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The Akovian Birth

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On the 6th day of the month Jula and Piov in the year 482 E.S.







The love match of His Royal Highness, Stefan Edvard, Duke of Akovia, and Her Royal Highness Franziska Elaine swept the Courts of Hanseti-Ruska with surprise and joy; and so it should be no surprise their union has already come to fruition in the welcoming of a daughter. The Princess’s labor came far earlier than predicted, and proved intense and taxing upon her constitution; however, the child further arrived remarkably robust in health, and as the hours wax on it seems her mother shall return, in good time, to her fullest health, also.


Despite this arduous arrival, we are thusly overjoyed to introduce


Her Ladyship, 




whose first name so honors her paternal grandfather, His Royal Majesty Georg I, and whose second is that of both her mother and maternal grandmother. The child bears a stark resemblance to her father in complexion, and bears gray eyes in a hue precisely his own.


We do ask for prayers for both Franziska Elaine’s swift recovery and the continued welfare of the happy couple’s firstborn. Furthermore, the Royal couple announce the following nobility to act as godmother and godfather to their child, respectively.


Her Excellency, 



His Excellency, 








HRH, Stefan Edvard Barbanov-Bihar

Prince of Hanseti-Ruska, Duke of Akovia


HRH, Franziska Elaine Barbanov-Bihar

Princess-Consort of Hanseti-Ruska, Duchess-Consort of Akovia, Madame Raev

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