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On the matter of Pompourelia


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The young Heir to the county of Aquilae sat within his family's mannor having a tutor aid him in reading the missve, the young lad spitting on the ground then as he declared "One should not break a oath , if one does how are they ever to truly be trusted by anyone again?"

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Those who turn their backs so easily on their kingdom are doomed to face the consequences of their own folly” an aged woman spoke gruffly when the maid read the notice to her. “I pity those foolish enough to harbor such person of Ill repute, for surely any inkling of hard times would squander what kindness they showed to the traitor. Good riddance” Persephone Novellen-Vilac shook her head, tsking before quickly moving onto the next topic of interest.

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A seafaring Baron, eager to return to his motherland, daydreamed of roasting marshmallows over the flames of a ruined Pompourelia. Alas -- he was still a way's away. Perhaps if he thought hard enough, the manor would simply self-combust ...


"What do teu call a sleeping Sarkozic?" the man mused to the pelican roosting beside him. "A pig in a blanket!"

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The Baron of Enderoca reads over the missive with a satisfied nod "Unchecked treason begets more treason and chaos. They will bend the knee, or we'll destroy them, as any oathbreaker or traitorous blight who forsakes honor for personal gain."

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The Count of Marsana glanced upon the missive, wearing a content grin. "It would serve the Sheepish Sarkozics well to know that betraying the Crown they were once loyal to will be marked with repercussions." His head shook from side to side. "The Sarkozics are full of surprises, Kasimir 'The Turncloak' and Franz was a murderer, shameful acts mark both father and son. A pity that Y had respected Franz once." 

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Princess Charlotte of Marsana has no idea what’s going on but she uses the missive as fire kindling in her boredom! “Y wish they’d stop sending Y junk mail.” She grumbled. 

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King-Pretender, Edward Novellen, plots to take the Balian throne.

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"Shiver moj timbers, Adrian the Inbred." Vladimir Sarkozic var Adria mockingly remarked about the statement of the monarch.  "I beg you to do something about it. Just know that it will mark the downfall of your petty jungle Kingdom and your dynasty. Never touch my kin."

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