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Everything posted by _Grey_W0lf_

  1. Somewhere Ursus Grandaxe was reading the missive, nodding approvingly as he spoke with several voices "'Bout damn toime et fokken restarted" He spoke, before penning down an application
  2. I love it, and I like that the Void can't learn it unless the body is strong enough (Aka Scions) since many forget they exist
  3. A loud, almost animalistic sound could be heard throughout the room as Vrilkon'Ugluk finally understood what the missive said, nodding approvingly with a massive dumb looking smile on his face "Yub yub mi teezur iz going to bi Rex!" He said loudly. During his travels throughout Almaris, Ursus Grandaxe would eventually hear the news too. He'd read it through quickly "As lon' as a' dunnae 'ave tu foig't 'im a' t'enk 'e's allroig't" He muttered before swinging his hammer a final time at the target he was practicing on.
  4. Ursus Grandaxe chuckles in Voidal Scion as he tossed the anvil he was lifting over with a hefty grunt.
  5. I love the idea of a more specific spell for a Flaming Weapon, because now it can only be done by using an enchantment, which seems illogical to me. Huge +1 for the Fire Sord
  6. One of the souls in Ursus' head read the missive, and commented "Sigrun yer an arse."
  7. What is your Discord?: _Grey_W0lf_#7961 What is your Minecraft username?: _Grey_W0lf_ What is the ideal time for you to partake?(Please use GMT as well as EST for convenience): 1-3 pm EST
  8. Ursus Grandaxe conjours up some fire, tossing it from one hand to the other as he read the missive. He chuckled softly as he did so "T'es well beh fun" he muttered to himself
  9. A deep red glow appeared in Ursus' eyes as he read the letter "Et's beginnin'" He said with a raspy voice "Teh lord beh comin' back tu takeh control, tu takeh our people back tu our start." He went on, before suddenly collapsing, the glow disappearing from his eyes "W'ot tae fook beh 'appenin, weh need tu stop et"
  10. I like it! +1 for it, because I think that gems should be used more
  11. A dwarf stood alone, mountains all around. Spirits floated around him, before darkness took over. From the darkness, a figure came, wearing a steel mask, a hammer by his side. He looked down at the Dwarf, and spoke. Telling the Dwarf a story, his to be. All of a sudden, another god appeared. Wielding a large blade, the white clothed god attacked the dark one. From the head of the white God, a single eye glowed, changing colour. The dark god fought back, with valor and with honour. The skies turned red, the ground burst ablaze. Everything died. A battle of immortality, surrounded by flames. One fought with hatred, the other with valor. Defending his homeland, the Masked God fell. Hatred won, valor lost. His time had come. =========================================================================== =========================================================================== With a shock, the Dwarf awoke, looking around him, wondering what happened. His hammer laid besides him, a dummy stood in front. It was clear to him, he had to help his Patron. But how could he? Then he remembered, the mission Dungrimm spoke of, that was his task. He stood up, his hand grabbing the fallen hammer, before walking down the mountain. Immediately going back to his home, he sat himself before another shrine of Dungrimm. He meditated there, hoping for another sign. But it did not come. Defeated, he sat, his mind fractured by the whole ordeal, his soul tired and worn down. Seconds, minutes, hours even passed as he stood, deciding what to do. Eventually, he came to his senses, and rose from his knees. He rose from the ashes, no longer only Ursus Grandaxe. =========================================================================== =========================================================================== Drawing a blade across his chest, Ursus made a vow, an oath to the Gods. None shall die, none shall suffer. As long as there is breath in my lungs. As long as there is fire in my heart. None shall die, none shall suffer. With that, a drop of blood fell into a vial, which the Dwarf sealed, and hung around his neck. The Oath had been made.
  12. Ursus Grandaxe stokes his beard, wondering how the split and fractured souls of a Muscle Mage would be judged
  13. Ursus Grandaxe looks at the missive and nods slowly, taking a piece of paper to write to Garedyn
  14. Ursus Grandaxe mutters something hateful about the ocean and its sailors, before starting work on an item
  15. Ursus Grandaxe nods approvingly as the news reached him. 'Vereh gud, vereh gud. Yeh cahn revoitaloise oneh o' teh Oldest Clans 'round, brin' et back frum extinction"
  16. Ursus Grandaxe sighs after seeing the news of the unwarrented and unwanted attack "Bakir ah promise yah, nae optie ovahseers wanted thes tu 'appen, 'nd next toime, en tae future, a'll attempt tu stop en before et 'appens."
  17. As Ursus Grandaxe heard the news, a twinkel in his eyes appeared. One not seen for many years. "Congratulations en tae new couple, 'nd may tae Brathmordakin keep yah tuget'a entel tae end o' toime" He said, before kneeling down for a prayer to the Brath, for the happy couple
  18. Ursus Grandaxe strokes his beard, nodding slowly "Congratulations" He said "Moig't need tu speak tu yah soon 'noug', see w'ot koind o' stoneh yah beh made ootta"
  19. A Masked and Dark Clothed Dwarf nodded "Let em comeh, bet ef t'ey du ah'd beh leavin', cuz dwedmar neehd tu stand 's oneh front, nae devoided, bet tugethah. Ah learned frum mah mestake, bet ef t'ey 'arm mah famileh, they well experience truu fear"
  20. Minecraft Username: _Grey_W0lf_ Roleplay Name: Ursus Grandaxe Timezone: GMT+2(+1) Discord: _Grey_W0lf_#7961
  21. Ursus Grandaxe would sit at the highest peak of the mountain when a raven delivered the message. "W'ot beh tae crazy fookah talkin' bout. Es losin' 'and, 'onour 'nd familiehotel nae 'noug' fur yah?" He stokes his beard "Bet oi 'ope mah weapons fur 'ow lon' et lasted, cuz yah cant t'reaten meh 'nd mah famileh, t'en take meh stuff 's well. . ." The Dwarf stood up, a fire burning in his eyes, his hand moving towards his Belt "'nd run, cuz Annbellah knows yah need et. . ." These words echoed throughout the vally, as Ursus "Dwedki-Slayer" Grandaxe descended down towards Hefrumm
  22. Ursus Grandaxe would sit idle in his room, reading through the letter again and again, slowly shaking his head "Problem beh en foindin' tae roig't leader, but te qualitehs beh rarer 'nd rarer t'ese days." He sighs and stands up, moving towards the forges "W'oevah or w'otevah well come frum t'es message, oi bettab beh readeh."
  23. Ursus Grandaxe lets out a deep sigh as he sits in the Skycell in Urguan "Oi am sorreh lad, dunnae expected et tu escalate tu t'at degreeh" He mumbled before looking up at the roof of the large cave he looked over "Lord Dungrimm, may yah protect t'is c'oild, 'nd take 'is soul tu Khaz'a'dentrumm, 'nd give et tae 'onour et deserves." He speaks, his voice echoing through the massive cave as a single tear rolled down the scarred face of the Dwarf. [OOC: Sorry Scatman, I didnt mean to kill, the Roll 20 was not intended, but I hope to see where this goes with the brothers... You are an amazing roleplayer and an amazing player!]
  24. I think caverns would be a cool idea, or like we have on the current map, but with a deeper vally, and with caves in the sides, so when one enters, they can both look up and down Or maybe a deeper cave, something like that would be cool for Dwarves. And on the variation I agree, some with flat tops, some with spiky tops and some with a crater or pool of water would be really cool to see.
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