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Everything posted by Turbo_Dog

  1. Favorite type of cookie? If you can not decide then what is your top 3?
  2. A Musin roared with laughter as he read this “The curse of humans sure seem like a lack of maidens. Short lifespan my tail.” He said through his laughter
  3. Spuds with the copy of the advertisement in hand ran off to find his friend to show her the new abundance of sweets they could get “Ten cookies for an order, can you believe this?” (@warmishice)
  4. A stormheart rodent sat in the Urguan tavern laughing over the missive with the dwed letting out an aruuuu to follow it it all
  5. Spuds read over the paper humming along as he did so. His eyes resting on the name of Rylanor “Well well well. Seems like some easy enough mina. Just down the road and all.” He rolled up the paper stuffing it into his small pockets crumpling it greatly before heading off
  6. 90 mina for the 2rd Item: Shadowstrike Ironlash Turbo_Dog turbo_dog
  7. Frothing at the mouth. Must visit
  8. the Imp playing on the outer gates of Lurin as usual found a copy of the missive. Not reading it he just spit on it and continued to prance about
  9. A musin repeatedly looked over this line of the missive “Where was my invite?” he questioned with a hum
  10. An Urguan musin mercenary cleaned his teeth from the blood he got on the after biting multiple Norlandic warriors looked at the notice as grinned. Taking the brush away from his teeth he let out a small yet mighty AARRRUUUUUU
  11. A musin sits with a plate of baked potatoes beside him reading the news “I wish. I wish I had that.”
  12. from the spirit realm another Musin of the musin brigade somberly sits. Spiritual tears rolling down his face at the olog’s passing, remembering the tiny vial of honey he left in the world that she gave him with their first time meeting.
  13. Does it have to be fresh blood (within 3 ooc hours) or how old can this blood be?
  14. A Imp that was only six total words into the missive began to chew on it while babbling about Iblees to a potted plant “So so, flesh things dumb stupid. They should eat their paper too too.” The potted plant didn’t reply for it was a plant
  15. A musin read over the advertisement in his own Vikelan home mused at the entirety of it “Maybe I should invite Sir Vera and we can pet cats over this ‘Fudge you’ cake. Sounds delicious.”
  16. An imp slowly reads it. Sounding out each word. “NUH UH NOT TRUE TRUE ME IS NOT EVIL ME IS SUPER EVIL!” The imp then ran off the missive to show it to his fellow no good doers and devious friends
  17. Frothing at the mouth. Finally can play iron lung but with more cubes. Such an in depth explanation of each layer.
  18. Spuds looks happily at the hats worn by those passing by imagining better ones in his eyes on their heads
  19. 13 years jeez! Respect to your dedication. What has been your favorite ST event that you have ever been apart of? What town did your first persona go to if any?
  20. Such Powerful and moving words
  21. A dastardly little Imp caught a copy of the missive as he read it over and smiled ear to ear “All that that fire fuel in one spot spot? Me must make a plan plot.” He would run off to start his grand scheme that not even he knew
  22. Turbo_Dog

    Arts And Scraps

    [!] Letters of parchment paper would be scattered throughout towns by messenger mice Arts and Scraps exchange Hello kin, It recently has come to my attention thanks to my friend that all of us are rather scattered around the land. We barely see each other and just seem to bump into each other like a happy accident. So why not get together over some clutter, clean up across the land and meet up with it at our new home at Nor’asath, specifically the Moonlight sanctuary, and start talking, exchanging stories and goods that we make with our own two hands all while repurposing these things? So get your scraps and get your recycling spirit fired up like a forge! Soon it will be time for a whole new pile of goods to grace the land. Invites are extended to: All Musin across the land. Signed, Ser Spuds Loa’chil Stormheart
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