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Status Updates posted by Blundermore

  1. #communityistheissue2013

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Best Basileus
    3. Helvetius



    4. Baconthief


      No, you're the issue. You and you alone, no other factors involved

  2. It's my birthday today. I think I'll take the day off from 3D modelling for a change. 


    always difficult celebrating a wizard's birthday.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blundermore


      I've been modelling using 3DSmax. Specifically I've been working with the historical societies of London ww1 and Ypres town to recreate the original cathedral of St Martins that was destroyed during ww1. The plans along with most pictures of the cathedral was lost meaning there is very little to go on and most don't even know what it looked like prior to having to be rebuilt after ww1. It leaves me with very little free time whilst studying towards my degree but hopefully if it's good enough it might become a staple exhibit in Ypres. 

    3. RandomTraveller


      I use 3Ds Max too, Arrimus 3D is teaching me haha.

      Nice to see a fellow 3Ds Max user.

    4. StevenQuick


      Very late but happy belated  Blundermore! You might not know me but I've known about you since Asulon and have always loved your character and the way you acted. I hope your birthday was great and here's to many more.

  3. today... thanks to freya, I have died three times, been set to ascended twice, been set to ascended with golden scroll message and powers... set to a cat person. HMM...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shuness


      ..Freya seems quite evil today.

    3. bungo


      gm aboose, ban report.

    4. Elfen_


      Ya man, waiting on someone to make me a tattered, dirty elf skin due the fact i was gone so long.

  4. What was the final verdict on that strike report of mine? It has mysteriously vanished without so much as a note of what has happened. I do hope no one is trying to sweep it under a carpet now... are they?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Merkaken


      This doesn't exactly seem like the most appropriate place to put this question... =/

    3. nppeck


      I shall pm you the verdict then.

    4. Zezimus


      I'll move it back to the strike section so that you can view the verdict, I wasn't aware you couldn't see the completed strike reports.

  5. I've found the reason why the world didn't end (Contains a few swears): http://i.imgur.com/EMsoN.png

  6. Just attacked a moutain with a small force of Dwarves to reveal a creature of dark magic. Today, was a good day.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Volutional


      I wish I had a character worthy of ... adventures.

    3. MetaSolaray


      Hey HEy Blundermore you can't forget the Blue haired Meta...the creature loved Meta...

    4. The Lion

      The Lion

      *Lion touches his gold ring, thinking of unlimited power to control the hearts and minds of the free folk.

  7. http://imgur.com/a/3cd8s I made a wizard's hat on top of my Enchantry wizard's tower last night 3
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      Really nice, good work Blunder!

    3. ImpinAintEZ


      That's awesome. What texture pack are you using?

    4. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      I swam under your tower and didn't stop to say hello. :(

  8. Looking at all the leaving posts and posts about people saying how they've lost their friends and things are falling apart for them I can only stop and think to myself in this time "I wonder if people now start to understand how the Ascended and Undead felt now, after all those times of telling us that our RP didn't matter much to them only now to have something similar happen to them as well?".

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      I still say that everyone's expendable, but when you lose a dozen or so beloved expendables in one blow, its pretty rough building back up from that.

    3. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Undead never forget....

    4. Lym


      I never really got into LotC again after being stripped off my usual RP environment.

      R.I.P. good old times

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      ^ Help him dig dem graves!

    3. DruinsBane


      Help me kidnap and torture people, it'll be fun I swear.

    4. Dun_Irongut


      Soon... Soon you'll know of the mysterious job I have in store for you...

  9. This is a bucket.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Samoblivion
    3. Blundermore


      There's more...

    4. Amorphbutt


      oh how scandalous blundermore. how dare you show images of such DEPRAVITY! OH! THE CHILDREN MIGHT SEE!

  10. never purposely turn up to a fight... that's just silly to go around looking for one.

  11. metagamed again... <.>

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      I know that feel.

    3. Blundermore



      what is the point of this status then

      People just being trolls. I deleted the comments.

    4. LPT


      Still does not answer her question. If you cant determine the point of the status, why write it?

  12. "the boxing wizards jumped quickly" what is the significance of this sentence?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. domainoft


      It is only significant if you wish it to be. I find it as silly as all you wizards. Silly wizards and their towers, silly boys with their toys, silly orcs with their clomps.

    3. tnoy23
    4. domainoft
  13. Where's the magic plugin... I've helped to create three now and yet none has been implemented in the two years I've helped to get these things on the server. With now a fourth version well in the works... soo... where is it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blundermore


      Technically I told a small fib, two of the magic plugins I helped to create have been implimented, the one I use, /cast and the one used specifically by GMs/staff etc. The fourth version is the one with the antag magic which is only semi implemented. Notice however that the first, /cast, is not being used at all due to balancing issues, and I think I could go as far to say that I am the only one who actually has access to it now because apparently not even the admins know how to get /cast any...

    3. Blundermore


      anymore... which is interesting to say the least. Obvioiously the staff version is the staff version so players won't be getting that. But I've heard nothing in a long while and it is starting to make me a bit peeved.

    4. Shadeleaf


      Excellent paragraph, I'll say it again. Yell at Telanir some more. If that doesn't work, Sporadic.

  14. Blood magic is not a real kind of magic, there is no existing hidden lore or methods to learn it, and the last instances of it died with all but one Bloodmage whom is rarely played by a staff member. There is no such thing as "Aegisian Blood magic", anyone rping blood magic in any way will most likely be considered violating the mechanical standard, and would be considered metagaming and powergaming.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lago


      Not true in the slightest. Someone lying somewhere up that chain. That's the problem with these things, one liar and the rest of the people caught up in it don't realise they're doing anything wrong.

    3. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Well I am not familiar with magic in LOTC in the slightest. But Even though it would be CONSIDERED metagaming or power gaming, does not necessarily mean that the person using it actually is. I would imagine that it depends on how it is played out. Rule breaking varies case to case. Well it should anyway.

    4. Lago


      Nobody's planning to deal out punishments, just to give a strongly worded cease command. If they refuse then it's a different ball game entirely.

  15. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/102751-the-writings-of-blundermore-p-windraker/ hmm... I dunno if I should try writing more books in the future, I wish I had resevered a few more posts for the sakes of keeping it all clean and tidy.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blundermore


      Funnily enough I've already written a book on the discovery of bats whilst I was in fitchlock.

    3. excited


      Write about your character's beginning in magic, I know that I always wonder so, dude :)

      Whether you like it or not, everyone wants to know Blundermore's life story.

      Also, finish the Battle for the Hallows if you wish.

    4. Hanrahan


      That's what I referencing Blundy :P You were in Global OOC talking about it for a few hours

  16. y'know, when people are banned by staff, it is very rarely ever to do misconduct on the staff end. In fact I think we've only had that truly happen three times and most of those bans were eventually overturned. But the thing is that constantly questioning, no wait, harassing them by starting up large posts telling them how they're wrong won't really solve anything and may in fact make the situation worse...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Robin Drake

      Robin Drake

      Blundermore knows his stuff

    3. Ivran


      And making posts to stop the making of the other posts accomplishes nothing other than making people feel better about things, no point in telling people to stop. They won't listen.

    4. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      Here's old blundy making a stand once more.

  17. It's a funny kind of day when Oren rocks up at your door asking if you wanted to hear about the Book of Horen only to end up reciting lines from that book to them instead lol :P It's like Jehovah's witnesses turning up at your door and you giving them "the talk" about their lord and saviour.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      I'll have you know an easterner was present!!!!! >:c

    3. Blundermore


      Fight the bugs, join the core, earn my citizenship? Would I like to know more?

    4. Blundermore


      -Starship Troopers reference lol

  18. just to say that I'm in Scotland for two weeks now with little access to the Internet.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Why would you visit a third world country?

    3. Bat Druid

      Bat Druid

      Scotland is not a real country they are all just Englishmen in dresses.

    4. V0idsoldier


      Just got back from a two week Scotland Ireland trip. Stayed in Edinburgh. Hope you have fun man!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blundermore


      A theme generally gets me hooked. The army I am going for is a Thousand sons chaos army, based around swords and sorcery novels and stuff. Every model is a conversion with some sort of spiritual or sorcerous look to them with Ghosts and magic effects all over the shop. Finding a theme and using that as inspiration generally. Like ww2 themed Guard, or Polish Guard, Russians is a good one as well. Or British Red coats. You could do a French Army style guard https://historymartinez.files.wordpre...

    3. Blundermore


      https://historymartinez.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/ww-i-french-army.jpg Imagine the red white a blue command stripes on a L

      Leman Russ turret, it would look absolutely ace.

    4. Blundermore


      It is a Word Bearers contemptor Dreadnought that I have converted into a Thousand sons Sorcerer Dreadnought. Basically near dead Sorcerer inside a giant robotic suit that keeps him alive whilst also making him into a walking tank.

  19. Well I hope vaq fixes the magic plugin for tonight as rp'ing magic when fighting undead is getting old and a bit awkward as others watch... That and who wants to watch a text battle between An ascended and an Undead?

  20. Should I screw a dolphin...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blundermore


      no but really... I have a dolphin painting that my sister gave to me... should I put it up? hmm...

    3. CloakandDagger


      Depends of you screw it in left or right.

    4. Robin Drake
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blundermore


      It's how Wizards mark their territory.

    3. Blundermore


      It's how Wizards mark their territory.

    4. hex37


      I liked it better when they just pissed on trees.(Druids)

  21. Just took my old Apprentice's son into my care Ic'ly...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Αμφίονας


      Ooc he teaches how to make meth

    3. Augor


      Huh, you managed to beat me to this status.

    4. Blundermore
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