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Status Updates posted by DahStalker

  1. u look beautiful 2day :3 x3

  2. want to start an egirl rebellion xoxoxo girlfriend txtme what you think!! ???????

    1. Archipelego


      every day we stray further from gods light

    2. devvy


      -hiss- she's mine, back off

  3. what a meme this man is

    1. MonkeyCoffee
    2. DahStalker


      I am so sorry you have to go through such torture

  4. what was the honeycomb hideout

  5. What’s your favorite type of cottage cheese?

  6. Where can I find Courland? I've been wanting to join.

    1. UnusualBrit
    2. Vege


      We’ve got White speak and a war camp near CT, add my discord if you wanna talk, vegetarianism#8288

  7. where heph, where chaldees

    1. femurlord


      Chaldees got removed, heph left

  8. who wants to raid  area 51 

  9. Why would you slay yourself

    1. B


      nice try kid 5/10

    2. DahStalker


      hah you gave me a better rating compared to what you receive 

    3. B


      i'm an underachiever 

  10. will u b my valentine?

    1. Laeonathan


      u forgot a letter with the options yes, no and maybe.

    2. Werew0lf


      with ur mom

    3. DahStalker


      54 minutes ago, Werew0lf said:

      with ur mom

      I'm my own mom. So I'll c u @ 6 

  11. will you be my mom

  12. Would you rather live with me or a feminist?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kiiwi


      You ofc, we would **** **** up fam ;)

    3. KeatonUnbeaten
    4. Nathan_Barnett36


      You white boys are privileged, even though I'm white!

  13. y u stalkin about on lotc forums bro

    1. Nug


      when will my husband come back from the war.....

    2. DahStalker


      3 hours ago, Nug said:

      when will my husband come back from the war.....

      I dont think ur husband is coming back....

    3. Space




      i don't really talk to anyone from lotc anymore so i needed somewhere to put this, is all. thank you goodbye friends get off this place :)

  14. You forgot your **** at home - I spoke to your mother she misses you. Day 2

  15. All I want for Christmas, are cards. Safyre Terry, age 8, was badly burned in a fire when she was 5 years old that killed her siblings and her father. Her father saved her life, but she still suffered burns on 75% of her body. Despite this, her attitude remains good. All she wants is for you to send her a Christmas Card. With the link below I hope that you're all able to think through and send her a card. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wl_GV3NGINc

  16. FEARDAJEW, I was roleplaying as usual then in LOOC, I saw he was starting to Insult me. Aye? so I did so back, then he started to msg me insulting, messages and blurs. I do not appericate this action, I do not want him banned but please give him a slight warning? I do not like to be insulted from my CHARACTERS actions. Thank you.

    1. Ford


      Good man.

    2. leave me alone
    3. TeaLulu


      i'll beat him up irl for u

  17. I can't wait! I asked already two LM's about allowing my character, Marcy! To get the IMP Parasite! heh! wish me luck.

    1. HurferDurfer1


      Probably shouldnt announce it, meta and all

    2. Lark


      Hunters at the ready

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