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Everything posted by Turbo_Dog

  1. Have you been fishing lately young man?

    1. oryP


      I have not been fishing sir 

    2. Turbo_Dog


      Care to fish with me then young man? I’ll bring the whole set up

  2. Turbo_Dog Ser Do’Spuds Loa’chil 81363
  3. The musin quakes in his boots in fear at the dairy related revelation “in the name of Leyd.” Was all that escaped his small lips
  4. A demon most foul had in has hands a copy of the bright poster. As he began to eat it from the bottom wording he could not read “Show show make good poster yum yum.” The darkspawn babbled as he ate one of the many posters
  5. Do you know any magic tricks?
  6. Holy crap Lois! The new 5 Kromer deal is out!
  7. A musin sat on the bench by the aviary in Vikela a missive in hand as he read it, shaking his head in dismay as he picked a rock from a pouch on his hip and looked at it and then the missive “Absolute fool. You must learn how to keep your hands clean. And now I am to soil my own hands.”
  8. “A classic wee-folk win. Might as well make the W in wee-folk stand for winner.” A musin said while admiring the pumpkins fields of the halfling settlement
  9. Question regarding the interactions between them and salt. If they were to have a broom or any sort of way to move it without touching it such as a air evocation ring could they get past the salt that way?
  10. Amazingly done guide as always
  11. I just let them soul stone. If the situation escalates far enough that they die. In the situations that looting them has come up I set myself the limit of one item that is of not much value. Simply allowing them to ss I found has left them happier when I talk to them even though I wasted their time with killing them.
  12. Knocking on Patches’ door after this fact was Spuds with the same invitation in hand “Hey did you hear? Oh never mind I see.” He chortled “I am the late one this time.”
  13. A monstrous being grumbled as it looked over the axe sword it wielded whilst next to it’s lord as it took in the news like a sponge. “O’lerikah ulgav dayn.” It said with a sinister snickering after
  14. Discord: turbo_dog IGN: Turbo_Dog ALEC - 20 mina
  15. Why are you secretly anti-charity? 

    1. Shorsand


      I am merely here to make you think about your decisions, deeply.

  16. A little imp who got his hands on a copy decided to try his luck. Snickering as he slowly wrote the words Name: Daal Age: What is after red? Subject: Praise to Eyebleedz [[MC Name:]] Turbo_Dog [[Discord:]] turbo_dog
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