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Everything posted by Johann

  1. "Thought this was my purity trial for a second there", mused a probably impure high elf upon reading the title. "Phew!"
  2. [!] Amidst the hustlings and bustlings of the Sakuragakure town square, a parchment is delicately stuck to a noticeboard at the town square, bearing strangely neat handwriting contrary to its worn and forgettable state. It reads as follows, with the occasional botched attempts at spelling out kanji: "To whomever it may concern, Through word of mouth, I have heard many things fascinating of Oyashiman spiritualism and Budo and, motivated by a desire for self-improvement, I now seek an experienced practitioner to be under the tutelage of. I have little worldly possessions to my name beyond my sword and unwavering faith in the lord (or kami, as I believe is colloquial here) of the Sun. Services I could provide include swordsmanship, a willingness to eradicate evil spirits, and a dry sense of humor. I am a Gaijin and an elf from lost Aegisian lands. Should you be a magnanimous benefactor in either fulfilling this request or tricking me into capture, do let me know. Letters can be directed to Hirano Masao, who is an acquaintance willing to pass on the message to me. Signed, Sen."
  3. genuine question for player history nerds w/ all this talk about empires: which empire historically came closest to a full eu4-style world conquest on lotc?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. seannie




      Cant find the Atlas Man Empire map

    3. ferdaboy




      Mr monkeys map from the time 

    4. Lhindir_


      For Seannie's post, it should've also been noted that the elven realms in the top right were Orenian Vassals.

  4. An estranged Uradir perused the Sythaerin "Taliame", seeking one "Saevel Sythaerin", who seemed to be absent from the records. "...Excised you now, have they, old friend?" A reminiscing, heavy sigh followed, of bygone memories pleasant and terrible.
  5. A faraway Uradir, if you could still even call him that, rejoiced(?) at the news. "At least someone's keeping the ship running..."
  6. your thoughts on the state of void magic atm? also obligatory favourite anime question
  7. A bit of a heavy-handed and reactionary amendment. I wholly agree that BM has conceptual issues, but this is not the bandaid fix it needs at the moment.
  8. mfw evil cataclysmic wmd magic that exploits the very lifeblood of mortal life almost has as many enchants as void 😩
  9. isaac lore that's longer than a twitter post (for once) based
  10. Based I can do Solaire rp as an infant now
  11. looking for someone to play an elden ring sorvian (real golden order rp)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. wowj



    3. bickando


      deal (foul tarnished)

    4. Johann
  12. An antiquated magi whispered in the midst of hushed contemplations as the world continued to pace in his absence: "Cycles of revenge perpetuated, the black fires of hate burn ever so fervently as they so often do, and in the heat of passions... The wheel turns oncemore."
  13. What lorepiece speaks to you the most? What flavour of fantasy do you favour as a means of storytelling? Which fictional universe is/has been the main influence for your works, and why?
  14. "Hey, I've seen this one before...", remarked a particular Iyathir from someplace secluded.
  15. When you RP and consider concepts thereof, what fictional universe do you often draw inspiration from? Favourite book? Do you think it has influenced your style of RP in any way? If you could rewrite/write any piece of lore, old or new, what would it be? What is the most meaningful RP you've had?
  16. Someplace distant and hushed, a magi mourns and revels ambivalently at the death of an old friend.
  17. Open your eyes, look up to the sky and see...
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