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Everything posted by Samler

  1. "I still wonder why they didn't participate, at least last time she ran away shortly after her late arrivel when she was supposed to debate Braxus, but then again. She didn't understand the meaning by it." Said the old elf Seth Calith, having witnessed the Bandit Princess run faster than the Bronze Elves ever had shown possible to him.
  2. ((Minecraft Name: RealSamler)) Name: Seth Calith Age: 770 Vote 1: Alaion Miravaris Vote 2: Alaion Miravaris
  3. The old elf Seth chuckled as he read it right after reading 'To Reveal The Will of Larihei'. "So they lie about killing innocent, watched by oem Malaurir, they plead their case based on lies to Malaurir, invite them with promised protection, and attacks almost causing the death of oem Malaurir and now, when the result they didn't wish for came from the people, they still seemingly claim to be legitimized in their eyes based on the first line, they now too reject this." The old elf laughed. "And now they continue on with their lies regarding Braxus."
  4. "So clearly both sides should approve of this." Seth nodded slowly as he read the missive. "As the kinslayers asked elMalauriran to chose elMaheral. Surely they are not suprised someone who knows of the traditions and teachings of Larihei was chosen over a fennite or kinslayer.
  5. "My student lives." Seth spoke slowly after having witnessed the elf in the city. "He has survived many realms, genocide and just as surely, he will outlive this."
  6. About the RP default, does it mean you can only PvP if there is 8+ people and the vote goes through?
  7. Seth shook his head lightly as he read it. So many truths was written for all to see, but to those it was meant to read it, they would fail to understand the meaning. "Maehr'sae hiylun'ehya." The old elf said as he continued to roam Haelun'or.
  8. Old fart Aegisian here
  9. The old elf Seth nods slowly as he reads the missive. He paused upon finishing it. "Aye. Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya." He stated within the streets of Haelun'or. "But I can't help but wonder what new lies the enemies will try to force upon the world. Such used to amuse me, but they have gotten so bad these last centuries."
  10. Happy Capitalism day. :)


  11. The old elf Seth stared blankly at the poster for a good while. "I feel as if the city is about to find me." He said, tone hinting of dread of the comming storm.
  12. The old elf Seth Calith sets up a copy of the missive upon the notice board of Haelun'or with an additional handwritten note from him in a clearly different style than that of Elyon's "I suggest you invite him to the city if you wish to speak with him. -Seth Calith, elOkarir'tayna."
  13. Seth shrugs upon reading it. "Huh, see no evidence they did so, just more propaganda." He continued on his day, looking forward to the great upcomming celebration
  14. I mean, I guess I can take your items Unwilling but I am sure all the other visitors would prefer to keep their pixels
  15. An old elf reads the missive right before going to bed. He sighs deeply. "So political and economic support, that is enough to found her princedom. . . As in, every military action she performs, it's thus unjust, for she can build herself that throne she craves for."
  16. An ancient elf reads the texts with a scowl, rolling his eyes as he reads ' You speak of Lucion, but who was Lucion? You speak of Kalenz, or Iatrilemar?'. He commented for himself, within his own room. "Yes, Lucion was flawed but one of the better. Kalenz, a disgrace to our kin, which even his own kin agrees on. And Iat..." The old elf took a deep breath before shouting into the paper, maybe suprising anyone within his home. "SHOULD PUT A DAMM SHIRT ON!" Having finished the paper later, he marched down to the fireplace. "At least it can do this good thing."
  17. The ancient elf let a small genuine warm smile upon seeing the picture of the missive. "Ahh, Lin'everal." The smile then faded melancholily as he read on the missive. "Well." He noted to himself within his home as he read it. "Fight we will indeed, they are trying to destroy the city, kill the people." He sighs "Even in the worst case, they get their way. They can't destroy Haelun'or." His tone a sad melancholy. "No one can these days."
  18. Seth raising an eyebrow having seen it, he takes a small stroll into the Citadel, the glorious leader absent from the room of judgement as he were busy, working alongside his people, absent of self-proclaimed princesses and princes. "Their painter must had been in here." He glanced up and down at the parchment and the real thing. "So Aherlic.. Princedom." He grimaced. "They should learn elven at some point.. But that one is clearly mali'ker." He shook his head and took his leave of the Citadel to return to work. "But they are clearly different from normal bandits. They hire painters." And so the day continued like any other peaceful day in Haelun'or.
  19. The open letter reaching Haelun'or, the olden elf shook his head as he read it over. "They make such a choice without having contact to Braxus- Children." The old elf sighed "Elmali'ker is no slave and he made no promises." He glanced about in the tavern of Haelun'or. "So Malinor sides with bandits and dragons, no suprise!" He ranted for a brief moment before turning to leave for his home.
  20. The ancient elf sighed as he read the poster within the city of Haelun'or. "No matter, makes no difference to me." He muttered quietly to himself, shaking his head lightly. "Well, back to work." The elf would then continue on with his duties.
  21. Upon Seth being swarmed as he tried to leave his home by children attempting to handing him stack and stack of the same damm letter he would tell the children sternly to leave him alone!.. Which would only make them even more eager to deliver letters to him, not at a distance as thrown balls of paper! This would of course cease when he protecting himself with the citizenry door.
  22. Seth looks blankly at the last page of this collection of pages before walking around in San'evarir where with some hope that he would find @thiccpazuzu Maenor. "Look at this, they claimed to have traveled to the realm of Aegis, which when last seen, was being overrun by IBLESS and his minions? AND they found books written by MALIN himself?" He rolled his eyes in disbelief. "And claims Larihei invented the written language without providing evidence other than claiming to have books, from Malin, after having traveled to the most dangerious realm in the entire world."
  23. Seth sighed deeply to Maenor. "Aye, with your sound requirements for a partner, this doesn't apply to you. . . Is this maybe an attempt to court that new Okarir'tir?"
  24. THE BALLOT ((MC name: Samler)) Name: Seth Calith Vote for Okarir'san: ( ) Caledor Laraethryn (xx) Abstain
  25. THE BALLOT ((MC name: samler )) Name: Seth Calith Vote for Okarir'hiylun: (xx) Seth Calith ( ) Valyris Wynasul
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