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Everything posted by seannie

  1. THE EMPIRE OF AUSTRIA-HUNGARY PEACE IN OUR TIME Imperial Armies parade throughout the Empire as the citizenry rejoice as The ‘Great’ War comes to an end; though it was relatively a stalemate, the Central Powers came out on top in regards to the Treaties signed at the Conference of Geneva. Though Austria itself did not play a major role in the Conference, its recent successes prior to the Armistice had proven itself to be a force to be reckoned with. Imperial Soldiery had retaken Galicia-proper and pushed deep into Ukraine and Poland, threatening to encircle Union Armies on both sides. The Imperial City of Lamberg was splendidly retaken, though much of it lay it ruined after the Operation was completed. Acceptable losses by all accounts, Imperial Credibility had been restored. Riding on this high of Imperial success, the newly crowned Emperor had free reigns to begin the restoration of his nation’s prestige and status among the world powers. Hungarians be damned, he would remake the Empire into the finest state it could ever be. IMPERIAL STATE OF AFFAIRS Military Affairs The Jagdkommando are refined. The Polish Front had provided the Austrian Military Command with the much needed information it required in order to further improve upon these specialized infantry units. Now dubbed Shocktroopers, these specialized infantry are now under strict standards, as the Austrians attempt to present the world with the finest troops the modern era has seen. Various Military Academies are constructed throughout the Empire, in locations such as Galicia, Hungary, and Bohemia - their progress subsidized by the Imperial Council as Russian War Reparations fill the Austrian Coffers. The Academies are tasked with the making of proper Imperial Officers, going as far as even having mandatory German Language classes, though the rest of their studies are in their own native tongues. Academies already established are improved further upon. All current Imperial Officers, regardless of their nationalities within the Empire, are sent to German Language Lessons within their respected Academies, an effort subsidized by the Imperial Parliament. Alongside this effort, each divisions are expected to have a unit of soldiers able to speak basic German for the betterment of communications. The entirety of the Conscripted Army Corps are disbanded and returned to their natural ways of life. But capitalizing on those who wish to remain within the military, recruitment stations are set up throughout the Empire. The Imperial Armies of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire undergo reforms in order to facilitate overall improved quality as it plans to rely more on well-trained career soldiers rather than conscripted civilians. Squad-cohesion is improvised upon, each Platoon expecting to have a machine-gun crew while each Battalion will eventually establish a communications crew. The Army Training Camps are vastly expanded upon, most central Bases capable of holding an increased amount of trainees up in the thousands. The last funds dedicated for the Military Budget is funnelled into various projects regarding tele-communications. Based upon the issues brought up during the War, the projects aim at improving the rudimentary radio-systems used, and hopefully achieving a portable radio that infantrymen can carry eventually. The matters of Aviation and the Navy will have to wait for the next year as all focus has been put on improving for the Army this time around. Civilian Affairs The far eastern Imperial Kingdom of Galicia-Lodomeria had been devastated in the prior. Though the Russians did not outright raze the land, the combating forces of multiple millions of men along a vast stretch of trenches tore up the land. As such, in order to restore the Kingdom to its former state, a portion of the incoming Russian reparations are used to rebuild and bring people back into the fold. The United Imperial University of Scientific Research is opened in Budapest by Franz Ferdinand himself - planning on bringing the brightest of the entire Empire into a centralized location, they will be responsible for ensuring the modernizing and improvement of the Empire. The assassination of Karl von Stürgkh throws the Imperial Parliament into a temporary chaos. The killing of such a high ranking official in a clandestine matter had been unheard of in Austrian Politics so far. If God [Mod] willing, Friedrich the Assassin would be hunted down, trialed, and executed immediately. The death of Karl made it apparent, designated Politicians would need guarding, a situation in which the Emperor was more than happy to capitalize upon. Portions of his Imperial Guard Regiments are tasked with the security details of most Politicians that could face potential threat. Societal reformations will have to another year. Foreign Affairs The Romanian reprisal is completely ignored by the Austrian Parliament, who are more than content with ignoring their complaints. Nevertheless, a sizable chunk of the Imperial Standing-Army is stationed alongside the border just in case they need to suppress any insurrectionist ideals. Emperor Franz Josef issues an official Imperial Statement in regards to the matters of Socialism - condemning its practice on grounds that they will bring about the downfall of world order and bring about an era of woeful tyrants. No Socialists will find safe haven within the Austrian Empire. The Empire partakes in the resumed economic trading between all the Central Powers. From Istanbul to Berlin, commerce flows without issue. The Imperial response to the Polish people is amiable, they are congratulated for their capability of deciding their nation’s fate by themselves. And as promised, Austrian armies stay clear of the border as no military actions are taken against the Republic. IMPERIAL ACTIONS The Imperial Armies of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire initiate a grand effort for modernizing and improving. Austrian Central begins the groundwork of Operation Falk. Highly confidential and known only by a select few. Imperial University founded for centralized technological advances. Imperial Condemnation of Socialism. Restoration of the eastern Imperial frontier. Trade is established with the Empire of Brazil.
  2. THE EMPIRE OF AUSTRIA-HUNGARY The Death of a Monarch Emperor Franz Joseph was in critical status, his health had rapidly deteriorated ever since he was caught outside by his attendants taking a walk during the last cold months of the year past. He was unable to observe the state of his Empire while bumbling fools tore it apart in front of him, being bedridden. He had come to terms with his heir though - His nephew, Franz Ferdinand had come to his side during his last moments, to which the Emperor had officially entrusted the Empire to Ferdinand. And so, in the year of our Lord, 1916, Emperor Franz Joseph of the Hapsburg House had breathe his last breath. The central territories of the Empire fall into a state of mourning as the funeral procession proceeds, but due to the war, the majority of the citizenry are not permitted to halt productions, and shortly after, all states are returned to their normal status. Furious Reforms With the Greater Austrian Empire now under his control as Emperor, Franz Ferdinand was deeply disgusted by the state of it all – From the Rape of Bulgaria, to ineffective Austrian Military, to the massive ethnic tensions that plagued his lands, he sought to lay down the foundations of repairing such an Empire. He slowly begun to replace the old Imperial Cabinets with his own, knowing that his future plans will no doubt cause massive issues with the already established ruling Nobility. He was even more so concerned about the backlash he may acquire from the Magyars in Hungary, he had to tread upon a tight line to ensure his reforms are to pass into reality. Regardless of such concerns, his control over his portion of the Austrian Military was strong. Like most Habsburg males, Ferdinand enlisted into Army early on in his life, to which he would make connections and would have his influence be spread. Upon his ascension to Emperor of All of Greater Austria, his control over the Military bolstered - his first concerns were the criminalizing of those involved in the Rape of Bulgaria, from the highest Officer to the lowest, those who had a major part in sacking Bulgaria were called to Court. A move that would boost his popularity while replacing inept Commanders within the Army. His own Imperial Regiments being sent forth to bring these people to Vienna, as the remainder would remain stationed around the Emperor and his key assets. Upon matters of personal military matters; Franz Ferdinand quietly expands the Imperial Guard, incorporating more of the Empire’s Nobility into it. Handpicked for their loyalty and competency, they are soon expected to be put to use as the usually ceremonial Guard Regiments are put into active training. Following the expansion of his Imperial Guard, the Emperor sought to build a Party centered about himself within the House of Lords Parliament in Vienna. Utilizing the fact that the children of some of the Lordly Politicians have now been enlisted into his Regimental Guards, he begins to build his political influence by operating together with these people. Now his concerns then laid upon the matters of his Legislation within the Parliaments, though here he wouldn't be heavy-handed. He couldn't afford an Hungarian outrage at this time if he attempted to fix upon any of the situations currently plaguing the Government. The Hungarians elite, being naturally complacent, did not want to alter the status quo, for they were kept content with ruling over their already established zones dictated in the 1867 Compromise, even if it meant it was tearing the Empire apart - they will be dealt with, eventually. The Emperor can although hire translators to work within the Parliaments, ensuring that the various ethnicity of the Empire are heard and comprehended, but not yet acted upon, a minor action that would hopefully appease the politicians for a time. Seeing that further actions may cause increased instability within his Empire, Franz Ferdinand awaits for the Summer Offensive to be completed before acting upon anything else. Leaving his hope into the hands of those he chose to strike back at the Russians. IMPERIAL STATE OF AFFAIRS The Austrian Economy continued to operate at regular wartime readiness - though Galicia was lost, it was not of major importance like the Hungarian valley, or Bohemian flatlands. Trade continued between the Central Powers, forming a strong link of land commerce all the way from Berlin, Vienna, Rome, Belgrade and Istanbul. In return for the land transfer to the Kingdom of Serbia, the Serbians pledge their logistical support to the Austrian Offensive into Galicia, hopefully able to alleviate the issues of re-mobilizing over five million troops. Upon matters of personal military matters; Franz Ferdinand quietly expands the Imperial Guard, incorporating more of the Empire’s Nobility into it. Handpicked for their loyalty and competency, they are soon expected to be put to use as the usually ceremonial Guard Regiments are put into active training. Following the expansion of his Imperial Guard, the Emperor sought to build a Party centered about himself within the House of Lords Parliament in Vienna. Utilizing the fact that the children of some of the Lordly Politicians have now been enlisted into his Regimental Guards, he begins to build his political influence by operating together with these people. IMPERIAL ACTIONS The Western Expeditionary Armies are recalled from France. Using German infrastructure, they make a quick withdrawal back to the Eastern Front against the Russians and Her allies. The majority of the one million strong force is expected to re-mobilized within the year’s end, they are expected to reinforce the Austrian Push into their lost territory. [Troop Re-mobilization from West to East] As the Imperial Battle-Groups are ordered forward, the Austrian Command meets its first obstacle, Lamberg. The operation begins to recapture the City lost previously at the start of the War. The battle-lines are drawn out throughout the surrounding region. Once the Austrian armies reach their line, they are under orders specifically from the Emperor to be arranged into battalions that are consistent with their ethnicities, with as many translators sent to them as possible in order to alleviate any communications issues or language barriers. [Battle Plans] The ‘Sale’ of Bosnia and Dalmatia amongst other regions to the Serbian Kingdom is concluded without issues. The Slavic people in the region reunited with their homeland. The K.K Gendarmerie from Austria-Proper is positioned about in key ethnically Slavic enclaves throughout to prevent any sort of hostile behaviorism before it comes to fruition. [Trade Deal with Serbia] Communication issues are brought up to the Emperor. Seeing as the Empire speaks a multitude of languages, finding a common balance is difficult to achieve. The Emperor although does promise to make it so that all languages within his lands with a large population are equal in a Public Statement Report, and plans to pass through several laws in Parliament after the War’s end. [Promises of Language Equality] The majority of the Imperial Income is funded into the Military in order to keep it in fighting shape, any sort of public projects will have to wait till the war’s end. [Mass Funding of Imperial Military]
  3. dwarves in vekaro 

    1. Fimlin


      dunamis in petrus

  4. does no one have images of that one weird temp map where we went back in time to Aegis?
  5. warclaims used to be more fun than this

  6. server full despite it not showing 

  7. is there an index on monsters/creatures somewhere on the forums

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Paris


      There is in fact one on the wiki, not the forums. It should be under creatures or beings

    3. saint swag
    4. seannie


      Thanks ten

  8. battle brothers is a superior game to darkest dungeon 

    1. cruzazul


      battle brothers > M&B

    2. B


      idk cruz think m&b > bb > darkest

  9. who wants to put in the effort to make this server better 

    1. Treshure


      join me shawnie boy

    2. seannie


      im trying 

    3. Hiebe


      What's the effort? We all make humans and be apart of the glorious game of throne rp?

  10. zhulik flexes weird but its ok

    1. Zhulik


      atleast I CAN flex I bet you don’t even lift

    2. Guest


      ur in flg don’t think ur opinion matters seannie

    3. seannie


      Weird flex but ok

  11. highways that go through a nation should be subject to said nations leader

    1. Beyonce4Pres


      What if the roads go through multiple nations

    2. Chimp


      +1 elven bias in gm team is all too clear

  12. midland is superior to both ismir and sangmar





  14. freebuild noob lords shouldnt be allowed to have a spot on the wiki

    1. Reckless Banzai Screamer
    2. Thornz


      When they outdo actual nations, yeah they should.

  15. Imperial Province of The Royal Highlands, Caesaria, 944 NE “That so?” mused Septimius upon being informed of the battle’s outcome at the Collapsing Falls. He appeared uninterested in the actions of his fellows governors, content with keeping to himself and his province. His peace would be broken just moments after, for a ragged tired man bursts through his chamber’s doors, pursued by his guards. Offering the proper Altairan salute to Septimius, the man exclaimed the following news; informing Aetius of the plight brought upon his newly reclaimed coastlines. Pirates and raiders from the Third Fleet decimated their way through the various coastal settlements, plundering vital resources from the Province and making their way off into the open sea with their loot. “Have all returning Cohorts redirect their rendezvous points along the coastline. We have to secure our settlements and set up perimeters to deter anymore opportunistic predators.” the Governor stamped his seal upon several enclosed documents, dispatching them to his messengers to be sent throughout the Province. PROVINCIAL ACTIONS The returning raiding Cohorts are dispatched alongside the coastline in order to further deter any seaborne raiding from Privateers and the likes. Watchtowers are established in key locations along the coast with pyres of logs ready to be lit as signals for the others when enemies are sighted. To further reinforce the protection of the coastline, the remaining three galleys are sent out in a group to establish a patrol route along the coast, outfitted specifically to be able to flee at first sight of the enemies once sufficient information has been gathered upon the subjects. The Provincial Government begins the reconstruction of its old coastal ports. Workers are lured to these sights at the promise of gold and protection, while the necessary resources are imported or manufactured in the Capital. The population of the smaller settlements along the coast are assimilated into the Port-towns to serve as their first citizens and establish an economical center. Maritime trade is expected to resume once the Pirate threat has been dealt with. [40 AP spent into rebuilding the Ports] The groundwork for establishing the second Tier of Engineering throughout the Province begins. [1 AP into Tier 2 Engi] PROVINCE OF THE ROYAL HIGHLANDS MENU Leader: Aetius Septimius Vorenus Capital: Caesaria Population: 734,663 Caeseria: 300,000+ Heartland Towns: 200,000+ Mountain Towns: 150,000+ Engineering Tier: T1 Resources: Luxury Node |ACTIVE| (Gemstone) Provincial Funds: Forty-one thousand Imperial Coins (41 AP) Base: 10 Mercantile District x2: 8 AP Luxury Resource: 10 AP Population: 13 AP (6 AP brought over from last turn) Land Trade: 1 AP Raiding: 5 AP Being raided: -5 AP Army Upkeep: -1 AP Imperial Influence: -5 AP AP used this turn on: Reconstructing one of the Ports, 25 AP Initiating restoration of the next Port, 15 AP Tier 2 funding begins, 1 AP Current Projects: Port 1: 10/50 AP Port 2: 50/50 AP COMPLETED THIS TURN Tier 2 Engineering: 1/100 AP Provincial Guard Light Infantry: 3 (1500) Cohorts recruited. Training: N/A Medium Infantry: N/A Training: N/A Heavy Infantry: N/A Training: N/A Provincial Navy Galley: 3 (150) Bireme: N/A Trireme: N/A Quadrireme: N/A
  16. kinda interested in 7.0 ngl, hopefully it doesnt turn out to be a degrading mess 

    1. Knox213


      it looks pretty dope ngl.

  17. Imperial Province of The Royal Highlands, Caesaria, 943 NE From the Eastern Coast to the Capital inland, crosses are propped up in the hundreds lining the old decrepit Imperial pathways. The wailing cries of the defeated soon follow as the old pirates are now staked upon the crosses alive, left to rot under the sun or be picked off by scavengers. A sure sign to never cross a Highlander. All in all, the Bandit Subjugation Campaign had been a tremendous success, not even a single death was reported among the ranks while hundreds of lowlifes lay in chains or dead in ditches and on crosses. Fairs and festivals sprung up throughout the Province as the people take to the street to celebrate their recent victory over the brigands that would prey upon them. Elated that the Provincial Council had taken notice of the common people's plight, hundreds flock to Caesaria to enlist into the now famous Cohorts while those with careers work with more enthusiasm and zeal. With the ports on the shoreline now being rightfully under Provincial control, the Council mulls over the restoration efforts needing to be taken in order to return these seaside cities to their past glory; they estimate that within a year’s time they should be able to amass enough funds to refurbish the recently seized pirate haven. The Governor made his return to Caesaria downtrodden, having wasted a fair portion of his wealth in order to appease uninterested Imperial Capital Nobility, nevertheless, he reassumes his position, dutifully working away at improving his Province. PROVINCIAL ACTIONS Under the overseeing Governor, new Provincial Public Projects are funded in order to better organize the mercantile aspects of everyday life. The roads leading from the interior to the coastline are refurbished with way-houses for caravans transporting goods to and fro- While within the Capital, the Markets see a major boom in activity and renovations as funding and population grows exponentially. [25/25 AP into Mercantile Districts] The 3rd Caesarian Cohort of Longbowmen (Light Inf) is recruited, trained and mobilized for an upcoming operation. They spend a good part of the year training extensively while shipments of premium equipment are ordered in from the neighboring Province of Annors Crossroad. [500 Veteran Trained Light Infantry/Longbowmen with T2 Equipment Recruited - 4 AP] A general call of assembly is sounded, gathering all Caesarian Cohorts at the northern border of Aulus March. No formal declaration of intent is issued to any onlookers, but when ready, the Cohorts march northward into Korvic territories at a rapid pace. A flurry of diplomats are sent out from Caesaria, contacting all nearby Provinces upon the matter of trade in order to establish links of commerce between themselves. It is expected for maritime trade to take place within the next year once the ports are renovated and ready for use. [Annors Crossroad, Aulus March, Farlus Plain, Blackwood, Riviera.] PROVINCE OF THE ROYAL HIGHLANDS MENU Leader: Aetius Septimius Vorenus Capital: Caesaria Population: 680,244 Caeseria: 300,000+ Heartland Towns: 200,000+ Mountain Towns: 150,000+ Engineering Tier: T1 Resources: Luxury Node |ACTIVE| (Gemstone) Trade: *Seeking Trading Partners* |ACTIVE| Provincial Funds: 29,000 Imperial Coins (29 AP) Base: 10 Mercantile District x1: 4 AP Luxury Resource: 10 AP Imperial Influence: 5 AP [All used this turn to fund Mercantile District Construction] Current Projects: Port 1: 10/50 AP Port 2: 25/50 AP Provincial Guard Light Infantry: 3 (1500) Cohorts recruited. Stats Experience Level: 2 Cohorts Standard-classed, 1 Veteran-classed Equipment level: 3 Tier II Medium Infantry: N/A Stats Experience Level: Equipment level: Heavy Infantry: N/A Stats Experience Level: Equipment level: Provincial Navy Galley: 3 (150) Bireme: N/A Trireme: N/A Quadrireme: N/A
  18. Imperial Province of The Royal Highlands, Caesaria, 942 NE Celebrations spread throughout the Highlands as a rush for gems occurred, with the Provincial Government staking itself the largest claims of the veins in the Mountains. The coffers increased substantially, allowing the Government to invest into more ambitious projects while the people reaped the benefits of such a boom in industry. All seems good. Within the Provincial Capital, Caesaria, bickering occurs as usual, and once again between the Governor and his Second in Command, his Praetor. “It’s the Emperor’s tenth birthday, and you would have me remain in my own Province, Aquilius?” inquired a bemused Governor to his Praetor, though showing clear signs of irritation. “Well, you see Your Excellency, there’s this issue we have, you know, the bandits? I think it’d be best if you oversaw the operations yourself.” replied the chief executive loftily, waving a hand about. “Damn the campaigns, Praetor, have one of the up and coming Officers handle the situation, I’m leaving regardless of the issues at hand. I leave domestic issues in your hands.” “As you say.” PROVINCIAL ACTIONS In light of the young Emperor’s tenth birthday, the Governor himself leads a convoy to the Altaire, letting word know in advance to the Imperial Court of his expected arrival. With him are sixty guards, followed by twenty servants, but more importantly are the newly extracted gemstones packed into the crates lying in the carriages, the best of the selections. Approximately ten-thousand Denarii worth of gems are transported to the Imperial Capital, with the Governor’s intention of meeting with the Emperor himself in Court. (10 AP gift to the Emperor) Following closely behind is another armed convoy, though their destination differs. They’d follow the now safe Imperial Highways into the Plains of Farlus, heading for the Province’s Capital. Within the crates, once the Governor of the Plains opens them, he’d find within gems from the Mountains of the Highlands. These gems are of the highest quality from the ones currently being extracted, and are estimated to add up to five-thousand Denarii. (5 AP gift to the Governor of Farlus) THE WAR ON TERROR ARC Given the recent discovery of the Pirate Conclave, the Provincial Council argue on what to do, but eventually settle upon a choice. A sum of five-thousand Denarii is dispatched to the Academy of Sorcerers with the intention of recruiting their assistance in bandit extermination Campaign. If all goes well and they agree, the Provincial Army would mobilize its one-thousand soldiers for combat, marching out of Caesaria to lay waste to Brigands and eventually the Pirates on their route to the eastern coastline. (5 AP spent on Bribes for Sorcerer support) While on Campaign, Provincial Officers of the 1st Caesarian Cohort of Light Infantry take the chance to recruit the aid of any Imperial Officers willing to lend a hand in further training the Soldiers to proper standard, at the cost of two-thousand Denarii. (2 AP spent on upgrading Experience Level for one Cohort to Veteran) The same Cohort also takes the chance to have their equipment upgraded, purchasing sets of armor and weaponry in bulk from the Province of Annor’s Crossroad, shipping it to the Cohort. (2 AP spent upgrading Armor for one Cohort to Basic Leather, T2) Additionally, the Provincial Court comes into contact with their assigned Legate of the Imperial Legions in the Highlands, requesting for military support in their effort to rid the Province of the Bandit Issue. There is clearly no effort made by the Provincial delegation, but they can at least say there was an attempt. Word is sent to the newly made Commander of the First Imperial Fleet in Aulus Reach, Governor Sorbath Tielson with the intention of requesting his support against the Pirate force in the eastern coastline of the Royal Highland Province. A full list of the Pirates’ weaknesses and strengths are attached to envoys in Veledon. PROVINCE OF THE ROYAL HIGHLANDS MENU Leader: Aetius Septimius Vorenus Capital: Caesaria Population: 629, 856 Caeseria: 300,000+ Heartland Towns: 200,000+ Mountain Towns: 150,000+ Engineering Tier: T1 Resources: Luxury Node |ACTIVE| (Gemstone) Trade: |INACTIVE - BANDITS| Provincial Funds: 24,000 Imperial Coins (24 AP) Base: 10 Mercantile District x1: 4 AP Luxury Resource: 10 AP
  19. Imperial Province of The Royal Highlands, Caesaria, 941 NE “A disappointing turn of events, isnt it?” inquired the Caesarian Praetor to the Governor. “Bah, shut it. As if we were ever concerned about the matters of these petty politics. We shall continue to remain to ourselves like usual, though it does pain me to some degree that Lucretia was done in this badly, call it neighborly love.” spoke the Governor, his arms folded behind his back as he ascended a flight of stairs. “A comedian are you now?” chided the Praetor with a perk of a lip, appearing amused. “Hmph. Damned upstart in the swamp is playing his pipe and the other Governors are following his tune, failing to realize that securing the Crossroad’s support was vital to our success. It’d be degrading to remain affiliated with such fools. Nothing good ever occurs when our people meddle in the affairs of the other Provinces.” ranted the Governor, to which the Praetor nodded along dutifully. “Yes yes, anyway, we’ve reached significant progress in regards to establishing the mines in the mountains, the Governor of Farlus even invested in our endeavors!” “Oh? Has he now; I’m not sure if this is youthful inexperience, but it is well-received nonetheless, I shall send him a letter of appreciation.” “Well, you do you. Onto the next thing needing your attention.” The Praetor led the Governor on, guiding him towards the Parade Grounds. The Governor and his advisor eventually made their way to where the 1st Cohort was practising drill, catching the attention of a well-dressed military man. “Ave, Governor.” the officer clapped his heels together, presenting Aetius with a salute. “At ease, Tulus, what have you for me?” “I believe it's finally time to end the Robber Baron’s reign over our roads now, Governor.” spoke the Centurion of the 1st Cohort of Caesaria. “Are you sure that one Cohort is enough to eliminate the Brigands, Commander?” inquired the Governor as he gazes over the training soldiers. “Sire, remind yourself that these are but mere brigands, only the weak prey on those even more weaker than them.” the Centurion said firmly, his arms folding over one another as he followed the gaze of the Governor. “So be it, I’ll send some of my own officials to mingle with the populace where the concentration of bandits are strongest. We’ll strike at them before they even realize we are upon them.” The roll-call for the Cohort is sounded, gathering all soldiers to the Caesarian barracks. They are assembled into divisions and sent throughout the Province’s main roads while the Governor’s spies work their due. PROVINCIAL ACTIONS Work stalls on the establishing of the gemstone mines in the Highland Mountain Ranges, the Provincial Government nearly running into a deficit in funds as a result. Catching wind of such issues, the Governor of Farlus has dispatched the necessary amount of coins required to finish the project. Elated by such actions, the Province of the Highlands thank the people of the Farlus Plains countless times, promising for amiable relations between the two Provinces to continue indefinitely. [25/25 AP Unlocking Tier 1 Luxury Manufactory] Surveyors from Caesaria are sent to the eastern coastline to gather information in regards to the two abandoned Ports. They are accompanied by a dozen or so guards to ensure safe and proper excavations are taken place. The goal of this expedition is to clarify whether or not the Ports can be rebuilt to their former status. [Mod Required] Plans are put into motion to rid the Province of its Brigand issues. Spies are spread out throughout the Province in order to accurately locate the sources of the bandits. They’re tasked with mingling with the populace where banditry is at its highest concentration, relaying whatever information back to Caesaria. [Mith, I choose you] PROVINCE OF THE ROYAL HIGHLANDS MENU Leader: Aetius Septimius Vorenus Capital: Caesaria Population: 583200 Caeseria: 200,000+ Heartland Towns: 200,000+ Mountain Towns: 150,000+ Engineering Tier: T1 Resources: Luxury Node |ACTIVE| (Gemstone) Trade: |INACTIVE - BANDITS| Provincial Funds: 15,000 Imperial Coins (15 AP) Base: 10 Mercantile District x1: 4 AP Gifts from the Governor of Farlus: 1 AP
  20. Imperial Province of The Royal Highlands, Caesaria, 940 NE “Morning, Governor, safe to assume your travels were alright?” “Suppose so, we ran into trouble, but nothing some lip service couldn't prevent; roads are getting more dangerous than when they were during my youth.” “Yes yes, back in your days, hm?” “Bah, shush, follow me to my council. And if you could gather the advisors, would be much appreciated.” The scene relocated to the Caesarian Council Hall after some time; nothing too extravagant, standard Imperial Architecture found throughout the Empire, servants kept the fire pit stoked on one end while the Council Convened on the other side, beginning their conference. “So, first matter at hand here, we have… uh..” The Provincial Praetor looked down at his notes, a brow cocked up as his face displays signs of curiosity. “Ah, the Sorcerer’s Academy sees fit to get us our attention for once, how rare. Says here that they’re currently appraising a magical artifact that may be worth something rare. For some reason they want us to keep it instead of themselves, oh well, no matter.” “I’ll look into when they’re done, what else do we have on your agenda?” inquired Aetius. “Secondary on my list here, reports about our current status on your latest Projects of yours in the Mountains. Our mountaineers have discovered a vein of gemstones, Neai be Praised, took ages. Getting a shop set up in the region will cost us a bit in the funds department, but the rewards shall be great. I’m sure the recent Imperial Donation can help a bit there.” he flipped a page, continuing onto the next topic. “In more pressing matters, our neighbor, the Governor of Aulus, the recently appointed Grand Marshal, has seen it fit to send to our region cohorts of soldiers to sweep through the area in order to root out the pesky highwaymen issues we’ve been having lately.” The Praetor paused momentarily as he gathered his thoughts, taking this time to gulp down some water that he had. “I’ve already concluded that due to our location being so central in the Empire, we’ll have a high concentration of allied troops marching through us to get to the other Provinces, banditry shouldn't be too much of an issue for now. Only problem is how we’ll be able to stop it from rising again, our level of poverty doesn't help much, so hopefully soon we’ll be able to get these cravens into proper careers instead of robbing their own countrymen.” The Praetor ended his reports on this piece of information, looking back up to the Governor. “So, all is progressing as foreseen then. Good, good. You have my thanks Praetor, as for everyone else, unless you have anything to see, we’re adjourned, till we meet next month." PROVINCIAL ACTIONS Work begins on recently prospected veins of precious gemstones. Equipment is brought forth from the interior to the mountains alongside with a cadre of workers to excavate the gems. The entire ordeal is expected to cost a few Denarii, rounding up at 15,000, with even more funds having to complete the mines later on. [15/25 AP] Two Divisions of Light Infantry begin training in Caesaria. Dubbed Cohors Caesarus I and Cohors Caesarus II, they are equipped with standardized equipment, Leather Tunics and Wool Gambeson for the cold weather. They are a primarily sword and shield based division of Light Infantry tasked with the patrolling of the Provincial Roads. [1k Standard Training Light Infantry with T1 Equipment Recruited - 4 AP] PROVINCE OF THE ROYAL HIGHLANDS MENU Leader: Aetius Septimius Vorenus Capital: Caesaria Population: 540000 Caeseria: 150,000+ Heartland Towns: 200,000+ Mountain Towns: 150,000+ Engineering Tier: T1 Resources: Luxury Node |INACTIVE| (Gemstone) Provincial Funds: 19,000 Imperial Denarii (19 AP) Base: 10 Mercantile District x1: 4 Imperial Council Donations: 5
  21. Skype: I've completely forgotten how to use Skype, so I hope this is correct. live:a777aba87b5e88b8 Province of choice: The Royal Highlands (6) Governor (Their name, and a little personal history): Aetius Septimius. Aetius is a born-member of the prominent Vorenian Dynasty of the Highlands, a family in control of most of the mining industry of the Province, more specifically, the gemstone market. A business Aetius found himself inheriting after his Father passed away of health complications. Being in control of such lucrative materials, the Voren Dynasty was propelled to high standings, especially within matters of provincial governing, their keen sense of politics and Voren funds in the right places, led Aetius Septimius to become the first Vorenian Governor of The Royal Highlands. Aetius is a revered figure throughout his own Province. Well regarded due to his ethical business protocols and care for those under him, he had little to no issues establishing his rule as he ascended to his office. Despite being in control of such wealth, Aetius was a man of considerable morals, and keen sense; the Province remained well in poverty, but Aetius was of wealth, unrest may occur if he hoarded his share like a dragon. Therefore, his primary objective has always been to fund public projects and establishing more careers opportunities by opening up new opportunities. The fracturing of Imperial Territory into Provincial prefectures by Emperor Scipicus did not alter any course for Aetius, the Highlands usually remaining to themselves in the matters of foreign politicking. Though it did allow for Aetius to redirect more funds into his Province, not heavily taxed anymore. But it has been 20 years since then and Aetius finds himself well into his old age, though unconcerned to him. His kind demeanor and age has earned him the epithet “(The Caretaker) of the Highlands”. Your Provincial Culture: Highlanders are a naturally reclusive sort, nestled in the Imperial Mountain Ranges away from most news and issues of the other Provinces. They mingle with one another, avoiding most foreigners whenever possible; the flatland remain hospitable to travelers, but if one were to traverse into the settlements nestled at the base of the Mountains, they’d find themselves quickly ostracized, or worse. In such an isolated state, each little village and town form themselves into a ‘faction’ with their own traits and quirks within the Province. But to remain represented in interior affairs, most villages send a chosen man to serve within the Provincial Government. In recent years, due to the interference of Governor Aetius, a kindred flame has been lit between these hamlets, a sense of unity and camaraderie forming between each other. The main primary source of food-stuff for these inhabitants lie in imported sea-food from its eastern boundaries, or wild-game from the forests nestling at the bases of the Mountains. The Heartland of the Province enjoy a more diverse choice of nutrition as field of crops can be grown in this region during the warmer seasons, while they still benefit from imported food. The heart of the Province lies in its Capital, Caesaria The occasional ‘Gold Rush’ still occurs as rare veins of minerals are prospected in the Highlandic Mountain Ranges. All corners of the Province would have someone rushing to strike profit, but the wealth would remain divided, only further cementing a general state of poverty as only a select few gain access to unprecedented wealth. The reclusive status of the Province only paved way for greater experiments for the Caeserian Academy of Sorcerers. Now unchecked by any higher powers other than the Governor himself, the Sorcerers have begun to dabble in more dangerous studies. The Sorcerers are highly sought after by the common populace to solve their issues, to which begrudgingly do so most of the time, under careful overseeing of the Governor. The Provincial Legions are rarely paid any notice, the policing of the populace usually left to town militias and the likes. They are reserved solely for the protection of the borders, or called upon for when the need of exterminating creatures is required. A Unique Military Unit for your Province (You should read the mechanics before you decide): The Highland Mountaineers - A highly specialized cohort of the handpicked mountain climbers. These mountaineers are responsible for ensuring the Peaks of the Province stay clear of beasts and creatures that would prey upon miners gathering resources from the Mountains.. During times of war and conflict, the Mountaineering Brigade would be tasked with the destruction of vital routes leading into the Province; as well as laying traps, ambushing supply lines, and causing avalanches to cascade upon marching columns of enemy troops. Given the terrain they work in, they are in a high threat career, but nothing trumps one’s love for their homeland, and so they continue to dutifully stay vigilant. They’d be void of any metalloid armor, opting for thick leather and warm furs, while their weapons consist of slings, daggers, and the occasional light crossbow. As well as the aforementioned tasks, the Mountaineers are responsible for the maintaining of the Provinces’ numerous beacons that dot the tall Peaks Suggestions?: Renovatio Imperii
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