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What Stopped You From Playing An Orc?


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Hey gamers! The title is pretty self explanatory, I am just curious as to what stopped/stops you personally from playing an orc?

I ask this because the orc race is the lowest selected race for persona's/new players. This can be what stopped you from when you filled out your application to the server, or what prevents you now. This can be anything from blah, to not having a skin, and so on.

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It was the worry that I'd either not understand the lore, or that I wouldn't be able to properly portray a character, because I didn't know the lore of said race.


Even though it's all readily there, there's the challenge of learning something I don't know, to play something an hour or two a day.


That's to say, it might not be enjoyable. It likely would.

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I can't stand the accent/typing it. Blah just ain't for me

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Blah, I cant make an orc skin for the life of me, also the culture around orcs isnt really one I care to roleplay, not my style

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Past experiences with prior playerbases of Krugmar. Once in a blue moon you might get a decent group but after what I was subjected to in 2012 and then later in 2018 or so when I was hacked and ddos'd by orcs I don't really enjoy being around the culture or communities it can foster/harbored in the past. I like some of the current people OOC but I will probably never make another orc or actively want to be in Krugmar. 

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my answer in a nutshell is that i just prefer the aesthetic of humans visually and the flexibility of presenting your character in a unique way aesthetically (imo a lot of orcs look and act the same), also the lack of diverse orc communities, it feels like as an orc player (from an outside perspective) you are shoehorned into krugmar and all their shaman/spiritual/warband stuff without the opportunity to dip your toes into anything else, similar reasons to why i don't play dwarves either.


also something i'm sure will be a common answer: blah bad, there has been a crazy amount of times where there has been new players interacting with orcs (myself included when i was new) who struggle to understand what the orc is trying to convey, even veteran players who stay in their circles and don't interact with orcs struggle to understand sometimes

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Language indecipherable even on the best of days, Krugmar doesn’t fit the vibe that I enjoy, no skin, new culture (scary), and orcs always centralise around Krugmar which I dont like since I prefer not affiliating with a single nation and more rping in a wider variety 

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I still have an orc persona on an alt, but I often don't end up on it due to leading a group that requires my attention 

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every time I make an orc I invariably begin losing brain cells and become mentally stunted 


its also one of the toughest communities to get into, forcing you to adapt to its culture, its geographical region, religion, and language.

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23 minutes ago, Traveller said:

my answer in a nutshell is that i just prefer the aesthetic of humans visually and the flexibility of presenting your character in a unique way aesthetically (imo a lot of orcs look and act the same), also the lack of diverse orc communities, it feels like as an orc player (from an outside perspective) you are shoehorned into krugmar and all their shaman/spiritual/warband stuff without the opportunity to dip your toes into anything else, similar reasons to why i don't play dwarves either.

have to agree with this that there is basically 2 archetypes of
1 - bloodthirsty brute 
2 - reserved spiritualist who is also bloodthirsty (but its viewed as bad)


taking from either warhammer (fantasy or 40k take your pick) or wow for either of them by majority
and while thats fine, those two archetypes dont really interest me as a character and I can't imagine being in a place surrounded by just those two people. People can break the archetype, fooddude does play a more scholarly orc, and it comes off well, but when I see others playing a scholarly, curious, or intelligent orc, it just comes off as a dull elf reskinned into a more physically apt race. Exception being noobs I see taking this route sometimes, but often they in the past have been bullied out of the community for it.


mi lub @Panashea and mi lub blah doe 

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Love my Orc persona, just haven't got the time for her myself. Generally, though, as others have said I think the main thing is that Orcs fulfill a very particular niche/style of character in any setting they're in, and don't really move outside it (i.e the three archetypes of beserker, hunter and shaman). So I just assume it has less to do with people not wanting to play Orcs so much as not as many wanting to play the sorts of characters that Orcs tend to be. Not necessarily a bad thing, just a thing that is, I guess.

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I feel I don't have enough time for my main

My alt slot is already taken by a golem

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The time I had as an Honorary was epic, I loved living in Krugmar. But as an orc, like other's have said, most characters really do tend to be the same and it gets boring. If you want to play a scholarly ork, you get whitewashed and hunted down - which is probably why no one plays 'em. 

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I was too scared to play anyone other than a vanilla human for my first persona (reading wiki did not give me confidence), and for my second persona I play a dwarf girl as CountDutchula's child because i sent out a request

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