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[✗] [Alchemy Addition] Leo Viridis


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Long has it been said by my contemporaries that artifice cannot compare to nature. I am to prove that artifice can equal, if not surpass nature and its processes.

—Pseudo-Geber, Summa perfectionis magisterii


Leo Viridis | Common | T3




Authors’ Note

The following text is written as a journal entry from an in-character perspective. The expressed beliefs are merely beliefs, and not necessarily canon.


3rd day of the Grand Harvest, 134th year of the Second Age


Before matter took physical form as we now know it, primal elements aided in the Creation of the Cosmos and all therein. After millennia of communal work by philosophers, scholars, and other seekers of a glimpse beyond the veil, we now represent these elements as the signs and symbols of the Material Alphabet. These primal elements, shaped by the Grand Architect of the Cosmos, are called exhalations.


Upon the coagulation of exhalations into the matter we know of today, they left different structures through every single thing that exists. Some materials have more porous structures than others. For instance, noble metals like gold, platinum, and silver have very dense structures. Coal and wood, on the other hand, have more porous structures. One, too, can discern that the more potent a reagent is, the denser its internal structure becomes, and that more primal exhalation was used in its formation.


Matter can therefore be separated into its fundamental components through various methods of extraction. As these processes penetrate the porous structures, they break the remnants of the exhalations and the alchemical reagents in question. The results are symbols, the fundamental ingredients of Creation.


After much experimentation, Master Albertus Signus and I have discovered a solvent not dissimilar to Hamotori’s alkahest that quickens the processes of extraction. We have named this lesser solvent Leo Viridis.


Leo Viridis is capable of dissolving reagents without altering or destroying their fundamental components. By submerging reagents in this liquid, non-fundamental materials are dissolved and the reagent’s symbols are left behind intact, sitting at the bottom of the vessel.


Master Eckard de Amell



Base: Aqua regia


Water | x6 Separation

Water | x3 Swiftness

Earth | x2 Order

Earth | x6 Purity

Fire | x6 Burning

Fire | x6 Heat

Aether | x2 Rage



  1. In a bowl, place the Order and Purity symbols. Slowly add aqua regia while stirring.
  2. Repeat this process separately with the Swiftness and Separation symbols, adding them in that order.
  3. A separate mixture consisting of the Burning, Heat, and Rage symbols will be stirred to uniformity with an aurum spoon and distilled.
  4. The mixtures from steps one and two will then be incorporated into the distilled mixture from the previous step, stirring slowly.
  5. Finally, pour into a large aurum vessel. This should be sealed with an aurum lid so as to not let any of the seeping fumes escape.



Naturally, Leo Viridis has a pale blue-green color—similar to corroded copper—and an acrid odor; however, once reagents come in contact with it, the liquid sizzles, foams, and takes several different colors and smells. As reagents are dissolved, Leo Viridis and its container reach boiling-hot temperatures. This container, if touched without heat-resistant gloves, produces first-degree burns.


Over the course of three emotes, reagents submerged in Leo Viridis will dissolve and yield their symbols. During the first emote, the solvent will turn completely black in color and exude a pungent smell, not unlike the stench of death. By the second emote, it will take a milk-white shade and lose its rank aroma. Finally, by the third emote, it will take a blood-red color and begin to cool. Symbols may be extracted using aurum tweezers. After one narrative hour, once it cools to room temperature, Leo Viridis will regain its blue-green color and acrid odor.


Leo Viridis must be stored inside an aurum vessel; otherwise, it will corrode the material in which it is contained before consuming it.



  • Only works on noded herbs and other lore-approved reagents. One cannot, for example, extract any symbols from items such as a Dandelion, Raw Gold, Raw Iron, etc. It also cannot “eat” through earth or living flesh or bones.
  • As Leo Viridis itself is not consumed while dissolving reagents, once brewed, it can be used an indefinite amount of times.
  • Direct contact with Leo Viridis causes second-degree burns and blue-green stains in the affected areas. These chemical burns may be healed by mundane, magical, or alchemical means. Additionally, direct contact with the vessel while the concoction is dissolving reagents produces first-degree burns.
  • Must be signed by a Story Team member.



@Poor_Fellow (Coauthor)

@Chthonian_ (Coauthor)

Alchemical Legends




—Changed Leo Viridis from rare to common knowledge.



Final Note
The purpose behind this piece is to provide an in-characacter means to accelerate the extraction of symbols, which can often become a tedious process, if it is roleplayed at all.
Thank you for reading our first lore submission. Feedback is appreciated.


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im gonna level with u isnt that just a mundane extraction? i dont get what this does differently besides burn u if u touch it.

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15 minutes ago, tasty_cheesecake said:

im gonna level with u isnt that just a mundane extraction? i dont get what this does differently besides burn u if u touch it.

No. Mundane extraction can only extract symbols with no sign, or Aether symbols. This piece is meant to provide a means to extract any symbol of any sign and "skip" the tedious parts of the extracting process (i.e., emoting extracting symbols of different signs separately), for those who bother to actually roleplay this process at all.

It also provides alchemist roleplayers a way to create a lesser version of the alkahest, one of the Great Works, which is important for those who are into the philosophical side of alchemy.

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sorry alchbro... this doesnt warrant a t3 rare pot... as i can write up processing the herbs in a few minutes and get done w my st signed pot rp...

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I think that, given the effect is practically just an expedited extraction, that this could be a common recipe. I actually like and encourage people to develop alchemical lore based upon the alchemical legends. I think it could actually help players to engage in a mentality shift with alchemy, to stop simplistic bomb creation and instead attempt to innovate again and/or actually provide some explanation for symbol production. I would like to see vats of Leo Viridis in laboratories.

Currently, Alchemy is in a "Tragedy Of The Commons" state where there is absolutely no drawback to skipping symbol extraction - everyone does it, and it becomes IRRATIONAL to actually RP out extraction given the time consumption and boring RP. I would hope you reconsider having this be a rare recipe but if you'd prefer it to be niche and esoteric, that's your prerogative.


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away with the commonality of making your alchemy submission a rare potion just so you can gatekeep it [not that you will, but making it one allows the possibility of such by other people]

as Zhulik said this potion's status doesn't warrant it being a rare recipe, and wouldn't you like your lore submission to be experienced by more than just a few people anyway?

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10 hours ago, Islamadon said:

I think that, given the effect is practically just an expedited extraction, that this could be a common recipe. I actually like and encourage people to develop alchemical lore based upon the alchemical legends. I think it could actually help players to engage in a mentality shift with alchemy, to stop simplistic bomb creation and instead attempt to innovate again and/or actually provide some explanation for symbol production. I would like to see vats of Leo Viridis in laboratories.


3 hours ago, Mordhaund said:

as Zhulik said this potion's status doesn't warrant it being a rare recipe, and wouldn't you like your lore submission to be experienced by more than just a few people anyway?


Thanks for the feedback. I agree wholeheartedly. I've changed Leo Viridis from rare to common knowledge.



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This is cool! But it doesn't solve the issue that I'm not gonna roleplay Signs and Symbols when it's a genuine waste of time and boring as heck to do. I'm especially not gonna put the time and effort into making a potion so I skip a part of making potions I already skip.

Otherwise? This is a genuinely awesome addition to Alchemical Lore and processes. If a plugin is ever made for Alchemy this would be an awesome addition I'd love to see. But, until we are forced to do extractions, or the core issue with alchemy is fixed (having a lot of steps that aren't worth doing, because their is minimal flair to them so it's basically just copy-pasting), I don't see it being used as anything more than a (really cool) piece of décor in my lab.

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