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When does your right to roleplay on LOTC get permanently revoked? [TW]


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Feedback noted.


(my last one got removed)



To add to that, this is one of the weakest, spineless verdicts this administration could have given. If you actually pride yourself in wanting to make lotc a safer space then actually tackle issues instead of saying "yeah you don't need to forgive someone".


We all slip up and say things that were said or sent in a burst of anger, but there's a clear line between that and gross harassment. This line was crossed and nothing has been done about it other than giving the community a weak explanation of how you don't tolerate harassment but also won't do anything about it.



Good job admins, proved us all right again

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40 minutes ago, itdontmatta said:

Hi everyone, we would like to address the recent discussions regarding Charlemagne's unban and the evidence of his past behavior. We understand the seriousness of this matter and would like to share our perspective and the steps we have taken.


First and foremost, we want to make it clear that we do not condone any hostility towards individuals sharing their concerns on this matter. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and empathy and we will not tolerate any behavior that violates this principle.


In evaluating Charlemagne's ban appeal, we did not have access to the screenshots shared in this thread. His initial ban was for no-RP killing, resulting in an indefinite admin ban. After Charlemagne served nearly five years and submitted a public ban appeal addressing his past actions, we decided to lift his ban without any additional evidence presented at that time.


Upon learning about the new evidence from Muna, we immediately reopened discussions about our decision. Although we did not classify this as a safety issue per our Safety Policy guidelines, we seriously considered permanently rebanning Charlemagne under other policies. We considered factors such as the length of time he was banned, his conduct since his unban, and the server culture at the time he was banned. However, we could not conclude that he should be re-banned permanently.


Following our decision I reached out to Muna to discuss our reasoning and encouraged him to hold Charlemagne accountable. I deeply respect the courage it took for you to come forward with this. While we chose not to reban Charlemagne, we believe it is important for us to hold him accountable for his words – he is not immune to this. You deserve an apology, though that does not mean he deserves your forgiveness.


We understand that some community members may be upset with our decision, and we empathize with those feelings. We encourage open and respectful discussions about this matter and are available for any further concerns or questions you may have.


Thank you for your understanding and for helping us maintain a safe and welcoming environment for our community.



Alex and the Administration


I find it absolutely shameful to see that the staff does not take his actions into account in regards to player safety guidelines. First, he talks of electric therapy and r-pe, then he displays a swastika (a symbol under which millions have died) and you just look over the proof as if nothing ever happened. It's absurd what is happening now.


Just know that when actions repeat itself that you'll be the one responsible for letting a sadistic neo-nazi back on the server. Someone who promotes symbols such as a swastika against whose grandparents or great-grandparents fought against too, and in the same breath speaks of torture. 


This guy (Charlemagne) belongs somewhere in the Nuremberg trials and not on a pixel server with 13 year old children.

This decision is absolutely deranged.


Staff has lost their mind and is now defending the people who glorify the events as:




Good God your ancestors must be turning in their graves knowing this is exactly the same radicalized kind they fought against that you let back on the server.

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2 minutes ago, PerfectlyPeachy said:

lol, ok. this server is not a right, it is a privilege that you are entitled to if you have the capability of behaving like a decent ******* human being.

this. just this.

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This decision isn't doing anything of what you wish to accomplish. You're only showing how comfortable you lot are at keeping the old toxic parts of the server warm so you can keep some of your totally not friends around a little while longer. Try again next time this shit's going to happen lol.

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this server is never going to change, especially after this. might as well let everyone do whatever they want at this point.


you tell us to come forward, you tell us to speak out "in order to make the server better" but this is what you do? in what world is this even OKAY?!


to toni and muna, ya'll deserve better. and very other kind soul on this server. i'm sorry that our community is failing you.

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2 minutes ago, PerfectlyPeachy said:

This is disgusting. You wish to hold him accountable, without actually doing anything yourself - you push for Muna to take the brunt of the backlash, and sidle in with a 'well, he was told how gross he was!" I was never aware of this situation until this post, and as a victim of assault, it made me feel sick to my stomach. 

lol, ok. this server is not a right, it is a privilege that you are entitled to if you have the capability of behaving like a decent ******* human being. It's okay for somebody to remain banned sometimes. Is this really the example we want to be setting for the influx of new players who have joined the server from tiktok? A majority of them are extremely young as far as I'm aware, and if I were a parent and found my child playing somewhere where people were allowed to freely spew such atrocities, they'd never ******* lot onto it again. 


Was literally just saying this in VC. This server has made the decision to allow children onto this server and take their money. They have an obligation to do what is right and be rid of these people. I couldn't imagine telling a parent as an admin that "Nah we let these people back on the server but we made him say sorry! :)"

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15 minutes ago, itdontmatta said:

Hi everyone, we would like to address the recent discussions regarding Charlemagne's unban and the evidence of his past behavior. We understand the seriousness of this matter and would like to share our perspective and the steps we have taken.


First and foremost, we want to make it clear that we do not condone any hostility towards individuals sharing their concerns on this matter. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and empathy and we will not tolerate any behavior that violates this principle.


In evaluating Charlemagne's ban appeal, we did not have access to the screenshots shared in this thread. His initial ban was for no-RP killing, resulting in an indefinite admin ban. After Charlemagne served nearly five years and submitted a public ban appeal addressing his past actions, we decided to lift his ban without any additional evidence presented at that time.


Upon learning about the new evidence from Muna, we immediately reopened discussions about our decision. Although we did not classify this as a safety issue per our Safety Policy guidelines, we seriously considered permanently rebanning Charlemagne under other policies. We considered factors such as the length of time he was banned, his conduct since his unban, and the server culture at the time he was banned. However, we could not conclude that he should be re-banned permanently.


Following our decision I reached out to Muna to discuss our reasoning and encouraged him to hold Charlemagne accountable. I deeply respect the courage it took for you to come forward with this. While we chose not to reban Charlemagne, we believe it is important for us to hold him accountable for his words – he is not immune to this. You deserve an apology, though that does not mean he deserves your forgiveness.


We understand that some community members may be upset with our decision, and we empathize with those feelings. We encourage open and respectful discussions about this matter and are available for any further concerns or questions you may have.


Thank you for your understanding and for helping us maintain a safe and welcoming environment for our community.



Alex and the Administration


Please answer this question. Had these screenshots been available at the time you were discussing Charlemagne's appeal, would he have still been unbanned, or would you have prioritised the safety of this community? Frankly, I believe the lifting of his ban was a woeful mistake that sets a terrible precedent. It almost feels like the administration is hesitant to re-ban him due to not wanting to appear indecisive.

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2 minutes ago, worldeltaii said:

this server is never going to change, especially after this. might as well let everyone do whatever they want at this point.


to toni and muna, ya'll deserve better. and very other kind soul on this server.

depressing to hear a staff member say this


the question must eventually be asked - what are the priorities of those in charge of bans?

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you man need to stop grouping in people who've said a few mean things in the past with people who threaten to electric chair and r🦍 someone (potentially a minor at the time if i'm not mistaken) to death. unless you're just straight up admitting you've done these things too, they are not the same type of player, not the same type of behavior. stop diluting it to just "edgy jokes" and take accountability for what it actually is


btw if the replies on here are virtue signaling to you then you actually are just unfixable. there are literally people saying this post was only made because of the war or whatever, or blaming them for not avoiding this group enough, or reducing the actual severity of the situation (such as yourself @AnonymousAlexa )


would also like to add on that the administration response to this is ******* abhorrent, alongside:




"you know this guy wants to kill trans people and has said he's going to r🦍 someone over supposed snitching, proceed with this information as you will. he is unbanned." yeah, really good look brother.


shoutout to this


24 minutes ago, PerfectlyPeachy said:

This is disgusting. You wish to hold him accountable, without actually doing anything yourself - you push for Muna to take the brunt of the backlash, and sidle in with a 'well, he was told how gross he was!"

lol, ok. this server is not a right, it is a privilege that you are entitled to if you have the capability of behaving like a decent ******* human being. It's okay for somebody to remain banned sometimes. Is this really the example we want to be setting for the influx of new players who have joined the server from tiktok? A majority of them are extremely young as far as I'm aware, and if I were a parent and found my child playing somewhere where people were allowed to freely spew such atrocities, they'd never ******* lot onto it again. 


u r on the money

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I mean is this really surprising when known pedo’s get to become NL’s?

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4 minutes ago, _Hexe_ said:

you man need to stop grouping in people who've said a few mean things in the past with people who threaten to electric chair and r🦍 someone (potentially a minor at the time if i'm not mistaken) to death. unless you're just straight up admitting you've done these things too, they are not the same type of player, not the same type of behavior. stop diluting it to just "edgy jokes" and take accountability for what it actually is


btw if the replies on here are virtue signaling to you then you actually are just unfixable. there are literally people saying this post was only made because of the war or whatever, or blaming them for not avoiding this group enough, or reducing the actual severity of the situation (such as yourself)


would also like to add on that the administration response to this is ******* abhorrent, alongside:




"you know this guy wants to kill trans people and has said he's going to r🦍 someone over supposed snitching, proceed with this information as you will. he is unbanned." yeah, really good look brother.


shoutout to this



u r on the money


The "snitching" was me informing Muna of what had been said about them in the chat. And then it was reported to staff where a "lovely" staff member who was staff at the time (no longer staff now though) then leaked this info on me having "snitched". Hence the message given to me by Trol

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8 minutes ago, satinkira said:

depressing to hear a staff member say this


the question must eventually be asked - what are the priorities of those in charge of bans?

i stepped down, just waiting for my permissions to be removed-

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