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Status Updates posted by Old-Rattlesnake

  1. Sometimes the best character art you receive is completely free.


  2. MRW I muster a large amount of Ascended to respond to screaming sounds in Haelun'or, only to not find dark creatures, but giant flying whales.



    1. meg


      get off my lawn

    2. Wyvernbane


      a-and the one paladin cub

  3. What's the character limit when you're typing on the server?

    1. forwhatpvrpose


      I don't think there is one. But I've noticed at around 4 lines of continuity it starts to act weird. 

  4. I just realized my first final is due next week, not tomorrow. Can I get a hallelujah.

    1. itdontmatta


      Hallelujah amigo!!

    2. SpiltMemes
  5. Trump is president, the Cubs won the World Series, and the Ascended are a stable guild again. 2016 has been quite the ride.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. James


      I blame Obama

    3. sneLf


      Dont forget about the Feminist and the sjw!!

    4. Farryn


      Don't forget Brexit.


    1. z3m0s


      May krug have mercy on our souls... 

  7. I should really hire a secretary.

  8. So two Ascended and a Cleric walk into a bar.

  9. This is my favorite piece of character art yet. I'm absolutely in love.



    1. Nug


      looks v good :0!

    2. Corvoo


      Damn, that's beautiful.

    3. Cooliomafia


      Wow, looks really good...

  10. Here's a really difficult question. How many years RPly has it been since the beginning of Aegis?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. garentoft


      Current year is 1575.

    3. HedgeHug


      IRL week = 1 year


      52 weeks in an irl year.


      When did LotC launch?

    4. Seliyne


      4th of June was when the date plugin started but I think that was during beta testing, I think the server opened late July or something.

  11. Is there any way to change your forum name these days?

    1. ShameJax


      Go to your name in the upper left corner, click it. From there go to account settings, which you should be able to see display name there.

    2. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      OMG Heial the Ender pearl.  I remember you from years ago!

    3. Old-Rattlesnake
  12. I have been cheated and lied to.

    1. Old-Rattlesnake


      These pecan pie flavored m&ms taste exactly like regular god dang m&ms.

    2. Pureimp10


      oh the horror

  13. PSA: More player models apparently still functions with the new server version.

    1. Sythan


      It works client side only I'm quite sure. However, people cannot see what you change yourself to. If you see other people with odd sizes, it's leftover data from when they previously had it. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. drfate786


      Can't, my mom is allergic to most dogs.

    3. Summorox


      That sucks,bro. What about when you move out of the house?

    4. drfate786


      Very likely.

  14. I have been made into a chibi.


    1. oblivionsbane


      Looks like something from Magic the Gathering.

    2. grimmothy
  15. Came home from work tonight to learn that my landlord stole all the tomatoes I had been growing since April. Seriously, what the ****.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Stump


      I've never successfully grown fruit/vegetable-bearing plants though. I'd die. x-x

    3. Space


      Hey, that sounds really really bad, I just want you to know we're here for you, alright?

    4. JustHighasf


      @Space Always remember when you climbed the top of the mt.everest but you actually realised you were on the misty mountain cold and u had seizure but always remember that this is all a dream and nothing happened life is actually a process to grow your mind to expend literally and exponentially. Don't fear death brother fear the blackness. remember before you were born ? yeah that's death nothingness enjoy it your tomatoes are just weeds that grew outta space.

  16. If we could leave the thread open long enough for some actual Ascended to reply that would be great.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Salvo


      And how ab- ooooh : (

    3. Salvo


      You truly are Heartless. >:(

    4. Matheus


      hearts of salt

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