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Heads or Tails


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Heads or Tails

Like many things, a coin has two faces.



On the continent of Almaris, during the period known as the Barren Bottom within the Ferrymen, they were loved and praised by the realms of the North. They stood shoulder to shoulder with Haense, Norland and Urguan against Imperial Orenian expansion, quickly forming a very tight and what seemed to be an unbreakable bond. The Ferrymen were fairly given a piece of Norlandic land to do with whatever they pleased in exchange for their mercenary services.


This idyllic period in time of course did not last. Once the Ferrymen and Norland no longer shared a common enemy, the Norlanders decided that they didn’t want the Ferrymen as allies anymore. The men of the North and their vassal of Elysium made multiple attempts to forcibly kick the Ferrymen out of their main base of operations, Shipwreck Keep - unsuccessful, of course.


We understand that the current leadership of the Kingdom of Norland might not have the same beliefs and opinions as their past rulers; but the traitorous leaders involved with these decisions are still lauded as heroes, and the Ferrymen demonized as the villains.


The Grand Kingdom of Urguan on the other hand granted us a tower on their most valuable towers that proudly flaunted our banners for nearly a century.


Because of this history, the Ferrymen feel the need to clarify their stance on the ongoing conflict the Norlanders - age old adversaries of the Ferrymen themselves - entangled themselves within.


The Ferrymen believe that Norland’s obstruction of justice by intervening with dwarven grudges is an act that warrants retaliation by the Grand Kingdom of Urguan.


The Ferrymen believe that the Norlandic coronation was not the correct time and place for the Grand Kingdom of Urguan to attempt to resolve their grudges with the Vale tribesmen. Everyone at the coronation was a guest of the Kingdom of Norland and attacking their guests can be seen as an attack on the kingdom’s sovereignty itself, circumventing diplomatic channels to harm a longstanding ally’s people.


The Ferrymen believe that the Norlandic punishment of the arm sacrifice bestowed on Bakir Ireheart was too harsh for the crime he committed. The dwarves should’ve simply been removed from the coronation, and Urguan’s folk have every right to pursue retribution.


The Ferrymen urge both sides of the war to remember the true catalyst of the war, the grudge that the dwarves originally  attempted to resolve at the coronation. This grudge to our understanding was directed towards the Elvenessi refugees inhabiting the Cove of Nevaeh’len. 


As a result of the above, we consider both sides of the war to have a valid reason to take up arms, so long as no nation is fully destroyed.


As such, the Ferrymen will not take a side in this war with Norland or Urguan, but shall opt instead to fight as a third party during skirmishes in this war. It is the principle of the Ferrymen that spoils of war ought to be collected by our warriors from both sides at swordpoint. This policy shall endure until other diplomatic arrangements are sought out from Urguan or Norland.


If the conflict ever escalates to a point where the existence of either the Kingdom of Norland or the Grand Kingdom of Urguan is at risk, the Ferrymen will organize an auction for their services where the Kingdom of Norland will start at a balance of -2000 minas due to their past attempts to drive our people out of their homeland.  



The Ferryman

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Sailor Valas polishes his Daemonsteel sword, and readies for the next fight.

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"A shitty display from both sides, I have seen. And yet, I view each struck down as mere extra armaments." Ferryman Elsiimah shook his head as construction continued behind him. "To the bandit go the spoils, I say."

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"I sure am glad we have no ties whatsoever to these megalomaniacs." A denizen of Middelan says with a smile.

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Merlin the Wizard would announce "I am a fourth-party. I wish to hire them for 1 minas! I still have not yet acquired such vast amounts of wealth yet to afford that price but I can pay in installments!"

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"Yeah, dwarves, if you want the services of the pvp god, you're gonna have to pay me -2000 mina too!" Vykk smirks

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52 minutes ago, _pr0fit said:


"Yeah, dwarves, if you want the services of the pvp god, you're gonna have to pay me -2000 mina too!" Vykk smirks


"That means you will pay them 2000 minae." The Ferryman outside Vykk's window shouted inwards.

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"Both sides got plenty o' war caravans rolling around. One or two missing shouldn't spark too much controversy..." Kursik would muse as he'd pat a horse's snout in the stables, commenting to no one in particular.

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Meruasul held up the missive and stabbed his dagger into a wooden table, sticking the missive directly against it. He stood up and audibly scoffed at the conflict between Norland and Urguan "Many fights to come, many battles to fight in!" In anticipation, he pulled up his teal mask to cover his mask and plodded off, a great Daemonsteel axe strapped to his back.

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