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[✗] [Alchemy Addition] Medical Alchemy: Volume III


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Temporary Remedy (T2, common) 


Alchemist’s notes: 

A concoction that may be drunk or injected, intended to slow down the body’s reaction time in order to pause the spread of disease, poison, or allergic reaction. Designed with the soul purpose of stabilizing a patient until they are able to be transported to a hospital or healer, it is of little help during a fight. 



    Base: Aqua Vitae 
    Water: Freezing x3
    Slowness x2
    Impediment x1 
    Curtailment x1 




When ingested, the mixture causes a chilling sensation to ripple through the body. Within two emotes if drunk (1 emote if injected), the potion would fully take effect, causing a multitude of things. 


Blood flow would be slowed, in order to prevent poisons from spreading quickly. Upon entering the blood, the symbols would seek and latch onto toxins and pathogens, temporarily halting the effects. This stalling lasts for 10 emotes following activation, or two narrative hours.


However, this ‘cure’ is not without drawbacks. After the initial ‘cooling’ sensation, one would begin to feel tired and sluggish. Dodging or parrying attacks would become much more difficult, as well as halving their usual movement. Attempted attacks would also be rendered near useless. Cannot be used more than once an IRL day. (See redlines for more details)


Accompanying this fatigue would be a sensation of pins and needles all across the body, further making it improbable to take part in combat. 




  • Does not require an ST sign, and is considered open knowledge.
  • May temporarily relieve or suppress sickness/poison, as well as necromantic plagues. 
  • Has no effect on magical poisons, such as shamanic hexes, voidal poisoning, curses, etc.
  • May only be used once per narrative day, attempting a second dose will result in vomiting, dizziness, and possible unconsciousness. 
  • If used on a healthy person, nothing will happen. 
  • Cannot be used on mental illnesses. 
  • After the 10 emotes/2 narrative hours are up, the malady will continue again. 
  • This is not a cure all, only being able to push off the full effects in order to stabilize the patient, to take them elsewhere to be treated. 
  • Failing to rp receiving further medical care will be considered as powergaming. 
  • SIDE EFFECTS: Dizziness, lightheadedness, sluggishness, and stiffness. 
  • IMPORTANT: While under the effects, your speed is halved and your strength reduced to that of a voidal mage, regardless of race or prowess. 
    • Failing to RP such will be considered powergaming. 




Numbing Mist (T2, common) 


Alchemist notes: 

Oho, my toes are tingly. . . Hehehehe. . . 



    Base: Diddyfunkle Oil 

    Reduction x2
    Silence x1
    Chaos x1
Add the signs of reduction and silence to the diddyfunkle oil, mixing steadily until brought to a boil. Add chaos, then capture the occurring steam within a bottle.




Upon inhaling the steam, the person in question would start to feel light all over- as if they were floating. They would find themselves a bit giddy, possibly finding the most mundane things hilarious. Alongside this giddiness would be a numb sensation all across the body and mind, causing any pain inflicted by medical means dulled, ticklish at most. 


Deeper surgeries or more extreme incisions/amputations may cause true pain, but in the drug-addled state this is only found to be mildly annoying, funny even. This effect is easy to fight off, the patient needing to be willing and somewhat calm for it to work.


Due to the mental effects of the drug, it is not uncommon for folks to use it in recreational means. However, frequent use will result in addiction. Addicts are prone to having injuries about themselves without knowing, as they are usually numb. They are also prone to being unable to take things seriously.


Withdrawal effects:

  • In the event that addiction does occur, withdrawals would commence within narrative days of consuming the drug. A harsh contrast from the addict’s usual loopy, laid back demeanor, withdrawals would result in an impatient, easily angered individual. 
  • All mental effects of the drug vanish, and instead the opposite feelings are multiplied. For example, an addict going through withdrawals may find themselves to be easily angered or upset, taking every comment or joke to heart. They may also feel phantom pains, normal pain often being increased as well. 
  • By staying off the drug for a narrative year (1 irl week), the addiction may be cured. However this is highly unpleasant for all those involved, and it is wiser to be weaned off instead of abruptly cutting consumption. 


  • Does not require an ST sign, and is considered common knowledge.
  • May not work on unsuspecting individuals 
  • If the consumer feels threatened, the adrenaline caused by the fight or flight reflex will easily fight off the drug. 
  • If the consumer at any time decides to fight the drug, they may with no issue. 
  • Addiction may not be forced onto an individual, though if a character frequently uses the drug, it is considered powergaming to not roleplay the addiction. 
  • No pretending to treat someone and then stabbing them to kill them. If the patient is put into immediate danger the effect will wear off. Don’t pull a fast one. 



Laughing Gas (T2, rare) 


Alchemist’s note: 

A concentrated version of the numbing mist, it serves as a hilarious crowd control option.



Base: Diddyfunkle Oil 

    Reduction x4
    Silence x2
    Aether: Chaos x2


By doubling the amount of each symbol used, and utilizing Aether: Chaos instead of mundane chaos, one may create a combative version of this brew.


This concentrated concoction may only be utilized in its gaseous form. Upon its container being opened or broken, the mist within it would expand in a near invisible cloud of up to a 3 by 3 cube. All those caught within its range would be subject to all mental effects and some physical effects, unless utilizing adequate preventative measures. 


The mental effects would remain more or less the same. Though feelings of anger and hostility are eased, they are not erased. They may only be eased within logical reason. (Ex, if someone under the influence of such is attacked, they are more than able to get angry and retaliate. The same applies to those currently being attacked. At most, they may attack back as if it was all a joke. This is up to the player affected.)


The physical effects are somewhat decreased, as those affected are not hindered in their ability to move around or fight. If anything, it proved to be a boon for those under its effects, as they would not be able to feel pain. That being said, it is a double edged sword. For example, potentially having little to no fear in a fight, but also the potential to not even notice severe bleeding. 


All effects last for three emotes upon breathing in the gas. On the fourth emote, those under its influence would be able to spend an emote to shake off the effects. (Ie, if the character seeks to fight it, they may successfully do so on the fourth emote.) 




  • Effects may be fought off after three emotes. The cloud itself will fade in five emotes. 
  • If so desired, victims may choose to keep the effect. 
  • Concentrated version DOES REQUIRE an ST signature. 
  • Adequate preventative measures include: 
  • Alchemically treated masks, respective tawkin mutations, etc. 
  • Does not affect creatures that do not need to breathe. (Ex. constructs, ghosts, undead etc) 
  • Though resulting in a full body numb, this by no means can be used as a buff in combat. 
  • If anything, it is a hindrance, as it often causes one to be unaware of an injury. Note: Being unaware of an injury does not mean it goes away. 
  • Those under the influence are still able to be stunned.
  • Those under the influence may move and dodge at the same rate as before. Does not inhibit the ability to fight whatsoever. 
  • The gas takes the form of a faint white fog in the air. Those not paying attention may not notice it.  
  • This isn’t really for combat, considering the amount of debuffs it gives everyone involved. Please don’t abuse it, it's just a funny thing to spring on a bar fight to watch people get giggly and non-hostile. 
  • Due to being a rare recipe, it MUST be taught IRPly. 




Spectral Skin (T3, Common) 


Alchemist’s notes: 

A concoction created to make it easier for doctors to assess internal damage!



    Base: Bone marrow (any animal)

    Light x1 
    Separation x2 
    Clarity x3
Bring bone marrow/lard to a boil, and add light symbols. Allow the mixture to cool completely, before adding in the separation and clarity symbols. Gently stir until fully dissolved. At this point, the mixture should have taken a milky-white color. Optionally, this tincture may be mixed with Beeswax to create a topical cream. 




If utilizing bone marrow, the resulting brew would be akin to a serum, allowing it to be injected on the sight of the break. Within the next two emotes, the surrounding skin and flesh would take on a translucent state, all flesh, veins, tendons etc becoming see through. This by no means is invisibility. 


If utilizing lard as the base, the resulting concoction would have the texture of a lotion or paste. This version of the brew would allow for an easier application, though not as potent. Topical skin would become translucent, but the flesh and muscle beneath would not. 


That being said, it served as a useful tool when examining for damaged tendons, muscles, or simply to demonstrate to medical students the anatomy of flesh without having to resort to dissection. It would also allow for internal damage or bleeding to be seen. (Ex, applying to the torso or stomach could allow for seeing if there is any damage present to internal organs.) 



Example of translucent flesh: 

  • Diluted:



  • Normal:



  • Does not require an ST signature, and is considered common knowledge.
  • Again, this is by no means invisibility. If applied to an entire limb, it will not appear as though the arm is gone, or as if there are only bones. The flesh is translucent, not completely transparent.
  • May not be used in combat whatso-frickin-ever. 
  • When utilizing an injection, gently massaging the surrounding flesh would disperse the effects within two emotes. Simply moving the limb around would also work.
    • The effects would fade within a few narrative hours, or 10 emotes.
  • When utilizing a topical paste, simply wiping off the paste and waiting a single emote would end its effect. 
    • The effects would fade within a few narrative hours, or 10 emotes.
  • May not be used to create a convincing disguise of a skeleton or undead.
  • Attempting to drink or consume the mixture would not be easy, considering its awful taste. If somehow successfully ingested, it would leave a person feeling nauseous. That being said, one would find themselves becoming somewhat translucent. . . though the taste cannot be hidden or masked, it could be a good prank. 
    • The translucency would be much less potent, retaining obvious color. 
    • No using this to teach anatomy. Don’t be a creep and roleplay walking out with this fully naked. Just don’t. 
  • May only be used on skin and flesh. 




Special thanks to @Moonish_Imp, @Lockages, and @esotericas for their advice!

And thank you to @Greehnfor the joke that ended up inspiring this entire thing.






  • Specified that Spectral skin may only be used on flesh, and may not be used to expose/reveal genetalia. 
  • Laughing gas range reduced to 3x3 square. 
  • Specified learning and ST signage 

Never made a lore piece before, so woohoo!


Any advice would be well appreciated! 


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The first two potions already exist (either via herbs or other potions doing the same thing) - laughing gas is confusing on what it does, but the translucent one is really interesting! Might be better as it's own submission 

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5 minutes ago, TreeSmoothie said:

The first two potions already exist (either via herbs or other potions doing the same thing) - laughing gas is confusing on what it does, but the translucent one is really interesting! Might be better as it's own submission 


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General TLDR: I think you should further look into the existing herbs and existing alchemy packs before creating a new one. A lot of these are handled by Botany or other potions. I also think you should consider your redlines better, if you think something is clearly liable to be abused you should add a redline outright denying that use. 

Potion 1: This really has no reason to be rare, and I'm fairly certain something of this nature already exists, but it's 1am and I have work tomorrow.  

Potion 2: Frostvine applies a localized numbing sensation, as does Blissfoil. If you wanted to knock someone out for surgery those Nightsap is a better option.  

Potion 3: This is a combat potion. There is no other use for this then combat. It is just a WAY better recreation of Epistle Smog (from the Lector Alchemy Pack II.) You even acknowledge how potentially powerful in your redlines, but just to make this perfectly clear: This is a potion that affects a 6x6 area (36 blocks), for 5 emotes, and makes anyone affected by it unable to do anything for 3 emotes. That is enough for me to say... throw another one and keep a massive group of people trapped. Or force people to completely stop moving and reacting well I kill them with my Arbalest firing squad.
Oh and on the medical side of things this is also just a better version of the Tranquil Draught from the medical pack II. Actually so is Potion II come to think of it...

Potion 4: This is a cool idea, but I think it would almost be a better addition on it's own.  I would specify it can't be used on Genetalia or used to reveal Genetalia. It should also only be usable any living objects (to prevent use on clothes), heck make it so it only effects skin so people don't use it for anything other than to check for internal injuries. 

Stuff I referenced. 
Botany Guide: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/226496- a-comprehensive-guide-to-botany/
Medical Pack II: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/200463-✓-medical-pack-2/
Lector Alchemy II: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/210413-✓-alchemy-addition-lector-alchemy-pack-ii/


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8 hours ago, rdowdy said:

General TLDR: I think you should further look into the existing herbs and existing alchemy packs before creating a new one. A lot of these are handled by Botany or other potions. I also think you should consider your redlines better, if you think something is clearly liable to be abused you should add a redline outright denying that use. 

Potion 1: This really has no reason to be rare, and I'm fairly certain something of this nature already exists, but it's 1am and I have work tomorrow.  

Potion 2: Frostvine applies a localized numbing sensation, as does Blissfoil. If you wanted to knock someone out for surgery those Nightsap is a better option.  

Potion 3: This is a combat potion. There is no other use for this then combat. It is just a WAY better recreation of Epistle Smog (from the Lector Alchemy Pack II.) You even acknowledge how potentially powerful in your redlines, but just to make this perfectly clear: This is a potion that affects a 6x6 area (36 blocks), for 5 emotes, and makes anyone affected by it unable to do anything for 3 emotes. That is enough for me to say... throw another one and keep a massive group of people trapped. Or force people to completely stop moving and reacting well I kill them with my Arbalest firing squad.
Oh and on the medical side of things this is also just a better version of the Tranquil Draught from the medical pack II. Actually so is Potion II come to think of it...

Potion 4: This is a cool idea, but I think it would almost be a better addition on it's own.  I would specify it can't be used on Genetalia or used to reveal Genetalia. It should also only be usable any living objects (to prevent use on clothes), heck make it so it only effects skin so people don't use it for anything other than to check for internal injuries. 

Stuff I referenced. 
Botany Guide: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/226496- a-comprehensive-guide-to-botany/
Medical Pack II: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/200463-✓-medical-pack-2/
Lector Alchemy II: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/210413-✓-alchemy-addition-lector-alchemy-pack-ii/



Ooooh gotcha, will add more redlines for some of these!

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Are the others need to be taught IRP?


if so please place a redline stating in the general explanation of the lore that everything in the lore must be taught irply. Or read ofc

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alch bloat lol


we already irply have many forms of anastesia and common surgical methods snd symptoms to assess internal bleeding and perform complex surgeries. (you can get dieathly ether, use booze, drugs, and many other forms of drugs/pre-existing herbs such as Javens, Ponderlot, NORMAL Diddyfunkle, and Nightsap) 


even if this was to be passed, i see little reason to have these designated as rare and ST signed. hmmm something tells me that this is similar to another alch lorepiece? cough cough, adunic alch, cough cough


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