the Lord once gave a crook, he now gave a spear. Dark had been her thoughts of late. Doubt wriggled in through her armor, touching her very soul. And yet, in that instant, she felt her joy renewed. Good, somewhere, triumphed. 


She would need all of that joy in the coming months. It would be her bulwark against doubt. After all, how could she stand against the Usurper? Certainly not alone. 


And yet, absent her own Seraphim and Cherubim, she was alone. Where was her Shepherd? 


She turned to look into the west as the moon slowly fell in the distance. Her wings shook and she made her way in that direction, to find the Descendants of Honor and plead her case in front of them. 

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Artos Calding scratched his head, hearing of the news.

. . .You're too late, whatever's up there.


ChildTea feels a pang of unease, as he gazes unto that same darkness as before.

. . .I may have made the wrong choice. . . but it is too late now to turn back.

Edited by satinkira
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A nameless mage stopped in his return, the faltering winds and that sensation of safety alerting him. Turning to the heavens, the man hollered to the emptiness above. "You've failed before, you fail again!" Then only whispers came from him, that bitterness that came with age hidden from that god that unbeknownst to the mage, did not exist, "You couldn't save them before. You couldn't save them."


And that bitterness grew, cries to an illusion lingering in the air, not meant for that which had come, but for a salvation that would never come.

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