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The Reckoning From Above


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The Reckoning From Above

5th of Sigismund’s End in the year of our Lord, 38 B.A






In the past few months, the Seneschal’s office has come to understand that a threat is headed in the way of the Kingdom of Balian. This threat has since been identified as the Dragon once considered dead, Cloudbreaker. As we prepare for the imminent attack, it is important for both the Crown and Seneschal to address the people of Almaris on this issue.


To the Citizenry of Balian:


Do not lose yourself in fear of what is to come, we as a people will be prepared for this Dragon to come, no matter the outcome of the coming battle. We as a people have overcome raids, attacks and at our very foundation, the loss of a great war that lead to a mass exodus. The Balianite strength is that of a simple truth, we are strong of will and heart. The Kingdom of Balian will endure.


To the Canonist Princes and Leaders:


Firstly, it is pertinent to reference the Scroll of Gospel “Thus mankind was united in virtue, in the highlands and the heartlands, and in the farthest homes of the sons of Horen” (Scroll of Gospel 6:33). Over the course of history, the Princes of Canon and all Canonists have united in their virtue against several darkspawn threats to their lands. It is that I ask you all once more to set aside any differences to fight together against this Dragon that may very well destroy all our lands. “Thus arrayed are the forces of God.” (Scroll of Auspice 2:22) @gusano@seannie@Eddywilson2@tilly


To the Southern lands:


Friends, it is the south that is currently being attacked, it is us who will need to defend ourselves. Haelun’or, it is with you we hold a great alliance and it is one of your citizens who informed us of the attack, I hope we can once more count on you as allies to help us. To Lurin, while we hold only a pact of Non-Aggression, I hope that you see this for the chance it is to ensure your lands aren’t destroyed by this Dragon. To Un’Satum, our lands have fought for years, argued and failed to come to peace, however now it is the case we must all work together and set aside this dispute so that we can save our lands. @Samler@mika1278@creamynoteblock


To the rest of Almaris:


To all other Nations of Almaris, allies, enemies or otherwise, it is time for us to all work together to kill this dragon, for if we fail to stop it in its advance on Atrus, where will it head next? Eventually, it will continue to another nation and it is not until we have killed it that it will stop in this mission. Together we must work together and use everything we have to ensure that the dragon fails in its attack. @Legoboy7984@ichigomaster98@AgentofDeath13@ColonelKuehl1





HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Alexander I,  by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Alexander I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Count of Monteres, Viscount of Eflen, Baron of Brucca and Valens, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera.

The Seneschal of Balian, Lord Ledicort of House Vuiller



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The King looked south from beside the light atop his citadel. He would fold the missive and place it within his sleeve as he nodded and turned to make his way down the numerous stone steps that lined Amaethea's streets. "As the leader of a land once scorned by dragons, I must make sure that no others come to share the fate that my people had when the titan burned down our city. Amaethea will rally for our friends, and we will maintain and uphold the balance for such is our duty, such is my duty." Acanthus eventually reaches the base of his city and looks upon his men and those people he trusts. The Missive would be read out to the masses and his soldiers made aware, his alchemists preparing, and the rest praying.

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"They didn't believe me!"


A prophet ambled through the ruins of old Vienne, her lips twisted into a crooked grin as she read it over. And then again. And once again. Lugging a bodybag behind her, she tossed the shovel she held aside and shook the dirt from her boots, a grave now desecrated.


"Ruin is nigh, vy pompous pricks!"

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Princess Mariya of Balian thought of the prophetic dream she had some Saints weeks ago, of a Dragon destroying the city she so loved and the warning she gave close friends, eyes glazed over with fever. She is glad, now, that things were taken serious.

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Casimir would read the missive, eyes wide. He ran to his parents asking if he could help

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Ember looked upon the missive as she looked at the pardon her father had gotten, she looked to her beloved @Pancho as he carried her youngest.


”We prepare for the worst, a domino effect, a butterfly’s effect even?” Mali’aherral pondered as she questioned outcomes and possibilities. 


“I hate the Unknown dammit, these paladins better bloody kill, if they understand the gravity of such beast, throw however many Valah at it, they just better send it back to the creator So that he may rethink his decision on creating such horrific creatures”



The Shield Vigil sought to the letter looking her fellow student and other vigils @Northtitan




”Lets do our best, falter- and death will not only be our only fate but the descendant kind’s as well

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