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A lone man drifted through the halls of Hallowcliffe, robes dragging across the floor behind himself as he went. There was much to discuss, much to be said, however now he merely went to his office - the kitchen. After securing a large scoop of sand to eat, he would disappear into the winding hallways so that only the moving gazes of the paintings could track him and reveal his location. 

Eventually arriving at his lab, the man secured some metallic parts so that he could fix himself and his now missing finger. Life would go on - at least for him. Perhaps eating so many rocks truly didn't make his skin any stronger, perhaps he had not eaten enough rocks.

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Somewhere in an eastern precipice, a Prince stirs from slumber. What he dreamed was not of haunting leviathans nor ravenous carnivores, sensations and touch that chased in him the day as phantom-pains. Not this time.

Instead, he dreamed of a bygone time, an era of resplendence, a boy and his coveted crown. Too-real effigies and taunting mockeries of his birthright that he tells Cordelia about at night, when the moon shafts strongest beneath the tree they talk under.

It's this very irony that makes it all the more cruel.

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A zar’akal ponders the scene with an abundantly crooked cheshire grin forever plastered upon its hideous visage. He stood there letting out only a series of gargled clicks and rattles from its throat before it trudged off elsewhere

It was a bold thing to attack someone deemed as a pillar and to bring their head back to the doorstep, but to sign their names upon the missive was a death sentence. A rebellion had been sparked. No, war. How would the Prophet and his Pillars respond to such an egregious attack? How far did the pair’s reach truly go? Questions raced through the ever-plagued entity’s mind.

A reminder.

“That note, yes. What of that note? What were we meant to do… A letter. Yes. Perhaps we will finally write.”

And with that the Prince of Carrion would begin his letter - a response to the once ‘friend,’ Cordelia.

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Lanre Cerusil swings around a severed head.

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Daal obnoxiously snores on the open window. The smell of blood drifting through the air and hitting his nose like a freshly baked pie. He was lured down the stairs in a sleep driven hunger before realizing where he was and bolting out and leaping out the open window he slept in seconds prior 


Edited by Turbo_Dog
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A Mech-Acolyte baptised a new sacred war machine in fire and holy oil... May every unholy thing tremble from the flame of their howitzers... "Oh Owynssiah... Ye who Waged The First Crusade... Bring us the sacred fire to cleanse the impure.."

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One remaining gold eye would be left staring into a bucket after cleaning what had been left behind. A disfigured head all that was left behind for her whilst the other was brought elsewhere. The wood had been burned, the chain tucked elsewhere, and the blood cleaned away. 'How much blood will be spilt?' The woman questioned, 'Perhaps a lake-full', a voice would answer in the crevices of her mind, a strange nervous squeaking heard after. Though with that, the disfigured head would be taken outside, the maggots and crawlers free to dig in as flesh and blood became one with dirt and stone. The skull, in time, free to be seen. Time may only tell what becomes of the masses...

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