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Zoom(er) Chat with Professors Hawk and Matta


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Hi all,


This Tuesday, October 3, at 7:30 PM EST, we're hosting a community meeting/Q&A session in the LotC public discord. Feel free to ask any questions here, and we'll do our best to address them. Additionally, we invite individuals or groups to engage in discussions on how we can make the server a more enjoyable experience for everyone. All members of the administration team plan on attending the meeting, as its crucial that we hear your feedback firsthand.


I'm eager to delve into several important topics, including activity, the role of war and its place in our community, CRP rules, lore, insights on realms in general, and strategies to foster a healthy server story.


I hope that upon the conclusion of the meeting, the administration & staff team will have a clear direction that we can communicate and measure.


Hope to see you all there!


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LOTC 1600 Minecraft Sociology Tues 7:30 - TBD w Professor I. Dontmatta & S. hawk

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Personally, I think that the feedback is already available to the administration team mostly because it's all written down in the forums. Hopefully the upcoming survey from @marimbamonkwill serve to further solidify community opinion. I'll be there to listen in regardless.

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7:30EST is well after midnight in Europe, should probably schedule a better time because you're pretty much cutting off EU players from participating.

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man alex if you hate the entire continent of europe just say so bro

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Don’t move the time the Europeans don’t matter

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Here's a question for you guys to answer:

Why are you trying to focus on PvP plugins and things when they're fine as is. LOTC is a roleplaying server, not a factions server - there are so many other things you guys could be focusing on to make the community happier and the server better. Such as new rp-engaged plugins like potion making, or hell you could fix the horse plugin and allow 2 seaters again, or you could actually fix the issues with the server breaking. I, and many others I know, are just confused as to why you'd be focusing on something thats not as important as the other things. Thanks.

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Not people immediately complaining 😭😭 guys the admins working out their schedule to talk to the community isn't a bad thing cmon



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can I get an extension on the homework

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giving me a 79.9% grade in this class is really cruel. round it up or else

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