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Everything posted by Cracker

  1. Hey Garet,


    This is Havenok aka Cracker, Bungo and I missed you dearly and hope you respond soon. It feels like a decade since we last spoke. Please PM me or respond to this comment once you see it. 


    Hope all is well, 

    Your Friend,


    1. Garet867


      I’m back on these days sometimes. Usually weekends. Catch me on the Helena discord chat, usually on weekends. At this point it has been close to a decade. Great to hear from you.

  2. Heff you need to stop shitting up RP threads.

    1. Potts244


      Heff is a big boy he can make his own decisions.

    2. Publius


      you can't just ask him to quit posting on rp posts

  3. So if I say save me save me,
    Be the light in my eyes,
    And if I say ten Hail Mary's,
    Leave a light on heaven for me.

    1. Esterlen




      If you want the fruit to fall,

      You have to give the tree a shake,

      But if you shake the tree too hard,

      That bough is gonna break,

      And if I can't reach the top of the tree,

      Haricotti Mary can you hold me up there? 

  4. Yea I miss you and I wanna kiss you.

  5. The distant muttering of transport ships drifted through the Shattered Sea; with the capture of the Quadinaros and the victory at Dogger Bay, Orenian barges, galleys, bateaux, and battleships traveled unmolested in the Avarian waters to the province of Sundholt. They swept about as if they were cork, their sound that of muffled drums and merry-making as they sailed to suppress a rotten rebellion. Rat Tom Ruric’s attempt at severing the Empire was met in defeat, and in turn, tens of thousands of Orenian regulars made their way to West Avar to garrison the Rothesay strongholds and mount an offensive to their east. John Sigismund had assembled a mighty coalition to quell this uprising. The wild cossacks and Turkins, he knew, were ready to leap into the ocean itself at one word from him; the might of Courland, a sea of irregulars waiting to crash upon imperial enemies. The disciplined regiments of the Crown, Carnatia, and Savoy marched in cool regiments, the pride of the Orenian army. And of course, the Emperor noted the Elves of the Dominion, a commander’s dream, impervious to the shifting allegiances and whims of noble desire, the perfect instrument of missile tactics reared in the fires of the Duke's War. It was a formidable force for that time and place, a powerful weapon forged in the hands of many determined leaders who sought to see their ancestor’s legacies maintained, and John, whilst in his hall, was fully conscious of that. The city of Seahelm, protected by rotting timber and oak, the soft underbelly of the rebellion's garrison, proved to be the ideal flashpoint between the two great armies. As outriders and skirmishers began to clash east of Jarnstrand, the great imperial war machine began to churn out steel plate and siegeworks in preparation for the assault to come. _________________________________ WARCLAIM Type of battle: Siege Date And Time: Saturday, 5/7/2016 @ 5 PM EST Side A: [Initiators]: The Holy Orenian Empire and allies Side B: [Receivers]: The rebels in Seahelm and allies. Location and boundaries: The city of Seahelm and its outskirts Terms of Victory Victory for Side A: If the defenders are driven out of the city, driven underground, or killed. Victory for Side B: If the attacking forces are killed or routed. Upon Victory For... Side A: The town of Seahelm is ceded to the Holy Orenian Empire. Side B: The town of Seahelm will not be warclaimable for one month. Rules No status switching No Harbingers / Necrolytes / Spectres / Constructs From this point on, no transferring of items out of Seahelm in order to facilitate the potential looting process that comes with sacking a city. If the rebel forces are forced into an underground facility, they forfeit. TnT is allowed No building dirt forts. You may only place ladders!
  6. The Bank of Marin is granted by the crown a monopoly on banking, gambling, lotteries and customs taxation within the crownlands.
  7. In that case, I've got no quarrel with it. While details should be disputable in order to facilitate roleplay and the realism in lost histories, broad strokes to give context shouldn't be an issue.
  8. As much I am intrigued by the elven lore presented, I have to agree with Swgrclan in that accepting this as canon lore from pre-played history is cheap. As effective keeper of the Orenian bible, all of its stories and mythos are something that I would prefer not being confirmed or denied as with most player-writ ancient lore. Instead of having a LM confirm it and enforce it OOCly, the option of spreading your legend in RP to the point where it becomes virtual fact is more realistic, organic, and satisfying.
  9. Good job, babes.

  10. My goal in life is to find a 10/10 bollywood mud maiden +1
  11. Better safe than sorry is right. Channel 13 News was just talking about this change in Tythus LTD's privacy policy. Better safe than sorry. As of September 29th , 2015 at 3:38 p.m. Eastern standard time, I do not give Tythus LTD or any entities associated with Tythus LTD permission to use my pictures, information, or posts, both past and future. By this statement, I give notice to Tythus LTD it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, or take any other action against me based on this profile and/or its contents. The content of this profile is private and confidential information. The violation of privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308- 1 1 308-103 and the Rome Statute). NOTE: Tythus LTD is now a public entity. All members must post a note like this. If you prefer, you can copy and paste this version. If you do not publish a statement at least once it will be tactically allowing the use of your photos, as well as the information contained in the profile status updates. DO NOT SHARE. You MUST copy and paste.


  12. Username: Cracker Group: Humans By applying, you agree you were elected through a fair system?: Ok
  13. Brother Leon scans over the notice. While his abilities in herbalism were sufficient for the holy warriors in Dasoguz, they lacked an able surgeon to amputate wounds or treat mortal afflictions. He pens a response, in hopes that his plea would be answered.
  14. We were told by staff that that is what it will take for us to get a FT and SS, so it's more a general term for them. I don't think Oren (at least, I hope they don't) have control over who gets FT and SS's or not, so I'll leave that to the staff to decide. I also cleared it up with a GM on the matter of boats, as long as they are rebuilt in time for a WC, then they are operational. Furthermore, the land route to Felsen is still available, and will only take the fording of a small river (think it's like 3-5 blocks). Considering any siege will be determined next weekend (an rp year, plenty of time to both boats in RP and plans in OOC) and not this one, though, it's an argument that'll be dealt for another time. EDIT: I'd also like to bring up that if the current loyalist regime is unable to fight us on any day of the weekend, we should be able to get our FT and SS; if they are unable to defend their mantle and fight us at some point within those three days, as this would be the 2nd time a warclaim was pushed back and demonstrates an inability to quell a rebellious state from an IC perspective. From an OOC perspective, it's lame that we are ready to fight for our perks but are stalled out of them time and perhaps, time again. Just because a leader cannot find a time over a three-day period doesn't mean that it should get pushed back for the 100+ players involved and us forced to wait another week for the perks that we should have, given that smaller and less legitimate RP hubs possess them.
  15. As I mentioned to you in PM, if we can't skirmish + siege this weekend, then we can argue about where to siege after the WC. We'll focus this particular warclaim as solely a skirmish one for this weekend. Winner gets chance to siege and push momentum; if Adria wins, it can get its FT and soulstone pillar sorted. I'll update this post with location.
  16. 1) If the distance between Vanaheim and Adria is too great for Adrians to march north, then it would be equally too great for Vanirs to come south. I'm fine with having the skirmish point be where you have indicated on your map, but there's no reason why everyone has to march south versus north. The terrain is the same whichever direction you traverse, and Dour Watch/Peremont were built to ward attacks from the east, not the north. That's a strategic venue we would like to utilize, and there's no RP reason we couldn't as the path north is all friendly territory. 2) The OP nor the follow-up post have denied the right for an open-field skirmish before any sieges. However, as your diagram showed, we are comfortable doing a skirmish anywhere the Adrian armies would move, such as that point you pointed out, or the point I pointed out. It doesn't make sense for us to just charge west though to face great fortifications when the north is far more exposed and just as difficult to traverse. 3) No one is arguing against improving defenses, but erecting a great wall or citadel in the short time responding to troop movements is unrealistic and unRP. We're mainly asking that citadels or walls don't start popping up every other day to drag this out for as long as possible. 4) Agreed, a dedicated siege system will be necessary for the upcoming war. The rules are fine with me, though I would argue TNT should be allowed as part of the siege system.
  17. This is a 2-part war claim. The first battle on Friday will consist of the typical pitched battle skirmish in a no-man's land that comes before any siege. If it is won, then instead of waiting another week of raid wars and little rp, we can immediately move unto a siege within that weekend. Dour Watch and Peremont are both east of Felsen, not north of it. That is why Taylor posted this warclaim; to denote the march rallying at Vanaheim and going south, versus rallying at Adria and marching west. Here is a map to display tactical movements in RP. Circles would indicate battles. There are no crown loyalist holdfasts in between Adria/Haense/Vanaheim to prevent them from rallying together and executing a strike from the north versus the east, a strategy we figured would be a more decisive method of ending the war. The Coalition army would rally at the North, before plunging itself south into Felsen where it is exposed versus having to grind through 2-3 vassal marches.
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