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[✗] [Nephilim Amendment] DnD Bard Critical Failure Edition


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Old Redlines:

- Revival: they are resurrected upon being slain through the alternative method of regeneration. Death & revival rules still apply (where applicable). They’ve long lives, and cannot die of natural causes. However, Event-PKs are still liable for them (where applicable); see more in Weaknesses.    

- They are immune to all forms of heat except Malflame and 'true' Dragonsflame.       

- Azdrazi are immune to all mundane poison excluding poisons such as Azhl, and Thanhic Poisoning, They cannot benefit from alchemy aside from blood clotting agents, ordinary stitching, suturing, and others of purely mundane nature.  

- Nephilim possess a draconic soul after the Transference is complete. They're considered full draconic creatures. 

- Nephilim are sterile and are therefore incapable of spawning children.      

- They have the gift of lesser Polymorphing, as a base, to disguise their true forms.    

- Nephilim gain peak strength of their original descendant race. Should a Nephilim be an orc, they do not gain this bonus.

- Nephilim are unable to FTB


New Redlines:

- Revival: they are resurrected upon being slain through the alternative method of regeneration. Death & revival rules still apply (where applicable). They’ve long lives, and cannot die of natural causes. However, Event-PKs are still liable for them (where applicable); see more in Weaknesses.    

- They are immune to all forms of heat except Malflame and 'true' Dragonsflame.       

- Azdrazi are immune to all mundane poison excluding poisons such as Azhl, and Thanhic Poisoning, They cannot benefit from alchemy aside from blood clotting agents, ordinary stitching, suturing, and others of purely mundane nature.  

- Nephilim possess a draconic soul after the Transference is complete. They're considered full draconic creatures. 

- Nephilim are sterile and are therefore incapable of spawning children.      

- They have the gift of lesser Polymorphing, as a base, to disguise their true forms.    

- Nephilim gain peak strength of their original descendant race. Should a Nephilim be an orc, they do not gain this bonus.

- Nephilim are asexual and lack the understanding of traditional romance; their mind and soul altered through rebirth.

- Possessiveness over a student, emotional attachment to one another, kinship between Nephilim and other platonic relationships are permitted.

- Nephilim are unable to FTB, nor participate in any romantically driven actions.




I shall keep this simple and terse. Nephilim in no means have any reason to be able to feel romantic connections to others- they are irrevocably changed in the action of rebirth, after which they view other Nephilim as kindred to themselves. There is no reason for any romance to happen between a draconic being of fire and stone to another being. Unlike other MAs which have been begrudgingly permitted to have romance RP as they are still human- a Nephilim is no longer human- and thus, has no reason for romance to still be permitted- especially when the psyche and form are changed immensely as per a Nephilim's rebirth into their draconic form.


From my view, I fully agree with many of the things being said here in the thread; and thus, I've reworded the amend to be more akin to my thoughts on this. Not something which bars all relationships and frienships- as that's not what this should be, but purely those romantic. This is moreso of something spurred about by a conversation- unironically, the exogens situation was not my cause for making this amend, rather the fact that i didn't realize that this already wasn't allowed.


Like Eli said above; if the drazi community/LT/Squak/Administration views that as unbefitting of the CA, I'm not going to die on the hill and keep pushing this amendment forwards- as if this isn't community accepted, there's no point in trying to push this.



- Reworded it to better fit my intentions- especially that still permitting platonic relations.

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Exogens Update

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I feel quite romantic too my loyal brothers.

(Azdromoth has been a priest at azdrazi weddings) 

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2 minutes ago, Pallodium said:




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I shall keep this simple and terse. Nephilim in no means have any reason to be able to feel romantic connections to others- they are irrevocably changed in the action of rebirth, after which they view other Nephilim as kindred to themselves. There is no reason for any romance to happen between a draconic being of fire and stone to another being. Unlike other MAs which have been begrudgingly permitted to have romance RP as they are still human- a Nephilim is no longer human- and thus, has no reason for romance to still be permitted- especially when the psyche and form are changed immensely as per a Nephilim's rebirth into their draconic form.


no longer human mentioned? Osamu Dazai? ayo? book time?

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guys I can't have gay sex with @squakhawkanymore???


also thanks exogens lmfao 

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the wheel weaves what the wheel wills - robert jordan, wheel of time (no relation) ((im serious no relation at all))

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swivlur no relation

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I don't see what this adds to RP.

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bro how are me and @Haraldsupposed to do the Paladrazi gay romance :<<<<

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1 minute ago, Milenkhov said:

swivlur no relation

my bad Milen, I forgot to add the redline where this also affects blackslisted nephilim

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2 minutes ago, Orlanth said:

I don't see what this adds to RP.

dont worry orlanth none of us are trying to romance you 

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1 minute ago, Pallodium said:

my bad Milen, I forgot to add the redline where this also affects blackslisted nephilim


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only azdromoth is permitted to

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(Guys if this gets accepted azdrazi stocks will slowly start to decrease by a major 77%, so before the dip I highly recommend to take ur share and invest into the paladin stock/Druid stock.)

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