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The Wolf Pack


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MC name:CloakandDagger

RP name: Daniel_Coopersmith

Short bio 2-3 paragraphs (include your personality traits IC):

Daniel was born into the slums, his own mother did not even want him. From the age of 4 Daniel fought for every meal. It was everyman for himself where the strongest won out over the weak. At some point past his 12 naming day Guards started to show up more and more frequently around the slums. Crime started to go down and things calmed down. But life started to get boring for Daniel, he had liked it when he had to claw for his next meal, he lived for the adrenaline that came when he had just stolen freshly baked goods from the local bakery. So him and two other friends decided to continue as life use to be, now not out of neccesity but out of want. They staged their deeds on unsuspecting people going home from work, usually while they had vaulabes and food in hand. Quickly they ran into trouble and guards who sought to put an end to thier delinquincies. Rather than give up is frivoulous life Daniel staged one last escapade. He intended to trick his friends into giving themselves up to the guards while he slipped away fro m the city. Things looked up for Daniel he had succesfully escaped but thier was one flaw, by the time he reached the next city over guards had already learned of his escape/treachery and where chasing him like the wolf he was. He needed a place to stay, he needed somewhere where he could be himself...

Why do you wish to join us?: My character is looking for a place where he can practice banditry/(other forms of badguyness) in a group, he likes the idea of leadership and hopes that one day he can have a group of people below him to command.

What can you bring to us (material things as well as immaterial): I have some minas, but other than that i can offer you little wealth. escaping from people over random terrain.

What are your most prominent skills: My aim is true with the bow and i have practiced duly with the sword. I am an ample pickpocket as well as thief and excel at escaping from people over random terrain.

Do you worship Iblees?: No

Do you have a villain application? If yes what evils do you have?: Yes, I have Deception and Murder type A.

Do you understand and agree to the rules: Yes.

Reposted as requested- I have already completed trials under White.

-EDIT- is there a signature for the guild?

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((You mean, like, all of us?))

Yeah its just for regsitration purposes. Because I left some questions out of the application and, if you would be so kind, as to fill it out.

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MC name:


RP name:

Cesaro, or The Jester.

Short bio 2-3 paragraphs (include your personality traits IC):

Light shone through the leaves of the bush. Daylight had struck Cesaro too quick, he was still eager to hunt. Sitting patiently in the bush for just a little while longer, he noticed something in the corner of his eye, a chicken, just what he wanted. Aiming his bow at the little feathery chicken it saw Cesaro, and fled faster then he could fire. Sighing, Cesaro shot an arrow randomly through the bush anyway, and heard a peculiar noise. Jogging over, he found he had shot the chicken... breakfast. Gathering his things, he started the return journey home.

Walking the stony path home, he finally had reached the towering gates of Alkahazar. The cold air brushed over his face, quickly pulling his mask over his face. The shadow of the walls cover his path, trotting through the darkness to unveil a waking city. The sun was now distinct in the greyish sky, walking the streets back to his home. Waving to the people setting up the markets, he finally reached his home, shoving the door open and quickly jotting inside. The place smelt.. smelt of another man. Mother had another friend over, of course.. ever since fathers disappearance she went through men like wild fire. Chucking the chicken onto the grill on the fire, he tried tip-toeing over to the door. Creaking it open, he peered inside and saw two people in the bed. Creeping towards the bed, Cesaro shook the strange man.

"Hello?" Cesaro whispered.

The man gently opened his eyes, then opening them fully as if he didn't know where he was. Looking around for a moment he quickly regained comfort.

"'ey lad. Watcha' gut' cookin'?" The ***** man replied.

Cesaro sighed, this guys a twit. He couldn't teach him anything. Without replying Cesaro walked out of the room, slamming the door shut. The chicken had finished cooking, finally. He was starving. Scoffing the chicken down like it was nothing Cesaro then moved on to look through the mans things. 25 minas, some arrows, nothing too big but that would cover the next hunting trip and some lunch. Cesaro grabbed his backpack and headed through the door to discover what the day had planned for him.

Sitting upon the wall, he looked down at the man working the market. He was a very busy man, working 3 fruit stalls at once. Cesaro sat and watched him until he moved stalls, and ran down grabbing an apple every so often, he liked to toy with him. Taking his bow, his drew it back and shot it straight through the apple he was trying to sell. Grinning, he ran off in a scurry.

A few years passed, Cesaro had reached 17, almost 18. His mother had gone through many partners, and Cesaro learned to learn what he could off each of them, he understood people very easily. He could find a persons personality very quickly, and he used this to his advantage. With what became small thievery attempts became larger, he started to jobs for people his age, he knew exactly what they wanted as he could practically read them. This helped him through various situations and found that he not only liked the income of it but he also loved it. This was the life he was leading to become.

One fateful afternoon Cesaro arrived home from a nights work. The morning sun was rising and Cesaro was very tired. Opening the door as gently as he could he accidentally slammed it. Stumbling over to the kitchen table, he noticed a note. Picking the note up, he read it quickly.

"To Cesaro,

Me and my lovely fiancee have left to seek treasures far beyond measure. We have sold the house and you will be asked to leave in the coming days.

Your Mother.."

"Wha.. what..?" Cesaro said out loud.

Without thinking Cesaro just squeezed the thought out of his head and went to bed.

Waking in the morning he heard knocking at the door.

"Eviction Notice!" He heard a lady yell.

Sighing, he opened the door explaining to her that he had to pack his things. He quickly ran in, took a pouch of minas and shoved a few bits of clothes in his bag.

Immediately being moved out of his home, Cesaro headed to the streets. Just himself and a lonely world to face in such a little time.

Do you have Skype or Teamspeak? (If not are you willing to get it?):

Working and ready to go whenever. I'm an active TS member and plan on staying active.

Why do you wish to join us?:

The roles and doings of this guild seem like they'd go well with my way of thinking, or as you call it my personality, due to the fact that I'm available for work and it pays a lot. Your organization really caught my attention and I wish to make a impact around the place.

Desired Class (put your reserve class in brackets):

I fit mostly all classes in your hierarchy, except for the materialistic jobs.

What can you bring to us (material things as well as immaterial):

A knowledge of people is what I bring, I manipulate people to my will, playing with their mind, and I guess I could add I'm an alright designer. ;).

What are your most prominent skills (Include the level of these skills):

Swords : 54

Archery : 30

Will you be loyal to us?: Solely loyal to the pack 'til the end of its days, if it ever ends.

Are you a member of any other guild? Please Specify: I am not.

Do you worship Iblees?: No time for such rabble.

Do you have a villain application? If yes what evils do you have?: 1, all of 2a. I plan on making a mini-app for 2a - Torture and 4 - Chaos and Corruption.

Do you understand and agree to the rules: But of course, I wouldn't be re applying if I didn't.

Will you be willing to go through our trials/tests? I already have, but sure.

(( I hope to have improved on my first application by the way, :) ))

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Please I beg mercy that I don't have to re-post an application......... *falls on the floor face first*

Repost an application or leave. Those are the rules. There is certain information on there I must know before things get....ugly.

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MC name: zac20169

RP name: Arbrek Starbreaker

Short bio 2-3 paragraphs (include your personality traits IC):

You know me! :P

Do you have Skype or Teamspeak? (If not are you willing to get it?): I have T.S.

Why do you wish to join us?: I like helping out a friend.

Desired Class (put your reserve class in brackets): Quartermaster

What can you bring to us (material things as well as immaterial): ((Loyalty, SOME political leverage, weapons and armour))

What are your most prominent skills (Include the level of these skills): Smithing, soon to be 100, and 30 for axes. ((I BADLY need that reset))

Will you be loyal to us?: To the very end.

Are you a member of any other guild? Please Specify: The Starbreaker Clan, Dwarven Guild of Smiths, The Lorem, The Elders.

Do you worship Iblees?: I do not.

Do you have a villain application? If yes what evils do you have?: I will be applying for 1, 2a, and 4.

Do you understand and agree to the rules: Yup.

Will you be willing to go through our trials/tests? To old for that.

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(( this is like the hangover, the wolf pack you know))

Alan: Wolf pack only, get another chair.

Lol'd so hard

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(( Arbrek.. in the Wolf Pack :o. But your like, 700 years old? xD. ))

((he may be 700 and cenile and hates kids and smells a little and has grey skin and----what was I talking about again? :P Nah but in all seriousness, Arbrek is one of my closest friends, most trusted ally and an incredible smith))

EDIT: Below is all RP

Ok Delthor this is one final message. You have 24 hours to re post an application or you are kicked from the Wolf Pack and shall be Blacklisted. If you werent hiding something you would have posted by now. I hate betrayal and if you have betrayed me or have attempted to in any way, then I look upon you only with disgust and pity. For if you have betrayed me, you will be hunted until the end of your days and my TRUSTED men, will show no remorse. Because you see, I have shown them great kindness and loyalty and they return it to me freely.

I am most dissappointed in you Delthor, I thought things would be different after what we had been through all those years ago. But looks like I was wrong. You have 24 hours to redeem my loss of faith in you.

Dark Wolf

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MC name: BannanaToYou

RP name: My names happens to be Delthor.

Short bio 2-3 paragraphs (include your personality traits IC): ((I've already done it in my app that got accepted before))

Do you have Skype or Teamspeak? (If not are you willing to get it?): I have Skype and I have TS Skype Name = Search for Huggablefudgems.

Why do you wish to join us?: To wish to join so I can help the Pack and friends, you can go further in life in a group, thus being the Wolf Pack.

Desired Class (put your reserve class in brackets): ((I was going to choose the Raider, but if you think another class suits me better I'll do whatever the Dark Wolf tells me to as he is my master.))

What can you bring to us (material things as well as immaterial): I'm currently living in a place where I could possibly pass you men some valuables now and then.

What are your most prominent skills (Include the level of these skills): I'm pretty skilled in Axe Mastery, Lumberjack and a blacksmith.

((Axe Mastery = 100))

((Lumberjack = 100))

((Blacksmithing = 100))

Will you be loyal to us?: I can be very loyal.

Are you a member of any other guild? Please Specify: I'm a member of some men called the KL ((Not on the forums))

Do you worship Iblees?: I worship Iblees, but this doesn't take over my whole life.

Do you have a villain application? If yes what evils do you have?: Yes I do indeed, 1 and 2a/b + 3.

Do you understand and agree to the rules: I do indeed understand and will remember the rules.

Will you be willing to go through our trials/tests? I will pass these trials with honour. ((Already done them but I will do again if said so))

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