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Dry Crackers

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Status Updates posted by Dry Crackers

  1. Nothing like an "everything or die" to make a great day.

    1. Samler


      The greatest RP to be found, yup yup.

    2. mmat


      Beats 'everything and die'.

    3. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      Lol Seth what is role play?

  2. Where did Hail Friend of Malinor even come from?

    1. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      Humans coming into Malinor to cause trouble would say it.

    2. Stevie


      White Rose ;)))))

    3. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      Huh I don't think I ever saw that

  3. Get ready, Kolyat

    1. Dromui


      Is it time to kill him?

      -Shifty eyes-

    2. Jarkarll


      Über assassin in the midst

  4. Mr. Aislin do you mind if I use that awsome signature of yours? The message should be spread! but if you'd rather keep it private, that's ok too.

    1. Aislin


      haha i had to check what my signature was because i have them disabled, but sure!

    2. Aislin


      spread the word of Gronkk, prophet of Ned Lud Jesus.

  5. The hypothesis was correct! Spamming the 'worker' NPC in the Abresi blacksmith guild causes people to come!

    1. Lago


      Only in search of the secret of killing NPCs.

    2. monkeypoacher
  6. Why'd all the profile pics die?

    1. craotor


      Because the Lord willed it

    2. Heff


      Oh its a weird glitch... you have to close out and restart and only press forums when your pro pic loads

  7. I'm bored

    1. Lawrna


      Hello bored, I'm Lana.

    2. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      Pleased to meet you

  8. Friendly reminder to those fairies making away with Osage horses: ASK BEFORE YOU TAKE!

    1. monkeypoacher


      OOC consent rules say otherwise

    2. monkeypoacher


      ^ or the lack thereof

  9. Really sorry to that guy I was tracking a dread knight with, read timed out and refuses to work at all. GG read. GG.

    1. tnoy23


      It's back on, I'd suggest hopping on and waiting where you left him.

    2. Eleatic


      stop abusing me

  10. My issues with the personas: It's giving the don't-meta warning every time I view my card, it calls the description a bio, and I can't have one longer than two lines.

    1. argonian


      Personas fucked everything up

    2. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      I'm starting to notice that

  11. Please advise: My description is being placed before my character's name. /setname does not work, redoing the description does not work.

    1. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      Problem solved, it has to do with prefixes.

    2. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      I'm sick of this persona nonsense. Going to go play Hearthstone until it clams down a little bit.

  12. Does anyone know of a deep ocean in the fringe? I'm looking to get a boat.

  13. Is there a way to move horses from Anthos to the Fringe? The horse tp command made it vanish

    1. MamaBearJade


      You need to Modreq it

    2. Kitten


      Horses can't be moved from anthos to the fringe.

  14. Does anyone possibly know anything about a Blue-Screen-of-Death crash acompanied by a horrible keening noise which may be related to AMD driver failure?

    1. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Google it up. Computers follow a certain code for noises. Depending on the pattern, you'll be able to determine the problem.

    2. Demotheus


      Soemtimes if you have sound playing just before it crashes that exact portion of sound will keep playing in an infinite loop until the computer turns off/restarts.

  15. Yall punks have fun. I'm out.

    1. excited


      Damn, I'll miss you.

    2. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      Dat mad sarcasm

  16. Fix the RP names over heads please! And bring back purple server notice text.

    1. mitto


      pretty sure it was pink but yeah, the white server text is annoying

    2. 501warhead


      We didn't specifically turn off either of those. The white text comes from a difference with how bukkit handles messages and names are still being worked on. Thanks.

  17. OK friends. Can the app team please stop people using that one elf skin with the crossbelt, shoulder loop, hood and mask? I've legit seen it three times today, all new guys.

    1. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      Are chairs still broke?

    2. Pureimp10


      The skin is fine in all honesty. If it's that much of an issue for you, talk to them in PMs!

  18. I'd like a 500 word essay on the issue of Elvish repression in Oren please. As you know, "trap" is highly offensive to many people especially when used in a noninsulting context..

    1. SortedJarhead



    2. Krodin


      Do you smell that? I SMELL ACID PITS

  19. Why the display names of some Nexus items italicized, and some are not? 

    1. cablam


      When an item's name is italicized it means that a player made the item. When they aren't it means that a staff member renamed it (i.e ET, GM, LT, etc).

    2. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      That's not exactly what I was talking about, but I figured it out.  When available for crafting in a crafting table, Nexus items have italicized names.  When they are made and in the inventory, they have normal names.  Still not sure why.

  20. Anyone else lagging to hell?

    1. Silverstatik
    2. rukio


      Only in my brain tbh

  21. Saying this is becoming a PvP factions server used to be a joke.

    1. Archipelego



    2. Dry Crackers
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