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Status Updates posted by Kardel

  1. How many XP points do you need in total to become masterful at a profession?

    1. DrakeHaze.


      check the wiki, should be like 150k or something

  2. i have a pnice view of sandking's house from here


    Image result for person on brazil roof

    1. Violino


      Oh my God.... lol that is so wrong. 

  3. I was unbanned a couple of days ago. I expected the usual mediocre, but still present, RP from us Dwarves. Instead, I came back to an absolutely appalling capital city, made into a PvP fort out of necessity, and a laggy battle. At least before this conflict there was /some/ RP. Now there is none. Honestly, both sides should put OOC feuds aside, OOC feuds that are more than apparent in the discourse of this war (alla Harold becoming chancellor...) Everytime I come onto LotC now I feel like I'm on one of those ******* prison servers. Jesus Christ! The grind never stops! And, whats even worse about it is that as people are grinding, the memes they make are stale as ****. The only upside to war is the memes.


    I don't have anything against both sides OOCly, but this is just plain ridiculous. I don't know how Oren is doing, but all Urguan does is grind: nobody wants to become part of Oren. At least we have Vandoria to grind with now. We're less lonely. 

    1. Publius


      I feel that, RP largely dries up in Oren during war because of paranoia about being assassinated during regular RP, as human's take pride in their quickness to PK. It's unhealthy, and as the Lord Steward of Oren during the Duke's War, I can assure you that nothing dissuades RP more assuredly then the constant threat of raids and RP assassins. War is not fun for those who are not set to gain anything from it, and as such, I want it to end even though, admittedly, I would be in line to gain something should more sieges be successful. I'm not interested in owning placed blocks as much as I am for RPing on an RP server at this point yo, but mucho gracias for the long reply.


      I'm actively lobbying for peace where I can, and hopefully it moves to that soon.

  4. I'm surprised DNN didn't cover Marna and Kaz'Ulrah's bombing of innocent Khalestinian villagers! really gets your noggin joggin.

    1. Raomir



    2. ChonGojDragonski
  5. if u need alchemy ingredients hmu

  6. If you kill your enemies, they win.

    1. sneLf


      So if I kill myself do I win?

    2. knightly11 | lotc_fox

      knightly11 | lotc_fox

      if you put out fire the fire wins

  7. If you listen to Cannabis News Network (CNN) fake news you are pathetic and un-American! Commie Democrats get extra pity points. Sad! 

  8. If you listened to tonight's debate closely and still think that Hillary is much better than Trump, you need to get your ears checked. Sad!



  9. looking for a good skinmaker. willing to pay 1500 minas or more.

    1. idiot


      Depends what you want.

    2. Rip and Tear

      Rip and Tear

      I'm up to draw some pixels. What ya need?

  10. looking for a well made but modest dark elf skin, offering 1000 minas, must show past work, send me a forum message

  11. My grandma fought as a mujaheddin in Kosovo

  12. Nasty @NotEvilAtAll (low post-to rep ratio by the way!) opens his coward mouth in favor of Communism! He can't succeed so he wants "equality!" Pathetic!

    1. hexx
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Why are you so hung up on post-rep ratio? Get a life

  13. nexus was a masterpiece prove me wrong. tip: you cant

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. KeatonUnbeaten


      nexus pvp was more rewarding, and grinding gave people something to do

      well done driving away all the people who wanted a bit of economy with hteir roleplay

    3. Hiebe


      But players wanted nexus to be removed... rip

    4. Thornz


      And now players have realized the grave mistake they have made and want some sort of system resembling it back … rip ?


    1. KarmaDelta


      Too late little boy. It ends now.

    2. Moochael


      cheeky lil bugger tryna get more rep...

      You've all failed, every single one who upvoted him

    3. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      this was just a stunt to get rep points wasn't it

  15. Oh, also! I my ban appeal was recently accepted, but I have not been unbanned from the server yet. If a GM could please do this, it'd be great. IGN is Ziko. Here's the appeal: 


  16. Oren's federalist system, diverse population, and vast geography makes it exceptional among nations

  17. part of being a nation leader and not a joke is PKing when its time to PK


    losing your capital in a siege means it’s time to PK

    1. Medvekoma


      Being executed in front of 20 dwarves should also mean a PK ?

    2. Tigergiri
    3. Kardel
  18. Paul Ryan is retiring the light of my life has gone

    Edited by Kardel
  19. Really saucy age-of-mythology-like FRP going on, get in while u can:


    1. Charles_Grimlie


      Spam villagers and Ragnarok.

  20. Recent memes have indeed been of very good quality

  21. selling ted cruz skin contact if interested:




    1. Malocchio


      could you show it in game I need to see lighting effects

  22. Since so many apps are coming in, they should be removed from the recent posts bar as not to drown actual RP posts.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kardel


      Server activity supersedes an influx of sub par applications. If these applications were more well-formulated, they could be allowed to remain on the bar. Due to their current condition of being just steps above spam, they should be contained in the applications forum. I see no harm in this. 

    3. TeaLulu


      my personal favorite was "if anything is wrong it's because i'm dyslexic"

    4. tilly


      If you have anymore to stay on the matter, I'd suggest throwing your opinions and solution ideas onto this thread:


  23. Smart ShameJax (respectable post ratio and joined in 2012) understands the evils of Communism and isn't afraid to speak up! If only losers like Nasty NotEvilAtAll could be like him. Great!

    1. Show previous comments  35 more
    2. ShameJax


      Yes. It turns out we are. 


      Ok DrFate, let's look at universal healthcare. How about the 5000 ambulances that were denied services just last week in the UK?

    3. drfate786


      Universal healthcare works, I don't know what you mean by 5000 ambulances that were denied services.. Could you define that? The issue with universal healthcare and this is the only issue I've seen is that overcrowding can be a significant issue if triage isn't properly managed. IE, doctors and nurses won't tell a man with a busted toe or small hand incision to go to a clinic for stitches/bruises and will have them wait six hours for services, but this also happens in private health care so that isn't even a valid argument.

    4. ShameJax
  24. sometimes i feel **** for being a muslim i just want to fit in to the balkans and be a white christian slav


    but the glory of Allah swt keeps me here

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