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Everything posted by milksoda

  1. Atsuko wojacked in the burned remains of Sakuragakure. . . Though, as an old Lector character return to that retinue of Samurai with three goals instilled within her was new hope. "It is not Jowarida."
  2. The village already has a GOAT. Nezumi flexed her arms and went back to training so she may one day defeat Kani Hanma.
  3. Atsuko former Valkyrie Aelia of the Seraphim branch of the Lectorate stares at the missive, blinking - she wonders where this mystery Lector's room was in Lectorgrad perhaps he was hidden in the walls. Too did she wonder how the order restarted without a single Lector being let known! Perhaps a mere misunderstanding. . . Surely, if he was truly a Lector he could prove such by answering the Lector kids menu questionnaire found at Lecty Lectorbears Pizzeria (Funded by Gibs Co) which she promptly mailed to the writer: (Your name here! :D) (The date here!!! :D) 1. What was Danzen's mom? 2. How many scoops of icecream is a Lector allowed to eat? 3. Fill in the blank! _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ Rock! 4. True or False: Ahn Gulr passed his novitiate trials after 40+ years of service. 5. True or False: Owyn was a farfolk!?!? 6. How many Seraphim were there? 7. Archlector Galway Blanco gained immortality from what? 8. Which LECTOR was trapped in a beam by Moto Moto the interdimensional Yokai for a century in the blood rift at Tsutenkaku? 9. Circle the name of Horen's wife!!!: Julia - Juli'el 10. Name your favorite cleric and swordbearer duo below XD: _________ 11. WHAT IS STATISTICALLY THE #1 CAUSE OF MOST LECTOR DEATHS? 12. Please name all wowj's between wowa and wowz 13. The seven skies is ACTUALLY which restaurant? 14. Father Harold wrestles which animal on his birthday? 15. How tall was Inquisitor Dharas?
  4. A watering can leaking multihued light refracting ichor drop to the ground beside the dim blue flowers such was meant to feed. A cloaked ex Primarch gazed up at the comets from what remained of the ruins in wide eyed excitement bringing the comically large telescope to her eyes in that makeshift observatory as she misunderstand the situation completely. "Wooaahh. . ." Jenny uttered happily, though "realization" soon dawned upon her as she stood within the meteor impact site. She did not have five arms! She made a few faux bicep curls of silent appraisal, then glancing back upward to the spectacle, then back to her noodle arms. ". . .Not it!" She touched her own nose, her arms weary from the last ordeal. Saying naught more before that hermetic Starchild went back to laying bricks and watering flowers.
  5. 11/10 burgers were good but I got into a fight in the parking lot -Jenny
  6. updates for this war are in the Koyo Kuni discord they weren't in the Norasath one dm me on disc for invite
  7. Accepted. Please send your payment to my venmo in the amount of $40.
  9. Jenny could not read but she recognized her own name upon the missive and smiled. Something she had been practicing. And so the spirit of whimsy did seek to FEEL the missive. The words osmosizing into her very psyche as she peer toward it from unorthodox sideward gaze. She understood now. These trees had no mouths? Who knew! Perhaps the things she heard all the time whilst gazing into space were something else. Perhaps people. Regardless Jenny now soon came to understand that she was a sheep. This was very shocking. And so cold water was splashed upon her face, slapped, battered, AWOKEN, to the crimes of the dirt people. She thought to POOR GAR'FIALD THE FAT ORANGE VICTIM. WHO SHE HAD HELPED MANY CENTURIES AGO TO FULFILL HIS DREAM OF BECOMING A WORLD FAMOUS COMEDIAN. She thought back to his fat stupid orange monday hating cavity that was directly in his chest, never again would she hear him explain the joke right after he said it. She considered how many cats animals scratch trees in nature ARE THEY TO BE EXECUTED AS WELL???? SHALL WE TAKE TO THE FOREST AND GUT EVERY CLAWED BEAST WHO DARE SCRATCH THE VERY BARK THEY LIVE BENEATH Though the worst crime of all was the chutzpah to go so far as to arbitrarily connect her to a bandage wearing monkey boy who lives in a zoo? AN INSULT. TO THEM I REBUKE YOU! Jenny slapped the paper as if anyone could hear her think. I WILL HANG MY HAMMOCK ON THE TREE!! I WILL STAND AROUND THE TREE!!!! IT DOES NOT CARE FOR IF THEY CARED THEN THE BURNING BUSH ITSELF SHOULD HAVE WRITHED IN AGONY! Jenny nodded. Satisfied with the new thought embossed into her brain. She rolled over and went to sleep in her tree hammock.
  10. "We're gonna make it out of The Sanya District with this one Oro oro!" commented Atsuko in approval!
  11. An airhead who had not heard of the Greedhand since the Greed v. Charity egregoric war saw the missive "Oh good!" Jenny smiled "Maliks givin' away his brain stuff fer charity! Guess he's turned around!" She'd nod approvingly of the lobotomized sorcerer before folding the paper into an origami penguin.
  12. After endless nights of wearing SAKIGAKI patented carbarum ankle weights Ugokoyama Keiko had discovered the power of unlocking the 8th gate of Chakra. A technique so powerful that one is instantly banned for powergaming. . .a permanent death in exchange for ultimate power. In preparation for such a war. . .
  13. "Do gooders good. Do badders bad." Jenny sagely intoned.
  14. Jenny stared at the missive with a sad face :( she looked to her Hohkmatti 11's that she "BORROWED" from Lanre the day of that rebellion (not incited by her). . .She remembered all the passing "Hi Lanre's" but now Lanre was hella extra evil. . . "Bye Lanre. . ." was all she uttered, waving to the goodbye to the missive.
  15. Somewhere, a multicolored Primarch stared toward a wheel - looking upon it from the side. . .It was not shaped like a wheel anymore.
  16. Atsuko kept a robotic left arm, what remained of her LECTOR battle brother back in the day. The elfess knew she'd outlive her human companions one day. "mi mizz dargrind..."
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