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Status Updates posted by UnBaed

  1. This is not an Azdrazi I swear, but a character from DnD


  2. struggling to get back into drawing now that school has started



    1. mitto


      i adore your style

    2. UnBaed


      Thank you :J

  3. Just remove it. 

    1. The Hedge Knight

      The Hedge Knight

      Shouldn't you be doing library things, psh.

    2. UnBaed


      I am busy with some irl stuff atm, psh.

  4. hey man here's a character design so far for a space elf


    might call him dash gordon

    1. ShameJax


      traps aren't gay according to the space elven doctrine book 3 section 18 sub section 82

  5. so when's the funeral for the forums?

    1. mitch dharma

      mitch dharma

      everything's dead...

    2. 501warhead
    3. Wytchrose


      all around me are familiar faces..

  6. I am not surprised.

    1. ThatGuy_777


      Doom is...underwhelming.

  7. Why PvE?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ducklingator


      @Star Platinum Why not make events for smaller groups? Wouldn't that help players with different timezones?

    3. tea with Gwyn

      tea with Gwyn

      @SuperDuckyGamer It certainly would, and I know there are members of the ET that do just that.

    4. kingnothing


      thas me baby B)

  8. Why are forums all fucky on moble now

    1. NotEvilAtAll


      IDK looks like it got an update 

      Now there's both likes and upvotes, making lotc more and more like f***ing Facebook 

    2. TeaLulu



  9. I got excited for a second

    1. rukio


      A lot of people did when they saw the title of my post...:thinking:

    2. UnBaed


      Not that. 

    3. InfamousGerman


      did you know today is national doggo day @UnBaed

  10. how do i remove this cartoony tag

  11. [My reply to Drake's feedback since it was locked]

    I severely dislike the use of PvE in world events, at least there haven't been any mobspawning in the Isle of Malin [to my knowledge] so far and that it's left to actual RP which is also kinda of bad, but much better than the former.  I'm not blaming just the ET for my disappointment for the event, but a few of the players as well.  I tried to take part in a few things for the event, but was just on the edge of just logging out or leaving because of how horrible I thought a few things were on both the players and ET end.  I don't want to go into full detail on this post, this is just a minecraft server.  We're not all professionals in story developing, we're just trying to have fun.  But I think the way the event had been set out, where you could get seemingly important RP items from chests that were just terrible to open, caused a lot of attending players to freak out and forget RP to hoard loot for themselves.  I tried a few times to do actual RP around the city as well as entering a building or two, one of them I needed an ET present to get through the door and the second it opened, like ten people flooded inside mechanically and began looking through the chests when I was wanting to RP trying to study some peculiar furniture that was floating as well as other things.  I didn't want to deal with the mess and emoted leaving and walked away frustrated.  Another thing that just bothers me is how blood thirsty half the players are and how they think destroying everything they come across is the answer to the event.


    To be truthful, I'm not pleased with how the event is really going so far.  Too many things are vague and the way items are given out is poor.  A majority of the playerbase has disappointed me as well, but I suppose that is to be expected from a minecraft server.


    Try not to take offense to this, I don't intend to bring any.

    1. itdontmatta


      I understand, and appreciate the feedback. I know the event is not perfect but atleast I've tried my best. I'll look into having a bit more organized events so everyone's not rushing through to find loot.  If you want I can continue this conversation on discord.  arockstar28#1266

    2. Detective


      Smaller Detailed Events are just so much better. PvE mass events suck, too many memes and pixel hungry kids.

  12. Haven't drawn much today, giving my hand a break since I've basically been drawing for the past three days.  So no art on day five.

  13. Day four of the challenge


    From a John Singer Sargent portrait titled: Jacques Barenton, 1883

    1. bumblefina


      I look forward to seeing new drawings every day. Keep it up!!

  14. My idea on what Malin looked like:


    1. Wytchrose


      i always knew the elves were naturally nudists

    2. UnBaed


      i need to get better at painting bodies ;-;

    3. FreeHongKong


      His hair got some volume. He play in a band?

  15. Day three of the challenge



    Never got to finishing it, took me quite a while to just do that there.

  16. Another paint study of Nicola Samori


    Trying to do at least one painting from an old master artist a day for this 21 day challenge

  17. 35914f8bbea1c99ba5a11702a0660c3c.png
    An attempt to repaint one of my favorite paintings: The Nature of Fear, by Nicola Samori https://gyazo.com/35914f8bbea1c99ba5a11702a0660c3c

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mmat


      Reminds me of those emaciated skeleton enemies from Dark souls

    3. _Sug


      Wow, great job Unbae! Keep up the good work!

    4. 1_Language_1


      Oh yeah, I was doing one of those. I probably should resume that.

  18. Second Enchanter.  Tried to have this drawing be a little similar to The Magician tarot card.  It is Daniel Ward, Gladuos' character.


    1. Ford


      lol that BiBBer needs to get haircut

    2. Luxury
  19. how to get better references to draw hands instead of using your own to draw off of???????

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. UnBaed


      Ty ty ty

    3. Ducklingator


      draw shapeless stubs instead of hands

    4. Wytchrose


      Hands are teh devils work and you should never try to draw them.

  20. what's the deal with airline food?

    1. Jaigalar


      the horses name was friday 

  21. Is it okay to make event proposals that, if accepted, your character would be giving a quest [event] out to other players?  If so, I'd like to try that for the Library to bring more adventure to others as well at activity 

    1. Ford


      Be sure to communicate constantly and effectively with the ET so there are no misunderstandings and sure 


      write that **** UP  

    2. UnBaed
    3. Detective
  22. Is there optifine for 1.12.1?  Won't allow me to join the server with optifine 1.12 

    1. Taketheshot


      doesnt look like there is :(

    2. Thomas


      Nope. Optifine site is down and won't be up for another few hours at least.

    3. Elfen_


      its not really it being 1.12 being the problem

      i dont think. It's the fact its doesnt support a the current forge versions for 1.12.1

  23. I don't think I've ever yelled the word, "No," at my TV so much while clutching my face.  Thank you, Game of Thrones.

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