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[✗] [Voidal Feat] Voidal Scribes


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The Voidal Scribe


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Long ago, a group of ambitious mages embarked on a quest to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos. Among them was a brilliant scholar, driven by an insatiable curiosity. Deep within forbidden texts, they discovered fragments of an ancient art—a forgotten technique that harnessed the power of the void. Years of dedication led to the birth of voidal scribing, enabling the mage to inscribe powerful glyphs and manipulate the fabric of reality itself.


The revelation of voidal scribing spread rapidly throughout the magical community, captivating mages, scholars, and practitioners alike. Its potential to revolutionize magic was recognized by many. The once-isolated scholar became a renowned mentor, sharing their knowledge and guiding a new generation of mages. Voidal scribing evolved and expanded, unlocking boundless possibilities and forever changing the landscape of arcane understanding.


Today, voidal scribing is an integral part of magical education, its techniques refined by countless practitioners. Born from relentless pursuit of knowledge, this feat stands as a testament to the indomitable descendant's spirit and its capacity to harness the mysterious forces of the void. The legacy of voidal scribing persists, leaving an indelible mark on the history of magic.

After centuries of being lost to history, the ancient art of voidal scribing was unexpectedly re-discovered. A lone adventurer, delving into the depths of a long-abandoned library, stumbled upon a hidden chamber. Within its dusty confines, they uncovered a forgotten tome filled with cryptic symbols and esoteric knowledge. Driven by curiosity, the adventurer painstakingly deciphered the secrets contained within the pages, unlocking the long-lost techniques of voidal scribing. With this serendipitous find, the art once again found its way into the hands of those who sought to wield the untapped power of the void, forever altering the course of magic once more.



Magic Explanation

As a voidal Scribe, one can use their magical abilities to channel the raw power of the Void into their writing, imbuing their words with an almost otherworldly energy and potency. This type of magic is focused on magical writing, and the scribe can use it to create works of great beauty and power, which can inspire and move those who read them.


The magic of voidal Scribing can be used in many ways, depending on the scribe's skill and creativity. For example, they can use it to craft powerful incantations and magical texts, which can have a profound impact on those who read or use them. A talented voidal Scribe can, with help of another mage, even imbue specific spells into their works.


Furthermore, voidal Scribes can use their magic to manipulate the written word, altering the meaning and intent of texts to suit their purposes. They can also use their abilities to create illusions and other visual effects in their writing, allowing them to convey complex ideas and concepts in a more visceral and engaging way.


Overall, the magic of voidal Scribing is a powerful tool for those who wield it, allowing them to tap into the raw power of the Void and unleash their creativity in ways that are both inspiring and transformative.


- Voidal Scribing requires 3 slots dedicated to voidal Magic to learn. This Feat will go dormant if they lose knowledge or practice of Voidal Arts.

- Voidal Scribing is self-taught, initiated through ritual.

- Voidal Scribing is a Feat and one would make an app for so. This app requires the aiding-magi to place their approval on the FA.

- Voidal Scribing is not exclusive to other voidal Feats. It may be paired with any of them.

- Voidal Scribing can only be given to someone through a ritual of Tattooing, performed by another Mage.




The process to create another Scribe isn’t hard. All it requires is another mage who knows how to make a tattoo, a combination of ink and crushed focus crystals and a greater Mana source.


The connection ritual itself is fairly freeform, though it should take at least three [3] emotes, consisting of setting the tattoo, connecting it to the voidal Scribe in question. This can be done by any mage who has at least a Tier 4 in one type of magic. This is because otherwise the mage in question doesn’t have the necessary experience to lead the ritual.


Before the Ritual, one needs to prepare the ink needed for the tattoo. This type of ink is even more potent than that usually used by voidal Scribes, consisting of ink and two Crushed Focus Crystals, for it needs to hold and allow for channeling of voidal power. Hence the need for mana charged gems. This magical ink will then need to be tattooed onto the Mage in question.



- A Tier 4 mage or Tier 3 voidal Scribe is needed, no matter the kind of magic they have learned.

- For the process, the special combination of 2 Crushed Focus rystals and Ink is needed. This does not need to be ST signed, but screenshots could be asked by Staff if they need it.

- Only sentient beings with bodies of flesh may attain this feat, Epiphites and Constructs will be unable.

- Upon transformation from a flesh body to any other, unnatural kinds, the feat will be lost.



Physical Effects

Becoming a Voidal Scribe does not grant any physical effects. The only physical change is the constantly glowing tattoo in the Aura color of the Mage. This tattoo may be placed anywhere, but may not be moved unless they’re helped by another Voidal Scribe.


The veins around the Voidal Scribe’s Tattoo will seem a bit darker, a hint of the Aura of the mage leaking through from the tattoo itself.



- If the voidal Scribes’ tattoo is moved, they start again at Tier II, though it only takes a week to go up to Tier III.

- The Tattoo, like those that house spells, can’t be hidden or covered up. They will always shine through the clothing, like how Veilwatcher eyes will shine through masks and blindfolds.

- If the limb on which the tattoo is placed gets lost, the voidal Scribe will have to get it replaced within 2 OOC weeks, or else they get disconnected from the Feat.

- If the skin is cut, nothing happens to the tattoo.

- If the skin is burnt, nothing happens to the tattoo.



Mental Effects

Voidal magics always affect the mind in some way or another, and that is becoming a voidal Scribe no different. Having a constant creative input running through one's mind will change them.


For Scribes (required)

Nearly all voidal Scribes are hoarders, wanting as much knowledge as they can get their hands on.


For Scribes (optional)

Many voidal Scribes are often antisocial.

Voidal Scribes can often be seen in or around libraries, copying down notes.

Voidal Scribes can find themselves easily overwhelmed when they’re trying to learn too much at one time.

A voidal Scribe may also hear voices that are not there, urging them to write or collect even more books than they already have.

Easily bored by regular conversations.

Ignorance or Arrogance.


For the Tattooed (without FA)

Those carrying Infused Tattoos may feel stronger than they are, and suffer from overconfidence.

The carrying of such a tattoo may also cause someone to become hungry for power in any form.



Abilities, Spells & Crafts


[Active] [Non-Combat] - Arcane Ink [Craft] - [T1]

Before one can write, one needs ink. However, due to the magical nature of these words and Symbols, one requires a special, magical ink.


Arcane or magical ink is a perfect harmony between the power of the Void and the realms. By combining crushed Focus crystals and regular ink, this dark purple ink may, after finishing the first part of the spell, be used for simple writing, or for further refinement into the arcane ink needed by the Scribes.

To turn the regular ink into arcane ink, one needs to overload it with Mana over the course of three emotes. This tiring process can be performed on three bottles per IRL day. m


- One may make three bottles of ink per regular craft.

- The regular ink itself doesn’t need an ST signature.

- The arcane ink DOES need a signature, but this may be placed after if the infusion of the ink and writing are done at the same time.

- The process of charging arcane ink requires 3 emotes. [Connect - Charge - Infuse]

- The ink may only be infused by someone with the Feat.

- Arcane Ink may only be crafted once a day.

- Can be made from Tier 1.


Emote Example


Emote 1: [Connect]

The mage takes a deep breath, centering their focus on the regular ink before them. They extend their hand towards the ink bottle, fingertips hovering just above the surface. Closing their eyes, they reach out with their magical senses, forging a connection between their mana and the ink. A subtle shimmer dances in the air around their hand, signifying the establishment of the mystical link between the two.


Emote 2: [Charge]


With the connection established, the mage channels their mana into the ink bottle, infusing it with magical energy. They draw upon the power of the Void and the realms, allowing their mana to flow into the ink. As the mana courses through their fingertips, the ink begins to react, taking on a faint glow of dark purple. The energy radiates within the bottle, as if imbuing the ink with an arcane essence. The mage maintains their concentration, carefully controlling the flow of mana to avoid overwhelming the ink.


Emote 3: [Infuse]


As the charging process nears completion, the mage's hand hovers over the ink bottle, their mana infused within. With a final surge of energy, they guide their mana to merge seamlessly with the ink. The glow within the bottle intensifies for a brief moment before subsiding, leaving behind a dark purple ink that now carries the arcane properties of the Void and the realms. The mage opens their eyes, satisfied with the successful infusion. The ink is now ready to be used for the intricate and magical writings of the Scribes.


[Active] [Non-Combat/Combat] - Spellbook [Craft] - [T1]

A Spellbook is something every adept mage needs. Some however are better at creating them than others, and some may even store some of their power into it.


The creation of a spellbook is a fairly easy one, only requiring the Mage to know how to craft and use arcane ink. These books may, eventually, hold up to 5 enchanted Scrolls/Scribes (See Arcane Scribing). Any more than that and the scrolls and spellbook will go up in the Void, lost to pure chaos. Alternatively, a spellbook may be used as an arcane book Focus, allowing for the mage to cast more effectively while it’s opened.

To create such a spellbook, one first needs to make a Book Focus, before inscribing it with the spells they want to know, or teach other sorcerers.


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- A Spellbook may not hold more than 5 Single use enchants at once, or else it’s destroyed.

- Spellbooks used as Arcane Foci follow the redlines of the Arcane Focus.

- When using a spellbook, one needs to emote the book floating besides them, or holding the book themselves.

- It takes three [5] emotes to craft a spellbook, and two [2] emotes to infuse an inscribed spell into it.

- A spellbook can be held and used by any mage that possesses the Feat, even if they didn’t make the book themselves.

- Requires 3 Arcane Ink to make.

- If used to hold Arcane Scribes, it requires an ST Signature.

- Can be made from Tier 1.


Emote Example


Emote 1: [Craft Book Focus]

The mage begins the process of creating a spellbook by gathering the necessary materials. They carefully select high-quality parchment or paper, ensuring its durability and smooth texture. With precise movements, they fold the sheets in half, creating the pages of the spellbook. The mage then chooses a sturdy material for the cover, such as leather or thick fabric, and cuts it to the appropriate size and shape. They position the folded pages within the cover, aligning them perfectly. Taking a strong adhesive, they carefully bind the pages and cover together, creating a solid foundation for the spellbook.


Emote 2: [Prepare Arcane Ink]


To infuse the spellbook with arcane power, the mage readies their Arcane Ink. They retrieve a vial containing the dark and potent ink, specifically crafted for magical purposes. With a steady hand, they unseal the vial, revealing the shimmering liquid within. The mage focuses their mana, creating a connection between their magical energy and the ink, attuning them to one another. The ink seems to respond, emanating a faint magical aura that signifies its readiness for use.


Emote 3: [Inscribe Spells - Part 1]


With the spellbook and Arcane Ink prepared, the mage opens the pages of the spellbook to the first blank page. They dip their quill or pen into the Arcane Ink, ensuring the tip is coated with the magical substance. Holding their instrument with a practiced grip, they begin the process of inscribing spells onto the parchment. With precise strokes, they carefully draw the intricate symbols, sigils, and incantations that represent the chosen spells. Each mark on the page holds the essence of the Voidal magic it represents, capturing the knowledge and power within the spellbook.


Emote 4: [Inscribe Spells - Part 2]


Continuing their meticulous work, the mage progresses through the pages, inscribing the desired spells onto each one. They maintain their focus and concentration, ensuring the accuracy and clarity of each symbol and word. The ink flows smoothly from the quill, imbuing the pages with its magical essence. The spellbook gradually becomes a repository of knowledge, housing the mage's chosen spells in a tangible and accessible form. The process of inscribing the spells is a laborious but rewarding endeavor, as the mage pours their expertise and understanding into each stroke of the pen.


Emote 5: [Empower with Mana]


With the spellbook now filled with the desired spells, the mage takes a moment to connect with the arcane energy within. They center their concentration and draw upon their inner mana reserves. Placing their hand upon the spellbook's cover, they channel their mana into the pages, infusing them with a surge of magical power. The mana interweaves with the inscribed spells, enhancing their potency and imbuing the spellbook with a faint aura of arcane energy. The mage feels a sense of satisfaction as they sense the harmonious fusion of their mana and the spellbook, knowing that it is now a potent tool for their magical endeavors.


[Active] [Non-Combat/Combat] - Arcane Scribing [Ability] - [T2]

A process that allows for a practitioner of the path of the Scribe to create magical inscriptions upon objects, giving them a glowing inscription with a look of their choosing.


This ability allows for a mage to create an inscription of their choosing upon an object. The process does not require an Obelisk, but it does tire out a mage. It takes three emotes to five emotes to inscribe something upon a surface, depending on the scale of the inscription. The crafter may use a Voidal magic of their choosing, the inscription taking the form of that magic. (For example a Fire Evocationist may choose to make the inscription look like smoldering flames, or a Translocationist making it look like a tear or portal like inscription.) 



- May only be used for decorative inscriptions, it does not give any mechanical or combative advantages.

- Requires 1 Arcane Ink for a weapon.

- Requires 3 Arcane Ink for anything larger than 1 square meter.

- Inscriptions don’t give off more light than needed to read the words themselves.

- For inscribing a weapon, it takes at most 3 emotes [Connect - Draw - Inscribe]

- For inscribing objects or surfaces larger than 1 square meter it takes 4 emotes. [Connect - Draw - Charge - Inscribe]

- Inscriptions can be enchanted with Potent Enchantments by a Transfigurist. This requires an ST signature.

- This Ability can be learned at Tier II.


Emote Examples



Emote 1: [Connect]

The mage focuses their concentration on the object or surface they intend to inscribe. They extend their hand towards it, their palm hovering just above the chosen area. Drawing upon their knowledge of the Scribe's path, they tap into the reservoir of magical energy within them. As they make contact with the surface, a gentle glow envelops their hand, signifying the connection formed between their magic and the target.


Emote 2: [Draw]


With a steady hand and a focused gaze, the mage begins to trace intricate lines and symbols in the air above the object or surface. Their motions are deliberate and precise, as the magical patterns take shape in response to their will. The lines appear translucent, shimmering with a faint radiance that mirrors the chosen magical essence. The mage's expertise in their chosen Voidal magic allows them to craft the inscription to resemble their preferred manifestation, whether it be flames, tears, or another evocative representation.


Emote 3: [Inscribe]


As the final strokes of the magical inscription are completed, the mage channels their mana into the lines, causing them to glow with a soft, enchanting light. The magical energy infuses the inscription, making it come alive with a gentle luminescence. However, the glow emitted is only enough to illuminate the words or symbols themselves, providing a decorative effect rather than a significant light source. The mage steps back, their task accomplished, as the inscribed object now carries the magical mark of their craft.


Emote 1: [Connect]

The mage focuses their gaze upon the object they intend to inscribe, centering their concentration on its surface. They reach out with their hand, palm facing the object, as a connection begins to form. They draw upon their knowledge and affinity for the Scribe's path, feeling the subtle energy of their magic intertwine with the essence of the object. A faint shimmer dances across their fingertips, marking the establishment of the mystical bond.


Emote 2: [Draw]


With precision and finesse, the mage extends their other hand, fingers gracefully tracing patterns and symbols in the air just above the object's surface. As their hand moves, ethereal lines materialize, glowing with a soft radiance that echoes the mage's chosen Voidal magic. The lines intertwine and twist, creating an intricate web of enchantment. The mage's expertise guides each stroke, shaping the inscribed design to reflect the desired aesthetic, be it flickering flames, cascading tears, or an enchanting portal.


Emote 3: [Charge]


Sensing the delicate balance between their own mana and the inscription-to-be, the mage takes a deep breath, gathering their magical energy. They channel a surge of power through their fingertips, causing the ethereal lines of the inscription to pulsate with a brighter glow. The ambient light within the immediate vicinity responds, intensifying slightly as it interacts with the charged magic. The inscription becomes infused with the mage's mana, resonating with potential and awaiting the final step.


Emote 4: [Inscribe]


In the culmination of their artistry, the mage's hand descends onto the object's surface. Their fingertips make contact with the material, and with a steady and deliberate touch, they press the charged lines onto the object. A moment of transfer occurs as the magic seamlessly melds with the object, leaving behind the luminous trail of the inscription. The glow emanates from the newly created markings, illuminating the immediate area with a gentle radiance. With a satisfied expression, the mage steps back, their creation complete and the object now adorned with the mystical inscription.


[Active] [Non-Combat/Combat] - Arcane Tattoo [Ability/Craft] - [T2]

Similar to arcane Scribing, one may choose to inscribe words or symbols onto skin. These tattoos are a complicated way to get ornate tattoos.


The tattoo placements work the same as Arcane Scribing, but instead of the skin. A tattoo can either hold a specific Magic, looking like the specific kind (Fire tattoos will look like flames beneath the skin, Life Evocation tattoos can look like anything found in nature etc.) The tattoos can also, similar to Arcanium, be made inert, and change form depending on the magic used.

The way one of these tattoos is given its aesthetic through a similar process as Arcanium, meaning a greater mana source is needed to give it a specific aesthetic, in combination with the Crushed Magic Crystal ink.


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- Regular tattoos DO NOT require ST signature.

- Inert tattoos only activate with the casting of a mage, not with usage of an enchantment.

- Requires 1 arcane ink.

- The emote order of setting a tattoo is as follows. [Connect - Draw - Infuse]

- Tattoos can’t give a combative advantage unless enchanted.

- Tattoos can be enchanted with potent Enchantments by a transfigurist.

- Enchanted tattoos DO require ST signature.

- Enchanted tattoos can hold up to Tier III [3] Enchantments.

- Enchanted tattoos can be used for Conjuration Jing.

- This ability can be learned at Tier II.


Emote Example


Emote 1: [Connect]

The mage focuses their mind and extends their hand towards the desired area of the recipient's skin. They draw upon their inner mana, feeling the flow of arcane energy surging through their veins. With a gentle touch, the mage establishes a connection between their own magical essence and the canvas of flesh, creating a subtle shimmering link.


Emote 2: [Draw]


With precise movements, the mage's fingertips dance across the skin, tracing intricate lines and patterns that form the basis of the arcane tattoo. Each stroke is deliberate, imbued with magical intent. As the mage continues to draw, the lines begin to glow faintly, as if the very essence of the magic is being etched into the skin itself. The design takes shape, reflecting the desired aesthetic, whether it be a representation of fire, evoking nature, or embodying another magical essence.


Emote 3: [Infuse]


As the final strokes of the tattoo are completed, the mage takes a deep breath, their focus intensifying. They channel their mana into the drawn design, infusing it with the desired magical properties. A surge of energy courses through the lines of the tattoo, causing it to glow with a vibrant radiance. The tattoo becomes alive with the latent power contained within, ready to be activated when the mage calls upon its magic or triggers its specific conditions. With the infusion complete, the mage steps back, their task fulfilled.


[Passive] [Non-Combat] - Whirlwind Scripting [Ability] - [T3]

Harnessing the power of a trained mind, a voidal Scribe may read and write faster than any other.


Whirlwind Scripting is a passive magical ability that enables certain mages to read and write at an astonishing speed, making them appear as a blur of motion. With this ability, they can transcribe texts, create intricate glyphs, and cast spells much faster than ordinary mages. They can also read and comprehend written information almost instantly, giving them a significant advantage in research and spellcasting.



- The ability cannot be used in Combat.

- Whirlwind Scripting is purely aesthetic, making their head/eyes a blur when reading, or their hands a blur when writing.

- This ability cannot be used to Metagame/Powergame

- This ability is gained at Tier III


Emote Example


Emote 1: [Blur of Motion]

The Voidal Scribe activates their Whirlwind Scripting ability, and a surge of magical energy courses through their being. As they begin to read or write, their movements become a blur of motion. Their hands move with incredible speed and precision, their fingers dancing across the page or keyboard in a flurry of activity. Words and symbols flow effortlessly from their mind to the medium, as if guided by an unseen force. Their eyes dart across the text at an astonishing pace, absorbing the information in a fraction of the time it would take an ordinary mage. The mage becomes a whirlwind of activity, their speed and agility in reading and writing unmatched.


Emote 2: [Instant Comprehension]


As the Voidal Scribe's hands continue to blur with rapid motion, their mind processes the written information almost instantaneously. Words and passages seem to leap off the page, forming a cohesive and comprehensive understanding in the blink of an eye. Complex concepts and intricate details are absorbed effortlessly, as if the knowledge is imprinted directly onto their consciousness. They can decipher cryptic texts, unravel ancient spells, and comprehend dense magical theories with remarkable ease. The blur of motion surrounding their head and eyes signifies the accelerated cognitive processing occurring within, granting them an unparalleled advantage in research, study, and spellcasting.


[Passive] [Non-Combat] - Mind Library [Ability] - [T3]

Harnessing the power of a trained mind, the ability to retain and recall information becomes invaluable for a Voidal Scribe.


Through extensive dedication to their studies, a voidal Scribe develops the extraordinary capacity to effortlessly memorize and retrieve any information they have absorbed. This enables them to accurately reproduce or transcribe any given knowledge. Acquiring this ability requires no specific training, but rather stems from their extensive exposure to books and manuscripts, gradually becoming a passive skill over time.



- The ability is passive, and thus does not require anything to learn.

- This ability does not allow one to read, understand or remember information written in another language.

- This ability cannot be used to Metagame/Powergame.

- This ability is gained at Tier III. 


General Redlines

- Tattoos cannot be hidden.

- Infused spells cannot go over Tier 3 of the respective magic.

- To keep track of scrolls in a spellbook, one needs to keep a doc, listing the specific scroll, three screens of how it was made (if it was made by you), and the date by which it was added, similarly to the way Machine Spirits keep track of their bodies.

- One must wait at least 5 emotes before being able to use either a scroll or tattoo spell.

- To create another voidal Scribe, one needs to be Tier III, and in the vicinity of an Obelisk or Tear. This process takes 4 emotes, and is freeform beyond that.

- Someone can enchant their own crafts if they possess the needed magics.




Tier Progression

Tier I [1]

When starting off, a Voidal Scribe learns how to craft and infuse Arcane Ink. They also can use it in making a Spellbook. The mental effects will take effect as well during this time, though their intensity builds up slowly. This Tier lasts two OOC weeks.


Tier II [2]

The Voidal Scribe may, with enough practice, use their abilities now to use Arcane Scribing and create Arcane Tattoos. The mental effects have taken full swing at this point. This Tier lasts for two OOC weeks


Tier III [3]

After Four OOC weeks, one has reached mastery within Voidal Scribing. They can now use Whirlwind Scripting, and they have trained their mind thus far to use the ability Mind Library. They also can now connect other Mages to start their journey upon this Arcane Path.




Voidal Mages should be able to store away spells for later use, as well as create spellbooks allowing fellow mages to use their magic a single time.

By allowing a mage to try a spell of a magic they do not possess, they can get a feel for the magic itself, perhaps even going to learn it themselves.

Voidal Mages, in my opinion, feel like they should commonly be able to achieve this feat, thus the creation of this. Most mage players already have created a scholar-type character, and its why I thought I'd make a Feat for it.


I wrote this piece over the course of my final exams, so it's probably not the best it can be. I'm open for messages and corrections when needed.




_Grey_W0lf_ - Main writer

ECS1999 - Proofreading / ideas

Meteor_Dragon - Proofreading / ideas

Lord_of_Losers - Proofreading / ideas

Realsamler - Proofreading / ideas

Exogens - Proofreading / ideas

Fadedquartz - Proofreading/ideas

_RoyalCrafter_ - Proofreading/advice

M4nnam4nnaa - Proofreading
Satinkira - Proofreading

The Mages Guild - Entertaining my ramblings and idiotic ideas.



Citations & Info









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Actually seen this feat being written and i think it's very cool!

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DND wizards incoming!! Thank you for the great effort and making me apart of the experience Grey!

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3 minutes ago, exoo said:

DND wizards incoming!! Thank you for the great effort and making me apart of the experience Grey!

No problem mate! You were a great help!

13 minutes ago, ECS11 said:

Actually seen this feat being written and i think it's very cool!

And thanks to you too, you were also a massive help!

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You did good with the formatting, I'll say that much. Props for that. 

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I looked at this briefly once but in this current state I don't think this feat is ready to be added to the game. Here are some main points of feedback.


Connection: This section doesn't really describe how a Scribe gets their abilities from the ritual they're doing, contrary to other Voidal feats which are quite clear to this. It's also vague in general.


Effects upon user: For a feat that every voidal mage can use with all other feats, the effects on the user are way too lenient. See veil watching - it's one of the hardest Voidal feats upon one's mind, as a tradeoff for its relative accessibility with other feats. 


Spellbook: It looks like a part of the magic that was intended to be used with this was removed. As of now, it doesn't seem to give the mage any actual abilities outside of what a normal mage could do - if there was a 'single use enchant' part of the magic that once existed, that would explain that, but in its current state, this spell does nothing.


Arcane Scribing and Arcane Tattoo are cool flavor, but generally lacking specification in how they might interact with other lores that have an interaction with magic.


Whirlwind Scripting and Mind Library are interesting abilities, I'm just lost at how exactly connecting to this Feat in the way described grants the mage this superhuman ability- I think every other Voidal feat is very clear how its affects are achieved, except for maybe the Artificer, which at least tries to explain it even if the explanation is rather nonsensical.


General: It seems like a decent bit got cut from this. In its current state it doesn't seem to have much of a point, and certainly lacks necessary refinement in areas. I do love the idea though, so I hope you end up seeing this through with further work.

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16 minutes ago, sam33497 said:

I looked at this briefly once but in this current state I don't think this feat is ready to be added to the game. Here are some main points of feedback.


Connection: This section doesn't really describe how a Scribe gets their abilities from the ritual they're doing, contrary to other Voidal feats which are quite clear to this. It's also vague in general.


Effects upon user: For a feat that every voidal mage can use with all other feats, the effects on the user are way too lenient. See veil watching - it's one of the hardest Voidal feats upon one's mind, as a tradeoff for its relative accessibility with other feats. 


Spellbook: It looks like a part of the magic that was intended to be used with this was removed. As of now, it doesn't seem to give the mage any actual abilities outside of what a normal mage could do - if there was a 'single use enchant' part of the magic that once existed, that would explain that, but in its current state, this spell does nothing.


Arcane Scribing and Arcane Tattoo are cool flavor, but generally lacking specification in how they might interact with other lores that have an interaction with magic.


Whirlwind Scripting and Mind Library are interesting abilities, I'm just lost at how exactly connecting to this Feat in the way described grants the mage this superhuman ability- I think every other Voidal feat is very clear how its affects are achieved, except for maybe the Artificer, which at least tries to explain it even if the explanation is rather nonsensical.


General: It seems like a decent bit got cut from this. In its current state it doesn't seem to have much of a point, and certainly lacks necessary refinement in areas. I do love the idea though, so I hope you end up seeing this through with further work.

You're right in that a lot of stuff got cut/edited, and that I might have overlooked some stuff. Having made this during finals wasnt the best idea.

This is certainly no excuse for the missing parts, but if you look at what got removed in the actual doc in which it was written, you can see most stuff that got cut out. 

These were cut out for either being too simular to other magics, or being too overpowered. 


The current version is a balance between what has been changed and reworked several times, but I'll take your critics into a count when reworking it before its finalized.

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Really cool concept, very easy read and well formatted, but I think it's limited in use, especially as a "capstone" voidal feat. I think it can work on its own but it might have made a better addition to Voidal Artificery if you wanted to keep the Feat idea intact. 

I personally could see it best being an addition to the existing enchantment system rather than a full feat.

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Im in agreeance with the fact that its formatted well but generally lacks explanation and clarification for anything. Would also agree with Rdowdy in the fact this would be something very interesting to add onto the artificer feat instead of making it its own. 


Other then that its a great concept. Love the general idea but the execution is somewhat lacking

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Cool concept but AI scribing your magic's explanation isn't cool

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7 hours ago, Poor_Fellow said:

Cool concept but AI scribing your magic's explanation isn't cool

Hi! Thank you for your response.

I have a perfectly good reason for using AI to assist me in writing. Or at least I think so.


First, as mentioned at the bottem of the submission, this piece has been written during my finals, meaning I didn't have time nor energy to do intensive spelling-checks.


Second, as you may or may not know, I'm not a native English speaker. I have used the assistance of AI in performance aforementioned spelling-checks, as well as coming up with ideas for some of the (scrapped) spells. Most, if not all what is in this post is written by me, from ideas given to me by some of the people mentioned above.


Thirdly, AI, in my eyes, is a writing tool, so why shouldn't I use it to create the best I can do for the Server? If without its help my submission is littered with spelling mistakes and flawed ideas, why wouldn't I try to make it better with help of a tool?


Sorry for the long response, if you have more questions feel free to DM me on Discord: _Grey_W0lf_#7961

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