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Bittersweet Goodbye [PK]


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The heavy orc carefully picked up the paper with two fingers, his eyes grow wide before growling outloud as he destroys the paper and punches a crack into the nearest brick all available "NUB! NUB NUB MI LYK MUUZE!" The orc roared out as for the first time in forever he shed a tear..

Edited by YourParalysis
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"Fish On.." Stated the Ker as he held the letter, grunting as he knew what duty he had to Come.

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“Oi’ll nevah forge’ yeh’re amazin’ trade deals” says Mimosa Applefoot-Nimblefoot

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"Mouse man had it coming, bloody, make your dying wish being to call me a loser.. baking wasn't even good." The 'ame said to himself after hearing the TERRIFIC NEWS! Though, the musin deserved a much worser death in all honesty.

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The news would eventually reach the Uruk, within the lands of the Iron Horde. Upon hearing the news, he would immediately head over to the shrine of Kor and offer his prayers to the Spirit, to ensure that the musins soul would be untouched and protected.

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Construction would be heard in the GORKIL GYM... perhaps something to remember the little mouse by, the ORC-LIFTER...

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Instead of the usual Lujain peering upon the letter, it had been Hreidunn"You were an excellent musin, one of my best dockmasters I'd say." Then smiling upon the document as he set it down upon the desk.

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Fal'leon feels his throat tighten as the news makes its way to him. Despite his years bringing himself to detatch from descendants lives, the loss of his friend hits him hard nevertheless. A great deal of time is spent mourning the mighty Musin. "Ye shall ne'er be forgo''en, ol' friend."



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Amethyst lifted her left hand to lips, her eyes softening slightly as she reads. Before a soft sigh escapes her lips, swallowing hard to push her emotions down. Tears filling the corner of her eyes before she quickly began to blink them away. "To think I was carrying him on my back only a few elven days ago on a shopping trip. Rest well llir"

Larissa threw the paper onto the counter in her kitchen, soft sobs coming from the woman mourning the lose of her long time friend. The brunette sniffed, wiping her eyes lightly before she continued to bake. However it was now in memory of Flour.

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26 minutes ago, Amethyst_Starry said:

Amethyst lifted her left hand to lips, her eyes softening slightly as she reads. Before a soft sigh escapes her lips, swallowing hard to push her emotions down. Tears filling the corner of her eyes before she quickly began to blink them away. "To think I was carrying him on my back only a few elven days ago on a shopping trip. Rest well llir"

Larissa threw the paper onto the counter in her kitchen, soft sobs coming from the woman mourning the lose of her long time friend. The brunette sniffed, wiping her eyes lightly before she continued to bake. However it was now in memory of Flour.

^ this person is stinky (ooc)

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Medea is not gonna take this well


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Somewhere in the afterlife, a random human woman approves of the mouse she never met.

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