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Status Updates posted by Ford

  1. Describe your characters religion in five words.

    1. Sporadic


      We are better than you

    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      praise aspects **** talk erp

  2. Describe your character's fighting style in ten words or less.

  3. Describe a dramatic experience your character went through in five words.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. NomadGaia


      Was elected as High Princess

    3. justDEWit


      Ravondir: The breaking of the soul.

    4. D4NNA


      Hermit: the long voyage of sea

  4. Describe your character's personality in five words.

  5. how do i kill an ascended

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ford


      i refuse to consult the lt they are virgins

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect



      please, do take this seriously

    4. ScreamingDingo


      get them shelved and removed

  6. is the world dev team gonna clean up freebuild at all or nah 

    1. SeventhCircle


      Pfff if you saw my first reply sorry that was some serious miss reading of the word clean. The short version is if you find a plot or build that needs to be killed/activity checked to make a modreq about such. The rules have gms dealing with all evictions and such but if you just find a giant ass hole or something pm a wd or make a modreq and they'll get in contact with us

    2. Ford



  7. Shooting guns just like it's heroin
    Deep in the ***** like a body burial
    ***** underwater, what I name her? Ariel
    Cutie booty, I'ma **** up the uh, woo

    1. rukio
    2. Swgrclan


      shut the **** up, ford

  8. ummmmmm, why is your profile picture of a known school shooter and white supremacist, samuel el-hyde?! never knew our staff was composed of bigots!!!!!!!

    1. Skylez


      Some FUNNY FM changed it hahahahah !!!!

    2. rukio


      TJ Lane was mine almost my entire time as a FM manager . . . /shrug

  9. +1 this if youre suffering 

  10. +1 this status if you hate yourself

  11. +1 this status if you can bench more than 135 lbs 

  12. +1 this status if youre asian

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WuHanXianShi14


      how do i give half of a rep

    3. Dromui


      As a Blasian-Caucasian, I'm running out of rep to give out tonight. Be merciful, Ford 'I hate women' Ebonsquire.

    4. 3andD


      im actually green ford where is my status this is raciast

  13. +1 this status if youre white 

  14. happy new years : ^ ) 

  15. Any LotC'ers in wash dc atm?

    1. lawnmowerman


      ironically enough i am for a conference, why?

    2. Ford


      hoh ****


      just finished a ten hour road trip, finally made it into my airbnb around 15 mins ago.


      just trying to figure out who im close to am 

    3. Ford
  16. I'll be releasing two free skins tomorrow, be on the lookout if you want one to adopt

  17. You guys all see these new player apps? We're getting an influx, which means it's time for veteran players and those who are smart enough to know how to behave to shape up. enough with the overly meme-y roleplay and immersion-breaking dialogue and actions, keep it low on the OOC. be a role model, and show some standards. fun can be had without being memelords. the servers want a good roleplaying experience (and PvP too i reckon, but rp is just as important)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ford




      Yeah, exactly, but this an especially good chance to improve for the sake of new players. A reawakening or some ****. This should be a flag screaming "shape the **** up or all that player retention talk would've been for nothing"


      @iMattyz Please.

    3. Dromui




      I think we all want the server to be the best it can be. And I think we all want the roleplay to be the best, most immersive roleplay it can be. But there are people who are clearly not intelligent enough to realize they are part of the reason the roleplay has become so degenerate. I think this is just the best way some players can reach out and tell others to do shape the **** up.

      @iMattyz Double please.

    4. mmat


      I was actually expecting a very hostile response to that

  18. Free skin i made, pm me or comment on the status if you want it: 





    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Archipelego


      can i claim that one yet it looks sick

    3. Ford


      ill finish it tomorrow you gotta be quick to snag it when i post

    4. Archipelego


      welp ima start following u

  19. Well-fought, Norland.

    1. wolfdwg


      make me one babe, i'll give u loves

    2. Ford


      winning small raids is alpha !

    3. Ford


      we'll see what happens in 6.0 lmao 

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