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The Lands of Yol - The Banishment of Procreation


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Rek Saraan Mu

From this day onwards, the act of Procreation not only within, but for those who serve it and walk within are hereby banished from participating in such an act. By bringing a child into this world you are creation what should be a beautiful flame, one that is plagued by the claim of Aeriel. Each soul and child created only risks that her realm grows stronger, and that her claim is met. This declaration is taking effect immedietly, and does not affect those who have harbored children prior.


Those found to break this declaration are subjected to the following consequences; execution and the seizing of the child to the Lord of Yol himself. There are no exceptions to this declaration, and all parties will be held accountable by the Knights of Yol and its respective entities.


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Alto the Patriot dislikes this law and will not follow it.

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Ainsley would bite his grimy fingernails as he remembered he had two children somewhere.

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Dame Viktoriya / Yhazlak / Astaroth / many names approves of this even though she's had 11 children.

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The Grey-Man, still in his rocking chair upon his porch, smiles to the delivery boy who lends him his weekly news

Flipping the pages with a cup of Doldgers Name Brand Coffee, he comes across the news, and spits his coffee out

"What the shit??!"

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A Keeper of Xan would be shown the missive as she were deep at work in the esoteric laboratory which wrought perfection beyond mortal reckoning - the robotic butler scurrying away as its master read the parchment. A long time passed, before she burst into uncontrollable laughter, clutching her stomach at the sheer hilarity of it all.


"W-What do you mean they banned procreation?! Are the Masters of Dragonkind truly so virgin as to attempt to control the love lives of others?! GODS, I feel like I'm in a nunnery- Is this a blow of reprisal because noone could ever love a face that bloody ugly?"

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The Dark King stared at the missive as he thundered across the realm, amassing his armies in order to conquest Almaris for his own, evil desires. Upon inspecting the missive, Malik the Freak decided that Yol would be a nation he avoided adding to his Dark Empire. "I once wanted to be a father." He reminisced on his backstory and downfall. 



good reverse psychology, now that you've banned sex in Yol, more people will commit sex to defile their azdrazi overlords. . . yes. . . perfect plan qizu. .. you would make a worthy dark lord..


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Throughout the great library of a felled nation, the Ferrum Xionist collected manuscripts and books alike. One such missive, however, was given to her by her underlings. Initially, there was disbelief, followed by great amusement. However, she might have been a devotee of the dark, yet it went against her creed, against her people and her ideals. This was not a group upheld freedom but another group of maleficar that needed to be purged. She exhaled a quote that she heeded recently and carried with utmost pride:


"Make known the potential of the forsaken plane.

I will. Summon the Hierophant and the lords, my underling."


@AfroJoeTheOlogBro @Diogen

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The Lord of Yol sharpens his axe, "Time to lop the head's off of incels." he cackled as a fire burned bright within his eyes.

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Eventually word of the missive reached the pointed ears of the pale elf, to which she was truly perplexed. "Rejection has an odd manner of affecting people, it seems." A soft mumbling to herself as she went to inform her mentor of the news...

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3 hours ago, Qizu said:





Rek Saraan Mu

From this day onwards, the act of Procreation not only within, but for those who serve it and walk within are hereby banished from participating in such an act. By bringing a child into this world you are creation what should be a beautiful flame, one that is plagued by the claim of Aeriel. Each soul and child created only risks that her realm grows stronger, and that her claim is met. This declaration is taking effect immedietly, and does not affect those who have harbored children prior.


Those found to break this declaration are subjected to the following consequences; execution and the seizing of the child to the Lord of Yol himself. There are no exceptions to this declaration, and all parties will be held accountable by the Knights of Yol and its respective entities.



"I like this law." A elfess who assumed herself infertile nodded in approval.

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The child of the Lord of Yol sweats nervously. 

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Nehtamo Aldin idly hammers out the dents from his armor after the most recent hunt. He reflects on his conversation with Morur. "Truly, we are all slaves to the Aengudaemons, the only way to break the cycle is to ensure it cannot continue with the next generation." 

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