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Imam Faiz Kharadeen

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Status Updates posted by Imam Faiz Kharadeen

  1. help, im being abused for being black

  2. hey guys haria got a new city, go look at it woof

  3. hey guys, me and @Shady Tales

    1. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      wow, it cutt off what i said. **** statuses man, broken for 5 months now and still not fixed grrr

    2. Anderssn


      It does it every time I use ' in a status

    3. Crowbill


      Try to actually make your status on your profile page, heard it does wonders

  4. hey question, do u guys think the sultanate build style is good looking or ugly? i wanna hear honest opinions, ty

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      panic at the disco is better

    3. _Jandy_
    4. rukio


      @Imam Faiz Kharadeen You right. I have a shirt for each band. Favorite P!ATD song?

  5. hey staff, can you put a vote on this??


  6. hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty hey thats pretty 

    1. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      your memes are poor

  7. hi

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      onslaughted they deleted ur status bcuz its inconsiderate and rude. go leanr from ur mistakes

    3. Vege


      Grrr oren grrrr

    4. Narthok


      ban this man

  8. hi im looking for a gf. im sexy, a self proclaimed sultan, and really good with my fingers. i also got full rune trim, and dragon d scim. so hmu ladies

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      its okay freya, your still the girl of my dreams k?

    3. Ever


      d long.. more like dds..

    4. Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      Imam Faiz Kharadeen

      ever, why do you have to come in so hard with the smack? you were literally my idol ;c

  9. hi, its Fristy#9077

    1. BathRugMan


      it don't work sir


  10. holy ****, best season finale ever my god

    1. drfate786


      It's a shame we have to wait a whole year.

  11. How come Felsen is continually allowed WE and LC for their city, but im not allowed either for mine? :(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TeaLulu


      Hopefully they remove that second option going forwards and the creations of ET builders are given a bit more respect.


      That's all I have to say on the matter.


      As for u Faiz u'd be better off a GM or something smh

    3. Mrlollytime


      @teaLulu have a snickers, your acting a little misinformed salty.  :eyeonyou:

    4. Space


      oh **** it's getting down

  12. how do you get banned for /breaking blacklist/, if that person doesnt have a blacklist written down anywhere???

    1. Vege


      wise words from a wise man

    2. Pond


      I know right!!!!

    3. Aislin


      no muslims

  13. humans located within oren shall now be knowns as hummus

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vege


      I like myself a bit more now

    3. Crowbill
    4. Bangi


      gotta get some hummus and toast

  14. i found juicy logs, leak leak leak http://imgur.com/a/uFvu3

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Space
    3. Space


      **** this was the screenshot i meant to put http://i.imgur.com/ZHuTVaP.png

    4. Bvie


      He was just too cute. He was swimming in Sutica, trying to get in one day and he floundered in the water going 'blub blub'. We finally reached down and helped him out, only for him to shake off his little suit and thank us. It was so cute. XD

  15. i get bigger by the day, if u kno what im sayin

    1. Zarsies


      You're becoming white?

  16. i go on and on, cant understand how i last so long

  17. i got cheese and cake. cheese and cake


    i got cheese and cake, cheese and cake

    1. KeatonUnbeaten



      i have a cheese, i have a cake



  18. I got enemies, got a lot of enemies, got a lot of people tryin to drain me of my energy

    1. Mrlollytime


      You know what to tell all the haters Faiz?






    2. Heff


      Repent, heretic. 

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